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Everything posted by apepi

  1. Uh...my guess is instead of the thing being just destroyed it would be instead infused/made with stormlight?
  2. My thought is that the radiants had a choice, either bind Ba-Ado-Mishram or to kill all the singers, because of the forms of power they were getting. And genociding a whole race would definitely break all the radiant oaths, so they chose the former. But they didn't know that binding Ba-Ado-Mishram would do what it did, taking all the forms of power from the singers(making them slaves) and a load of other things. Which is why the radiants all decided to quit, and the sprens as well. As for the Skybreakers, either they thought what they did was right, which is why they never broke theirs, or they did not consider themselves involved in it. My thought is the former, seeing Nale was there for the Mishram capture. But Nale be crazy, so there might not be any sane reasoning for it. Small theory I have no evidence for: Each Hyphen in an unmade name detonates how many times they have been unmade/corrupted. Ba-Ado-Mishram was possibly 'Unmade' by honor/Cultivation.
  3. Oh heres a question for you to die over: If you get anti Ruin light, would it be able to be used to hurt Harmony, or it wouldn't because it is no longer Ruin? Mwhahahaha!
  4. I would argue as long as Dalinar would keep to the oaths, then he still would be bonded to the Stormfather. I don't think spren can just decide to leave when ever they want, they somewhat give themselves up to the person that they bond to. I think those spren also might be bond to those same oaths?(I am not sure on this part) Just wait till we get Identitysmiths!
  5. I feel that it doesn't exist...but it could exist. Like because the spren are only influeced by Honor and Cult, we only get certain surges. But like, if we got a spren influenced by investiture of say Harmony, we would get a different kind of spren.
  6. What if....First scene we get the big fight. Between the two champions, two people who we already know. We even see who wins...but we don't know who is on who's side. Then we rewind all the way back and bam, the rest of the books starts.
  7. I mean, it is either the shards that have a association with numbers or...the forces or nature?(surges/metals/etc) that have an association with numbers.
  8. Thought, do we know the number that is associated with Cultivation? Like Honor is 10 and Odium is 9?
  9. I believe it is possible to bond any spren, though not necessarily would form a radiant bond, those you need to speak oaths. I do wonder...could you make a normal nahel bond with a radiant spren but no a radiant bond? Huh....
  10. But we have already figured out it has nothing to do with the planet, you can go to the other planets in Roshar.
  11. Other investiture can leave their worlds, without permission of the shard they are connected to, The ones on Roshar can't.
  12. But it also stops spren from leaving as well. Aviar, breaths, metalminds, seons....
  13. But we don't know why they aren't invested on other systems though. The spren would be part of their investment. Why don't we see Honor on other worlds? Why haven't we seen Cultivation on any others? A lot of other shards we have seen invested in other places, there must be a reason for it. I think it is because they, like Oduim, are stuck there. We have seen other ways people could lose a spren.
  14. If they can go anywhere in the Rosharan system, then it doesn't have to do anything about the planet then, it must be something else. And I don't know if he still has his spren, we didn't actually see it or his any of their abilities he could do with it right? So we cant say for certain that he still has it.
  15. I mean, of course you could hack your way around it, like Ulim potentially did. But this would be somewhat cutting themselves off of the shard, maybe? But I don't think this disproves my theory any. And for Hoid, it is potential that problem could be dealt with at that time, or storms, not even had a spren at that time, even if not, it would be Hoid out of anyone knowing how to hack the planet. I will think about this other part some more.
  16. This is a good point, though it is more of the 'spirit' of Tanavast and it fused with the Stormfather. Kind of like how the Fused take the body of their host, but in this case the body was a spren and they did not take it over and instead did a wierd fusion-ha thing. I don't remember anything about if the Stormfather has started to go crazy or not, have we?
  17. That is not how I read it: To me, it seems like her daughter was made a Fused because of Raboniel, to test to see if a cognitive shadow would not go crazy. There is another cognitive shadow that we are forgetting, Returned. But I don't know if they really live long enough to see those effects. Vasher doesn't seem like he is suffering from it, but he might have solved it or something? But lets look a closer look on the Returned...they basically live in their small mansions, not really doing anything, having to really care about anything. Free of stress. Maybe the Returned are saner because of this? What if it has to do with a cognitive shadow's 'soul' having to deal with a lot of stress of effect like things? Maybe they(insane cognitive shadows) are like the Heod, but instead of their physical connection being messed up(their bodies can't heal and etc) it messes with their cognitive one? Their souls for some reason can not heal the pain being inflicted upon it. It is why the Returned are living in such lavish places, they might go crazy if they did otherwise, it is why Vasher isn't fighting anymore. And maybe Investiture can help their souls or something? The Heralds being tied to Honor are starting to go crazy because they no longer have their direct source to Honor, it is why a Returned have to get a breath each week. And it explains when Taln regained his sanity for a little during the Battle of Thaylen. Although this doesn't explain the Fused going crazy, you think they would have investiture to heal their souls being with Odium, but it might not be that simple.
  18. We have seen it with the fused as well, it is possible these effects could be just the war, but I disagree. Raboniel talked about it, the reason she brought her daughter to being a Fused was to test to see if family that are also Fused could keep each other sane. To me it seems to read that she was talking about the side effects of becoming a cognitive shadow, not of fighting in war.
  19. My theory is that some of them could be of Ambition.
  20. Their similar, but not the same. Like, we haven't seen a spren go insane for 'living' for a long time.
  21. Life before death. And from what I always assumed, after the end of the war, everything had gone to rust. People seemed like they could most likely not even make metal weapons/cast bronze by Taln's mantra after desolations. It isn't like it was now, where they had time to develop for 4000 years.
  22. I mean, we know that their will be conflict...but with who?
  23. I don't think they are the same, a spren is a piece of investiture that materializes based on a cognitive beings thinking about them(not the best description). And a cognitive shadow is someone who...uses investiture to fill in parts of their's soul with the bits normally they need to exist without a normal body...or something like that(I am not the best describer....). While it might be possible for a spren to be a cognitive shadow, not all spren are cognitive shadows.
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