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Everything posted by Harrycrapper

  1. I haven't seen it said here so I figure I'll point it out. The Ghostbloods wanted to capture Kelek to interrogate him. They never said that they'd bring him off world to have Kelsier talk to him. They wanted to interrogate him to figure out how Gavilar was moving Voidlight/Voidspren off Braize as we saw in the prologue, that's the secret they're after. I know he hadn't yet figured out how to get a Herald/spren/Investiture out of the system, but Gaviliar seemed to think he was on track to figuring that out.
  2. That is entirely possible. Could be someone who shows up in Mistborn era 3 for all we know.
  3. Yea, I figured as much. Our best hope of figuring it out is likely analyzing the description of his appearance and cross referencing it with people in other Cosmere books. When I made this topic, I was hoping an eagle eyed person recognized who he looked like.
  4. I'm honestly baffled and was just throwing stuff out there. Was hoping it was someone super obvious and I was just missing it.
  5. In Lasting Integrity, Shallan suspected the person who was called Sixteen was Restares but he turned out not to be. Did anyone figure out who he was? Given the name and the Shin appearance, it's likely a world hopper, but I couldn't place him based on the description. I think it was said he only came out every 16 days and never needed to bathe or eat. So, maybe a Kandra or Sleepless?
  6. If I didn't have work (specifically year end accounting work with a CPA firm) I would have finished this on Tuesday. I couldn't help reading late each night and have screwed up my sleep schedule immensely. Only just finished it this morning. And that's with me skipping part 1 because I'd already read through the sample chapters twice. I'm glad I only started reading Brandon's books in my last year of college, or I would have been in your same position.
  7. My theory is that the way they imprisoned Bo-Ado-Mishram affected more than the Sibling. You're right that there had to of been broken Oaths before the Recreance considering how easy it was for Shallan and Kaladin to break and nearly break theirs respectively. It's extremely unlikely that all the spren only ever bonded people that went to the Radiants and recieved instruction in how to best go about their bond. I suspect that the imprisonment also made spren more vulnerable to broken oaths.
  8. I lost it when Raboniel said the thing about the best masterpieces being two sets of five. Brandon, you arrogant bastard.
  9. The Stormfather accepted Lopens Oaths but there was no storm in sight when those occurred, so proximity to a Highstorm doesn't appear to be a factor. But yea, we've seen viewpoints where a Radiant swore an Oath from each order except Truthwatchers, Elsecallers, Stonewards, and Dustbringers and none have had the Stormfather accept their words. I've guessed that it had something to do with the fact that the Honorspren are all descended from the original 10 that the Stormfather created after the Recreance and the Splintering of Honor. But Syl isn't a part of that group and he accepts Kaladin's oaths, so no beans there. The odd thing is that he doesn't appear to even have any authority to reject the Oaths based on his personal opinions. He definitely didn't want Kaladin furthering his bond with Syl, but had to accept Kaladin's words regardless. At the same time, it seems the Stormfather is deliberately picking dull moments to accept Lopen's words just to piss him off. Strange.
  10. That is somewhat the general consensus, but there are a couple factors that I think make that exact situation unlikely(though still possible). The Fused said that the Sibling is "essentially" a deadeye which I interpret to mean similarly incapacitated but not damaged in the way the actual deadeyes are. The Stormfather has said the Sibling is "sleeping" and that "you hurt them enough." Then we have the Soulcaster spren who Navani said looked like sapient Radiant spren who also appear to be sleeping. Those are pretty much all of the facts we have on the matter, but there is some speculation I saw that looks promising. I don't remember who said it or where, but someone speculated that the sleeping fabrial spren are the spren of Radiants who reached the 5th Oath. So my thought is that somehow Navani figures out how ancient Radiants used the sleeping spren to make fabrials and she is able to make the tower function by turning the Sibling into a giant fabrial without a bond. It's satisfying seeing our main characters become Radiants, but I think it would be more narratively fulfilling to have Navani fix the tower through fabrial science over a Nahel bond. Regardless, Navani will likely be pulling some crazy stuff at the end of this book one way or another. Edit: forgot to add that I'm also speculating that whoever bonded the Sibling last was the first Bondsmith to reach the 5th Oath.
  11. These are my thoughts exactly. WoK is just an amazing first book in a series and there's always something new I see on every re read. WoR just flows smoothly and has the best pacing out of the 3 so far. And like you said OB is amazing on the first read but I always felt that the Kaladin, Shallan, and Adolin plotline felt a little cheapened by the fact that they didn't get themselves out of Shadesmar and their survival predicated completely on Dalinar's big moment. Had Kaladin sworn the 4th Oath right there and defeated the Fused in Shadesmar, it might have made OB the best book over WoK. I understand Brandon didn't do that because he needs him to swear it at a different point(or not at all as some people speculate), but it left the plotline with more of a feeling of disappointment rather than triumph. I always get bored on re-reads with the Shadesmar portion of OB because none of the characters really progressed.
  12. Well, the Shards Sazed picked up aren't exactly equal in power. Preservation used some of his Investiture to make humans, which caused a power imbalance between the two shards inevitably leading to Ruin destroying Scadrial and Preservation being unable to stop it. That's why Preservation imprisoned Ruin and what led to the era 1 Mistborn books. That imbalance still existed when Sazed fused the Shards, and I think according to a WoB he's using that extra Ruin for something, but he didn't specify what. But if Sazed is fighting against his own Investiture, I think he'd know.
  13. It seemed to work on Honor based investiture, so I would say that yes it probably would inhibit them from using Surges powered from Stormlight. Unless Renarin swore a 4th oath off screen somewhere.
  14. Brandon has said he switched things up with Part 1 in RoW. It began with a climax with the battle at Hearthstone and Shallan's confrontation with the Sons of Honor and settled in to what feels like the post climax of a book. This is supposed to feel like the end of a story we were told through character introspection, not really the beginning of this story. There are neither endings nor beginnings to the turning of the Wheel of TIme, but it was a beginning.
  15. Yea, there are some gems in there. One of the mysteries from it that I'm curious about that became a bit more relevant after OB is the stated fact that Scadrial is one of two places Khriss knew of that had humans that were created by post-Shattering Shards. Also I think I figured out the answer as to why you were offered a chance to ask a freeform question. I never read an email they sent me until now, it says that they'll later give me a chance to submit a question to Brandon for the virtual signing event. So the question you submitted will possibly be answered in the virtual event. I'm guessing they can't get to all of them as there are thousands of books being sold through these bookstores and he obviously can't answer that many. But there's a chance.
  16. Yea, what I think Spicker is asking is what does Meleeshi have to do with that excerpt from that poem. I was also kinda confused, I've never seen any indication that Meleeshi is connected to the Dawnshard(s).
  17. I thought they made that stipulation because they felt they may need to move her off world to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. Though your reason also makes sense, could be a combination of the two.
  18. My guess is that "Dawn" precedes something that Adonalsium created or something related to those creations. What exactly the Dawnshards are is being heavily debated, but whatever they are he created them. He also created Roshar and the Singers, hence Dawnsingers. The language of the Dawnsingers is the Dawnchant, he very well might have invented the language and given it to them. The Dawncities very much seem intelligently designed, I figured either Honor or Adonalsium created them, looking likely it was the latter.
  19. I'm wondering if the smoke Soulcaster that was left there in OB was part of the 8 or if that's still hanging around the island somewhere else. I was also getting X-Men the Animated Series vibe with the hovering wheelchair the entire book. Rock was able to use the mandras to draw the Shardbow in OB, that's how he pulls off his occasional feats of strength.
  20. Yea, I thought of the Shin's eyes looking like Alita in the live action movie; real life Japanese style anime eyes.
  21. Something I always thought was odd; at the end of OB, Nale says he'll find Szeth again and teach him the Surge of Division. Shouldn't Szeth already know how to use it? Even if he never trained on Nale's blade, he could have used the Dustbringer one.
  22. No, this is the penultimate chapter before the end of part one, the interludes are after this. Next week is the last chapter and then the book is released the week after that. Last time, I started OB by reading the interludes, there were no part 2 chapters released before release day.
  23. I'd say out of the three books we have so far, WoR has the best second half of the three. First, the duel where Kaladin jumped in to save Adolin. Then Shallan and Kaladin getting dumped into the chasms and their return journey. Capped off with the final battle against the Parshendi. People often go off their immediate feelings when giving ratings and those usually connect with what they've read more recently than not. I'd definitly say the first half is not as strong as the other two. Out of the three it's also the book where the three main viewpoints are relatively close to each other, which just feels easier to read than them all being spread out. If I were to vote which is the best overall book, it's tWoK. If it were best pacing, it's WoR. If it were most interesting reveals and best finale. it's OB.
  24. Things have been pretty evenly split between various characters so far. But, this book is supposed to be the Willshaper book, which is Venli's order, also what Eshonai was going to be, and they are the characters whose flashbacks we are supposed to get. I do recall Brandon saying that a third character that previously hadn't had too may viewpoints was also going to be prominent and that is likely Navani, so you're kinda right there.
  25. If Kelsier is the leader of the Ghostbloods, he could have sent them there to try to solve the problem of getting a cognitive shadow off world. On Scadrial, Kelsier is likely the only cognitive shadow and any experimentation would have to be done on him. That means any on world research into the issue is going to monopolize a lot of his time and could pose a considerable risk. Nalthian cognitive shadows don't have the same level of difficulty getting off world, so they won't be of much use solving the problem. As far as we have seen, the Threnody cognitive shadows are nearly mindless and quite violent, so not good test subjects. Meanwhile on Roshar, there's a bunch of cognitive shadows and other entities with the same problem as Kelsier. Even if he's not involved with the Ghostbloods, he's likely interested in the same thing that they are trying to accomplish on Roshar.
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