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Everything posted by Harrycrapper

  1. I'd say there are several reasons why they haven't gotten much out of Szeth. First, as the previous chapter showed, the Kholins still resent Szeth for killing Gavilar. Navani, who seems to have had a worse relationship with Gavliar than we knew, can barely tolerate being around him. Now, her nausea was likely due to Nightblood, but even so she clearly doesn't like him which means it's even worse for the others who still revere Gavilar. Second, Szeth himself doesn't seem to volunteer much information as evidenced with how long it took them to get information on the dark sphere Gavilar gave him. Tertiary to that, Szeth isn't mentally stable, so what information he does offer they probably don't completely trust. Third, some of these things he probably just doesn't know. The information about the prophecies came from Ash. Szeth might not have been of the proper station/rank/role in their society to be privy to that information. Szeth did say he was trained in all 10 Surges which means he had to of used Ishar's Honorblade. Given that the Stonewards share a Surge with Bondsmiths and Taln's Honorblade was not in their possession, if Szeth has indeed been trained on all the Surges he had to of used that blade at some point. So, for that one at least, I don't see why they couldn't have asked him some direct questions about it. Which means either they just haven't done that and I look forward to seeing why or they did ask him and he didn't have anything that was helpful. Might be he only trained on it for combat purposes and wasn't allowed to experiment in other ways.
  2. He got the Land becoming sentient from the Arcanum Unbounded essay on Sel. Can't remember the exact wording. Edit: Forgot to add a question. Are you sure you can pay to ask Brandon a question on your signed RoW pre order? When I went to do it the bookstore I used gave a limited list of things you could ask for like a quote from a book. I think it specifically said not to ask questions like this that he might have to research or really think about because it would make the signing process take much longer.
  3. We've actually seen that a bit more than you might realize. Most of the main Radiants had a sibling who was bonding/bonded a spren. Kaladin:Tien Dalinar:Gavilar Jasnah:Elhokar Venli:Eshonai Shallan and Helaran kind of apply, but it's a bit of a murky situation. I can't remember if there was a WoB or just a lengthy discussion on the forums but if I recall correctly, this phenomenon is occurring because these people are Connected to each other and the spren seem to be attracted to people who are Connected to Radiants/proto-Radiants.
  4. The WoB in question: He had been "on the path" longer but that doesn't really say much about how far his Oaths progressed. I think that more or less spoke to how long they had been receiving visions. I believe Odium said that Dalinar was the first to actually Bond him since Honor was Shattered. Almost forgot to add that if you note the date this is as of WoR.
  5. I said it earlier in the thread, throwing something in the ocean in the physical realm equates to burying it deep underground in the cognitive realm.
  6. I definitely don't think that the gemstone will make a return in RoW or book 5, but I could see it coming back in the back half with someone having found it in the 10 year gap. I think it's without question that they will in some way regret just throwing it into the ocean at the same time I don't see any better options they have at this time. It can't be taken off world, so it's stuck on Roshar. It's not like they can just bury it in the ground, that's even worse than the ocean. They know they can't just hold onto stuff like that, the stolen Honorblade proved that. The only thing that I can think of that it doesn't look like they did is put it in an aluminum lined container and then throw it in the ocean, that would make it much harder to locate.
  7. Considering the Heavenly ones like the Windrunners can go long periods without needing to breath and can use gravitation to more quickly travel underwater, throwing that gem in the ocean was real dumb. The only saving grace is that if it's deep in the ocean it can't be searched for through the cognitive realm because it's effectively buried underground there. Though I still feel Odium could find it, especially considering he can use futuresight and could have observed them the entire time while they did that. The only way I can think of that they could have hidden it from his sight while taking it from Urithiru is hiding it in aluminum.
  8. The Honorblade only seemed to change Szeths eyes when he summoned it kinda like Kaladin. And like you implied, lighteyes/darkeyes refers to how bright or dark the shade of the eyes are, not their color. Someone can have dark green eyes and they'd be considered a darkeyes. You said in "an earlier version of TWoK," did they correct it? If they did indeed correct if for later printings and it happened again in RoW then I would say it's probably Brandon originally having it as green, decided to change it at some point, and then forgot that he made the change. This has similarly happened with him accidentally using silver instead of tin in some of the Mistborn books because tin was originally silver and it's still in his head that way somewhere.
  9. It already got removed by the moderators...can anyone replicate it?
  10. I mean he made them once, the question is more if he's willing or feels he would need to. In all the Desolations before Aharietiam, it had to be all the Heralds either die or sacrifice themselves and the Desolation ends. The Fused wouldn't be trapped until all the Heralds were back on Braize. The Singers said they somehow found a way to shift the entire thing onto Taln so after that it was only him.
  11. They kind of explained how each Desolation ended in the most recent Venli chapter. Basically, the Heralds could resume the Oathpact and stop new Fused from leaving Braize at any point by either dying or some sort of suicide(I think putting their Blades in that stone from the prelude is how they did it before they changed the Oathpact to only apply to Taln). But if humanity couldn't stand against whatever Fused and Singer forces were arrayed against them, the Heralds had to stay until a point in time that they believed humanity could wipe out whatever Fused remained after the Heralds resumed the Oathpact. That, or once all the Heralds died they would also return and the Desolation would be over until one of them was found and broken again. Jasnah actually proposed hunting down all the Heralds and killing them back in OB when the Stormfather gave his infodump in the vision. Though if the Oathpact only includes Taln now they'd have to kill him and with the state he's in, there's no guarantee he could withstand torture for very long or if the Fused will even go back to Braize instead of just returning to the Everstorm like you said. The likely solution the humans will come to was also in that chapter; imprison the Fused in gemstones.
  12. Stick will definitely be in the endgame as well, too powerful to not include it.
  13. It has not been brought up that I could see, and I was wondering the same thing. Yea, there's something going on there and I don't have the faintest clue how the Rhythms, Musicspren, and Ryshadium are related, but it seems that they are.
  14. If you look at look at any WoB referencing "The Broken One" he usually RAFOs it or answers a different part of the question. Given that I don't think we can definitively rule anything out and pretty much everything he's said indicates that Roshar has only three shards that have been and are Invested in the system. Also, the moons were placed by Adonalsium, there was some sort of revelation that their orbits aren't stable though I can't remember what exactly is going to happen when they fall out of orbit. I'm also wondering where your fourth Shard is? If they Invested in Roshar, they can't leave(see: Ruin, Odium). If there were three Shards in alliance, I do not see Odium causing as much trouble as he has. There would also be several more magic systems that we've seen no evidence of. So, could all of the aforementioned stuff be hidden/offscreen and Brandon just springs it on us in the second arc? It's possible, but there isn't really anything beyond your arguments here indicating there's another Shard hiding in the background. Given that, I'm incline to go with Occams's Razor and say the simplest answer is likely the best. Three Shards ruled in the Rosharan system and the Broken one reigns. The Broken one could refer to Honor, Odium, or even The Stormfather and The three Shards are Honor, Odium, Cultivation.
  15. It's possible that the planet existed before the Shattering and Endowment just seeded life on the planet with a sped up evolutionary timeline.
  16. As an answer to the various questions about people leaving Scadrial, the limitation that we recently received information on that I believe you're referencing mostly applies to Roshar and its various magic systems/users. It applies to varying degrees to other investiture, but Roshar's Investiture seems to be the toughest to take off world that we know of at the moment. We know Allomancers and Feruchemists can leave Scadrial and people/objects invested with Endowment's Investiture can leave Nalthis. We know of at least one Sand Master and multiple Elantrians(though they have issues getting through their areas of the Cognitive Realm for other reasons). We know it's difficult yet possible to get Investiture off of Sel, but I'm not sure about any other the other places I've mentioned beyond Endowment which is the least inhibited by this phenomenon.
  17. Ah I see, haven't been able to keep up on his livestreams and catch up on his Reddit posts. A lot of good video games and the been getting released in the last 3 weeks and the new Dresden Files book.
  18. It seems I'm a little bit out of the loop on this one and I've seen several people saying we're getting Vasher next week. How do we know that?
  19. Shallan's already of the Fourth Ideal. She's spoken 3 Truths and assumedly the First Ideal when she was a kid.
  20. I definitely didn't think Jezrien actually died. A lot of people think Hemalurgy when they read that scene but it seemed more akin to capturing a spren in a gemstone.
  21. Yea, I was thinking along the same lines. Logicspren will eventually lead Rosharans to fabrial based computers.
  22. I don't really like the idea of Kaladin going with Adolin and Shallan from a narrative standpoint. We already did those three traipsing through Shadesmar in the last book, would feel kind of repetitive to me.
  23. I think Brandon said that he's in prison when someone asked about Szeth after OB.
  24. My guess is that as soon as Zahel heard about Szeth's sword, he ran right out of Urithiru. He very much seems to want to distance himself from his past and likely knows that Vivenna is looking for Nightblood. If Zahel had stuck around and team Radiant got him to divulge some of the information he has, I would think Shallan would know how to pronounce Nalthis.
  25. Could be an agent of Kelsier. He can't travel offworld so it's plausible he has people he sends out to gather information. Perhaps he recruited one of the last full Feruchemists after the Catacendre. Or even just a normal Ferring from the current generation on Scadrial.
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