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Everything posted by Harrycrapper

  1. Also worth mentioning is that he used the knowledge in his copperminds to remake the world when he Ascended. He could still tap his metalminds so he's definitely still a Feruchemist, though how it works for the other Feruchemical powers I cannot say.
  2. Ah good point, forgot about that.
  3. They made Magneeto's prison out of plastic in the Xmen movies, that's probably how they would handle Mistborn/Coinshots/Lurchers. Man, it would suck to be Wolverine on Scadrial. But, yea plastic is definitely going to make being one of the aforementioned Allomancers less powerful than in bygone eras.
  4. This is still going up against the same problem. I'm not an expert on poison, but I would think most poison would lose efficacy over time so you would need to know the exact time you needed it poisoned. The poison would definitely have a bigger window than the cold/hot options, but you'd really need to plan that out in advance and that stamp would be a single use, not something you could re use in any situation. I guess you could change yourself so that you very often have the tendency to poison your weapons, but you could also just decide to do that without a stamp...
  5. Yea, Eye of the World is much better on a re read after having read more of the series. I thought the second book was much more entertaining and that's where I got hooked.
  6. Small correction, but we knew this as of Words of Radiance, it was in the in-world version of Words of Radiance. I wouldn't say she's the shadow of Cultivation, or at least not in the capacity that the Stormfather kind of is the shadow of Tanavast. I think "adopted child" is more accurate. Otherwise, pretty sound reasoning throughout. I wonder if Taravangian bonds the Nightwatcher if it would have any effect on his mental state. If he could somehow use her to tap into his genius side more often, the implications would be interesting.
  7. Well, the Oathgate platforms seem to exist in the Cognitive Realm as solid objects as well as the Physical. Urithiru isn't just an ordinary rock formation, it's unique in ways we don't fully understand at the moment. So, it's entirely possible there's more in the Cognitive Realm than one might expect given the rules of Shadesmar. I also recall at some point Pattern told Shallan that there were things worth investigating in the Cognitive Realm inside Urithiru, so there is something there.
  8. I would imagine at the very least some Radiants would patrol the Cognitive Realm around Urithiru, wouldn't want surprise attacks from Fused/Unmade. Although, there was an epigraph from the gem archive that indicated the tower itself had defenses that helped keep the Unmade out, not sure if those were present in the Cognitive Realm, the Physical Realm, or both.
  9. I'm guessing you're referring to "by Alethi standards"? He was in favor of pitting the Highprinces against eachother and made things competitive as opposed to trying to make them work together. Talks about vengence for his father a lot but didn't seem inclined to push the Highprinces to finish off the Parshendi and preferred how the war was ran in Way of Kings over how Dalinar wanted to handle it. Didn't seem to mind the human cost of Sadeas's bridge crew strategy. Things like that were positive qualities to the Alethi nobility, but wouldn't be to us.
  10. Elhokar's biggest flaw as a king was that he was a pushover. Otherwise, by Alethi standards he was a fair king, just too easy to influence.
  11. Oops, mixed the two up, I meant unsealed.
  12. I always figured that the magic system the Singers use to change forms was created by Adonalsium and that's what Odium was corrupting.
  13. It's was just to be sure I knew that's what you meant, but yea Wax mentioned that there hasn't been one in a very long time. Quoted from the Feruchemist page on the Coppermind: The Set is breeding people to make Mistborn, the Terris elders are breeding people to make a full Feruchemist. One might wonder if that's a coincidence...
  14. If by Feruchemists, you mean full Feruchemists, as far as I know that is incorrect. They are trying to breed one, but to our knowledge haven't succeeded. There may have been a few that were born post Catacendre, but at the current point in Era 2, there are said to be none. Supposedly, the genetic mixing of Allomancy and Feruchemy caused Feruchemy to break down to the point where each person only has one metal. To get a full Feruchemist, you would have to have a genetic line that didn't mix with the old nobility and Spook's descendants. And even then, TLR's breeding program had substantially reduced the amount of people who could genetically pass it along. I get the feeling if we ever do see one, they'll be a descendant of Tindwyl.
  15. This bothered me for quite a while as well, so I will pass on what I've seen on the forums or reasoned through. F-Nicrosil allows you to store any Allomantic or Feruchemical ability, including the ability to store the ability of F-Nicrosil itself. To make an unkeyed Nicrosil metalmind, you would need to have the ability to store your Identity using F-Aluminum. Given that you have an unkeyed Nicrosil metalmind, F-Aluminum, and any other Allomantic or Feruchemical power, you could make a medallion that grants that power. Simply holding a metalmind that has F-Nicrosil gives you the ability, you don't need to tap it to gain the power. It's similar to how the Honorblades work in the Stormlight Archive. How Southern Scadrians managed to get those things without the Bands of Mourning is not certain. There aren't any people with more than one Feruchemical ability on Scadrial unless they stole it using Hemalurgy. So, either the Southern Scadrians are using Hemalurgy to accomplish some of this or the excisors Kelsier gave them accomplish what one of the aforementioned Feruchemical abilities do in lieu of having both. Excising something could mean excising someone Identity or their Investiture, or it could do something entirely different. So, I don't think we're supposed to understand exactly how they're managing it, Brandon has been tight lipped and we're missing a piece or two of the puzzle. It's a mystery many are hoping gets solved in The Lost Metal.
  16. I think there's a distinction to make here. There's a difference between being a professional duelist and a good fighter. As we see in Adolin's POVs, dueling isn't always about fighting for honor or high stakes like Plate and Blade. It's a calling and like a sport with rules and specific strategies. Gavilar might have been a professional duelist like Adolin and maintained a high rank in the listings, but let his place lapse in his later years. Now the duels that Dalinar fought that your referred to weren't all formal duels, they were 1v1 fights on the battlefield. There were no rules except it seems most men seem to leave the people with Plate/Blade to fight alone. Those are the type of fights to leave to Dalinar because he was much better at fighting dirty and that way they weren't risking Gavilar. Just because Dalinar fought the important fights in the war doesn't mean Gavilar couldn't have been dueling for sport like Adolin does.
  17. Yea the weird predatory sea monster things(been a long time since I read that story, can't remember what they're called) are using investiture fueled abilities along with other various fauna native to the islands.
  18. I don't think the too many Scadrians thought how Atium grew was odd. It's similar to how people on Roshar think things like spren, deathrattles, and the Thrill are normal things, they've just been that way for as long as people remember. It's possible some people right after Rashek changed the world found the way it grew odd, but after a while any who knew of its origins just thought of it as the way it had always been. And post Catacendre most people know nearly as much as we do about it because Harmony explained it in The Books of Founding.
  19. It's supposed to feel like the Knight has progressed in some significant way with each oath they swear. 10 oaths would have made that a lot harder to do. I'm sure there's some in world reason, but from a author/reader perspective, 10 is just too much.
  20. I believe most, if not all, of Brandon's works are DRM free, so you should be able to upload them via Calibre. Your device is possibly a factor, if you have a Kindle I think you need to use the .mobi format. Otherwise, I think most of the others use .epub and Calibre usually auto converts the file to whichever your device requires. If it doesn't, you can try to manually convert it. However, if you're reading different authors/books they may have DRM and you would need to break that in order to read the book on your device if the device isn't compatible with the service that you bought the ebook from. For example, if you wanted to read a book you bought from Barnes and Noble on a Kindle it wouldn't work if you don't tamper with the DRM. I do not condone doing this on books you have not purchased, you should support your authors if you want to read their stuff.
  21. I'm not sure you could use stamps to make a sword hot/cold/poisonous. When you stamp something, you're changing its past. So to change it into any of the aforementioned states, the changes would need to occur right before you're using it which would be impossible to predict in advance. I could see a stamp being used to change your weapon to a different type of weapon by making it so the blacksmith made an mace instead of a sword for example. I could also see maybe toppling a building by having its foundation weakened in the past to make a quick escape, but you would need to have your escape route planned well in advance. Other than that, if you're trying to use stamps for combat purposes, I see more utility in changing yourself or allies rather than objects.
  22. Azure knows about Zahel, she recognized the kata(spelling?) that Adolin and Kaladin did while they were in the cognitive realm. I can't exactly recall what she said, but it was something to the effect of "I know who your Swordmaster is." Whether he knows about her sword, I don't know. But, he probably knows she's looking for him.
  23. I think it's also worth mentioning that Rock is now Nuatoma for his family/clan since all his older brothers died. I recall his wife trying to mention this and him sternly saying he's a cook now in OB. So, he's already kind of a king, but not of all Horneaters, just his clan. It will be interesting to see what he does with those Shards, if it weren't for them Kaladin would never have made it to Bridge 4 and saved the bridgemen, including Rock.
  24. I think a better way of putting this is that inanimate objects "can" adjust to their new state relatively quickly. This is a guess based on common sense and other concepts similar to the Cognitive realm in the Cosmere, but I'd say the longer an object is viewed the way it is, the longer it holds itself together in the Cognitive realm. A statue that's been around for centuries, possibly millennia, will have a stronger Cognitive aspect than some jam that's probably been in its current form for a couple months or less. Organic material goes through changes much more quickly than inorganic material like rock, so it's Cognitive aspect will reflect what happens in the real world much more quickly.
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