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robardin last won the day on November 16 2022

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    notting the not on the pleasing of all
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    Flushing, NY

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  1. Though TBH you don't really "see" him in Stormlight until the pre-released prologue to SA5, IIRC.
  2. I don't see why A-pewter Mistings get called "Thugs", and of course in-world they surely prefer to be called "Pewterarms", LOL. As for Ferrings, "Windwhisperer" sounds vaguely like they play too many Zelda games, plus it only refers to the ability to tap for hearing when the ability allows storing of ALL the senses for later enhancement. Then again "Tineye" for a tin-burning Misting also emphasizes the use of burning tin to enhance vision specifically, so I guess you have to pick one of them to make a nice name, rather than something terrible like "Dynosenser"
  3. For the record: I am in Camp Stormfaker who believes that that comment "that was almost [the right Words to say]" to form a bond, a very un-First-Idealish sentiment demanding power based on personal need, clearly indicates that that is NOT the Stormfather - either an Unmade or some other new powerful entity (like an avatar of Autonomy) doing a full-on masquerade or hijacking of the Stormfather's Honorvisions.
  4. Regarding "burning" lerasium, I've always thought that last comment from Brandon was telling: there are ways to do really cool things with lerasium that I don't see how anyone would know. Were most Mistborn to just burn it, it would rewrite their genetic code to increase their power as an Allomancer. In other words, the "default action" of burning lerasium is to form such a deep(er) Connection to Preservation that you become Mistborn (from nothing), or an Even Stronger Mistborn if you're one already (similar to how Rashek and his "directly self-modified sDNA while Ascended as the Temporary Avatar of Preservation" Mistborn powers were stronger than even Elend's "the direct ingestor of a lerasium bead"). But, if you "know what you're doing", I think you can rewrite your sDNA... Period. In computer programming terms, it's like being given root level access to your own sDNA with a tool that has a simple command, "lerasium", and if you run it, you get the default template that embeds an inheritable (if diluted over time) Connection to Preservation, with the power of Allomancy as a side effect. But this tool also has optional (and undocumented!) "switches" where you could give customized template instructions to modify your sDNA - and physical form, to match - to turn yourself into pretty much anything. Remember, the power of Preservation was used by Rashek to turn all Feruchemists into mistwraiths (with a backdoor for a hemalurgic upgrade to becoming kandra), but could not be used to destroy (as to strike down his uncle Kwaan when he turned Rashek down - who could have "made him a mistwraith anyway" but didn't). So ingesting lerasium is like being given a chance to do that, I think, but only to yourself. And only if you exerted the extra Intent to do so, in the right way. But, as Brandon emphasized, who's going to have that level of knowledge, not just of Realmatic Theory, but on how to use lerasium? Who would be able to understand how to "run lerasium" without documentation? It would need source code level understanding of it, right? So it'd have to be someone who'd already Ascended before as Preservation, de-Ascended, and now is having a second go-round with it. Like if Rashek had managed to re-enter the Well, or chose to ingest a bead of lerasium himself. Or... Er... If some other guy who had held Preservation, gave it up, and yet stuck around and is looking for... Oh no.
  5. Yes, something about the Radiant orders does feel "of Cultivation", but it isn't Surgebinding so much as the nature of the Nahel bond. The progression of Ideals resulting in a Surgebinder's deeper and more powerful Nahel bond with a spren is not inherently about Rosharan "Surgebinding". As we see, the Fused also have access to (mostly) the same Surges, but without such progression; more to the point, even the Surgebinding granted by the Honorblades to the Heralds do not have any progression of Ideals. In fact, bonding and using an Honorblade, despite the name, doesn't require any kind of oath at all! It's why Syl called the Blade dropped by Szeth "dangerous", as it would make anybody a Windrunner, "without the checks that a spren bond requires". And of course, that's how Vyre is able to wield it in service to Odium. Furthering the Cultivation angle, a sufficiently advanced Radiant is actually a BETTER Surgebinder than someone with an Honorblade would be. Not to mention the whole Fourth Ideal Plate business.
  6. well for one thing, I wonder if it was necessary to create the coppermind medallion that Wax unlocked at the end of BoM that had the memory of Kelsier telling a freezing Southern Scadrian after the Catacendre to SURVIVE! That had to be Kelsier's own memory, especially since there is the flicker of association of the longhouse he finds them huddled in with the plantation skaa hovels of the Final Empire. But if all the "coins" that had been appearing and circulating in New Seran, per the informant at Lady Kelesina's party there (Devlin Airs), as he said after inspecting the one Wax showed him, were also unsealed copperminds... Did they have the same memory? And how did Hoid get a hold of one to throw at Wax's head, when we also have a WoB that the memory in that coppermind was not something Kelsier would have wanted known? So if the memory was Kelsier's, and was a memory (that reveals him to be the Sovereign) that he didn't want to get out, ... why would he have created and disseminated it? Perhaps Compounding copper allows "cookie-stamping" out the same memory into multiple copperminds? Or to be able to "offload" a memory and still keep it in your head? We saw in the original trilogy that Sazed needed "indexing" to keep track of where and in which coppermind he needed to tap to fetch the right stored information, even that much was not left in his head after a memory dump.
  7. Ah, that was my bad to in a way to go off on a tangent from the original topic of "most useless Compounding Twinborn". I meant to start out by saying that even being a double aluminum Twinborn wasn't necessarily useless, no Compounder is (though double copper is curious and RAFO'ed) - but I would say having aluminum for Allomancy (gnat) but F-nicrosil instead of F-aluminum would be way worse (no Compounding, and still nothing personally useful in either Metalborn power). And now I see I actually wrote A-duralumin for the "gnat" power for some reason. Doubly my fault for confusion!
  8. Being double anything as a Twinborn means you can Compound the Feruchemical attribute, so it's never completely useless. While I can't really say what would be the result of Compounding for... Let's see... Infinite Identity, well I guess maybe we will find out, LOL. OTOH being a Twinborn with, say, A-duralumin (gnat) and F-nicrosil (Investiture) would be truly useless. You can do nothing useful with your own Allomantic power, and your Feruchemical power would be to store that ability in a metalmind so that someone else could do nothing useful with it!
  9. Haha. Well, apparently there was no steak handy either. I didn’t realize the spikes wouldn’t decay if simply left in the dead body, though!
  10. I think this or a similar discussion has been raised before, and I gave this same answer: I think Bart Simpson already did it.
  11. I see what you are implying there. LOL
  12. Well hold on a moment. First, I assume we're talking about hemalurgic spikes harvested from human Metalborn. Does hemalurgy work across species? Since it works on the principle of "tearing off bits of the soul" to attach to another soul and all. Seems like it'd have to be "soul-compatible" to stick that way. I could see maybe making a "kolossal" chicken out of four original chickens*, but using koloss spikes on a chicken, not so much? But, if you were to decide yeah, you COULD stick an Inquisitor's spikes into a chicken to useful effect, even if that didn't mean the chicken were ABLE to Steelpush, etc., due to lack of sapience, would it at least serve as a kind of living repository to keep the spikes from decaying in power? Like, say you're Kar the Inquisitor who just witnessed "poor Bendal" getting decapitated by Kelsier at the "Square of the Survivor". You rush in to extract some of his spikes for potential reuse, the hard-to-obtain ones for Feruchemy he happened to have for example; then realize in frustration that you didn't have the usual jar of fresh human blood as a preservative because nobody had expected Kelsier to actually WIN that fight, ... ...and then you spy the chicken clucking quietly in on a curb while the Lord Ruler appeared in his coach to quell the surge of exultant and rebellious skaa. Hello! [ *EDIT: I am now imagining a point in Scadrian history where Kolossal Fried Chicken is a fast-food chain with a secret process involving Awakened metalminds at the slaughterhouse. "Why buy a bucket of chicken parts, when you can buy a single ... KOLOSSAL CHICKEN!" ]
  13. Well it's not an "entire culture", there are multiple nations and cultures in the Southern Hemisphere, often at odds with each other. But many of them do seem to share the mask-wearing practice, to different degrees (the Hunters who NEVER remove them, versus those like Allik who do so, but infrequently and momentarily, as a gesture of respect or intimacy - where his airship captain regarded him as being particularly "free" with that). But we also know that there is a group in the Southern Hemisphere Allik referred to as "The Deniers of Masks" in BoM who were "really dangerous" as compared to the Set who just captured, tortured, and killed a number of his ship's crew, that we don't see or hear mention of at all in TLM. "The Maskless" (of who the DoMs may be synonmyous, or a subgroup thereof) are shown as having an entire region in the lower right of the Era 2 "Map of Scadrial", extending to an unknown degree off the map. Whether or not their refusal or "denial" of mask-wearing is at all related to them being "really dangerous", is also up for question!
  14. Well, you would want to Compound it at least a little bit, just so you wouldn't have to compensate for putting wakefulness into the bronzemind by spending time being drowsy. The downside to that would be that the normal Allomantic power for bronze would not be very useful IRL; not much point in being a Seeker unless other Allomancers (or magic users) were walking around. (Hmm, maybe that's the pitch, then - if you AREN'T a Seeker, how would you KNOW there weren't other Investiture users walking around all of a sudden?) As for enjoying sleeping - is that when you're a Viking? - I have a headcanon theory that that's why TLR got more and more cruel, uncaring, and jaded/tired/bored seeming as his life extended longer and longer. Once he was past a normal Investure-extended lifespan of say 120 years, tops (with infinite A-pewter and F-gold), Rashek had to continuously tap his atiumminds for youth, and I think we have it established that you can't unconsciously tap or fill a metalmind. So TLR could never sleep, he had to keep on keepin' on with the never-ending tapping and occasional compounding and filling of those atiumminds. And possibly electrumminds to keep the Determination up to bother doing so. And never sleeping can do weird things to your mind, even with infinite goldmind tapping, which doesn't seem to address mental health as that is literally cognitive.
  15. I didn't think a brass Compounder would be like the Human Torch, but that could be interesting. If Cosmere-derived magic-physics were similar to that in the Marvel Universe, then if you could pull off the Human Torch Effect, you could fly around, too! And waitaminute... Compounding is like squaring a Metalborn power... And four squared is... SIXTEEN, hot diggity dog!
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