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teknopathetic last won the day on April 2 2022

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About teknopathetic

  • Birthday 10/20/1987

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    Pure Lake Fishymancer.
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    Bet: Ba-Ado-Mishram was the original 10th Herald that Taln replaced

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  1. Syl says that many spren actually do change, so one could assume the oathgates are thinking differently after 4000 years of loneliness and neglect.
  2. Im not sure we know when Virtuosity splintered herself. We have clues, but it’s unclear. We don’t know how that went down or how quickly she fell apart after inflicting the wound. But I do see your point. It does seem like it was closer to RoW in years than it was to the recreance 4000 years ago.
  3. It is either Ambition because of the bell/music/durge connection to that system or Virtuosity's death spot since that might have left an intentional mark and we don't know what a self-inflicted shattering looks like or what her goals were in doing so. Virtuosity's death spot being a cosmere-wide art installation would be nifty. I don't believe the spot is somewhere on Roshar. But if it were, I wonder if it would be the place Truth died. There are many hints that Truth a small god like Wind, and I wonder what happened to them.
  4. I wondr if there was some coercion involved? Like, the spren felt obligated to agree. Or perhaps they didnt realize that it would be FOREVER. Much like with what happened to the heralds. Honour's oaths are too much to bear, even for a spren.
  5. I hope Jasnah takes her inkspren and goes to talk the gates. We need to find out the issue. I get that being locked up and lonely for 4000+ years was awful, but it’s important to hear them out. And also, what about other Fabrials? Should they be released too?
  6. Chapter 12 and 13 Oh, so creation spren can become any bead most likely. That's convenient!
  7. I think it would be an interesting twist for Syl to undertake enlightenment. She doesn’t feel like she is fitting in with being an honour spren. Enlightened-Syl might have recently experienced a new childhood and wants to reconnect with the story of Non-Enlightened-Syl and Kal. We dont really know what enlightenment grants a spren or why sprren have chosen it. But certainly there must be a good reason.
  8. Hmmmm. I wonder if the author is an enlightened Syl. She would have been there but wouldn’t remember what occurred.
  9. Shallan draws specific attention to how preposterous it is that she is locating the exact beads she needs exactly as she finds them. What do we think is happening here? Is it that: a) the beads often pre-shift in the sea to be where they need to be. Beads can pre-arrange due to connection and fortune. b) beads can shift their identity before someone touches that bead. The mind causes a bead that was a chair to swap with a bead for a room c) there is another entity fiddling with the bead positions. Shallan is being helped specifically by something. Also, what do we think that last mysterious bead that Shallan found was? She says that the bead seemed eager to help and that there was something rather strange about it. She then is at the same time confused as to what voice had pointed her to where Adolin was. Did the bead tell her where Adolin was? What is this bead? Is it just the room she was grasping, or does she have something more strange? She grabs at least two beads in this fight scene, but only one seems to give her an odd sensation and possibly spoke with her. Seeing as Ba Ado Mishram then begins speaking to Shallan a few seconds later after the other unknown voice, this is all very odd. Could Shallan be hearing a voice from Truth? We know Wind is speaking so I am keeping an eye out for Truth.
  10. The world Knell has such a musical and puritanical or medieval funeral connotation in my mind. I can’t see this being anything other than a term from the Threnody/Monody/Elogy/Purity society since it fits in so well. Maybe the scar in the cognitive realm?
  11. I think it depends on what kind of fight. A duel in a stadium? Kaladin. A declared blood feud where the attack could come at any moment. Shallan.
  12. Wouldn’t it be interesting if Mishram had agreed to go in the gem? Or if Mishram didn’t want to be released for some reason? Kelek didn’t see the capture, correct? And not to beat a dead ryshadium horse, but if Mishram can manifest into beads around someone connecting with her, she could actually be the StormFaker again. Clearly she is able to get messages out (unless we have a Mishram Faker haha)
  13. Kelek was pretty sure she was conscious. I think that’s partially why he felt so bad about it and wanted to free her.
  14. It’s odd. If Mishram has figured out that Shallan is trying to release her (or find her), why would Mishram be so obviously antagonistic? You’d think she’s pretend to be chill. This is almost like beads face is trying to get Shallan to not release Mishrim. Maybe Mishram is mad with hate from being conscious in there for so long. But at the same time, she said the one thing she shouldn’t say if she wanted to be released.
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