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4 minutes ago, Illwei said:

Litterally everyone called out of work today so it is now almost 11 and i have been here since 8 and i have no desire to live so hi

That would definitely explain a lot. Hope you're surviving, and in that case ignore both me and the thread if you have to :P 

7 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Also, here's a new VC because I like doing these:

Would like to reiterate my support for any of the Cycle 2 Triumvirate over Szeth, who is now tied for the lead and is my biggest suspicion >>

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So, here's another VC because I enjoy making VCs way too much



Szeth (3): Archer, Tani 
Elandera (3): Matrim, Araris, Fifth
Striker (2): Alvron, Elandera
Matrim (1): Striker


Matrim's Dice (1): Fifth
Tani (1): Elandera
Fifth (1): Archer
Striker (1): Matrim
Elandera (1): Striker
Biplet (1): Araris

I'd be down to move my vote to Szeth or Elandera if one of @Araris Valerian, @Matrim's Dice, @Archer, or @Fifth Scholar wants to move to me. What could go wrong with some ties? :P

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I like Fifth Scholar's opinion because I'm a sheep who's too busy trying to get elected to pay attention to suspicious people, so I'm going to vote Elandera and fifth scholar .

I'm also disappointed in the number of people signing up for my election team. Granted nobody's really seriously voted for me yet...

But I'm sure I can make sure that changes with more vigorous advertising and campaigning!

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Steel...why have you cursed me so??? I know I don't have to update the VC, but I feel like I have to in order to feel happy before I go to sleep. :P



Elandera (4): Matrim, Araris, Fifth, Steel
Szeth (3): Archer, Tani 
Striker (2): Alvron, Elandera
Matrim (1): Striker


Fifth (2): Archer, Steel
Matrim's Dice (1): Fifth
Tani (1): Elandera
Striker (1): Matrim
Elandera (1): Striker
Biplet (1): Araris

Not sure about how I feel about you putting Fifth in the lead for WL. Any chance you could move to Elandera with me? Or just add another player to the huge tie we had going on before you voted, @Steeldancer? :P

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Alright, I'm still not feeling Elandera, but on reread, Szeth feels a little !!y. I'm taking eagerness as an elim tell in this game, because it's an excuse to want to be elected. So Szeth and Steel dancer are off my vote list, as are Elandera and Mat. I'm still not seeing what people like about El, their analysis was pretty neutral and their vote was good, but so was four other people's. I'm getting evil vibes from them. Ignore the fact that they're voting for Striker right now because I'm getting good vibes from him Striker Szeth

Edit: The Lord Ruler uses his Church to divide us into believers and non, to stoke divisions between his puppet Upper Class and the workers, and between workers and workers to prevent class consciousness. That's going to get me executed. Good thing I use a pen-name. - Chalkboard 

Edited by Archer
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Reminder that you have slightly under an hour left. Get those votes and orders in!

Edit: This reminder and the subsequent rollover was - thanks to a retained user manual - brought to you by your GM rather than @Wyrmhero. Note to any of you using a WD MyBook Live to backup your data: get that thing unplugged ASAP from the Internet. There's an ongoing malicious cyberattack based off an unpatched (thanks, end of support!) vulnerability discovered in 2018, and if your data isn't already wiped, you don't want it to be.

Stay cybersafe out there.

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Okay, I'm not sure how I feel about WL being an RNG between me and Fifth. :P I'll go ahead and move my vote from Elandera since she's probably about to get elected anyway to Matrim's Dice. This way we get a 3 way tie, which is always fun, plus it's between me, a player I trust, and a player I don't really trust. Which is better than just between me and a player I don't trust. :P

Here's the updated VC in case anyone wants to make a last minute decision. :P



Elandera (4): Matrim, Araris, Fifth, Steel
Striker (3): Alvron, Elandera, Archer
Szeth (2): Tani 
Matrim (1): Striker


Matrim's Dice (2): Fifth, Striker
Fifth (2): Archer, Steel
Striker (2): Matrim, Biplet
Tani (1): Elandera
Biplet (1): Araris

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Cycle Three: 10th Doxil, 237




Elandera was elected to the Inner Circle! She was aligned with the Loyalists!

Striker has been elected Worker Leader!

The cycle has begun, and will end at 2300hrs (GMT+8) on Thursday, 1st July!


Inner Circle Votes:

Elandera (4): Mat, Araris, Steel, Fifth
Striker (3): Alv, Elandera, Archer
Szeth (2): Tani
Mat (1): Striker

Worker Leader Votes:

Mat (2): Fifth, Striker
Fifth (2): Steel, Archer
Striker (2): Mat, Biplet
Biplet (1): Araris
Tani (1): Elandera

My thanks to @|TJ|, @Fifth Scholar for write-up content. Credit to @Wyrmhero and Amazon but no thanks due as I'm not sure I'm really grateful to discover that I exist apparently as a cheese grater in his kitchen drawer :/

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Rule Clarifications:


1. Did you actually terminate Elan for posting past rollover?

What kind of monster do you take me for, that's Wyrm >> She had the most votes, that's all.

2. Are roles unique? Can a player both be the Informant and the Starling?

No. Roles are unique.

Player List:


1. @Matrim's Dice as Philico
2. @Tani as Sobek
3. @Araris Valerian as some grouchy old guy
4. @Szeth_Pancakes
5. @Dannex as the kandra DaaNex
6. @Lotus
7. @Steeldancer as Steel
8. @The Unknown Order as Watcher, feeling the sweetness of freedom for another century
9. @Fifth Scholar as Darrel, old man who's seen one too many scrapes and retirement beckons
10. @Ashbringer as  Derrick, a happy-go-lucky steel guider who's finally found a chance for his voice to lead to some change
11. @StrikerEZ as Variel, a man with a nervous habit of wiping as much dirt off his clothes as possible
12. @Alvron as Klaas Vaak, an elderly gentleman with a bag of fine sand
13. |TJ| as Sonny, an overenthusiastic brash and showy young worker seeking revolution by revenge - Worker
14. Elandera - Loyalist
15. @Liranil
16. @Archer as Chalkboard, a general laborer with a voice like nails on a chalkboard
17. @Mist
18. @Biplet as Nolle, local overly friendly worker who gets a little too talkative after a few drinks at the Bent Boxing


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9 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Thursday, 31st June


Anyway, well, uh, I guess congrats to me for getting WL, coolio. Very much surprised by Elandera's flip, so uhh, that's fun.

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Just now, StrikerEZ said:


Anyway, well, uh, I guess congrats to me for getting WL, coolio. Very much surprised by Elandera's flip, so uhh, that's fun.

RIP it's been a bad week at work and I'm coming off pewterdrag :P Thanks for the catch, I'll fix it.

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I'd buy that cheese grater. TJ, your job is now to confuse Elander as much as possible. :P. 

Everybody who supported Elandera at any point, kindly explain why you should be trusted. Because it's not a great look. 


Ah ha! An equal gender ratio has been achieved on our Council! See how democracy triumphs over monarchy to achieve greater equality in society?

- Chalkboard 

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1 minute ago, Archer said:

Everybody who supported Elandera at any point, kindly explain why you should be trusted. Because it's not a great look. 

I mean, I supported Elandera because I liked where they were putting their votes and I liked their reasonings behind them. Plus they were an alternative to Fifth, which I wasn't a huge fan of electing. I was also waffling on Szeth as well, so I didn't want to move my vote to him at the end, when it probably wouldn't do anything anyway, and I was okay with leaving my vote on Mat rather than voting for Elandera because I was pretty sure Elandera would've been elected regardless of if I voted her or not. At the end there, either she was going to be elected or I was. And I wasn't going to vote for Elandera and miss out on maybe getting elected myself. I got to play C1 and C2, I wouldn't have minded getting elected at that point. :P

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Alright folks, alright folks, I know it doesn't look good. I was just taking the advice of a friend, I swear I wasn't bribed into helping the very people I oppose. 

Not a good look for me though. Or anyone who voted Elandera. I know I'm clear but that means I'm never voting for anyone else in that train ever again... And it might ruin my chances of getting elected. Rusts. 

I've mainly been memeing around all game, but perhaps thisll inspire me to take on a bit more responsibility. 

I also completely forgot to put in my advertising, dangit. 

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*intro music plays*

Welcome back to KAS radio. How are things looking, Jim?

Not the best, Bob. I'll admit I haven't been paying as close of attention to the elections, but today a loyalist was elected, and that puts suspicion on anyone who voted for her.

I agree, Jim. Who will you be supporting in the elections today?

I'd like to keep an open mind today, at least

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@|TJ| Don't listen to Archer. You should not-talk as much as possible.

56 minutes ago, Archer said:

Ah ha! An equal gender ratio has been achieved on our Council! See how democracy triumphs over monarchy to achieve greater equality in society?

- Chalkboard 

... This... does not help me trust you.

Imma go back and reread the first two cycles.

1 hour ago, Steeldancer said:

Alright folks, alright folks, I know it doesn't look good. I was just taking the advice of a friend, I swear I wasn't bribed into helping the very people I oppose. 

Not a good look for me though. Or anyone who voted Elandera. I know I'm clear but that means I'm never voting for anyone else in that train ever again... And it might ruin my chances of getting elected. Rusts. 

I've mainly been memeing around all game, but perhaps thisll inspire me to take on a bit more responsibility. 

I also completely forgot to put in my advertising, dangit. 

This reminds me of some of my in-person lies-and-deception games.

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I CTRL+Fed Elandera's name, and here's what I got:

Cycle One

-Elandera votes Tani for worker leader. Says getting a good vibe from them, and is a bit suspicious of Szeth for quickly trusting Striker "who is usually suspected by everyone D1, so I'm less likely to vote for either of them." Interestingly, it was completely ignored by all mentioned parties

-Elandera provides some neutral analysis on hammering. I respond to said analysis saying I'll self hammer if given the chance. 

-Fifth agrees with El's Tani vote, but says they dislike their equivocatory stance on voting" re: El saying they don't trust anyone enough to vote for them to be elected. Encourages them to vote early and often. 

Looks pretty e/v to me. 

-El responds to my hammer comment and says we should keep an eye on the IC candidate's votes to prevent self hammers. Responds to Fifth and says they commonly vote late, don't trust Szeth, Striker, or me. And doesn't think we should trust Tani just for being experienced. Votes to elect TJ. 

-TJ village reads Elandera

-Striker trusts Elandera, TJ, myself and tentatively Tani. Nulls Szeth. 

Cycle Two: TJ is elected by Mat, Striker, Elandera and myself, and Tani becomes WL thanks to Mat, Striker, Elandera, myself, and Biplet

-Mat proposes we elect El and make Striker the WL, prioritizing El because of the difference of opinion Striker and they allegedly share

-El says they'd like Tani around longer, so WL votes them, then votes to elect Mat. Susses Szeth, says they want the vote off Striker. 

I'm reading the Tani vote as an implicit bribe, and the Mat vote as helping a teammate out, hoping one of them will make it through. When the two of them discuss Striker it reads like distancing. It's a tossup why they went out of their way to sus Szeth so much

-I sus Elandera, instead supporting Szeth

-Striker supports "either Tani or Elandera" for WL, but votes El. Votes Mat for election. Also susses Szeth. 

-Szeth points out Striker-Mat-El are voting for each other, says they don't see the reasoning behind the Elandera vote. 

This reads super villagery too

-Striker says they're voting El and Mat because he's village reading them and they're viable wagons as others have voted for them, both this cycle and last

-Szeth again asks why support Elandera? Just because they share your suspicions?

-Striker responds that "they're like my only other option... that isn't Fifth, who's giving me weird vibes"

-Szeth downgrades their village read of Mat and suggests a Striker/El/Mat/+2 team

-I second that, with Tani in the mix

-Szeth replies to Mat about the MaStEl buddying up

-Araris votes to elect El, WL Biplet. Says they trust people voting for her, like that she voted TJ

-Fifth says he dislikes my 'basically a flipped view of Elndera from me about the Szeth situation too, which ironically is making me more likely to vote on her despite my D1 misgivings". Mentions Striker and Mat and El seem connected, maybe Striker using v!El and v!Mat. Votes Elandera because he likes the people voting on her, WLs Mat

-El retracts their election vote for Mat for not doing enough to be village read that round, though she'd rather have him than Szeth, who she dislikes because they sus Striker, who they trust because TJ trusted them. Election votes Striker. Makes it El (3), Szeth (3*), Striker (2), Mat (1). 

-Striker says they'd be down to vote Elandera or Szeth 

Isn't that contradictory? 

-Steeldancer votes Elandera because they are sheeping active players. WLs Fifth. 

-Striker advocates for El for WL over Fifth, @s Steeldancer over it

Which makes me think Steeldancer really was just sheeping. 

-I sus Elandera, vote to elect Striker 

-Striker advocates against WL being an RNG between him and Fifth, so they remove their vote from El and instead support Mat.

At this point El was in the lead to be elected, so it would have been a waste to have her win both. 

-El uses pretty colours that are certainly just mind games, so I'll ignore them. 


So, what have we learned? Elandera is closely tied to Matrim and Striker, so both look suspicious. All three have a crusade against Szeth which they've really leaned into. Based on how on the nose their comment about the buddying up was, I suspect they're eee/v, but I'd like to hold of voting them until after I and Fifth get elected just in case it's distancing. Fifth and myself look good for challenging El at various points. And Araris looks scummy for using 'trust the people voting for her, so I do too' to vote Elandera. I'm not too worried about Steeldancer's vote, but just to be safe I'll avoid supporting them for now because they supported an elim's election. And Tani doesn't look like the elims tried to elect them as one of their own, rather, they used her election for village cred and to get the double voter on their side. I think I'd suspect Lotus over her. 


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Oh yeah, Elbereth is a person. Sorry, I thought Elandera was El. 

Also, Illwei has zero connection to Elandera, so might as well treat them as friend. How do you feel about voting Fifth today? Or me. I'm cool with either 

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1 hour ago, Archer said:

I'm reading the Tani vote as an implicit bribe, and the Mat vote as helping a teammate out, hoping one of them will make it through. When the two of them discuss Striker it reads like distancing. It's a tossup why they went out of their way to sus Szeth so much

Wait what? Bribe? Im so bad at this game I never saw any bribe anywhere.

How are you so good at this Archer? I feel clueless rn


Edit: Clarification of underlined part: I did see a bribe there, but not that bribe. The only bribe/statement I see in votes/proposals about positions is "do a good job" and "you did a good job and I think you'll do a good job again next round too." (also "here have some stress" but who cares about that?) Additionally, democracy is ultimately selfish. We vote for people we think will do things we like, and I see that as "because of what you're doing for me, I'll vote for you" and not as "if I vote for you, you'll repay the favor I did for you by voting for me."

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One last note in my defense. If I was evil, I probably wouldn't have put my campaign: the only thing I've been doing all game: at risk just to vote in one of my team mates. I tend to be selfish about my playstyles like that. 

(Although it does make for a good political scandal, and that's more fodder for my next speech hehehe)


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2 hours ago, Archer said:

All three have a crusade against Szeth

I don’t :P.

I would argue Striker looks good because Elan unvoted him right at the end. Though I guess I could also say they probably are e/e because I know Elan and I are e/v and that being e/v/v might now be likely lol

Probably at Szeth and Striker rn but I could switch those maybe or substitute Alv or Tani in idk how to play this game

Archers almost giving me off vibes but he always does, and I just sheeped his Szeth reasoning so yeah

Not sure how to take Illwei’s not doing anything. I think it’s NAI but I would lean that to be village if I had to lean. 

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