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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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I'm not sure if you are encouraging me or not.

But I have been eying the Nights Watch ASIoF expansion though, for completions sake. :ph34r:


You should see the shelf that holds my RPG books.  It is...rather full.

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Just watched My Neighbor Totoro for the first time. It was very weird.



I love that film! One of my favorite Ghibli's :D and yeah, very weird. But it's so darn cute, and it makes me feel so happy B) 

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I just spent two hours helping neighbors mow a lawn that had grass over a foot long. Only got half way.


Yikes. :wacko: When I was a kid, I lived across the street from a guy who'd let his lawn get that high; then, when neighbors complained, he'd go out with a machete and hack away until it was a more reasonable length. 

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I have owned a phone for three years now. My little brother got his less than 24 hours ago. He currently has three times more games than I do.

I thought it was going to say "He currently has three times more.... cracks in his screen."

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QF15 has introduced me to the Anime Death Note.

Light has a grand plan to change the world for the better. Unfortunately, it rivals the Diagram in ruthlessness.

Good intentions coupled with a willingness to use any method needed (and an ego the size of My. Everest) are always an interesting combination.

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Well, there's a number of us already here. Some of us in the same state even... What is you were planning  :ph34r:


The new house in much the same place, Voidus?


Moving out of the suburbs into the hills to be closer to family for baby!Voidus. :D



So, I'm running my first game of Sanderson Elimination here on the Shard. Setting is Cosmere-wide: Hoid trying to reform Adonalsium while the Shards are trying to stop him. Getting a little nervous about the player numbers...


So, if anyone has been thinking about starting SE, now would be a great time  :ph34r:

Maybe? Does it have a thread yet?

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