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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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On 1/1/2018 at 8:15 AM, AngelEy3 said:

It's gross subversion of what the law is...We accrue paid time off (pto) that is to be used for whatever days off we may want to take for whatever reason. The problem is that it's lumped together here in one "pool" and they (the company) mandate that it be paid out in cash every September, disallowing anyone the chance to save it up for when it might be needed. So if one was to miss a couple days of work and go to the Doctor, one would miss out on around $200 of pay plus have around another $100 in clinic bills. 

Wow, that is some shady crem right there. Also - how convenient for them that this is timed to make sure that nobody has any significant PTO saved up for the holidays. I'd be sorely tempted to read up on the actual legality of what they're doing, because that may be more than just subversion.

Edit: Okay, I'm on a roll now.

"HEY, you know what's a great idea? Let's force a payout of PTO right at the BEGINNING of cold and flu season! Yeah! That's fantastic! We should do that!"

Somebody at some point said that. There's a rusty spoon made for gouging somewhere that has their name on it.

Edit 2: Guys, I think I have a new calling. I should be an HR inspector. This needs to be a thing. I could go around to companies and check out their HR policies and cast stern glares at people. I'd be awesome.

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Well time to complain. my window sucks, and my room was freezing last night. So i was exhausted from not sleeping well, I had done the wrong math HW, I forgot to grab the book for English, (I hate using spark notes but now I'll have no choice until the book comes). My least favorite music teacher was complaining a lot today about how we're being to each other and how she doesn't pick favorites (which is a complete lie). My dad and I are still out of sorts after he freaked out on me the other day for no reason. I hate integral calculus already, and I left my lunch at home so now I'm starving. (I mean I've eaten some milk duds, but that's no lunch). Oh and I have to write an essay on my personality from the Briggs test or whatever (I'm a mediator apparently. Which is cool, besides needing to write an essay). I have lots of homework and I really want to just sit on the Shard, and eat cheezits. Oh, and I hate inline skating. Now I have bruises all over my butt from gym. Why don't they have butt pads? (The one cool time was when I fell but I landed in a superhero landing). And it is entirely too cold outside. 

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Whelp, some of you already know this from the Sanderson Elimination Discord server or through @BrightnessRadiant, but I've been grounded from the Shard indefinitely. I don't know if I'll ever get it back before I graduate high school (though I'd probably be able to sneak on like this every now and then, I won't because I need to get in the good graces of my parents again), but it's been a nice year with you guys. Worst case scenario, I'll be back in a year and a half, after I've graduated.

Thank you, @Calderis @Extesian @The One Who Connects, for being my mentors when it came to the Cosmere. Without you guys and your WoBfu, I wouldn't know half as much about the Cosmere as I do now.

And thanks to all of the many people who have made me feel like I was at home here, that this was a special community where people care about me. I'm just gonna tag everyone who's had an impact on my life through this website: BR (already tagged her) @Steeldancer @Ecthelion III @Amanuensis @Chaos @Arraenae @Droughtbringer 

Again, thank you guys so much for an amazing year, and I'll miss you all, even those I didn't mention. See ya later.

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5 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Whelp, some of you already know this from the Sanderson Elimination Discord server or through @BrightnessRadiant, but I've been grounded from the Shard indefinitely. I don't know if I'll ever get it back before I graduate high school (though I'd probably be able to sneak on like this every now and then, I won't because I need to get in the good graces of my parents again), but it's been a nice year with you guys. Worst case scenario, I'll be back in a year and a half, after I've graduated.

Thank you, @Calderis @Extesian @The One Who Connects, for being my mentors when it came to the Cosmere. Without you guys and your WoBfu, I wouldn't know half as much about the Cosmere as I do now.

And thanks to all of the many people who have made me feel like I was at home here, that this was a special community where people care about me. I'm just gonna tag everyone who's had an impact on my life through this website: BR (already tagged her) @Steeldancer @Ecthelion III @Amanuensis @Chaos @Arraenae @Droughtbringer 

Again, thank you guys so much for an amazing year, and I'll miss you all, even those I didn't mention. See ya later.

Well I'll stop complaining now. 

Stupid parents. 

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5 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Whelp, some of you already know this from the Sanderson Elimination Discord server or through @BrightnessRadiant, but I've been grounded from the Shard indefinitely. I don't know if I'll ever get it back before I graduate high school (though I'd probably be able to sneak on like this every now and then, I won't because I need to get in the good graces of my parents again), but it's been a nice year with you guys. Worst case scenario, I'll be back in a year and a half, after I've graduated.

Thank you, @Calderis @Extesian @The One Who Connects, for being my mentors when it came to the Cosmere. Without you guys and your WoBfu, I wouldn't know half as much about the Cosmere as I do now.

And thanks to all of the many people who have made me feel like I was at home here, that this was a special community where people care about me. I'm just gonna tag everyone who's had an impact on my life through this website: BR (already tagged her) @Steeldancer @Ecthelion III @Amanuensis @Chaos @Arraenae @Droughtbringer 

Again, thank you guys so much for an amazing year, and I'll miss you all, even those I didn't mention. See ya later.

 that's very disappointing striker, I've been very fond of you and always enjoyed your enthusiasm. I hope you can stay immersed in the cosmere, i hope we will see you again and I wish you the very best!

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@Calderis @Extesian @Steeldancer Thank you guys. (I mainly posted this because I thought it was funny you all posted at the same time)

I'll probably be on for about 10-15 more minutes before I'll really disappear. I just wanted to get that initial goodbye post in before I have to go.

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8 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

@Calderis @Extesian @Steeldancer Thank you guys. (I mainly posted this because I thought it was funny you all posted at the same time)

I'll probably be on for about 10-15 more minutes before I'll really disappear. I just wanted to get that initial goodbye post in before I have to go.

We'll send a strike team to rescue you. 

Gosh I would be so mad if my parents tried to pull that on me 

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2 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

Whelp, some of you already know this from the Sanderson Elimination Discord server or through @BrightnessRadiant, but I've been grounded from the Shard indefinitely. I don't know if I'll ever get it back before I graduate high school (though I'd probably be able to sneak on like this every now and then, I won't because I need to get in the good graces of my parents again), but it's been a nice year with you guys. Worst case scenario, I'll be back in a year and a half, after I've graduated.

Thank you, @Calderis @Extesian @The One Who Connects, for being my mentors when it came to the Cosmere. Without you guys and your WoBfu, I wouldn't know half as much about the Cosmere as I do now.

And thanks to all of the many people who have made me feel like I was at home here, that this was a special community where people care about me. I'm just gonna tag everyone who's had an impact on my life through this website: BR (already tagged her) @Steeldancer @Ecthelion III @Amanuensis @Chaos @Arraenae @Droughtbringer 

Again, thank you guys so much for an amazing year, and I'll miss you all, even those I didn't mention. See ya later.

What the. That's so stupid. Why!

You'll be missed and we WILL see you again, buddy.

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4 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Guys, president monson died last night. We've lost a great man. But he wouldn't want us to weep. So I pulled up one of his greatest moments on YouTube. 

Yeah I just heard Hours ago, I just think how happy he is to be with his wife again and what a great life he lived :')

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D: @StrikerEZ I know how you feel, my parents have done that to me multiple times and attempt every now and again.

Thankfully they're not the brightest and easy to circumvent :P 

Will you still be able to access the discord from your iPad? If not than yeah do what Silver suggested or be like me and hide the app on another device (Heh they went as far to hide my laptop for a few weeks :P If you can't hinder the software, hinder the hardwar amirite :P)

Regardless I'm sure we'll hear from you every now and again, halls will be quieter without you and your presence will be missed when you're not here :)

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5 hours ago, Darkness_ said:

I think his parents set up a blacklist.

Now, that depends whether they used software to do it, or just put a line in the C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts ; years ago my dad put the website of the browser game on it, however he did not know that the actual game used another address, so I wasn't able to see the website, not play.

Then I read up a bit and retaliated by putting sites he frequents there. He laughed when he realized what I've done :D

Anyway, if they did not use some software to do it, it's very easy to circumvent @StrikerEZ. Just open it in Notepad. It would look like this:


The line

Quote 17thshard.com

(take note that is equivalent to ::1 )

forcefully redirects to (localhost IP adress) when you request 17thshard.
Putting a # in front of it comments it out, like I did in the screenshot.

Edited by Oversleep
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14 hours ago, Oversleep said:

Now, that depends whether they used software to do it, or just put a line in the C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts ; years ago my dad put the website of the browser game on it, however he did not know that the actual game used another address, so I wasn't able to see the website, not play.

Then I read up a bit and retaliated by putting sites he frequents there. He laughed when he realized what I've done :D

Anyway, if they did not use some software to do it, it's very easy to circumvent @StrikerEZ. Just open it in Notepad. It would look like this:


The line

forcefully redirects to (localhost IP adress) when you request 17thshard.
Putting a # in front of it comments it out, like I did in the screenshot.

And if it's software.

Uninstall it :P Usually is able unless your parents set up an administrative account.

Mine "did" but didn't realise since I was the user of this laptop and had the original account, which by default already had administrative power, I used my power to take away their power.

Which somehow worked :P 

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Okay, so technically this was all yesterday, but due to the astounding number of things that went to Braize yesterday, I just did not have the mental energy to translate it into a Redacted, Inc* post.

So, here at Redacted, Inc, those of us in management have a weekly staff meeting. Not all of us follow the same command chain, though, because we do different things. We have a cryptid team, a magic team, a faerie team, etc. My team generally handles UFOs. None of this is at all real-life accurate (or is it?) but it amuses me to put it this way so there ya go.

Last week's meeting, my boss and I got shooed out near the end because they had some stuff coming down that "didn't affect us" so we allegedly didn't need to know about it. We all but got run out of the conference room and they had their discussion and that should have been the end of it.

It wasn't.

Yesterday, I come to work to find a piece of my team's daily schedule has been yanked. Supposedly this happened for everyone, and come on, Kaymyth, you knew about this. Everyone did. Why don't you get with the program, judgey judgey blah blah.

I got bounced around like a ping-pong ball between several people. No, that wasn't supposed to affect my team. Yeah, but Command got orders and we can't circumvent them on your word. Wait, no, the Big Boss said it's everyone, so it's everyone. And when I called out the same member of management who, as previously mentioned, ran me and my boss out of the gorram meeting, she got all fluttery and defensive and pulled a gaslight tactic accusing me of not being able to "go with the flow" to cover for the fact that it was her rusting fault I didn't know what was going on in the first place.

So I threw the entire incident into my weekly report as a problem, it went up the management flagpole, and now she's angry at me for "tattling" on her. Whatever. If your actions are deliberately holding back key information for me to be able to do my storming job, yeah, I'm going to complain. You don't get to put me in that kind of position without having to pay the piper in the end. Don't test me, slontzes. It won't go well.

That's not even the only problem I had yesterday.

UFOs call us when they get lost and need directions. I've been working here for over 7 years now. Never have I seen one of our phones break. Yesterday, TWO of my team had their phones break in completely different ways, throwing them out of our phone coverage. So that was fun. (One is now fixed today, the other not yet.)

Oh, and some unknown yahoo in a technical department in another office deleted a bunch of widgets we need for our system. See, these widgets are usually used for one particular thing, but my team uses them for a completely different thing that these tech guys can't see. They've done this before, and every time we kick up a fuss. I got them undeleted today, and I've been assured that ownership of the widgets is now "properly documented" but I have my doubts. Mostly because I wasn't allowed to actually speak to the widget deleter. I mean, it's probably for the best, as the mood I was in would have left the poor man quaking in his boots when the conversation ended, but without striking the Fear of Kaymyth into the Hearts of Mortal Men, I cannot be guaranteed that things are fixed entirely to my satisfaction.

Next time, I suppose.


*For those of you who don't know - I am cagey about where I work because sometimes I need a release valve and complain on this thread. I steep things in weird allegorical terms so that it's not obvious to anyone who I'm complaining about. This has led to certain Sharders randomly deciding that I work for a super-secret government agency that keeps us safe from supernatural threats. I go with it.

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2 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

*For those of you who don't know - I am cagey about where I work because sometimes I need a release valve and complain on this thread. I steep things in weird allegorical terms so that it's not obvious to anyone who I'm complaining about. This has led to certain Sharders randomly deciding that I work for a super-secret government agency that keeps us safe from supernatural threats. I go with it.

2 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

My team generally handles UFOs.

Do you work for the SCP Foundation?!

On a more serious note sorry to hear that! buerocracy and red tape is my least favorite part of all my jobs I have ever had, so I can definitely relate to most of what you are talking about.

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