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Random Stuff II

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Aaaannnnnd I just lied to my mom. She asked me if I'd applied to the Liberty Lake job, and I was sick of being asked about it, so I just said yes. 


I hope this doesn't come back to bite me. :mellow:


Just say it was a close call but you just lost out on it or something in the case of someone asking about it in the near future. No harm done..unless you're referring to another way but I don't see how it would

Edited by ParadoxSpren
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Just say you lost out on it or something in the case of someone asking about it in the near future. No harm done


That's what I plan on doing….but I still wonder if that was the ONLY job I had a chance with and I just screwed myself out of gainful employment for the next three years or something. I know that's ridiculous, but I still can't stop worrying about it. 

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So, I was reading some MLP stuff




...Anyway, I was reading some MLP stuff, specifically about how the society in their world would evolve. A lot of people depict it as turning into a Steampunk-like world... which is totally fair because seriously, Steampunk is so cool.


Anyway, someone made a suggestion that maybe they would end up becoming a "Solarpunk" society -you know, since their main ruler for a thousand years has been a sun god- and it kind of got me thinking.


What would a Solarpunk society be like? I'm not thinking of MLP here; just that it might be a cool idea for a science-fiction society. A little while ago, DC released a map of it's multiverse and one of it's worlds was presented as a universe where technology had been frozen at about the level it was at in the 1800's... but that the inhabitants of that world were creative, so they've basically constructed modern society using only that level of tech.


I'm thinking something like that could be really cool, aesthetically. Unfortunately, the only idea I have at the moment is flat-out stealing the "Solar Sails" idea from DS9.

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May I take a moment to appreciate the fact that some people still call Americans Yanks? I think it's kinda funny.

Yankees refers to either a baseball team or New England. Let the word be spread.

Edit: And now Wikipedia tells me Yankee Doodle is the state song of Connecticut and is often sung patriotically.


The man sticks a feather in his hat and calls it macaroni.

Edited by Mistrunner
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May I take a moment to appreciate the fact that some people still call Americans Yanks? I think it's kinda funny.

Yankees refers to either a baseball team or New England. Let the word be spread.

Edit: And now Wikipedia tells me Yankee Doodle is the state song of Connecticut and is often sung patriotically.


The man sticks a feather in his hat and calls it macaroni.

According to a source I will dig up and cite when I can properly link to things, "macaroni" was colonial slang for a style that was fashionable in England at the time. "Stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni" meant "He did something laughably non-fancy and called it couture." In other words, Yankee Doodle was a charming, sassy yokel who took every opportunity to mock England and the Crown.

That's how it's patriotic. :P

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According to a source I will dig up and cite when I can properly link to things, "macaroni" was colonial slang for a style that was fashionable in England at the time. "Stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni" meant "He did something laughably non-fancy and called it couture." In other words, Yankee Doodle was a charming, sassy yokel who took every opportunity to mock England and the Crown.

That's how it's patriotic. :P

...okay then.


Back to browsing NASA's webpage for new stuff on the ISS... :ph34r:

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(This is NOT a reflection of my mood or anything. It's just a strange thing I think about sometimes.)

Does anyone ever wonder what things would be like if they weren't born?


This is an easy question. None of you or history or the universe would exist for I would not be around to dream/observe it. In fact, you all should be grateful that I deigned to exist at all :P


And because I always like to have a nice paradox: what makes you think we exist NOW? :blink: Maybe there is only the ONE, formless, unchanging, and the fact that we change proves we are false and do not exist. I mean, motion is kinda silly when you think about it... unit of distance per unit of time? How is that possible when space and time are mere components of space-time, hmm? And how is it that matter is mostly empty space and yet I can knock on wood? Though I've never had to knock on wood... though I know someone who has, and it makes me wonder if I could... makes me wonder if I should...

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Reason #437 why Harry Potter is not a Ravenclaw:

In Sorcerer's Stone, when Malfoy challenged him to a wizard duel, Harry didn't have to accept. In fact, he could have simply pulled the same trick Malfoy pulled, tipping off Filch to a first year sneaking around and refusing to show up. Both boys could have gotten a good night's sleep; while Filch, having spent the entire previous night on a near-literal witch hunt, would have been cranky but too tired to do much harm the next day.

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Dear World Wildlife Fund, 


I don't know how you got my name, let alone my address, but I don't recall ever having anything to do with you before. How did you even hear about me? Was it because I liked all of those cute animal pictures on Facebook? Is there some sort of threshold, with a little digital thermometer that fills up past a certain mark when someone has liked a certain number of cute animal pictures? 


Whatever the case, I know why you sent me that calendar and bookmark. It's a ploy. A setup. I'm wise to you, WWF, and let me tell you that if you sent me a year of cute wild animal pictures to try and get me to donate….




….then it's working. :wub:

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Dear World Wildlife Fund, 


I don't know how you got my name, let alone my address, but I don't recall ever having anything to do with you before. How did you even hear about me? Was it because I liked all of those cute animal pictures on Facebook? Is there some sort of threshold, with a little digital thermometer that fills up past a certain mark when someone has liked a certain number of cute animal pictures? 


Whatever the case, I know why you sent me that calendar and bookmark. It's a ploy. A setup. I'm wise to you, WWF, and let me tell you that if you sent me a year of cute wild animal pictures to try and get me to donate….




….then it's working. :wub:

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