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Random Stuff II

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Moving halfway across the country the day after tomorrow, nothing else to sit on next to the computer, and I honestly don't know

That does explain the boxes. Boxes are useful for lots of things, sometimes I wonder why people spend so much money on stuff when boxes make perfectly good tables, cabinets, forts and wardrobes.

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A gamma ray burst could fry the entire earth, now. And there is nothing we can do about it, so read books and have fun, because any moment now you could be charcoal.


"Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die..." :P

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Random comment incoming!

I don't know if anyone's done this but the best cosplay ever would be a bunch of people dressed as the Avengers sitting in a shawarma place just eating

Did I mention that I'm sleep-deprived?

Edited by Mistrunner
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Ah, sleep, thats what I was about to do!

Good night Sharders.

Gengar used hypnosis, on itself, somehow. Gengar is fast asleep.

I hypnotize myself all the time. It usually happens when I say "I think I want chocolate" and my brain says "Of course you do, don't lie to yourself" and then I eat chocolate. :P

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I hypnotize myself all the time. It usually happens when I say "I think I want chocolate" and my brain says "Of course you do, don't lie to yourself" and then I eat chocolate. :P

Gasp! I just did that today!

Hypnosis is delicious sometimes.


I am now at a stage of sleep-deprivation I was not aware existed.


Hyperactivity. I'm hyperactive.

Edited by Mistrunner
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Weird, whenever I'm sleep deprived I usually skip straight to that state.

Some of my best writing sessions have been deep into the night.

Me too.

Mine too.


Edit: and ninja'd! Your username is quite appropriate in this instance.

Edited by Slowswift
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I write whenever I get a chance. I usually have word up in the background, so ill just pull it up when I'm bored or procrastinating.


I procrastinate a lot, so some of my best writing sessions have occurred then too.....

Procrastination. How well that word summarizes my life.


I'm suddenly depressed.

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