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Random Stuff II

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Oh, definitely. The soft magic system and underdeveloped politics work for that series, and I daresay the potholes and worldbuilding gaffes add to the charm. It's not a perfect series by any stretch, but that doesn't make it any less awesome. 


I just like pointing out Gryffindor hypocrisy. Ravenclaws unite! :ph34r:

Slytherclaws unite! We see the truth that Gryffindors miss, and act on it. We might also be a tiny bit manipulative...

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Sleep-deprivation, a distinct lack of non-leftover food, and no beds left in the house. My life is getting a lot more... Uh... Well, sleepless, I s'pose.

We move out tonight.

If you want a fun "yeah!" moving song, look up "Movin' Out" by Billy Joel. For a what-am-I-doing-with-my-life song, look up something like "You Don't Need Us" by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. For a song that describes what people will be acting like after we're gone, look up "No One Mourns the Wicked" from the musical Wicked.

And that, laydeees and gentlemen, is a certified and approved Moving Playlist.

I'm very tired. Give me a pillow and a carpeted floor and I'll be out. But there's still so much stuff to do...

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I was going through a job board that's organized by state, wondering which one I should check out first. 


"I know!" I thought. "I'll look at the states that sound the most like locations in the Cosmere!" 


It was a good idea….it just fell apart when I realized there's nothing that sounds like Roshar, Scadrial, or Nalthis, and the only planet that somewhat rhymes with a state name is Braize. Which kind of sounds like Maine. Still. Not a ringing endorsement. 

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 My family is painting downstairs. I do not like change. At the moment the stairs are in a mismatched transitional phase that annoys me to the degree that I can't go read on them. I love reading on the stairs, because no one can stay in the middle of the stairs and bother me while I try to read. This wasn't anywhere near serious enough for the bad day thread, and to be honest I'm laughing at myself for this because I have a nice comfortable bed, but there is a little voice in the back of my head that says the stairs are better. So... it goes on random stuff.

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Mom: "You need to call your grandma tomorrow. I'M the one who looks bad when you don't call. *chuckle* You like he way I made that about me?"

Dad: "More things should be about you."

Well, seeing as how you're perfectly fine with talking over people if you don't feel they're paying attention to you, only praising me when I make you look good, and getting upset when we make you looks bad, I think plenty of things are already about you, Mom.

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I cant think of an intelligent and witty response so I'll just say "damnation your parents are annoying I hope you'll find a way to get away from them as soon as possible."

Thanks. It's just like...I'm more aware of it than I used to be, and the more aware I become, the more annoying it is. I used to repeat myself when she and my dad talked over me, but now I just stop talking. They don't notice the difference. At any rate , they never ask "What were you saying?" <_<

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Thanks. It's just like...I'm more aware of it than I used to be, and the more aware I become, the more annoying it is. I used to repeat myself when she and my dad talked over me, but now I just stop talking. They don't notice the difference. At any rate , they never ask "What were you saying?" <_<

Incredibly self-centered, both of them, then.

I think it is better not to bother if they dont even want to listen. I really dont know how to handle people like that, well, usually I throw a flurry of insults or ignore them, but you cant do that to your parents. Well, ignoring could work, I guess...

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Incredibly self-centered, both of them, then.

I think it is better not to bother if they dont even want to listen. I really dont know how to handle people like that, well, usually I throw a flurry of insults or ignore them, but you cant do that to your parents. Well, ignoring could work, I guess...

I've just been going along with whatever she wants, and not applying to anywhere near where she's going to live. If she feels like she's important, she's just annoying--not awful. My goal is to keep Awful Mom at bay until I'm living at least one state away. :ph34r:

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I've just been going along with whatever she wants, and not applying to anywhere near where she's going to live. If she feels like she's important, she's just annoying--not awful. My goal is to keep Awful Mom at bay until I'm living at least one state away. :ph34r:

Then maybe she will be tolerable once you dont have to see her every day XD Good plan.

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Oh, definitely. The soft magic system and underdeveloped politics work for that series, and I daresay the potholes and worldbuilding gaffes add to the charm. It's not a perfect series by any stretch, but that doesn't make it any less awesome.

I just like pointing out Gryffindor hypocrisy. Ravenclaws unite! :ph34r:

I always wanted to be a Ravenclaw, but I took an online test that told me I was Gryffindor. :(
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Trying to find some furniture for when I move out. Long story short, two years ago my parents got new Ikea furniture for everyone…except me. I still have the stuff from when I was 14 and most of it is broken. :/ I don't get all of these people who find used dressers and coffee tables. I mean, like, where are they getting them? I've gone through Craigslist and I haven't found squat. 

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Ponies are snakes? I imagine them more as lions.


I, too, am a Slytherclaw.  This is part of what led to Twi and I deciding that we were personality-sisters. :D


Trying to find some furniture for when I move out. Long story short, two years ago my parents got new Ikea furniture for everyone…except me. I still have the stuff from when I was 14 and most of it is broken. :/ I don't get all of these people who find used dressers and coffee tables. I mean, like, where are they getting them? I've gone through Craigslist and I haven't found squat. 


Garage sales.  But you've got to get to them early, because the good furniture pieces always go quickly.

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