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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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4 hours ago, Tesh said:

At least you are by the bookstore at all. I'm in California, and have an 11 hour drive to get to Provo. And my Thanksgiving break is the week after the release. But then at least I'll have maximum time to read Oathbringer...

Hey at least you live within driving distance. And a Thanksgiving break :D

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When your friend reads WOK and loves it, and you practically scream with joy because now, you can talk about the Cosmere in real life!(I love you all, but face-to-face contact is better.)

When you have dreams about the books. Last night, I had a dream where Hoid was trying to find all of the Heralds and was emailing Nazh.

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2 hours ago, Sami said:

Hey at least you live within driving distance. And a Thanksgiving break :D

Well, that's one way to look at it. ;)

2 hours ago, Kalinovsky said:

When your friend reads WOK and loves it, and you practically scream with joy because now, you can talk about the Cosmere in real life!(I love you all, but face-to-face contact is better.)

When you have dreams about the books. Last night, I had a dream where Hoid was trying to find all of the Heralds and was emailing Nazh.

I agree.

I've also had a total of 4 Sanderson related dreams in the past six months.

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38 minutes ago, LewsTherinTalamon said:

When youŕe constantly making references on every website with a comment section, and nobody has recognized one yet in two years....

Also, I finally get to use this name on a website where people will know who it is! Hoorah.

Been ta thee introduction thread yet fella?

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12 hours ago, Roadwalker said:

I had a weird one where there was this llama that was actually mistborn, but then a catquisitor and a spiked beaver started fighting, and it flew away, but I had to give something to it, and then...

Hahahahaha! That sounds like a dream I would have...

I have some really weird dreams.

Once I dreamed I could fly, and I saved my elementary school from a dragon that had made it's home on a mountain in the soccer field.

It was weird.

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1 hour ago, Ammanas said:

You go up to people on their birthday and tell them, "To age truly is to suffer the ultimate treason, that of one's body against oneself."

I-14 WoR

You quote Sanderson a lot, from what I have gathered.

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2 minutes ago, Tesh said:

You quote Sanderson a lot, from what I have gathered.

For a few days after I read a particularly good line and then I forget, because I don't have the best memory. I really need to carry around flashcards or a cheat sheet with Sanderson quotes to bust them out on the right occasion :P

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38 minutes ago, Ammanas said:

For a few days after I read a particularly good line and then I forget, because I don't have the best memory. I really need to carry around flashcards or a cheat sheet with Sanderson quotes to bust them out on the right occasion :P

That sounds like something I'd do...



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When there are some posters advertising a "cashmere" shop, and you misread it as cosmere.

Every. Single. Time. You see one of those.


When you play dungeons & dragons and you throw at the party a bunch of infernal zucchini that can take control of people (it makes sense in our group; don't ask), and you put among them a few people with zucchini stuck where their eyes should be and call them zuccchinifolk inquisitors. I also considered giving them inquisitor-related  powers, like pushing and pulling on vegetables and use it to throw bundles of carrots against the party, but I ultimately decided there's a limit to how much I want to get surreal.




6 minutes ago, pezcadito said:

When you get elated when someone says that you're like a potato. 

but did he specify whether in a minefield or in another context?

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13 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

When there are some posters advertising a "cashmere" shop, and you misread it as cosmere.

Every. Single. Time. You see one of those.


When you play dungeons & dragons and you throw at the party a bunch of infernal zucchini that can take control of people (it makes sense in our group; don't ask), and you put among them a few people with zucchini stuck where their eyes should be and call them zuccchinifolk inquisitors. I also considered giving them inquisitor-related  powers, like pushing and pulling on vegetables and use it to throw bundles of carrots against the party, but I ultimately decided there's a limit to how much I want to get surreal.




but did he specify whether in a minefield or in another context?

He said "under the mattress", but I understood "in a minefield" ;)

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You know you are a Sanderfan when this happens:

A while ago, when I was reading tEotW, I was waiting for my Tae-Kwon-Do class to start, and one of my instructors came up to me and asked what I was reading. I said, "The Eye of the World, by Robert Jordan." He said that he had read some books by him, not the Wheel of Time, though, and really liked them. I asked if he had read any of Sanderson's books. Apparently he has read the first Mistborn trilogy and is working on the Stormlight Archive!

I was extremely happy for the rest of the day.

And then I found out the prologue of Oathbringer was free on Tor.com, so I was even happier.

Edited by Tesh
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You promised yourself that you were not going to torture yourself by reading the sample chapters and just wait until November 14. But you are so weak that your resolve lasted just short of two weeks. I blame seeing Oathbringer ch 1-3 in my recent post feed. It just kept calling to me...

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