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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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You know you are a sander fan when you make ruin puns with your friend and of course no one gets them (because they haven't been blessed with the gift of the Cosmere ) but you still just sit there with a grin on your face


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Well, today I was doing a Bronze Medallion course for swimming...and we were doing spinal rolls and tows then told 'and then this is the part when you do the two breaths...' (please note we don't actually breathe or anything on an actual person, we just pretend to)
I wanted to tell my 'unconcious' person 'my life to yours, my Breath become yours,' except of course they wouldn't get it.

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You're a Sanderfan when you read

2 hours ago, A Budgie said:

Well, today I was doing a Bronze Medallion course for swimming

And start wondering what is going on with that swimming course? I mean, if it's training to swim in ice cold water it should be Brass Medallion. What does have wakefulness have to do with swim...

*realizes it's probably just a name*

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21 hours ago, Slowswift said:

When you hear the quote from a Doctor Who episode, "Never cruel or cowardly. Never give up, never give in." and you immediately think it sounds like a Radiant Oath. 

...but it totally is!

New theory: the Doctor is a sliver of the Shard of Time, the infamous "survival shard"--all Time wants to do is keep going. That's what gives the Doctor his regeneration powers.

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13 hours ago, DarkJester said:

You know your a Sanderson fan when you start noticing Hoid world hopping in non Sanderson books.

When last year we had to read 12th Night (the Shakespeare play) one of my friends and I kept on joking that 'Feste,' or the Fool, was actually Hoid.

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when you are in a philosophical discussion and the other guy says that men cannot be separated from his senses and reduced to pure intellectuality and you tell them of the worldbuilding of perfect state. And shortly later you recount some pieces of fifth (EDIT: i was in a hurry to write when i did that) sixth of the dusk to argue that a primitive man is not in harmony with nature.

When your 5-yo cousin tells you that she doesn't want to grow up, and you sum up Lift's story to persuade her that she has to.

When you quote Lirin during a discussion about morality to say that you can't do something wrong just because most people go along with it.

When you do all three in two weeks

Edited by king of nowhere
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2 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

And shortly later you recount some pieces of fifth of the dusk to argue that a primitive man is not in harmony with nature.


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When you're speed-scrolling through a random article online and suddenly do a double take because you thought you saw the word Hallandren. (I scrolled back and tried to figure out what word I'd misread, but I couldn't find anything that remotely resembled it. o_0 )

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