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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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Is he tall with black hair and blue eyes?


And does he periodically disappear for a few days, only to re-appear mysteriously and give cryptic hints about where he's been?


Well, he is rather tall and extremely fond of cryptic answers. If I ask him how he did something, the standard response is "sorcery" or "magic". His mannerisms are very Hoid-ish, which is what made it so perfectly hilarious.

Edited by bookspren
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When you order personalized books from Brandon for no other reason than to ask a question in the "Personalization" field because you've never been able to ask your question at a real signing or Con of some type. (And I must say, I hope that all of these personalized books are money well spent and not just "RAFOs"...then again it's still money well spent because Brandon deserves every cent he makes from his amazing books!)

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You know your a sanderfan when you lie to your friend (who you're making read Mistborn) saying that TLR=Alendi to make the plot twist of TLR=Rashek more intense.
By "you" I mean "me" (or "I" depending on context) because I seriously just did this.


When you want to try on a ballgown to be like Vin.


When you feel a bit exposed when your safehand is uncovered.


When everything on your Christmas list is from Brandon's website, or one of his books.


When you spend 30 minutes looking for a WoB to prove something.


When you see this on your profile:

Most Active InMistborn (16 posts )

and think that it is the most amazing thing that will ever happen in your life.

Edited by gjustice99
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When a friend asks a question about mistborn half way through and you respond with RAFO.


I have done that so many times and it's the greatest thing. 


When you get so much joy from convincing your friends that Sazed will die at the end of [iNSERT CURRENT MISTBORN BOOK THEY'RE READING HERE]

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You know your a sanderfan when you lie to your friend (who you're making read Mistborn) saying that TLR=Alendi to make the plot twist of TLR=Rashek more intense.

By "you" I mean "me" (or "I" depending on context) because I seriously just did this.

I once gave Mistborn to someone who usually works out plot twists early on. He was SO disappointed that he was barely halfway through and had already worked out that TLR must be Alendi. Like legit actually disappointed that this amazing book wasn't going to surprise him. I laughed so hard at that. :D

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I'm going to hope you didn't actually do that and you're just saying it for kicks.


When you forget to codeswitch when talking to a friend who hasn't (yet) read the Stormlight Archive and you describe your lecturer as having "flipped his chull" over something.

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When you dream about having a higher reputation than Kobold King.


EDIT: When you make a post in YOU KNOW YOU'RE A SANDERSON FAN WHEN... and see that you're an Obligator, and scream with joy.

Edited by Steel
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You know your a sanderfan when you lie to your friend (who you're making read Mistborn) saying that TLR=Alendi to make the plot twist of TLR=Rashek more intense.

By "you" I mean "me" (or "I" depending on context) because I seriously just did this.


When you giggle that your friend who's reading Mistborn hasn't figured out that there's 16 metals, and you act all confused with him about aluminum and duralumin and how they don't have external counterparts...

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Yeah... I don't see how adding "cancer," "in front of parents," or even making it a child to begin with, added to the "humor" without being purposefully mean. I'm not sure how you can make those decisions without knowing that you're just trying to say the most shocking, borderline offensive thing you can think of in the belief that this will make the joke funnier.

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