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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted. But lionturtle doesn't ever come out of it's shell.

I wish for a future copy of Stones Unhallowed.

Granted, but it's burnt beyond legibility because it's from a Post-Apocalyptic nightmare future.


I wish for the motivation to stop procrastinating.

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(Are you procrastinating by being on this site? "Cause I am.)


I wish for somebody to go through the threads and find my Old profile Picture with the two Loaded Dice.

Yes I am. Also, I tried to find your old pic, and managed to get to a version of your profile in which you had only 54 Rep points using the awesome powers I accidentally discovered in the Aetae mystery thread: http://www.shardlabs.net/forum/user/9328-the-only-joe/


Unfortunately it still had your current profile pic. When did you change it? Without that knowledge, I'm not sure I can grant your wish. As such I will not ask a boon, and consider your wish still open.


EDIT: Looks like the Time Rift I discovered takes one back to March this year, so I can only assume you changed it before then.

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Interesting. I've had this Pic since August. Let me see If I can find it,

Then I can only assume that my Time Rift still preserves some elements of the present. Sorry. I tried.


EDIT: Wait. I have an idea. Have you always had the screen name "The Only Joe" or have you changed it at any point (even briefly)?

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Granted: I changed my name to that in Sanderson Elimination Long Game, 5? Xanas had changed his name to reveal his Role, than changed it back. I changed my name to Troll Xanas. You Curse is being unable to use any Vowel except for U in your next Post.


I wish for a Clever Curse that Limits what I can Type.

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Granted. You become a full Shardbearer... But every time you summon your blade, you hear its screams of pain while simultaneously hearing another voice in your head that tells you you should kill every person you see.

I wish I were a worldhopping Oculator with a pair of translator's lenses.

Granted. Every time you worldhop, somebody dies.

I wish I was a Mistborn. 

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Granted. You become a full Shardbearer... But every time you summon your blade, you hear its screams of pain while simultaneously hearing another voice in your head that tells you you should kill every person you see.

Well I can still use the shardplate  :D



Granted. Every time you worldhop, somebody dies.

I wish I was a Mistborn. 

Your become a half skaa Mistborn in the time of the final empire. The inquistors hunt you down and use you for spikes.

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