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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted. (I also think that sounds amazing, but I still have to give you a boon...) The macadamia nuts become agry and return to attack you.

I wish for the absurd. 

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Granted? I don't know why you would want that, but granted? Your bane is that you become bitter and withdrawn, so that in addition to being physically cold you are now a cold person. Metaphorically.

I wish to be able to articulate my ideas more clearly and eloquently.

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On 3/15/2024 at 12:35 PM, Through The Living Glass said:

Granted. You now use too many inappropriately placed commas.

I wish for people to stop using too many commas.

Funny I actually use to much commas. Still working on it. 


1 hour ago, Soulbinder said:

Granted? I don't know why you would want that, but granted? Your bane is that you become bitter and withdrawn, so that in addition to being physically cold you are now a cold person. Metaphorically.

I wish to be able to articulate my ideas more clearly and eloquently.

Granted, but you can only write them in a language no one knows

I wish to  be able to write glowing script in the air

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Granted. You forget about everything you remembered prior to this. You now know you have a math homework to do for tonight, but you don't remember to who give it back. Or what name you should put on it, for that matter.

I wish for a rational school administration.

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Granted. It's extremely good quality, and would be the best sketchbook in the world, except that every time you try to draw in it you burn a hole through the page.

I wish for chocolate. 

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4 hours ago, Ookla said:

Granted. It's extremely good quality, and would be the best sketchbook in the world, except that every time you try to draw in it you burn a hole through the page.

Wow, I didn't realize my drawings were THAT bad 😆

4 hours ago, Ookla said:

I wish for chocolate. 

Granted. You get two chocolate bars. One is poisoned, one is not. The poison is undetectable by any means. Decisions, decisions.

I wish for motivation to actually write the story I've been thinking about for weeks.

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51 minutes ago, Soulbinder said:

Granted. You get two chocolate bars. One is poisoned, one is not. The poison is undetectable by any means. Decisions, decisions.

*scrutinizes in Iroh*

52 minutes ago, Soulbinder said:

I wish for motivation to actually write the story I've been thinking about for weeks.

Granted. Somehow you always manage to attract piranhas whenever you enter a body of water.

I wish to have a good singing voice.

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