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Twinborn Combos

Deus Ex Biotica

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I'm not sure that storing that much heat is even possible, it'd be like tapping enough speed to travel at light speed, you might get close to absolute zero but stopping all movement might take more bronze than the planet could even hold.

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Wouldn't being that cold freeze the air itself? Would you pass out from lack of gaseous oxygen in seconds?

That's another reason you'd need to compound Feruchemical gold for this to work, since according to Miles, Feruchemical gold Compounders don't have to breathe, right? Or you could compound Feruchemical cadmium, though I think Feruchemical gold compounding should basically invalidate the need for Feruchemical cadmium, Feruchemical bronze, or Feruchemical bendalloy.

And now you have created the idea foor Brassjagernauts. Give someone somekind of mobile Brass tank that is constructed so the ferring can touch stuff and close those openings when not needed and you have a walking cryokit.


Also does the temperature of the brassmind change as well? If so the ferring dosen´t even have to touch someone.

I was just thinking along the same lines. And, to make this even better, you could add steelpush powered guns, some big reserves of nicrosil to compound with as well (to power up your steelpushes), some reserves of Feruchemical zinc so you could become the world's best commander, and an outer coating of aluminum to be immune to steelpushes or ironpulls. Though actually, that kind of weaponry would probably be way more effective than the brass cryo component, so I guess you would just get rid of that original component entirely lol. And now the freezing power is again useless.
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I was just thinking along the same lines. And, to make this even better, you could add steelpush powered guns, some big reserves of nicrosil to compound with as well (to power up your steelpushes), some reserves of Feruchemical zinc so you could become the world's best commander, and an outer coating of aluminum to be immune to steelpushes or ironpulls. Though actually, that kind of weaponry would probably be way more effective than the brass cryo component, so I guess you would just get rid of that original component entirely lol. And now the freezing power is again useless.

Hell yeah for allomantic tanks. Thinking about it the Brass woud most likely endanger everyone else in the tank if the metall also cools, so there is another potential problem. All in all they do sadly seem a bit combersome for live combat, maybe a nifty trick for Fullborn but they are already OP enough.


Damm it, now I almost want some kind of war on Scadrial just to see all the awesome machinery.

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Actually, Feruchemical gold doesn't replace Feruchemical bronze. Miles needs to sleep, so it seems that sleep is a psychological requirement and/or Feruchemical gold treats it like aging. It appears that Returned need to sleep for similar reasons.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Actually, Feruchemical gold doesn't replace Feruchemical bronze. Miles needs to sleep, so it seems that sleep is a psychological requirement and/or Feruchemical gold treats it like aging. It appears that Returned need to sleep for similar reasons.

Weird. It would seem to me to be just as psychological as needing to breathe would be, but apparently not. I guess the super awesome mega Fullborn guntank/mecha (copyright PorridgeBrick and Edgedancer Incorporated) would have a store of Bronze for compounding too.
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  • 1 month later...

You know what's REALLY scary?


Every single nifty combo that people come up with in this thread ... the Lord Ruler should have been able to do.


Thank Harmony he wasn't as much of a nerd as we are, amiright?

Yes and in all honesty, if the Lord Ruler ever fought serious nothing on Scardrial short of the Shards themselfs could have stopped him.

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Can I just say that these are all EPIC? I've been dreaming about being a steel-compounding twinborn in an RPG for ages for all of the reasons described here, and am now almost on the fence simply because of the potential for chromiumminds!


Chromiumind hemalurgical spike with a pure-steel twinborn? Or, just a chromium compounder!

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  • 2 years later...

Speaking of storing Speed, am I the only one who thinks that a Steel Compounder would be even scarier than Miles? They would be really, absurdly fast, probably to the point of near-invisibility, and they'd have all the tricks a normal Coinshot does. Brrr.

-- Deus Ex Biotica

...I think a Steel Compounder would...well, have you seen X-Men, Days of Future Past? Quicksilver runs fast enough so that, to his perception, time is stopped, and he's running normally (Except for the running on walls.)...Imagine a Steel Compounder who could do THAT. Also, any object that moves faster than the human eye can see is essentially invisible. Combine that with Steelpushing, and...HARMONY'S COPPERMINDS, that would be AWESOME. Edited by Shadeshadow227
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Well, you can't go too fast or you burn up from air resistance. But it can get pretty fast.

SoS/BoM minor spoilers (first is a vague feat, the second is ridiculously major if you haven't read BoM)

Just a normal steelrunner while having to conserve speed manages to fire four bullets in four different locations in quick enough succession that only one gunshot is heard.

Marasi, with the absurd stores of the Bands, manages to leave pockets of vacuum while waving her hand around. That would be closer to the amount of stores a compounder may conceivably produce, but the other powers probably helped prevent her from being torn apart.

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Oh yah, steel compounders for the win. But going off a message from Brandon that was in the Mistborn adventure game rulebook(or the alloy supplement, can't remember which) there's a limit to how fast they can go and still interact with the world because the speed doesn't make you any tougher, just cause you can go 200 mph doesn't mean you can hit a guy at that speed and not break your own bones. A kandra could do it because they don't suffer from damage the same way a human does.

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  • 2 weeks later...

An Iron Compounder would be great, because they could fly like Coinshots. 

After some careful consideration on this topic, it would be very useful to be an Iron Compounder (or Stomper, as I have named them) since, even though Lurchers Pull things lighter than them, a Compounding-enhanced Lurcher could make himself lighter than the target, and "slingshot" himself into the air. 

Also, an Iron Compounder could theoretically never have to replenish his supply of iron, since iron is in almost all foods.

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That's something I hadn't considered before, although keep in mind, they couldn't pull on anything lighter than their clothing and whatever their carrying. Another name for them by the way, is Deader, because they have a habit of smashing themselves flat.

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An Iron Compounder would be great, because they could fly like Coinshots.

After some careful consideration on this topic, it would be very useful to be an Iron Compounder (or Stomper, as I have named them) since, even though Lurchers Pull things lighter than them, a Compounding-enhanced Lurcher could make himself lighter than the target, and "slingshot" himself into the air.

Also, an Iron Compounder could theoretically never have to replenish his supply of iron, since iron is in almost all foods.

Wow, the way I imagine flying with double iron is crazy... You'd need some serious practice :P

But the amount of iron people need is very, very little compared to what you probably burn using Allomancy. And if you DID use all the iron from your food, you'd likely get anemia...

Actually, that would be a pretty cool detail to know about. Do many Lurchers tend to get anemia, if they burn too much of their iron before going to bed at night?

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Something scary: nicrosil Compounder. Get strong enough and you can strip the iron from Lurchers and maybe Coinshots (it might make them sick) and perhaps other metals that are found in the body.

Who knows? It might be strong enough to wipe the contents of metalminds or Hemalurgic spikes. Which would be awesome and terrifying, like a kandra without the restriction of killing people. (Imagine it: A kandra just steamrolling through enemy ranks. Get in their way and you get eaten. )

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Is iron in food even pure enough to burn without side effects?

Yes, if you remember, Vin at the start of the first book was burning metal's she got from food and water in the area without realizing it. She called it her "Luck" and used it to calm the gang boss.

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Yes, if you remember, Vin at the start of the first book was burning metal's she got from food and water in the area without realizing it. She called it her "Luck" and used it to calm the gang boss.


To be fair, this was probably trace metallic forms of the metals---the human body can't really metabolize metallic iron.  The iron we do use has already been tied up in organic compounds from critters who do know how to get at it.  These are probably not easily burned by Allomancers, given that just alloying makes them unavailable.


From the McKinley Health Center website,


If your blood iron level is low, your health care provider may refer you to a dietitian to discuss dietary increase of iron-rich foods as well as a multivitamin pill or an iron supplement. Although iron is found in a variety of different foods and supplements, its availability to the body varies significantly. In general, iron is not readily absorbed by the body. Availability is partially determined by whether the iron is found in the form of HEME or NON-HEME iron.

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I got thinking what Twinborn I would want to be, and I realized the two most OP abilities ever.

1. Brass compounder. Sorry, right now I can't recall the correct terminology, but this would be amazing. Think about it. Any Firesoul (I think that's it), even if they had another allomantic metal, could reduce their body temperature to absolute zero. And, following one of the laws of thermodynamics, convert a very large area into solid crystal. (The fifth state of matter) And that isn't the scariest application of this power. Any Firesoul with enough stored heat (a compounder could store more faster) could turn into Oblivion (read The Reckoners trilogy). Somebody mentioned that they wouldn't be impervious to heat, but they would. Since I'm assuming brass stores body heat, if one doubled their body heat, then stored up all the heat around them and repeated this, they would create an aura of plasma while staying at 97F-98F. This is even scarier, because if you froze yourself you would die, but you could still walk away from doing this. Any bullets would vaporize before touching them. AND, since I'm also assuming where they channel their body heat, they could channel heat away from their feet so as not to worry about melting the ground underneath them. This power would be INSANE. They could walk through walls by melting them. They could vaporize people by touching them. They could empty oceans of water. And this isn't even the most OP power. The most OP power is:

2. Compounded Chromium. I can't believe it's potential wasn't mentioned earlier. Just think. It is mentioned several times that by compounding metals, you get 1000% of the Feruchemical power. Chromium's Feruchemical power is luck. If you still don't see the implications, I'm astounded. This isn't just about winning the lottery. This is better than the first one. If you get 1000% of your luck by burning stored luck, and you store 100% at the same time, then you can go around 900% luckier all the time. You can do this with any compounder. Miles healed 900% faster than a normal man. With 900% luck, you could leap into crossfire without getting shot. Forget about instant healing. What about not being shot at all? Someone shoots you at point blank, and you're so lucky that it hits the other guy instead. Heck, if you were lucky enough, it would kill every criminal in town. As amazing as this is, it gets better. Imagine you are 900% luckier. You shoot a bystander. The chances of him NOT being a criminal would be microscopic. Are you seeing this now? With enough luck, you could literately shoot at the ground and it hits your arch-nemesis. You would be invulnerable. All of your guesses would be facts. You would always be at the right place at the right time. This is easily be the best power ever. Easily. Not only that, burning it allomantically would give you a serious advantage over mistings as you could drain their metals. Now, someone mentioned the Bendalloy-Chromium Combo. This would be DEVASTATING. Yes, all that luck would protect you, but eventually battles boil down into skill, which would be the downfall of Chromium Compounders. Not with Bendalloy though. Instead of a Bendalloy-Chromium combo though, what about Chromium-Chromium and Bendalloy-Gold? Full luck capability, and the gold part would allow the companion to not get mowed down easily. I would DEFINITELY want to be a Chromium Compounder.

Other Compounders worth mentioning would be steel, with 900% SPEED. I mean seriously. That's around 90mph at least. Another good compounder would be Iron, Zinc(900% brainpower, finds the answer to any question ever), and Gold. An INSANE Twinborn in my opinion would be Atium-Zinc. Stores up Zinc, then in a fight only needs to use a few seconds of Atium to analyze EVERYTHING. Atium also increases brainpower, so the effects would be dramatically increased. Reduced Atium burning with even better effect. Nice.

This is my first post, and I hope it helped. Bye!

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As to your Brass compounder, their protected from their own body heat only, not the surrounding heat, so yes, you could get hot enough to melt bullets, but once everything around you catches, your done. Assuming you don't burn all the oxygen out of the air and suffocate first. But yes, you could be a grounded human torch. 


Chromium compounding, well yes. This is pretty much a win everything set up. But, keep in mind, you still need a crap ton of chromium for that to work out over any lengthy period of time,  you'd be burning through it at a ridiculous rate for the kind of effects your talking about. Can you imagine the amount of Chromium piercings you'd need if you didn't want to be shoveling it in your mouth as you go? Also, as you stated, luck can provide all the help in the world, but if you don't have something concrete to back it up with, it will eventually fail you.


As for speed, keep in mind, Feurchemy allows you to use as much at once as you want. That means a steel compounder could move 200, 500, however many mph they want. But with steel, keep in mind that the human body has limits, yes you can hit a guy moving at 200mph, say goodbye to your finger bones though.


Now, on to Atium-zinc. This is redundant unless your being assaulted by a freaking army. Atium increases mental speed as it applies to accounting for the future sight, this lets you react accordingly, in order to overwhelm this, you'd need A LOT of stuff going on, like Kelsier's metal storm for instance. The extra mental speed would be useful than, or in the middle of a large scale firefight. Potentially it could also be useful against another Atium or electrum burner. But I wouldn't count on it.

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Chromium compounding, well yes. This is pretty much a win everything set up. But, keep in mind, you still need a crap ton of chromium for that to work out over any lengthy period of time,  you'd be burning through it at a ridiculous rate for the kind of effects your talking about. Can you imagine the amount of Chromium piercings you'd need if you didn't want to be shoveling it in your mouth as you go? Also, as you stated, luck can provide all the help in the world, but if you don't have something concrete to back it up with, it will eventually fail you.

Yes, but keep in mind that gambling IS a thing, as mentioned first in AofL. You could have the money to buy that much chromium. And as I mentioned, Miles healed 9x faster, and you didn't see him constantly eating gold. However, it would probably be insanely hard to be shot like the same. Even if you weren't THAT lucky, I would still want to be a chromium compounder.

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Once you have started the compounding process, you could store so much luck that you'd pretty much never have to eat Chromium, just need a big enough Metalmind


And, with the brass, even if you didn't have flaming armor, you could still light your hands on fire, which would be AWESOME in a fist-fight.

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