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Hello everyone! The aftermath is currently planned to go up at the usual rollover time tomorrow (30ish hours from now). You have until then to make more memes (which, btw, are all amazing), vote for non-Sanderson pass recipients, and complete the "guestbook" for your anonymous account.

And thank you, everyone, for being silly and amazing and not delving into the Discussion(tm) stuff. :P It's very appreciated.



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I, too, know what AG2 is.




2 hours ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

More memes because why not.

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Edited by Melon Dingo
Okay maybe only 4 Village Tineyes but you also had a second Mistborn smh... or maybe it's THREE
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39 minutes ago, Melon Dingo said:

I, too, know what AG2 is.

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Points of order :P

1. We were supposed to protect them from the Evil Soothers but were ruthlessly exterminated >> [Note to self make the meme, someone post after this so I can share when I'm back on PC please thanks] 

2. AG1 wasn't especially trolly apart from offensive Smoking and Wilson and Claincy and Araris being cute :|

2a. Current kel approves of then Araris's decision but I can also see why it was something that he got side-eyed for back then. 

3. I believe there are just three Village Tineyes this game. Five D2 messages were because Swan and Ellie both randed Tin N1. 

Edited by Salmon Meerkat
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2 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

Points of order :P

1. We were supposed to protect them from the Evil Soothers but were ruthlessly exterminated >> [Note to self make the meme, someone post after this so I can share when I'm back on PC please thanks] 

2. AG1 wasn't especially trolly apart from offensive Smoking and Wilson and Claincy and Araris being cute :|

2a. Current kel approves of then Araris's decision but I can also see why it was something that he got side-eyed for back then. 

3. I believe there are just three Village Tineyes this game. Five D2 messages were because Swan and Ellie both randed Tin N1. 

1. So I've heard :P

2. Yeah... don't know if I've read it fully but it's been a while.

3. checks really? Then... what's with the Tineye Army all the time and still that's a lot

3 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

how could you miss AG6 :P

Ah yes, Horneater Falls... oh my, that's a distro and a half.

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18 minutes ago, Melon Dingo said:

1. So I've heard :P

2. Yeah... don't know if I've read it fully but it's been a while.

3. checks really? Then... what's with the Tineye Army all the time and still that's a lot

Ah yes, Horneater Falls... oh my, that's a distro and a half.

I think a better summation of the trolliness (I love your meme so much I wish I could upvote that set more than once, but :P ) -


AG1 - Not especially spicy apart from Claincy, Wilson, and Araris getting cute. I believe it was meant to be a good match/map for LG1 - I remember Meta specifically went for an Evil Claincy distro, as Claincy had been Evil in LG1 as well. The idea was to see how much we'd progressed since then, almost.

AG2 - Two layers of distro madness. First, the eight Smokers (seven Village) and three Spiked Soothers everyone talks about, but also, more importantly IMO - all the Spiked were new players. Lopen wasn't especially new, but Lopen would not have been in the group of players everyone expected to form the Spiked anchor. This meant that despite Lopen getting lynched D1, all the 'experienced' players were warily side-eying each other.

Also some kayana like Kas getting sussed for Smoking, Hael the Seeker sniffing nicotine who eventually got lynched, and Wyrm posting a troll Tineye message claiming to be a Spiked Seeker and Kas insisting he would take the lynch for Wyrm.



AG3 - Another two layers of distro madness. A three Mistborn Elim team, and all of them were experienced players (another meta no-no!) 

AG4 - IDK this one you gotta ask Orlok or Fifth im tired. But I believe this was a first for no Village Seeker.

AG5 - N/A

AG6 - Tyrian Falls reskin; all Mistborn holy chull.

AG7 - N/A

LG74 - Two Evil Seekers, no Village Seeker, Elim team probably skewed experienced though not deliberately.

AG8 - Evil Coinshot, three Tineyes, all V! Emotional Allomancers, 1 V!Smoker...do I really need to go on :P 

18 minutes ago, Melon Dingo said:

3. checks really? Then... what's with the Tineye Army all the time and still that's a lot

Probably because PM volume made El and Fifth very tired of us :P

45 minutes ago, Mauve Crocodile said:
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Congratulations sir this one is really good:


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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻




im kel but for axl's sake u should desist sir

Edited by Salmon Meerkat
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Post Mortem AG thoughts

Balance: This was discussed at length in the dead doc, but I think the distribution for this game was reasonably well balanced, though not perfectly so. Part of this is that I decided to go with the more insane of the two e!Coinshot distributions that Fifth wrote up, i.e. to give the elims a Mistborn, Lurcher, and Coinshot. That has huge potential for gambits, but a somewhat more well-rounded option would have been Coinshot, Thug, Smoker, Soother, vanilla, and the village got a Seeker in place of one of the Thugs - on which note, we did definitely have too many Thugs in the game.

But, at the same time, an e!Coinshot distribution is inherently volatile. Beagle could have died C1, and the elim team would be screwed. Or, had she not hit so many thugs and protects, the elims could have curbstomped the village. :P All told, I’m okay with how it all played out, albeit fairly surprised (I was definitely more nervous about the village being underpowered than the elims, pre-game-start :P). Now, on to how exactly it did play out...

Overview: My thoughts on why/how the game played out exactly as it did are twofold: one, the elims went for a strategy of killing mid-active players and leaving the really active ones alive. That strategy isn’t usually a problem in most games, though, and I’m definitely not advocating for killing all the active people first every time here. :P But there was also Meerkat’s D3 scanned-himself-as-spiked gambit. That made several of the elims stand out, and then it was worsened when Gorilla immediately flipped evil - see, an elim flip means the living analysis-heavy villagers are going to be much more accurate and dangerous to the elims, and there were enough of those still alive that a lot of the elims came and stayed under heavy suspicion for the rest of the game. (And some villagers, it wasn’t 100% accurate or anything, but it was enough to win the game.) The elims also weren’t helped by the number of failed kills - again, some of that is on us for the number of Thugs, but there were also a couple key protects by Quartz Zebra.

There are other factors, of course - Beagle falling under enough suspicion that she had to claim limited her kills a lot, Penguin was scanned village and that was confirmed by Swan’s death, etc. But I think that’s the basics, and it ended up feeling like the elims were really disadvantaged, but I do think a lot of that goes to the village just playing a really excellent game. The curse was broken, fair and square. 


Now, onto the Discussion(™) part. A bunch of pretty tense stuff happened this game. I’m not planning to go into details, but I do have some overall thoughts:

On emotional manipulation: The amount of emotional manipulation that an elim is willing to do varies widely depending on the player. The amount our community is willing to tolerate has also fluctuated somewhat - I think from an objective standpoint it’s all been relatively small, but SE is more tight-knit than a lot of mafia communities and way more than the internet as a whole. We care because we’re friends, and the idea of a friend using that caring against us can hurt. In addition, the end result of emotional manipulation (or, more broadly, just expressing strong emotions when evil) is that people in the future feel compelled to be suspicious when someone is being vulnerable, which is hard for everyone. There was more emotion expressed than usual in this game, because tensions were running high, so this has come up and I think it’s important to discuss.

We also don’t want showing emotion to be a village clear. Nor do we want to say that no one is allowed to show emotion in the game. So it’s a tricky balance. In general, my thoughts are that we should limit showing emotion, and try not to tie it into arguments you’re making, especially ones about alignment. (So for example, “hey I’m really upset that everyone is tunneling so hard on me” is imo better than “I’m really upset that y’all think I’m an elim because I’ve been trying really hard” (regardless of alignment).) I would also suggest, when possible, venting first to a friend or to the IM before spilling all your emotions out into thread. If you’re unsure about a post, you’re always welcome to run it by the IM to check if it’s too much. (Though obviously we’re not available 24/7, this approach may be impractical if the post is especially time-sensitive.)

The other thing I want to point out is that often that emotion happens because players get really, really invested in a game. :P So another way to address this problem is to just be less emotionally invested in particular games. I know that saying that is much easier than doing it, but it is in the end just a game that you’re playing with friends. Try not to take it too seriously.


On expectations: This was mostly an underlying issue, I think, not one that came too prominently into the light, but let’s talk about it. A problem adjacent but not quite the same as reputation is what other people expect of you, or what you perceive they expect. I say “confirmed good is not confirmed right” a lot, and that’s not only because confirmed villagers can be wrong - it’s also because you shouldn’t expect more from a confirmed villager than from yourself (especially as, from your perspective, you’re also confirmed village). You also shouldn’t expect other people to do the analysis for you.

As someone who’s been here, it can be really frustrating to feel like a lot of people are relying on you because you happen to talk a lot or be mostly village-read. I would encourage people to try to find their own reasoning for votes/suspicions as much as possible (or at least expand on someone else’s and not just say “I agree with so-and-so”), but I’m not sure what else you can do other than keep this in mind. At least a couple people felt that pressure this game, and plenty of you have in past games - does anyone have any thoughts on how to minimize it?

It’s also worth noting that a lot of the time those expectations come from yourself as much as anyone else. I personally expect myself to read the entire thread, no matter how behind I am, and in the past that’s led to me just going inactive because the idea of catching up on so many pages was too daunting but I couldn’t let myself rejoin without doing that. This is, honestly, a harder problem to solve than external expectations. I don’t have much advice here other than that it’s just a game, and try not to be afraid to be imperfect in front of others.

On trust groups: So there was a trust group this game. And trust groups always have the potential to cause friction, but that was realized this game due to a few factors that don’t usually happen. One, it was public. Usually trust groups stay secret or die. But two, it didn’t die - or at least, multiple of its members lasted for much longer than usual. :P From my perspective, I honestly don’t think the trust group did anything bad, but also my perspective was without fog-of-war. The trust group didn’t actually have much more information at all than the rest of y’all, but there was no way for you to know that. Ironically, I think this was actually exacerbated by Meerkat’s anonymized info dumps - they narrowed the knowledge gap substantially, but they made it feel like the trust group had a lot more information/connections.

I also don’t think the trust group (or Meerkat in particular, being the public face of it) did anything to try to coerce people to do things or vote with him - in fact, he was pretty frustrated by how many people weren’t arguing and instead just following his logic without much input. But I also know that a couple people felt some pressure anyway, for which I have two responses. One, if you haven’t been playing for that long of a time you may not actually realize how anti-mayor SE is, because nowadays we tend to avoid rulesets where that’s even an option and it doesn’t come up much even when it is (because of the aforementioned “usually they’re not public or they die fast” bit). But just to be clear, we do not like mayoring. If you feel like you’re being pressured by someone because they’re a trusted villager, say so and anyone who’s been around long enough will yell at the person on your behalf. :P That’s something I take for granted enough that I don’t consider there to be pressure implied at all by a trusted/cleared villager, but I realized not everyone will have that context.

Two, I think it’s worth discussing how trust groups should handle themselves publicly to minimize this kind of friction. I genuinely don’t have an answer here - should you be as open as possible, so people feel like they know what’s going on and aren’t left out? Should you be as quiet as possible, because if people don’t know it’s happening then they won’t feel left out? Is there a way to word things that helps? I don’t know. But I’m interested to hear if anyone has any ideas, because I don’t think I’ve ever seen it talked about before and it’s a valuable question.

On moderation: There’s been some discussion about moderation recently, mostly (though not entirely) because of events in this game. On this I’d make two points: one, it has been pointed out that there is some amount of expectation on GMs to do mediation, and that players will go to the GM well before they go to an IM. The GM signed up to run a game, not to do mediation, and as such we (the mods) are planning to make IMs a more active presence in the game. This means something like posting every cycle or two to remind everyone the IM is there, plus a little more interaction and keeping an eye on GM PMs for issues.

But, two, we cannot be held responsible for reading every PM and checking the thread every few hours so we can proactively address potential issues. In this game, Fifth and I did most of the mediation rather than Wilson (which is fine, I’m a mod and he’s been one and we’ve both got lots of practice - Wilson knew about the problems but there was no reason for her to step in because we could handle it), and I’d point out that we addressed issues proactively as soon as we saw them. I couldn’t expect an IM to be paying closer attention than we did, and we were proactive, and yet problems still happened. Sometimes they’re sudden. Sometimes they’re hard to stop (Falcon’s frustration about being tunneled is a notable example here; we talked to her and Meerkat plenty and helped calm things but it couldn’t really be properly solved without revealing her alignment). And that’s okay! Problems do happen, and we can’t prevent them all.

More generally, just because the GM shouldn’t be expected to mediate doesn’t mean they aren’t partially responsible for flagging issues where they see them. Same goes for players - again, the IM won’t read every player-player PM and sometimes the GM won’t either (I certainly gave up this game after the second trust PM  or so >>). Hopefully us being more visible in games will help here - and IMs will be checking on GM PMs, so raising something in there works too. (There is a class of issues that only the GM and IM can see, and the GM may not be experienced enough to recognize - those things we do keep an eye on particularly, especially for less-experienced GMs.) We’re happy to help, but we aren’t omniscient. You need to put in the work too. 


Some other smaller notes / thoughts:

If you want a particular alignment in a game or don’t think you can handle an alignment, tell the GM! If you tell them (and no one else), there’s a good chance the GM will take that into account. It’s not guaranteed, but if you’re really hoping to be a villager this game because being an elim would be too much pressure, it is okay to tell the GM. I occasionally ask people I know are under a lot of IRL pressure about this - Meerkat was the elim Coinshot in one of the rolled distributions and that’s one of several reasons I decided not to go with it, because he would’ve gone insane. More insane. :P

As was particularly noticed by Falcon in this game, but is true more generally, too much tunneling can easily turn bad. Believing that someone is evil and refusing to consider any other possibility is very frustrating for that someone (especially, but not exclusively, when they’re good); everyone should try to keep this in mind when convinced someone is evil. Even if you’re absolutely certain, think about how you act on it. And, on the other side, recognize that this will happen to you sometimes. It’s just a game in the end, and if you get frustrated try to take a step back and chill a little, and if you can talk it out with the IM or the player in question.

Multiple people, as a result of the various dramas in this game, expressed that they were considering no longer playing because they felt they’d done something wrong or were bad for the community. In all cases, I think you’re wrong. (I’m not talking here about anyone who has ever thought about leaving because the community was bad for them; that’s your call entirely, and I can’t speak to it.)  Seriously, even if you did cause problems, none of you did so intentionally, and hopefully the resulting discussion will make SE better as a whole. You’re part of this community, and in my opinion sticking around to learn from your mistakes is much better than leaving.

This anonymous game was, uh, not anonymous. At all. :P I’m starting to think that anon games should mostly be QFs and MRs, which are short and chaotic enough to avoid revealing who you are, but the point stands - identity was not only often obvious this game, but also often used for logic. That’s not strictly a bad thing; this game wasn’t intended to be a “you MUST hide your identity and never claim at all” sort of deal, but it is worth discussing. Anon games are in part intended to let people avoid their rep for a while, and to keep people on more equal footing rather than listening more to some players based on their past reputation. We don’t have an official line here (and I don’t know if we should), but there were a couple points where I think things may have crossed into dubious territory (notably D4 pre-openwolfing, the discussion of Aman’s reputation was understandable and not wrong, but perhaps used as reasoning a little more than I’d have been comfortable with). But, as I told Kas, you can’t really be annoyed about someone using your identity when you’re screaming it to the entire world. The anonymous accounts facilitate this anonymity, but the player has to put in some of the work too.

These thoughts are only my own thoughts, not those of the moderation team; please don’t hesitate to argue or disagree. Please do remember to be considerate of the people you’re talking to/about - lots of people have lots of strong emotions about this game, and I’d prefer for this thread to be a productive discussion rather than a threadfire that I have to come put out. :P

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9 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

bringing back Dyring.

I didn't actually know that Dyring was from a previous Tyrian game. I just didn't have a character picked out and also didn't want to do something Aralis/Arenta-like that would give me away instantly. Glad he turned out as well as he did, though I didn't stick with the CR as much as I could have.

Many thanks to @Elbereth and @Fifth Scholar for running the game. Anniversary games are one of the highlights of SE, and this one was no exception. Also, @Kasimir(who totally isn't Kel)'s final writeup is amazing and captures the breaking of the curse better than I could have imagined it.

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Just now, Araris Valerian said:

I didn't actually know that Dyring was from a previous Tyrian game. I just didn't have a character picked out and also didn't want to do something Aralis/Arenta-like that would give me away instantly. Glad he turned out as well as he did, though I didn't stick with the CR as much as I could have.

Dyring is literally from LG1. :P I didn't realize you didn't know!

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24 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

Sunburst Toucan (Habo), for being the best self-correcting role distribution error.


I guess I'm currently in that post-AG awed buzz after reading @Kasimir's writeup and such. The headspace where I have a whole lot to say but also can articulate none of it :P. But this game was amazing! I think, in retrospect, probably my favorite. Su was an amazing character to play (Praise the Ja!) and I really am sad he died, but I'm glad kel and I could give him a good ending. If there's a way to bring him back somehow, he will return.

I'll read the post-mortem and be back later when I'm hopefully more able to articulate myself :P 

Praise the Ja!

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6 minutes ago, Lotus said:

So, did anyone guess I was playing?

I did not and I am very sad we killed you N1. 

Also, thank you to everyone who said at some point during the game or after that my CR was cool. I had a lot of fun playing with it and it was a huge motivator to keep playing. Even more thanks to everyone who voted for me to get the pass. It means a lot. :)

Also huge thanks to @Elbereth and @Fifth Scholar for running such an awesome game. I don’t quite have the time to read that giant writeup yet, but I will soon. :P 

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Thank you so much @Elbereth and @Fifth Scholar this was an awesome game to jump back into SE with! Congrats to the winners of the passes, everyone's CRs were awesome I just wish I would have stuck to mine more because it would have been fun. @Kasimir thanks for being someone to bounce things off of in pms, sorry the game got to be so much, and thanks for such an amazing finale writeup! 

I'll take the confusing ID award, I think 2 people told me they thought they knew who I was but I'm pretty sure they probably guessed wrong. 

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54 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I didn't actually know that Dyring was from a previous Tyrian game. I just didn't have a character picked out and also didn't want to do something Aralis/Arenta-like that would give me away instantly. Glad he turned out as well as he did, though I didn't stick with the CR as much as I could have.

This actually surprises me too. Thought you were doing a deliberate tribute.

1 hour ago, Elbereth said:

Salmon Meerkat (Kel), for being absolutely insane about everything.

I mean:

1 hour ago, Elbereth said:

21. @Kasimir: Salmon Meerkat - Kellehrt, local farmer and possible madman Village Tineye

I believe it's called playing to my CR on a meta-level ;)

I too have a meme:



Thanks for the game. I enjoyed it and it really means a lot to me to see the curse has finally been broken after being part of two successive Villages that threw themselves against it to no avail. I haven't been around for LG1, but I think I've been around early enough that it felt like the curse was a fixture that was never going to be moved.

Apologies for stealing Fifth's thunder here :P

I had a bit of RP to post reflecting my thoughts after the game was done and anonymity lifted, but the urge to do so has kind of left after pinch-hitting the write-up which I think hit some of the emotional notes/thoughts I'd wanted to anyway.

I dunno. I think I just really need sleep right now. Be back later.

And thanks for the pass, I appreciated it.

I don't usually embark on lying sprees, gambit sprees, or trolling sprees this elaborate in my regular playstyle so it was nice to get to mess things up a bit as kel and let my chaotic/trolling side loose.

@Elbereth @Fifth Scholar Oh good Lord thank you for not picking the E!Coinshot me distro it's disturbing how close I came to damnation :sob:

Edited to add:

For anyone who wants the story on why @little wilson has the award for best unexpected late trolling pay-off, I did it by accident :P 

Good night/day y'all I need sleep.

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