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Edema Rue

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Everything posted by Edema Rue

  1. Woah. Education. Or mourning, depending on where you are.
  2. Really? How many people do you know? Luckily for me, I have experience with fossils. (I spent far too long with Rand and Mat.) I grab a hammer and chisels and begin removing the sandwich.
  3. I HAVE FOUND THE BEST COLOR! My mind control trumps your mind control.
  4. While this all happened, Jasnah decided she was too cool for Hoid and went on a date with Quark the volcano.
  5. Never have I so fully agreed with something. In the last 3 days. Yes, especially when it’s the same people talking about the same things. Do you ever just stare into a fire for hours desperately wishing to suddenly have powers? (Pardon the rhyme).
  6. Nerdy and Ookla/247. I have a feeling this thread will get interesting through Ookla season.
  7. It is a twisted path to take, one that will only lead to pain, diabetes, and possibly world domination. (Or at least an attempt at it).
  8. “The wheel of time turns, and goats come and pass, leaving memories that fade to legend. Legend becomes myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the goat that gave it birth comes again. In one goat, called the 3rd goat by some, a wind rose.”
  9. However, if you use your soul all in one burst, you will continue on as an undead wraith.
  10. Using a magical fishing pole, I snatch the sandwich and reel it in.
  11. Someone new showed up after being told to revive this thread. 162
  12. Role playing. I…I’ve always wanted to do rp but never actually have, is that weird?
  13. Questions has broken the rules. As a result, he can no longer fight for the sandwich.
  14. Gets Kaladin asking Wit what a dog is. Inserts my soul
  15. I would guess because it’s so intelligent, so incredible, that no one can respond to it. Ever. No one does. And so it wins.
  16. Leaving Questions the Platypus to believe he's winning and be happy about life, I study the real sandwich.
  17. Insane bro. Mr. Misting: One of those high schoolers who's always in the computer lab who knows literally everything. CalanoCorvus: Popular kid who hides that fact that he knows how to read.
  18. Well...I'm a noble now! For having joined like a month ago, I think that's good? Maybe? I feel like I'm moving really slowly.
  19. That set of the WoT books...I really want it. I could survive for years in an office like that.
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