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Everything posted by Mat

  1. It’s my brother’s birthday and I just got back from XC state so I’ll probably take the rest of the night/tomorrow morning to catch my breath, but I’m here for redemption of my past two games And I’ll probably toppost anyway with the levels we’ve been having /jk
  2. @Justice_Magician Okay, though this is true, it’s not actually helpful, and I’m sorry it took me this long to realize that. Further explanation: I’ve alluded to this before, but some guys on my cross country team enjoy poking fun at my beliefs while we’re on long runs. My situation is a bit different than yours because they absolutely know I’m a member of the church (this knowledge is actually the source of their jabs) and though I’ve made clear my conversation preferences they deliberately ignore me and ramp it up as I ask them to tone it down. These guys should be my friends. They are, when they’re not being like that. But I can’t really call them good friends when they give me zero respect. I don’t want to walk away from them, just the things they do and say. But I can’t quit cross country— that’s non-negotiable. What I have found is that there are other ways to deal with it. A majority of the time, if I bear a testimony in contrast to whatever they’re saying, as opposed to correcting them, they suddenly find a way to change the subject. This actually reminds me of an Elder Stevenson talk from a couple of years ago. “Love, Share, Invite”. The “Share” section is especially applicable here. Here’s the quote I was thinking of: “God doesn’t need you to be His sheriff; He does, however, ask that you be His sharer.” This principle has helped me countless times. The jabbing stops when I share, but not when I’m a sheriff. If that doesn’t work, I simply stop running for a few seconds. Let them get out of earshot before continuing the run. In a club setting like yours, though, that strategy is not super helpful. I guess my actual advice would be to pray for advice. I don’t know all the specifics, even after your explanation, but God absolutely does, and He will direct you to the best path. Whether that’s opening up about why you prefer what you prefer (which I’ve noticed tends to help people change) or walking away, I don’t know, but I know you can find out. So again— sorry for implying what I did with my post from yesterday. Of course you shouldn’t stay in such a negative environment, but of course it’s soooo much more complicated than that. I understand what you’re dealing with, and I wish you the best.
  3. As someone in a similar situation: easier said than done :P.
  4. Thank you! It also doesn’t work on mobile, so I don’t think it’s a browser issue.
  5. It does, yes. The error code is EX1366, if that sort of thing is useful.
  6. I'm unable to edit any aspect of my profile (I wanted to change my Member Title, and then tried to edit my About Me to test if it would work). Both things sent me to an error page with a "try again" message. I'm on a laptop, in microsoft edge because I'm too lazy to transfer everything to chrome lol I'm also on school WiFi atm, which I don't think has anything to do with it as it's never blocked the shard before and I'm able to post, but idk.
  7. It’s alright, because the other investiture I had lined up was JNV and they didn’t give it to me either :P. When I said that I had four, uh, that was a lie :P. :P. :P. I also lied about self protecting, I actually protected you. Obviously :P. Brilliant from me >> Not that it would have mattered.
  8. You underestimate how many people are inactive Anniversary games run around New Year’s.
  9. I’m trying to suppress that tell, it’s not supposed to be helpful >> But yeah, I think it was worse because I didn’t really have anywhere else concrete to go :P. I mean, we did exe TKN, it just didn’t do anything. If we had figured out how to kill him I at the very least would have village read you which would have been useful and we might have been able to PoE our way down to JNV.
  10. My library system is spectacular
  11. Dear my local library system,

    You had one job:




    1. The Unknown Ajah

      The Unknown Ajah


      Your library has some obscure books. I didn't even know Brian Sanderson still had books in print. And Hwite Sand original too, you should see if the library will let you buy it off them, I bet it's quite valuable. 

  12. I wish I could say I had a good experience this game. Truth is I didn’t, but I guess they all can’t be fun. I have a lot I could say about the game design, but I’ll choose not to and trust that Szeth / the IMs know what I would say. GGs to JNV for pocketing me, but I can’t say I approve of TKN’s elim play there. I don’t believe the inactivity was completely unintentional and I think that’s overly scummy, but what can you do. Sorry to Araris again— if it’d been a normal game, I would have v read you cause TKN would have died, so maybe that’s consolation? Glad I correctly read Archer, Aeoryi, and Frustration, at least by the end. So it wasn’t a complete me failure. I just didn’t have enough to work with. Also, shoutout to the new site version having a billion more emotes lol For a second I thought the old ones were gone but the code still works. Too bad I don’t remember all of those.
  13. Okay wow the new forum on mobile is actually crazy um okay In other news, I can’t think of what else would fit :P.
  14. Ah so I was right about that being the Dawnshard clue
  15. We got a new band director last year and he's AMAZING. Our program has like exponentially grown in community recognition and skill level within just the last year. We only do marching in the spring for parades, but we play pep at every home football and basketball games and do two concerts a year + whatever else we're asked to do just by places around my county. It's pretty cool to see. A couple of weeks ago, just in the time we did warm-ups, our band director got two separate calls both asking the band to come play for a thing. But yeah, that's sad for you Still fun though, I'm sure
  16. I play piano for jazz band, euphonium for concert band, and trumpet for pep/marching band. I'm also on a quest to learn as many instruments as possible before I graduate so I also can play trombone, with alto sax and french horn on my next-to-learn list. Our band is really small (1A school moment) but we're actually really good for the size; we've played some grade 5 stuff (with 7 being the highest, college-level music).
  17. I wonder why. Maybe because no one is voting. Or posting. Wonder what we could do about that (Please don’t read that as passive aggressive, it’s not meant to be, but the irony here is funny to me) That’s why I keep begging for you three to pick it up. I can’t make reads when there’s nothing to read, and the game becomes unwinnable because I need to vote somewhere, and I start seeing shadows in situations like Araris.
  18. I just mean that you’re the only other player being active and making reads. Thanks :P.
  19. The frustrating thing for me is that you are the only elim I’d be cool with describing that way. Everyone else is just too inactive. A good elim doesn’t flake, a good elim is active and trusted. There’s a difference there imo edit: Oh also Aeoryi I’d definitely say that too but I just think they’re village lol
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