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Status Updates posted by Condensation

  1. Who can name the most of my characters without looking at my About Me? Other resources are allowed. Anyone who gets all of them(according to me) can have a cameo in my little story for my Shardiversary, and the person/people who get(s) the most can choose what they do!

    Make sure you count SE and Alleyverse. I'm not in Reckoners.

    1. Show previous comments  88 more
    2. Condensation


      Scout_Fox, I'll make a character for you named Scout_Fox. Same to you, AmazingGoob. However... dying? They'll just leave.

      What do you mean, Doomstick? Oh, late. Yeah, I went to bed because I had a huge headache. Do you want to PM me and we can make a character?

    3. Doomstick
    4. Condensation
  2. Come on, you guys! I even got on while we were gone and I still have almost 100 notifications?

    I shouldn't be complaining, I'm always mad when people don't post and then I'm mad when they do? Just don't be surprised if it takes a little while for me to catch up, I've got lots of schoolwork to do as well.

    Side note: Congrats on posting so much, I'll be busy for a while! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  52 more
    2. Doomstick
    3. Ghanderflaffle


      Good point, I’m a ginger.

      I gained 50 breaths when it was completed.

    4. Condensation


      I did it! It was really hard and I fell over at least once, but I did it. You're welcome. Gosh.

  3. Status: LOL!

    What do you call a snobbish criminal going down the stairs?


    A condescending con descending!

    I don't know why I'm laughing, but I find this so hilarious!

    1. Show previous comments  51 more
    2. Condensation


      A girl's suit with shorts attached. It's usually used in triathlon suits so that you don't have to change.

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Wow. I saw lots of bad gramer from Condensation. 


      As the Saint always said, ‘Time flys like the wind. Fruit flys like bananas.’


    4. Condensation


      You did? Huh. Maybe I'm losing my touch.

      JK, I've still got it. *grammar *flies

  4. Wow! A whole year already! Sometimes it felt like it would never come, and at other times it flew by! Like Fadran, I'm going to start by resolving not to start naming names (but I'll probably end up doing it anyway) so just know who you are!

    First, my AMAZING Shardbuddies. I don't have awesome enough words to describe you, but here are some that come close: prodigious, stupendous, phenomenal, flabbergasting, magnificent, miraculous, exceptional, incomparable, and transcendent.

    Also, all 62 of my followers! Wow, when did that happen?! I'm so glad you guys consider me interesting enough ( :P ) to check my status updates and whatnot! Thank you!

    Now for some art.


    5ff12ad558792_HoAElendimage.thumb.jpg.4c1366e6472b635c13244f9cde95bb45.jpgI got this idea while reading Hero of Ages (I've stopped counting # of times), and I just had to draw it. I love using crayon when I can, and I think it works nicely here.


    5ff12b1ebc009_murcatandcandle.thumb.jpg.7bc2036025f560d0fd20227aed8f993a.jpgPhaedrus.thumb.jpg.001e8b72f89cdc7a9f363497cb8b2831.jpgThis is Phaedrus and Candle from Kippies and Dragons(made by @Channelknight Fadran, you should go check it out!) and a murcat from Keeper of the Lost Cities. These were traced by @Vapor, this is more to show off skills with Sharpie. :)


    Chorale.thumb.jpg.548d6947f0def6e2e4d57744f8f39700.jpgThis is Chorale, one of my RP characters in Crystellation (made by yours truly, go check it out!). She's bonded with a clouded leopard named Vivace, that's why she's got ears, claws, and fur.


    5ff12c25d5253_Queenhat.thumb.jpg.c912628c107e6f221e607a9d4c2e39ff.jpgQueen's back! Hi, Queen! Welcome back! Before you were back, Vapor had this idea and I really wanted to draw it. But she's back! So this is a gift for you, Queen! (And it won't let me tag you. Shame.)

    And now some special thank you's! I know I said I wouldn't do this, but I kind of have to.

    (It won't let me tag you. Someone tag these people?) @xinoehp512, you've been so patient while I learn how to RP well. You're so amazing. I love being on the Shard with you!

    And xino's "partner in crime", @Shard of Thought! Your art is amazing, and I'm so glad I met you on Discord! Otherwise, I'd probably have been too intimidated to talk to you!

    Fadran and Queen, of course. Y'all already know how absolutely amazing you are, but let me tell you again. Wow. You are so effervescent and enjoyable to be around, I can't even put my feelings into words! 

    Vapor and @Mist! You're great siblings (as much as I complain) and I'm so glad we're on the Shard together! Can't wait for Fog, Cloud, Dew, Brook, Tap Water, Flurry, Moist, and H2O to join as wel!

    @Matrim's Dice, you are a hidden masterpiece. You've been so friendly to everyone (especially me), yet you often get forgotten. No longer! Mat, you are one of my favourite people to be with on the Shard.

    Yikes, already on a third page. I'm writing this in my large notebook late on January 1st so I can edit it over 18 hours or so. (Even though I didn't end up doing it.)

    *deep breath*

    Everyone who's done SE with me! You are awe-inspiring! I haven't won a game yet, but maybe the sixth time's the charm!

    Anyone I RP with or have RPed with! WOW!!! (Got nothing else to say, I'm running out of words.)

    @Doomstick! You should join an RP so I can blanket statement you! :P But seriously, you're cool.

    @Nameless, you are amazingly good at being random. I love posting on TLT and TST with you!

    @EmiTheNinja and @revelryintheart, your art rocks! Emi, I loved your Secret Sharder present. Rev, I loved getting to meet you!

    Shoot, I said I wasn't going to do this. Time to stop.

    If you didn't get mentioned, I'm sorry! I can't blanket statement you all! ;) But I'm sure you're amazing and I just forgot to mention you because this is late at night.

    Lots of Love,


    1. Show previous comments  48 more
    2. Condensation


      Yay, other people are joining!

      *hugs harder*

    3. Lightdancer


      Wow, your art looks really good!

    4. Condensation


      Thanks, Lightdancer! Oh, I drew something for you. Ask me for it later when I can scan something in.

  5. Does anyone else really want snow? Because I really want some snow.

    I mean, I did spend thirty minutes freezing outside of the pool today, so you may as well just send me some snow!

  6. Hey guys...

    I'm so sorry.

    Today my mom caught me on the Shard when I had finished my homework, but she thought I had been skipping the homework. So I... might have to leave. Like, leave leave. It all depends on what she says tonight when I ask her. If she's too mad... I might not get on the Shard for a couple of years at the least.

    I'm so sorry.

    You guys can take over my RP characters if I have to leave.

    I just... sorry. Yeah.

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. Isabelle6060


      Wow, I was worried about it, like, all day today. Glad it's not real.

    3. Condensation


      Yeah, sorry. Couldn't get on last night in time to let people know.

    4. Isabelle6060
  7. Who's watching conference right now? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

    I am, I just thought I'd ask.

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. Doomstick



      *insert plane noises here*

    3. revelryintheart


      you guys should join the church of jesus christ sanderfans discord that mist made

    4. Experience


      If only I used discord. 

  8. yay

    ookla season

    so hyped

    okay so stick and I were texting and I agreed that if he got more than half of the active members on a discord to "sign" a petition then I'd be ookla the short (because I trusted people ;) ) and then he got it but he wouldn't agree to the same but I tried anyway but no one saw it essentially because I went about it wrong

    it was a petition. how could I say no?

    fyi I am actually above average height and if you sig fig correctly while you calculate to centimeters then I'm technically the same height as both stick and fadran

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Chinkoln
    3. Doomstick


      Nowhere near West Virginia 

    4. Condensation


      Danex yes please!!!

      Mat, I have a new task for you, should you choose to accept it. come find me

      Fadran... very smol maybe? gas is esspensive

      Queen hecc yes~ we should plan this

      ooh and maybe rev too

  9. You guys...

    I can't even.

    You guys are the greatest.

    Who wants a free waffle?

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Chanarach
    3. danex


      Scadrian I believe. 

    4. AonEne


      The Alleyverse has quieted down some, and we're in an alternate timeline right now :D

  10. Okay, here it is! Thanks, Exotwo, for reminding me!

    Are you cytonic? Because my thoughts always go straight to you.

    4 days until Valentine's Day!!!

    Also, I need a new pfp. Which one?


    60247413f2884_heartcondensation.jpg.f4465edfd9a3c2fa8056713b2b2a03e2.jpg16024741f48666_pinkcondensationheart.jpg.fad2e8a2fec0e13ae3dfcb92c55725f3.jpg2602474275610d_condensationheart.jpg.fc42ef7934c63901366c69f499071938.jpg36024742e8fdb7_heartscondensation.jpg.7a7755b1d01bce59926389997ada23a3.jpgor 4?


    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Aeoryi


      I've alway wanted to create an RP except I have no stable magic systems

    3. Aeoryi


      also, connie, you need to post #3 today.

    4. Condensation



      It can be a little hard to come up with a magic system.

  11. It's a hard decision, but...


    I've decided that I need to stop posting so much on all of the forums but Role-Playing. So you won't see me as much on Social Groups, Clans, and Guilds; Creator's Corner; and Entertainment Discussion. Forum Games and Random Stuff is, of course, not included. And I don't post much on General Discussion anyway.

    Hopefully this will keep my post count down as much as I'm willing to keep it down.

    Don't worry, RPers and SEers, I'll stick around there. But I can't post so much.

    Oh, and I apparently passed 70 followers? All 71 of you are amazing and deserve all the love!!!


    Also, I'm nearly to 1,337 rep. Y'all are great for that too.




    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. xinoehp512


      Aw man, I like eighth place.

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Connie. You absolute legend. 

    4. Condensation


      Yes... I accept that now.


      It's weird to me - my brain's been figuratively blown each time I think about it.

  12. So... who wants to be a Lightweaver? Speak the truths.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Condensation


      Awesome! You can make a list wherever, or you can not make a list! Your choice!

    3. Lightdancer
    4. Condensation
  13. So I went on vacation.

    Some other things happened, like meeting Fadran, chopping most of my hair off (again), and eating lunch in Cuba, but the thing I wanted to ask is does anyone else have Call to Adventure Stormlight? 'Cause Fadran had it, so I want to buy it so I can play both with him and with my siblings, but I think we could put together a thread of sorts with anyone who has it and play via Shard.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Condensation


      ooooh fancy

      Are you guys interested?

      I mean technically it's a game for 4 players I think but we could probably do more tbh

    3. Enter a username

      Enter a username

      I am, though I can’t speak for EmLee.

      Actually, I can, because I just asked her, and she is.

    4. Condensation
  14. I just passed 1,000 reputation

    and 8,000 posts

    without realising it.


    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      @Ookla the Intimidating That is Truthless pic, so when we see it, we think it's truthless until we look closer at the name, and as it's ookla season, it's even harder to tell as quickly.

    3. Doomstick



      Wow, Stick, you didn't ping me?


      I feel like you might have been annoyed, but I'll ping you next time hehe

    4. AonEne


      I don't care one way or the other - I don't want to disrupt other peoples' status updates with an inside joke, but I don't personally mind the pings.

  15. I'm past halfway to 6,000! When did this happen? Also,


    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Condensation




      How. It's only been like 2 weeks since 5,000.


      No, I just post a lot. :)

    3. revelryintheart



      CT-5555, or Fives

      he was my favorite clone

    4. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard


      he was my favorite clone

      Hats off to Fives.

  16. Status: wet.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. danex


      Ahh but what is a sandwich?


      sorry not sorry 

    3. Experience


      Nonononononn. I think water is not wet. It just makes other things wet.

    4. Doomstick
  17. So... just noticed. I know I said I wouldn't do any more of these, but I'm so excited.

    50 left! Okay, time to go... I don't know, come up with some funny lines or something. I'll make it in a month... right?

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Condensation


      :( But... but...


      I don't want to. *shrinks further into self*

      Usually I'm a very hug-y person. But with younger siblings...

    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran


      I want to hug Vapor.

      But I'm not in Utah.

      So I need someone to help me out.

    4. Condensation
  18. That was an awesome first session of General Conference! Anyone else watching/just finished watching it? Planning on watching it later?

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Mat


      Because it can have one! :D There’s still room!

    3. Chinkoln


      I know the PERFECT place for a temple. It exceeds all the criteria that they consider when building new temples. Yet they haven’t built one here.

    4. Experience


      I will die of a heart attack when they don't announce a temple in Utah. :P 

  19. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Carmen Sandiego.


    New episodes - most exciting thing EVER!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Hen



      I dont think there'll be more, but when you mentioned me here I thought it was a new ststus update and that they had announced new episodes and I GOT SO EXCITED but alas, that's not the case. 

      I really love Grahm and Carmen, I hope they end up together. 

    3. Condensation


      I think there'll be more episodes. After all, even if VILE isn't around anymore... Carmen's got to do something. And there was that 'protege' of hers.

    4. Condensation


      And I agree, they're so cute together.

  20. I'M A KING'S WIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Get roasted!

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. revelryintheart


      Fadran I've heard you BREATHE so take that


      should i regret letting you know my name?





    3. Emi


      So will you tell us?

    4. revelryintheart
  21. Everyone who sees this that wants to should join an RP that I'm in!!! Preferably Crystellation, but other ones would work. JOIN ME!!!

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Condensation


      "Only", he says. I'm proud of those 68ish pages! And Crystellation: Autonomy for the People is happening... it just feels impressive.

    3. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      Just happy that I can be apart of it. I'm also grateful for the opportunity to plot, it's been a good while since I've had a good plot.

    4. Condensation


      Plotting's great! I love plotting.

  22. Two things.

    One: I did it! It was tonight and I sang for over 900 people. Yay!!! I'm planning on giving an encore performance on Discord sometime so I can record it, but that'll be less big. :)

    Two: Play this game. It's amazing. Like, absolutely amazing.


    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Enter, I have the same problems on my chrome book. It really sucks. :(

    3. Voidspawn


      @Condensation it's fine by me. I shared it with some other people, and they really liked it too!

    4. Condensation


      Good to know. I'm glad they liked it!

  23. Shoot you guys, I can't post again until I've got my 5,000th post ready. Aah! Okay... I'll work on it.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Condensation


      Will do. It probably won't be up for a while, it needs more worldbuilding.

    3. Chasmgoat


      do you have a general idea? if so, would you like to share it? If so, will you share it? if so, will you do it here? If so, I will read it.

    4. Condensation


      I've had a couple really stupid ones. One where if you subject yourself to immense pain from something you can control that thing(way too OP). Hold on, let me fetch my notebook.

  24. Apparently, today I look "adorably snuggly and tired". Don't ask. Therefore,

    Status: Adorably snuggly and tired.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Experience


      LOL. Yes. That made me laugh out loud in the middle of class lol.

    3. Condensation


      @Doomstick, Mom said I looked "adorably snuggly and tired" today, so I sent a picture to one of my friends and they seconded it.

    4. Doomstick




      Maybeyouneed a third opinion :P









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