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Steel Inquisitive

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Everything posted by Steel Inquisitive

  1. I would think so. Shallan and her drawings have had weird abilities before. Like in WoK when she was drawing the cryptics following her... when they were in the CR and she was not.
  2. @Ookla the ParagonSorry for how long it took me to respond! I edited my character... removed the emotion sense and got rid of the sorrow spikes( I felt like they were overtly dramatic and wasn't sure if that would work anyways.... left them as spikes that don't grant anything..... now that I think about it can spikes do nothing? never mind. made it so that they give fear. (I really didn't want him to have too many powers)) The main idea with the spikes was that the character would hate them and want to get rid of them but be unwilling to get rid of them because they have a piece of his parents souls.
  3. Not sure.... When does this era end and when does the next one start? If this era is about to end it makes WAY more sense to wait.
  4. Ok.... Here we go! Let me know if/when I do something wrong! (Never done this before) @Ookla the Paragon(is this the right person? archer didn't pop up.) Name: Amon Lesh. (Age 27) Investiture: Bronze Misting. Special skills and weapons: Very skilled in bronze and can hear the Rhythms. He's skilled enough that it is hard to take him by surprise. Weakness: Has two hemalurgic spikes (they grant him increased feelings of fear). Each one pierces a vital organ and can't be safely removed. Amon fears loved ones dying, so doesn't want to form relationships at all. lacks combat skills. Physical characteristics: Male. Tall (6ft). Red, collar length hair. Green eyes. A bold nose. Family: Mother was a bronze misting and father was a parshendi. Both dead. Home planet: Travels a lot. Never feels at home. History/Biography: Mother was a Worldhopper who met his father on Roshar. The two of them set out across the cosmere to study the various magic systems. Amon was raised as a worldhopper, while traveling with his parents. The three of them were exploring a lost temple to the Lord Ruler on Scadrial, when they were ambushed by Inquisitors. Amon (age 17) had been warned not to use his bronze until they were sure it was safe, but forgot and burned some anyways, to the ruin of them all. The Inquisitors allowed Amon to live as a reward for alerting them to their presence. They Spiked his parents to death and stabbed Amon with the spikes so he would have a constant reminder. Life at the Moment: Amon now has two spikes. Amon feels guilty for living, he feels guilty over his parents death and he feels guilty for not getting revenge. Amon misses them, while painful the spikes are a piece of their souls. So long as he has the spikes they are still with him. If he removes the spikes they will lose there power..... his parents souls would leak away. (Member of TUBA.) Mission: Find way to remove spikes without dying(hasn't decided whether he will actually remove them yet... but is searching anyways.)
  5. I tried that for awhile.... Finally gave up and started posting I wanted answers!
  6. Welcome! Stormlight is easily my favorite. (I started with it as well... No regrets.) Which of the three do you like the most?
  7. RIGHT!?!?!? Everyone talks about it, but no one seems to know what it IS.
  8. I always thought of them as father/daughter..... If that had happened I wouldn't have finished the series... Or kept reading Sanderson.... Elend isn't my favorite.... But I don't dislike him either... His character growth was the best in the series. Better than Vin's. (I always thought she changed too fast.)
  9. Perfect I wasn't thinking about the magic systems too much at first.... I was more focused on the one that wouldn't destroy my way of life. Or my planet for that matter!
  10. As much fun as it would be to have Ruin as god..... I think I'll pass..... A vote for Ruin is a vote for rot! Vote Endowment for peace, liberty, and the pursuit of breath! (I'm counting on you @Ripheus23to find an appropriate poster)
  11. @Ripheus23 I will never think of you the same way.......
  12. I do have to agree with that.... After all doesn't Warbreaker start with someone being tortured for their breath? (I feel like there's a joke just dying to be made...) But then again.... That's people. No matter how good of a shard they get there will still be crime and terrible atrocities committed.
  13. Still better than Cultivation.... At least I'd know that I wouldn't suddenly be "pruned" out of society!
  14. I could be tempted to vote for Devotion.... But we haven't seen how she would lead without Dominion.... So probably stick with Endowment.
  15. If you had to pick a Shard to be the sole shard of your planet.... Who would you pick? (With the assumption that were talking about the shard not the vessel.) I personally would vote for Endowment. Seems like the most chill shard, and least invasive. (Unless she's turning you immortal, which I'm okay with) Preservation might be an option.... But according to Ruin he would freeze everyone in place.... Not ideal. Cultivation would just be scary! You would never know what she's planning for mankind.....
  16. So... Stop me if this has already been talked to death Is there anything stopping a voidspren (such as the messengers) from forming a nahel bond? They seem just like the other radiant spren. Intelligent, strong and have free will. (Big difference being the radiant spren are a mixture of H&C while voidspren are pure Odium.) Is this what voidbinding is?
  17. Same favorites! Except for short story... My favorite was Emperor's Soul.
  18. Welcome! Which book/series is your favorite?
  19. @DiomedesMy main point was that the ardents aren't a military force and are fighting Odium in their own way. Please note, you can be anti-Dalinar and still be anti-Odium. You can be anti-Dalinar and still be pro-radiants. You can be anti-Dalinar and still be pro-honor. Dalinar is a tyrant. As stated in the books. Roshar NEEDS someone to tell him no. Or he'll just keep reaching for more power. Anytime people have given Dalinar a little bit of power, he seizes complete control. I'm hoping Kaladin wrestles Head of the Radiants away from Dalinar. @Calderis that's what I thought Dalinar believed! I couldn't remember if that was a thought I had or was actually in the book.
  20. I'm confused. Are the ardents warriors? I thought they were priests/scholars. As such, what exactly are you thinking they are going to do? As I recall, most of Navani's fabrial scientists are ardents. And they are actively working on the city-fabrial problem. The moment the dawnchant was cracked they began to translate like madmen. (Granted what they found wasn't helpful.) As I see it, they ARE fighting the desolation.
  21. I could see this happening.... But would rather that Brandon used a new plotline instead of recycling WoK.
  22. Not sure if I'm the only Alaskan on here.... But if there are others.... Be safe. Me and my family are all good... My little sister (13) was stranded in town and nobody could get a hold of her and I ran to get her... She just forgot her phone (For those who don't know, we had a 7. something earthquake.)
  23. Thanks for everybody's time.... I still can't see how Identity matters with Forgery..... But the WoB (while somewhat vague) does say it's a factor... Now just to find out why.....
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