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Steel Inquisitive

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Everything posted by Steel Inquisitive

  1. there is an upper limit to how much she can do before she's too tired... In that particular instance maybe 50 breaths?
  2. For the time being, yes! In time as she becomes better with her powers she will be able to transfer powers with a bit of range(something like 5ft) Exactly! That particular transfer would be hard..... My thought being stormlight being the easiest to transform into.... with breath being the hardest. We still don't know the exact ratios between magic systems, but I like to think that a single breath would equal a LOT of stormlight.
  3. Final character! Promise @Archer @Voidus
  4. Maybe make him a Forger that wondered over to earth just in time for Calamity.
  5. Amon tensed as the lights came on suddenly but didn't slow. Opening the door with a jerk, he side-stepped in trying to make a smaller target incase of an attack. He didn't feel anything with his bronze at the moment, but that didn't mean too much. He could only sense most powers if they were being used.
  6. Anon observed as a man entered the building. "Must be open then," he said and strode forward.
  7. Amon admired Alask's enthusiasm. He studied the building with a critical eye. We'll see.
  8. A really easy thread to join right now would be The Forge. We are about to head out on another side quest. If your like me and have never RPd before than it's a great place to start. All you have to do is post in-character that you want to help out and then follow what everyone else is doing!
  9. I think I will just leave it. All she did for that time was explore the Roshar and Alleycity..... I had a family drama planned for her past but decided to give it to my lil bro.... And then lost the will and the energy to make up a new backstory
  10. @ArcherEdits look good to me! Unless you want me to add more back story? I was trying to keep it simple.... Also I noticed my character is on there twice. Under my name and under Sunbringer's I believe.
  11. Long story short, it would probably be easier to just take someone else's city..... Are there any unprotected cities that aren't already taken by one of the other guilds?
  12. The general thought is that she is using a form of spiritual illumination. Allowing her to draw these thing no matter the distance... I was about to go on my Truthwatcher rant about them seeing the present.... but will spare you I hadn't thought about the garden being important before.... You might be onto something!
  13. Rayse is Odium. Odium is not Rayse. I guess that's where were disagreeing. I firmly believe that Rayse is Odium not Passion. But I also firmly believe that the shard currently known as Odium is more than just hate. I think all the shards represent more than a single word. If someone else were to get their hands on the shard I believe there are a number of different ways they could interpret the shard. Passion being one of them.
  14. Lets back up a little bit. The OP clearly states that Rayse+the shard=Odium. However if someone else were to get that shard they may be able to steer the shard to Passion instead. (I don't really think love and passion are as intertwined as some seem to think. and more than that Brandon chose Devotion not Love as the name. still linked? YES. but not the same thing.) Many of the Unmade aren't just hateful beings. Re-Shephir for instance: Yes she kills and tries to imitate violence but she also has a driving curiosity to understand humans. one could say she is passionate about it. Little pressed for time but will think of more examples later.
  15. I seem to recall that it enhances strength a little bit too. But only to a degree (that's what I meant. It gives you a reduced power level pewter misting. I....... Totally have forgotten where I was going with this.....) Either way that's a fair step up from most other entry/middling magic systems. I just want to say that all of you are really good at giving positive/helpful advice/critiques! especially for new people such as my self. Sooooo, yay everyone!
  16. Yes, Archer's is the only opinion that matters! People just like giving advice, and it's usually really helpful Yikes........ I don't know how you would even start with that project.... pretty sure that's just going to have to be a case by case type thing.....
  17. With stormlight alone a KR is a gold compounder..... and also a pewter misting to a degree......and then there's the surges....
  18. @JoyIt was me I was just clarifying a little bit. I did some research and YIKES! I really want good, faith-filled people in one of Brandon's books..... He seems to really like the evil religion concept..... and universalism...(I know he's Mormon.)
  19. @Joy You could tell me for certain(with knowledge of modern science) that locking someone in a dark room won't help, but the ardents(with medieval tech level) couldn't say for certain. They believed they were helping Taln. @DalakaarThanks for summing that up better than I could! @ErisI wasn't upset! I see what you meant now, and am sorry if I sounded... accusatory?
  20. I like it. Although I would rather the ardents not have abused her. It would be more interesting if the ardents were trying to help and Jasnah (now an adult) knew it. She would still struggle with the emotions while her mind told her they didn't do anything wrong. (Plus we have already had evil churchs in a lot of Brandon's books.) ...... Helping someone the best way you know how= not living how you preach? They think their helping, and maybe they are.( I'm not an expert on these things) someone who wasn't crazy would hate any treatment developed for the insane, I should think. And let's not generalise, many people do live what they preach.
  21. That has always bothered me a little bit..... Allomancy is Preservation's magic system and yet atium is the most powerful metal for allomancy. Now Lerasium seems to be the most powerful metal for Hemalurgy. Well.... I guess it works. Atium (ruin's metal) makes you good at killing things with allomancy. Lerasium (preservation's metal) makes you good at preserving powers with hemalurgy. (no power lost.)
  22. Shallan had a complete freak out. She went running through the halls in a panic.... and she had been bonded to a spren for years! The bond had progressed to the point that she had a shardblade.
  23. Think of era 3 as a trial run. We'll see how it works and change anything that we don't like. As we try it out, people will have new ideas. For now we just need to get started!
  24. Thanks! I thought "savantism" was a cosmere wide word but the coppermind only uses it for allomancy. Changed
  25. I picked mistborn because..... It was the first thing that jumped into my head..... but anyways you could use it to steal a feruchemist's powers then? Or better yet.... spike Hoid and get all his accumulated powers, hmmmmm.......
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