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  1. What baffles me is wouldn't his spren Design be aware he got tampered with or did he somehow obtain the ability to be far away from her during this meeting
  2. So did Eshonai get her soul thrown into the cosmere?
  3. Love the book and I appreciate long books they keep me wanting more every chapter. Brandon did a a good job of shocking me with his decisions. Relieved he didn't have kaladin save roshone from moash or have moash kidnap laral or kaladin get with laral. I liked where he took Moash and curious on what will become of him now that he's blind. Loved the story with Navani and Raboniel but shook my head when navani got the sibling. Honestly should have gone to Rlain Singers need a bondsmith to represent them and I wanted Rlain to have a bigger role. Hopefully him and Renarin can stand up more. I was laughing and going crazy when Tav took out rayse and became odium. I was crazed and shocked on what happened to hoid never never thought Brandon would do hoid like that. Having more pov from Jasnah and showing more of her prowess was good wasn't surprised but wasn't too keen on her and Hoid being a couple. I can see Kal and Lew getting together. "hey dad how did you and mom meet? Oh son I killed her a few times and we constantly fought love is a crazy thing I tell ya." Confused about Eshonai did Stormfather send her soul out into the cosmere and does that mean she may show up in the other books?
  4. when some of the priests were being strangled it was pointed out they died yet when blue fingers was stopped it didn't imply he got killed
  5. uh they went to the rebels you see the main skaa older man that didn't trust kelsier at first in the caves he even approaches him
  6. ah ok just dang what has he been doing to pass the time ? has he met kelsier? he isn't bound like sazed he can lend thy hand
  7. ah ok thank you basically I assumed the people were all dangerous and were kept in there but they don't know why and so much time passed whoever kept them in there died or they left
  8. alright explain it to me what that girl and the giant wall was all about I had a thought but not sure if im close.
  9. Yea I would like to know what he has been doing all this time ? And why sazed couldn't fix him? Sazed cant interfere but surely marsh could simply lend a hand directly or Is he to bound by rules?
  10. oh wow I was never notified people responded thanks and im sorry
  11. a man who already betrayed you got thousands of your men killed and tried to have you killed bluntly mockingly tells you to your face he will do everything to destroy you your family and refuses to never cooperate. that's why adolin lost it sadeas refusal tolerating something like that has its limits and adolin has shown sadeas a few times he would outright kill him amaram intervened directly when adolin decided to assault the guy. sadeas death is his own fault
  12. So pretty much if this whole Trell is really happening its only happening because Sazed put the planet back in its original spot where trell started?
  13. I wanna know what happened after WB and how did they end up here
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