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Everything posted by Nathrangking

  1. Yeah well his search for truth/ lies makes the entirety of the cosmere even the crazy woman in the asylum a point of his curiosity. It says very about whether or not we the readers should care.
  2. Well then we have got worldhoppers who just love being in the thick of things.
  3. I am a very religious person who is more and more shocked by the way that people twist and corrupt things from religion itself to Atheism. Every one should have the right to believe or not without being attacked or abused for it. It seems to me tat Anti-Theists and religious fundamentalists who attack others for how they practice or don't are really two sides of the same despicable coin. All thoughts and systems that are not theirs must be crushed because they threaten to... what exactly add a dimension of realism to the world to allow free expression and variety to exist? There is evil and bad in every group no matter how they try to deny it or hide it. They can couch it however they want, but hatred is what causes humankind to self destruct and kill. Understanding among all has to be key if humanity as a whole is to survive and grow. Each person has things that they can learn and appreciate about others. I do not foist my religion as a sign of my superiority or use it as a weapon to hurt others. Understanding and a willingness to learn will always be key.
  4. @Calderis that is true though i seems he willing to be more hands on recently. I think that he may also intervene if the world threatens to tear itself apart which could happen if factions start to violently murder each other.
  5. Personally I think that Brandon can be more subtle than just throwing a cameo in and making it obvious tat something is afoot. To quote Freud really badly sometimes a beggar is just a beggar.
  6. @NohadonI am also very curious as to how these battles are to be settled.
  7. really an awakened object is higher than noble blood! I guess it really depends who did the awakening.
  8. when you see that the nutrition bar that you just ate has an abundance of iron and you try to burn it.
  9. It would wouldn't it though Saze would not let it go so far I think.
  10. @ElephantEarwax and there you have it that is the speculation that has come through the proverbial grape vine as far as that object is concerned.
  11. @Lord Maelstrom that theory if proven correct would make things very interesting.
  12. What might a potential cast of warbreaker look like. Andy Serkis as Lightsong? Liam Neeson as Lemex?
  13. Would you rather be forced to fight a whitespine with a stick or be forced to engage in an endless conversation with Shallan's stick?
  14. From my understanding it is a Rosetta stone like object for the magics of Sel
  15. Could it perhaps be said that aons were/ are the blueprint of creation each aon might be said to be an aspect which is independent of any "discovery" for example if you drew up the plans each component exists in a theoretical sense without being built. So too with the aons which existed to draw up creation and whose names which may have been given upon "discovery" are only secondary.
  16. Yes those questions will prove to be very interesting indeed in coming books.
  17. I could totally see Andy Serkis as the voice of ruin.
  18. While there may be more to be seen WoR made it pretty clear the type of hellish existence Shallan had to deal with at home. Even without anything else being said I think that it can safely be assumed that what was seen was in fact basically responsible for her "snapping".
  19. The mystery deepens and plot thickens. Perhaps it was the "Darkeyes who were basically everyone that existed then through the use of the shards some became "Lighteyes" with the breaking of the oathpact perhaps there was a mystical after effect which made the normal eye colors even darker and harder to distinguish so as to have class systems. Maybe Odium was at play to sow chaos.
  20. When someone asks for a dollars and all that you hear is dalinar.
  21. When you break off a piece of your mother's china and call it shardplate.
  22. There is no double dipping with the spike its an all or nothing proposition.
  23. I have to agree with @Calderis on this. Based on who is saying this and the knowledge that he possesses it is far more likely than not correct.
  24. As far as we have seen hemalurgical spikes are a one shot deal you stab take whatever there is to take and thats it no double dipping.
  25. @maxal I whole wholeheartedly agree. That was basically my hypothesis of her home life with Lin taking up the coldness of his wife as a coping mechanism.
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