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Everything posted by Nathrangking

  1. And that combination would be quite awesome to behold or perhaps make him a stoneward.
  2. It will prove fascinating to discover just how intelligent greatshells and Ryshadium are which will create a stark and interesting contrast to other worlds of the cosmere. It might also inform about the nature of cultivation.
  3. It will certainly throw gasoline on the fires which are sweeping across Alethkar and make dalinar's job more difficult if that fact becomes known to the other nations. though taravangian would love for that to get out.
  4. Based on what is said about the importance of said scepter. The look is less than impressive.
  5. When you don't want to leave the couch and try to will the remote to come to you. When you stub your toe and expect the pain to be unending When you see a bird land on your shoulder and wonder what powers it will give you
  6. I felt no need to exalt myself to make a point. It was sufficient in my eyes to let my attacks speak for themselves. Let my words be swords which cut likes shardblades and sever the souls of those who seek to fight against me.
  7. You know that you are a Sanderfan when you try to soulcast every stick you see.
  8. Yet Rayse has been at it far longer than that. Saze's 300 years are only a drop in the bucket as far as Odium is concerned.
  9. I would tend to agree with @Crucible of Shards that she felt to me as if she was genuinely disturbed by what she saw. I can well imagine how she was broken to discover that the very thing which to her represented a bastion of morality and which she was dedicating her life to was little more than a lie. I would also posit that as @Calderis pointed out the sons of honor may indeed take advantage of the chaos in Kholinar to take control. That said she comes off as truly feeling that she has to stand up for what is right even at the cost of her own life which makes her a rather admirable and genuine character as opposed to a spy/ double agent.
  10. I always imagined him as having a deep soothing voice like that of Morgan Freeman, James Earl Jones or even James Spader
  11. You would think that he would exactly how acquire a boon from the correct gods if it is the first. If its the second then he really has hit the jackpot.
  12. Silence is not the key to the world she was only an intro to it i suspect that this evil has a connection to the cosmere which is the important thing.
  13. you have what to work with as far heraldic history is concerned in the WoK you can build on it to tell unique stories of individuals.
  14. Navani with an honor blade would be quite an interesting scenario.
  15. Is it possible that the answer to the 1st question is related to the fact that she has pattern? Is it possible that the Santhid recognized or sensed pattern and based off of that fact ultimately saved her. If there is a connection between spren and greatshells then there may be a starting point to unravel the mysteries of the greatshells.
  16. You mean to tell me that the dark rituals of power are not the center of his day. I mean he for sure spends a nice portion of time asking for boons from the old magic right?
  17. That reunion would be quite interesting to read.
  18. What might the cast of a potential Elantris movie look like? Sarene- Rebecca Romijn
  19. I am well aware of that fact, however they would have been internal as the book points out that all those on the outside of his body had been removed.
  20. I guess I should be flattered that I can put to shame a highstorm, however you, you spawn of a chull and a lifeless have proven your hand at the arts of the charlatan that you profess to make your equal. Honesty bore Shallan's stick onward beyond the power which she sought to impose. You troglodyte among Koloss troglodyte's are possessed by a vanity without the requisite ability to back any but the most infantile of claims.You are little more than a crem covered pebble which seeks to be a diamond. My aluminum nullifies your power and leaves you with naught, but the mind of tonk fah's slaughtered pets. You batter at me like a figure of straw which you may as well admit that you could not be even in the greatest and most fantastic of your fantasies .Your claimed superiority is roughly the equivalent of Lightsong's lifeless squirrels claim to be heir to the God king. My biting gusts will cut you down as a proper high storm should. Run off to the lichen covered pile of chull dung that you came from. Wish your parents luck with their marginally superior minds as you wallow in the waste that makes up your brain cells.
  21. There are far worse things in life than that. You know that you are a Sanderfan when you can curse in the manner of every cosmere world.
  22. The potential dangers of Shadesmar may be a lure, but I would say that this fact would as you have said be no more true of shadesmar than the real world.
  23. I know that to that this has been discussed to an extent, but I'm not sure if this angle has been explored. Does anyone have any proofs or rebuttals to this theory?
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