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Everything posted by Nathrangking

  1. looks like a funky shower brush to me.
  2. Well then perhaps at some point the whole gang will return to sel. might be interesting to see Kalladin and Raoden interact.
  3. That is true. Perhaps it will invest him with the power to steal investiture from others at will to fuel his own powers.
  4. Would you rather face down three shard bearers in full plate with only a blade or three Dakhor monks with only an Axe?
  5. Or perhaps as I am sure has been theorized marsh's spike may be in play.
  6. We can fantasize and theorize about it until we learn the truth and that will have to be sufficient.
  7. I am most disappointed this teasing is difficult to process. How will I get by now until the book is released.
  8. Who needs a special bond its powers by itself are more powerful than practically any single thing in the cosmere.
  9. I think that it is simply a leveling of the playing field. By forcing the choosing of a champion Odium becomes bound in some way by the results of said duel. There may yet be rules at play that we don't understand yet if they are similar to the duels Adolin duels in. Stipulations made perhaps bind the investiture of Odium to the champion of his choosing. The defeat of said champion might blunt his powers and force him to regroup for a good long while.
  10. Perhaps all we need then is something akin to say magic bands.
  11. Truthwatcher that is an interesting possibility.
  12. The only problem is that we know that the days of brilliance are caused by Taravangian's boon which he for from the Nightwatcher so unless she went to the Nightwatcher that wouldn't work.
  13. For him it would possibly be more important to be able to access the dor for its power. which he does not to our knowledge currently have.
  14. Who better than a troll to destroy trolls?
  15. There would be worse things than trusting the magic to determine the definition of a troll.
  16. @Weltall Looks like it may be fluff what a pity if only he had expanded it there was much potential in that sequence.
  17. There we are a fixed process.
  18. "Touches blade. breaths out."Destroy Trolls!!
  19. Perhaps or maybe destroying trolls.
  20. @Drake Marshall then @Nohadon would need to add an additional contestant to balance the scales.
  21. Death would not be the half of it. All of his ancestors since the beginning of time would feel his pain.
  22. The chaos is certainly good for the ghostbloods as they feed off of that as does the diagram we shall see if the son's of honor has what it takes to make use of the chaos out of Kholinar.
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