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Everything posted by Nathrangking

  1. When you talk to a kindly old man and decide that he would make a great imaginary grandfather.
  2. From the scientific preference point of view of combining similar sourced investiture proposed by @Calderis makes a great deal of sense.
  3. indications of the identity of the Nightwatcher
  4. I must agree with @Calderis the ruse would have to be so masterfully built so as to require skill that is not evidence that either possess.
  5. Brandon is a believer of there always being another secret who know what secrets are still hiding in the pages.
  6. When you see your sibling get an A on a paper and check it for a seal.
  7. It is a very detailed list, but for mistborn first generation perhaps hints
  8. Whatever they give is a gift certainly whets the appetite for more.
  9. In that case I name this thread closed.
  10. When you see a firefly fly by at night and name it syl.
  11. @Toaster Retribution your first should be entitled the most ironic cosmere pairing.
  12. As far as I am aware this is the first devoted exclusively to Warbreaker.
  13. When you can't seem to stay awake and you convince yourself that you are storing wakefulness.
  14. The realm is hypothetical's theory and debate is awesome. @Calderis I can honestly say that the back and forth's that i have experienced so far have been quite interesting and stimulating!
  15. There is the end of it. Even the speculation would have little basis.
  16. As fr as I am aware we have no specific instance of a darkeyes being affected by the thrill. Though early Kaladin seems to have a similar affliction.
  17. Whatever will be will be. Less or more it does not matter to me I'm still just as psyched for Oathbringer.
  18. Bring on the Sample chapters I am ready for the awesomeness to begin.
  19. The last part may end up being a question of invested object vs person in that storage in an object I would think is different in its impact or alternatively the pure over saturation of investiture of Nightblood makes it unique when compared to even ordinary invested objects.
  20. Whitespine Wayne is one super scary dude. Would you rather be locked in mortal combat against Ham who is flaring pewter or be a bridgeman under sadeas.
  21. Warbreaker. Would you rather be stuck in dullform for life or be a Pahn Kahl in Hallendren
  22. I figured that it was a joke, but once pandora's box is opened...
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