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Shardlet last won the day on January 9 2014

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About Shardlet

  • Birthday January 11

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  • Member Title
    Archpeon of Nonsense
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  • Location
    Washington State
  • Interests
    Hitting things! (well, perhaps not). Sharding, blacksmithing, photography (B&W FILM! Analog all the way, baby!), and family time.

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  1. Happy Birthday! I hope you revisit the Shard soon!

  2. 1. Dalinar - Who he was vs. who he has become and how he got there. 2. Hoid - His mysterious history and goals coupled with his persistent presence. He is also a joy to read 3. Wax - His history personality and ethic. 4. Gaotona - Arguably the main character of Emperor's Soul despite not being the POV character. He's the character with the more compelling arc. Shai's story is an artist's journey in creating a masterpiece under extraordinary pressure. But Gaotona experiences change, growth, and evolution of perspective, character, worth, vitality, and preconceived assumptions. 5. Lopen - His personality and humor. 6. Vasher - His internal character under his external presentation. 7. Marsh - His journey. 8. Hrathen - His faith crisis and the growth he underwent as he pushed through his crisis. 9. TenSoon - His journey. 10. Steris - The peeling back of a one-dimensional exterior to reveal a complex and intriguing interior.
  3. I think people tend to discount the strength of storms in Shinovar and other western parts of Roshar. Yes, it is clear that as the storm moves westward, its power decreases and that, in Shinovar especially, they are no longer such a destructive force that to be caught out in one is almost certain death. But, they are still storms and there is no reason to suspect that they don't still have a significant destructive and even lethal potential. They are not a gentle spring rain. Brandon said that in Shinovar highstorms feel like storms here. I've been in some pretty impressive storms in my time and there have been plenty of storms more powerful that I have not experienced. And storms on the sea are nothing to spit at. Especially in a world where the ships are designed short coastal hops, possibly like Mediterranean cultures had at the time of the Roman Empire. They wouldn't have needed anything designed for extended sea voyages because they simply weren't done. That's not to say that Rosharran ships were not robust. Indeed, I would expect they needed to be since they still needed to weather the storms even if they were in a somewhat sheltering cove. But, Caligula's army marched all the way to northern Gaul (present day France) and didn't go further because the soldiers refused to get in the boats to cross the channel into Britain for fear of such a distant voyage and the potential for storms due to the season.
  4. This is a bit pedantic, but pure iron is actually quite soft and rather malleable. This should not be confused with cast iron which is quite brittle. Though identified with the name iron, cast iron actually has far more carbon in it than steel (2-4 wt% in cast iron vs. 0.002-2 wt% in steel). On the previous page, Oltux72 suggested that crystal structure may play an important role in whether a metal can be pushed or pulled. I think this is unlikely. Most metals exist in one ore more of four crystal lattice types (simple cubic, body centered cubic, face centered cubic, and hexagonal close packed). There are of course some outliers. But most are one of those four (most typically BCC, FCC, and HCP).
  5. Back to the OP, no. This would not work. Very few metals can be found in nature in metallic form. In all other cases, the metal is in one or more different oxidation states (i.e., non-metallic). You might be able to do something like this (assuming molten metals can be pushed or pulled) with gold, silver, copper, and a few select others. But this could never be done with aluminum. For one thing, aluminum can't be pushed or pulled. Additionally, it simply does not exist in nature in metallic form. Conversely, in nature, gold is always in metallic form. It is commonly locked within other minerals, but the gold itself is always metallic in its natural presentation. I agree with RShara that refining this way would not be ultimately beneficial. However, seems like it would be well worth the investment for discovery of and on-site 'assaying' of gold and silver deposits.
  6. I think the number of shadows produced would be a function of both the steelrunner's speed, skill, and awareness as well as the skill and experience of the seer. Vin was able to gack Zane because what she did was unheard of and completely unexpected. Zane was unable to process and react to the second atium shadow because it was so far out of left field. With the steelrunner and the seer, it seems certain that the runner could observe the initial movement of seer's counter and then change alter the attack. What happens next depends on the seer. Would they react the way Zane did? I would expect so unless Vin's trick became known to others or the seer had previously experienced someone using this trick or postulated the potential for such a trick to work. I doubt that someone learning that trick would ever share it with others except in a relationship of extreme trust because surprise is essential for its success. In any case, if the seer was able to react the runner's change and reacted accordingly and if the runner had time to make a second change, then a third shadow would appear. As to the proposed plot hole, I agree that it is a minor hole which would have been readily fixable given our present knowledge of the story. The multiple shadows of of atium allomancer against atium allomancer is the result of essentially a feedback loop. Essentially potential stacked upon potential. In the Vin-Zane fight, as I see it, what should have happened was that as soon as Vin reacted to Zane's attack on her future position, her original shadow should have disappeared and a new shadow appeared corresponding with her new move. As soon as she moved, there was no longer any potential for her original action. Thus the shadow should have disappeared. The effect would have been the same. Zane's confusion would have steel led to hesitation and Vin would still have triumphed. That being said, Brandon may have information that we don't have, ...yet, and it may be perfectly fine as written. Time will tell. Regardless, with the cosmere as we have it thus far, it seems a relatively minor hole at worst.
  7. Ha, I was dinking around on Youtube and I came across a video by Wranglerstar (he discusses modern homesteading and various tools and stuff) which has a cheesy bridge 4 animation in it. Check it out if you want to. Link Here
  8. Thank you. I was pushing for this (and beginning to work on something like it in the months before WoR but got shot down since some folks did not want info from Theoryland compiled off of Theoryland. Glad to see there was a change of heart. Thanks Weiry et al.
  9. I think it would also be limited by the mass of the kandra itself. This mass can presumably increase according to how much the kandra consumed; but I suspect that it would take time to metabolize food matter into kandra matter. In other words, a balloon can increase in size by simply adding more air to the balloon. But it will eventually reach a point where the balloon cannot contain any additional air without rupturing.
  10. Totally agree with cometaryorbit. Her intent is to fix or heal by doing harm to excise a problem. Like chemo, it's bad bad stuff, but if it kills the cancer...
  11. The inquisitors are the most notable members and the leaders of the Steel Inquisition (in-world, of course).
  12. Their chief weapon is fear; Fear and surprise. Their TWO chief weapons are fear, surprise, and powerful allomancy. Their THREE chief weapons are fear, surprise, powerful allomancy, and an almost fanatical devotion to the Lord Ruler. Their FOUR chief weapons are...Oh we'll come in again!
  13. IDK. I think you are taking some leaps that are not supported or suggested by the WOBs. In both, Brandon refers specifically to Hoid knowing where to go. In the first he says he uses feruchemy to do so. In the second he says Hoid has an innate ability to do so. This suggests, again, if Brandon did not mistakenly use the word 'innate', that Hoid has innate rather than obtained feruchemy. The epigraph letter in WoK indicates that Hoid is still in possession of the lerasium bead and had not burned it to obtain allomancy. There seems to be potentially conflicting WOB on the subject though. First: (from 03/29/2014) Second: (also from 03/29/2014) Third: (from 02/25/2016) The reason this is a bit confusing is that No Cosmere time has passed between the dates of these quotes (i.e., WoR is the furthest along in the Cosmere timeline).
  14. I'm sorry that my reply came off as condescending. It was not my intent. The last sentence of the first paragraph was merely intended to address what I thought was the natural response to my reply. It seemed likely that the next avenue would reference previous WOB that indicates that the planet itself affects the manifestation of the investiture of its associated Shard. I only intended to note that I was aware of this and was not excluding it from my thought process.
  15. To an extent that is accurate. However, at least some abilities manifest similarly but originate from different worlds (i.e., lightweaving manifests from both Yolen and Roshar). I did note that the metallic arts are a manifestation of two shards (Ruin and Preservation, though I did not name them. I figured that at this point everyone is pretty well versed in that.). Remember that all abilities resulting from shardic investiture would be contained within the power of Adonalsium (which Hoid predates the shattering of). And yes, I know that the intent of the Shard, the intent of the entity holding the Shard, and the world being invested all affect the manner of manifestation of the investiture. Brandon may very well have misspoken. But, I think the wording is compelling and very exciting if he did not misspeak.
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