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Everything posted by nervousnerd

  1. I feel like attacking Harmony might be a mistake because it might play into the shard's intent. I suppose getting Sazed to go on the attack might be impossible but getting his responses to go against intent would likely weaken his abilities.
  2. Yeah Odium just wants to smite things like old testament god. He opposes anyone who he thinks will get in his way. The only reason he concentrated on shattering shards is that they are the only thing that can stop him from working towards his intent and any that come together like Harmony are his worst nightmare.
  3. Plus, I assume Taravangian has the stone still. I am not sure how it would be useful to track him if he is never the one who holds it (with minor exceptions), even if it were magical.
  4. It doesn't have a stormwall; I'm not sure we know how powerful it is yet though. People were also unprepared so that will likely add to the problems. Maybe people rich enough to afford parshmen should have houses that are fairly strong but it is also possible that they have a separate servant's quarters that may not be.
  5. Don't forget that most structures are not very well protected on their leeward sides. There is going to be a lot of structural damage occurring with most of the planet not taking precautions for this new storm. They may not be as sheltered as they could be normally.
  6. The Origin is something that seems important in the way it is mentioned. I assume we have to eventually see what is there.
  7. Hoid almost certainly does not want all the shards to stay as they are. He is actively working against Odium and possibly Autonomy. He may not be working to reforge Adonalsium but I also don't see it likely that he wants to keep everything as it is; otherwise, what is the purpose of his missions? At the very least, Odium is too dangerous a shard for anyone to hold.
  8. It make a lot of sense that Scadrial, a world where metal is very important, would discover a lot of minerals first (out of the post Adonalsium planets). They also seem to use more chemistry but I suppose a lot of that is metal focused. Did we hear much about mining besides the Pits? I believe, after the Final Ascension, it is mentioned how you could pretty much throw a rock in the Basin and hit resources so I wonder if mining is not really as necessary. Roshar would have too much trouble with rain and storms to keep mines operational (until fabrial pumps become more common). I thought something like this was mentioned in one of the Stormlight books but I can't find anything.
  9. Would Harmonium not be technically composed from half of each power? Or at least proportions of the power equal to their proportions in Harmony himself?
  10. Yeah and breath is not dependent on identity so (if you can burn it) then it should not matter. But you could also awaken it yourself, no? It all depends on how awakening changes the metal.
  11. They actually started a fire from Silence's trap and then it says: That clarifies it somewhat but we still don't really know for sure what becomes of animals when a shade consumes them. Why would it be any different for a human vs an animal. I still don't believe that there are animal shades but I do wonder what shades get out of touching living things.
  12. Yeah. You're right. I forgot that this likely only started after the Recreance.
  13. I think from the other end, it also depends on the will of the person. Some Soulcasters may be more powerful naturally or some may not be able to do it in stressful conditions. For an example: Shallan was exhausted and not very confident in her abilities and proved no match for stick. Jasnah on the other hand seemed to be able to soulcast most things easily.
  14. I really think the eye color thing came after the Radiants became defacto rulers (they might not have all been kings but they were the most powerful people in the world). People saw them all running around with light eyes and decided that it was a good way to choose who should be in power because surely those with light eyes were closer to Radiants than those with dark eyes. I'm not 100% on that though because I'm not sure that I think of that as a good reason and Hoid says: I was also under the assumption that if Kaladin keeps continually using stormlight then his eyes may turn blue permanently. If that is the case then I assume that once a bunch of darkeyed people become Radiants (there are likely more darkeyed people than light eyes and therefore more become radiants), it will have to cause a shift in the caste system even if their actual eye color changes.
  15. This is interesting in that the Horneaters in the Stormlight Archive are in a similar vicinity to a shardpool and It isn't a two shardpool situation there as far as we know but it is interesting that certain abilities seem to at least begin in people who live near shardpools.
  16. Also, we know Sazed is not really the self-centered type; he usually thinks of everyone else first. I assume that the metal was even born before the intent started to really control his actions too (like how Vin could fight with the shard Preservation) which is interesting because many of the long term shards seem to think of themselves and their intents as the same being.
  17. I feel like that would be dangerous. Kelsier was hard enough to control already. Also, we don't know if drinking that pure connection or even holding preservation itself changed his affinity. I feel like it would make more sense to invest in something instead of someone. Maybe the shield around the planet. Maybe just atium but I kind of don't think so.
  18. Do we have WoB that it was definitely Kalak who was with Nale?
  19. I believe that there is also a WoB that says that Sazed has done something with the extra power that Ruin had to make himself more even.
  20. Yeah. It is possible that Arclo thinks that Axies is dead but it could just be that they haven't crossed paths in a long time. We don't know if Arclo has been staying in Tashikk permanently or if he moves around a lot as well. I wonder what kind of range he has on his cremlings; We know he is at least all over the city but there has to be some limit in my mind.
  21. Yeah. I'm not sure Adolin or Navani would be much different information either. Maybe Renarin depending on when he bonded his spren. Is he mentioned much in any prologues that we have read? I forget. Nale or his friend would be very interesting. Or I suppose Elhokar who was talking to them at least.
  22. Sorry I meant for a double pewter compounder but I get what you are saying.
  23. Yeah. I guess that makes sense. Strength is strength. A compounding pewter ferring wouldn't be able to store anything but the strength component of allomantic pewter I suppose.
  24. No. Like I said, the best use is to use compounding to fill metalminds before you even have need of them. It works like normal feruchemy but is just easier to store power. Instead of having to spend weeks sick to save up as much as Wayne, Miles cold just spend days. You store 1 day of power in a metalmind then burn it to get about 10 days of power back. It is only really pewter and tin that have any compatible powers in that sense. That is a good point though. I wonder if tin allomancy affects your metalmind stored vision or if pewter affects your strength metal mind.
  25. I assume very few people actually know the true identities of the Heralds. I highly doubt most go around introducing themselves as a herald; and as we saw with 'Taln', they do not necessarily look like what most people expect them to. Everyone expects the Heralds to be off fighting in the Tranquiline Halls and most people probably won't change that belief easily even with proof. As for the Sons of Honor, I'm not entirely sure what they want. I think they believe that bringing back the Heralds will give them power. I don't know if that is ruling power somehow or if it could just be surgebinding again. It did not seem like Gavilar or Amaram believed or noticed the return of the Radiants so that is a possibility.
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