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Everything posted by Kasimir

  1. Ilyena? Where are you?In the same vein as Kobold King: You know you're a Sanderfan when you pass a bunch of Boy Scouts and think of them as heretical Firebringers.
  2. Buy. We've seen them appear in the interlude, and a viewpoint isn't that much of a stretch. And their mention in the epigraphs. Renarin will have his moments but he won't be a combat Radiant.
  3. So, there was this moment in one of the threads where Ketek and I basically derailed for a bit over Vergere. Of all the Star Wars novels available, I enjoy books written by: Matthew Stover, Timothy Zahn, Jude Watson (surprising but I grew up reading Jedi Apprentice, so) and James Luceno. Especially Matthew Stover--if I say I liked RotS, it's not so much because of the movie (although I always enjoy lots of lightsaber combat) but because Stover did a great job in the novelisation. I enjoyed Shatterpoint (my copy is dogeared), I do love Traitor (despite my quibbles with the way it's sometimes regarded and how LotF made a hash out of Vergere) and Shadows of Mindor was honestly more than decent as well. Any other Stover fans around? Barring that, any other Star Wars fans who follow the novels? I've mostly stopped by now, first because I discovered Brandon Sanderson (not so, I lie) and more importantly, because things just seemed to keep going downhill since LotF and Traviss.
  4. There are permanent ways too (traumatic injury--stuff like blunt force etc) which would do it by damage to the iris or cornea. But I suspect that would be from light to dark, rather than vice versa.
  5. Just done with my re-read but it might be a while before I get to move on to Crimson Campaign. And yes, in answer to your question, Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 387973120 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 487328048 bytes) in Unknown on line 0
  6. It's your storming picture--I look at that and I see al'Lan Mandragoran saying he can't take on a werewolf. It just causes me cognitive dissonance
  7. Tentative buy, but I don't think we'll see it in SA. The person who calls himself Taln will eventually bond a spren and properly become a Stoneward.
  8. Use the Transformation Surge to convince a stick that it is a stick.
  9. The Wheel of Discussion turns, and threads come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legends fade to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the thread that gave it birth comes again. In one thread, called the Thread by some, a Thread yet to come, a Thread long past, something dark, clever and silly rose in the Cosmere. It was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings or endings to the turning of the Wheel of Discussion. But it was a beginning.
  10. Given that definition, fair enough. I was initially thinking you were referring to chance as indeterminacy which is why I didn't understand why you drew the distinction. Thanks, I get it now!
  11. Mailliw73: Thank you for clarifying the rules I get it now. Just two more clarifications: 1. You mentioned in the rules that we can give an item to another player in the day but it has to be public. As that takes the place of a vote, does it have to be coloured as well? 2. Do actions stack? I was thinking of this: A uses Shardblade to try to kill B. C has a Soulcaster and uses it to target A's action and transfer that to D. Meanwhile, E has an emotion bracelet and uses it to check A. Would E be told that A tried to kill D, or would E be told that A tried to kill B? And whoa, everyone else sure is taking this organisation thing seriously Edit: I'm going to try to stop stacking edits, sorry. The questions just keep coming...and my newness shows!
  12. Why did no one want to go to the pub with the Steel Inquisitor? Because they were afraid he might spike their drinks!
  13. Sell. I like the lesser spren theory. The person who calls himself Taln is not Taln. Taln handed him the job of warning everyone else and went off to see to his fellow traitor Heralds.
  14. Alas, thank you for the recommendation, but we don't get netflix in my geographical location. I'll see what I can do, but I wouldn't mind dealing with the manga in any case.Incidentally, for anime: I also watched Ghosthunt, but some of it freaked me out enough that I decided I was going to stop before I damaged my ability to get sleep irreparably.
  15. Partly as well because I associate fantasy movies with more action. I'll grant that Kingkiller C has its share of action scenes, particularly in WMF, but what really makes it work (for me) is the way it follows and develops characters (but of course, especially Kvothe.)To be honest, my immediate knee-jerk reaction was that I wouldn't like this to be made a movie, because I think the strength of Kingkiller C is the way Rothfuss has with his words. (It strikes me as being more poetic/lyrical than Sanderson's usual, although he's no Guy Gavriel Kay.) But I think GreyPilgrim has made a good point--it would work as a TV show.
  16. I'd agree about Blue Exorcist, but I haven't read anything more than the first three chapters, so I'm going to take that as a sign that I should keep on keeping on
  17. Endowment is very caring and sharing. You can always give with a knife to your throat. Edited to add the smiley.
  18. Why are you drawing a distinction between chance and luck? :S
  19. I loved Traitor and I think Matthew Stover is brilliant. I've read both of those and love them--very dogeared copy of Shatterpoint. But in any case--maybe let's not derail this thread further? This is Sanderson appreciation, not Stover appreciation Incidentally, you know you're a Sanderson fan when you give away your old copy of Elantris to the university book sale fundraiser, because you want someone else to come across it and discover Sanderson like you did.
  20. I used to like Vergere a lot. Then I took a philosophy degree to the knee. (Now, I still like her, just not as much--but I'm going to partly blame the direction LotF took with Vergere for that.) But who knows, maybe I'm just Lightweaving this
  21. Rust and ruin, I just learned I've been pronouncing it your way and therefore wrong. How does eh-GWAIN make sense? :'(
  22. Panda, you got my immediate upvote just for Kurohitsuji and D Gray Man and Fullmetal Alchemist But do you still like/follow Bleach?
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