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Everything posted by Kasimir

  1. Woohoo! We have our last player! Eh, it should be fine. It's not like most of us here have that many games under our belts either...
  2. I'd say surviving the conflict pretty much counts as victory at times. Hard to write history when you're dead.
  3. Well, I'm finally trying my hand at a game. I'm still stuck at some places, so I'd be much obliged for comments and help. I've done a bit of a tweak of the rules, so while this is still an elimination game at the core, I've drawn on some of Avalon: The Resistance in order to add what I think is a pretty fun mechanic to this game. I'm especially uncertain about whether (given the way I've set it up), it's better suited for a Quick Fix or an actual game. Roshar: The Eighth Desolation.
  4. This sort of came up in the dead doc (and the darkeyes doc) in the current ongoing Sanderson Elimination Quick Fix game a bit, as King and I discovered that we shared similar objectives that seemed far more important than killing off the other factions. Such as tea. In any case, I was curious: Any other tea-drinkers, enthusiastic or otherwise on this forum? What kinds of tea do you like to drink? How do you take your tea? And most of all and most pertinent: how many mugsworth of tea is sufficient?
  5. I understand, my Lord Chaos, and I thank you. Panda, it is my impression that they like bamboo better.
  6. If it is acceptable, my Lord Chaos, I request to be the Monk of Misrule.
  7. Just getting in a bit of RP before things start Kaim stared at the practice sword in his hand, and shook his head. A soldier's weapon, the sword. Half of the village's defenders had probably never even seen one. And why would they? He'd had a few lessons, nothing more, and those were in years long forgotten. Hard to bring in a man with a sword; they were good at making corpses, not so good at catching thieves. He tried again, and almost succeeded in taking his own head off with Heron Wading In The Rushes. He set the sword down. It wasn't for him. Drell's Crossing was supposed to be a quiet enough place. He'd chosen it when he'd gone to ground, after that last thief he'd brought in, and had never looked back ever since. A band of Trollocs this far from the Blight, rumours of False Dragons...he shook his head and wondered if Tarmon Gai'don had come at last.
  8. I think it could be pretty cool if we do it (as it was done in the dead doc) in the spirit of good fun/for the funny. Question is, if we go with that, will it be by voting and nominations--how are we handling that process? Other suggestions: Chronic Backstabbing Disorder (Player who broke the most alliances) The Master of Puppets/Silvertongue (...most manipulative/persuasive player, kudos to anyone who got the reference) Crouching Tiger (player who attracted the least attention/suspicion/threat during the game) Tactician (player who made the most strategic/cunning use of role/special actions during the game.)
  9. Understood. S'cool, I'm just one of those players whose attitude seems to be 'ASK THE GM ALL THE THINGS!' as I like to know specifically what the rules permit and don't permit players to do Thanks for the clarification, GM!
  10. Just to make sure I understand how that mechanic would work: So, if the Darkfriends happen to decide to make a kill on Fain, and the Corrupted Darkfriend happens to be the one making the group kill, then if he chooses to win as a Darkfriend, he can make the kill in accordance with the group's instructions, but he can't betray/reveal who Fain is. (Can he lie and say "I think that guy is a channeler, we really need to kill him, trust me"?) If he chooses to win as a Corrupted, then he probably tries to direct them to a different target other than Fain, yes?
  11. Hmmm. It makes sense, I'd agree. How would it work though? The Corrupted Darkfriend can't be the one executing the group kill on Fain? At the moment, I'm vaguely worried it might result in situations where the Corrupted Darkfriend is forced to win as one of the Corrupted than as a Darkfriend. (I'm not sure if I'm making sense with this or if this would be truly problematic. It's just a thought.)
  12. I believe it's a paradox. If I express chaotic disobedience, then I am acting in obedience to my Lord's precepts. If I express obedience to chaos, then I obediently pledge myself to disobedience. Either way, I am hoist upon my own petard. What would you have me do?
  13. I accept the Dark Waffle. I pledge myself to the service of Lord Chaos. By my oath, I will draw as he says 'draw' and sheathe as he says 'sheathe.' By my oath, I will come as he says 'come' and go as he says 'go.'
  14. I am really sorry that it seems I am the player who keeps asking all these weird questions, but: is there a reason Waes is not on the player list? :S
  15. ...it's taken me a while to decide, but it's chaos. Causing disorder! Pandemonium! That's pretty storming hard to resist. ...So, how do I sign on?
  16. In part, it also depends on how much stock we're putting on Turing tests, doesn't it? My impression was that it's by no means a unanimous or uncriticised notion within the field: just a measure which has successfully captured the popular imagination.
  17. Gamma: Another clarification about win conditions. I've noticed that both the darkfriends and the corrupted are to outnumber the remaining players, and there's the thing about the win conditions of corrupted darkfriends. So, if all the villagers get eliminated but darkfriends and corrupted are exactly neck-and-neck--they may have to kill each other in order to win? And might I also confirm that the corrupted seem to be a faction with no kill ability; they can only participate in lynches and try to encourage people to lynch the wrong people?
  18. Understood. Many thanks for the name-fix and the clarifications, GM-to-be!
  19. A minor request: on the player list, I should be Kasimir, playing Kaim Kasimar is my much-disliked Quick Fix 2 character who got himself ignobly killed in a generally unnecessarily excessive way In addition, I was looking through the rules again and I found some things I wanted to ask about: 1. The only ways of role-blocking, just to be clear, are: A) if a person has been Detained, B ) if the person is the Forsaken (in the case of Padan Fain attempting to Corrupt) and C) through a channeler using the Spirit weave? 2. How does Padan Fain's Corruption work? Here's my thoughts: let's say he can corrupt 5 out of the 25 players and does so. One of his corrupted players is killed. Is he allowed to corrupt another? Or does the cap decrease with the number of players? So now there are, say 15 players at that stage of the game, and Fain has unfortunately lost all his corrupted. Is he now allowed to corrupt 2 others? So I guess in a nutshell, these are my questions: A) is the corruption cap a hard one or a shifting one, based on the players currently alive in the game? B ) is Fain allowed to corrupt more once he's hit the cap the first time around?
  20. Could I have a joke profile pic, please, O Great Forger? (I've always considered asking and finally just gave in.)
  21. I guess you win I'm growing awfully fond of that panda.
  22. Well, seeing as I'm mostly just entertaining an audience of one in the dead doc at the moment, the idea of signing up to get myself killed again sounds ridiculously appealing. This time, I'll be Kaim, retired thief-taker. P.S. I understand that there is some question is to whether the entertainment will continue once my partner-in-crime gets there. Unfortunately, I made a rather ill-advised statement in that regard... And thanks, Gamma, I've been looking forward to a WoT game for ages
  23. Hence the scare quotes. And yep, Joel. Joe's got it.
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