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Eerongal last won the day on November 2 2012

Eerongal had the most liked content!


About Eerongal

  • Birthday 11/15/1984

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  • Member Title
    Admiral Wolverine Lightningbolt
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    The material Plane

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  1. There's usually a new thread every year (usually, but not always, posted by myself) as a courtesy to help people unfamiliar with the tradition.
  2. Hello, there, little ones! You might be running around confused at the sudden appearance of many strange claiming to be an "ookla the X", while wearing the guise and skin of your former friends. You may be saying to yourself "What sort of macabre post-halloween but not quite non-demoninational-winter-solstice-holiday magical trickery is this?!" Well, fear not my child, for I, grand pappy ookla himself, shall explain to you this tradition. This tradition, which you find so strange, is non other than a celebration! A celebration of Life! For, you see, a long loooooong time ago, an utterly, devastatingly, unimaginably long time ago, about 30 to 40-ish years ago, the person you know as brandon's assistant, @PeterAhlstrom was born! This, in and of itself, is not the origination of this tradition. No. This tradition comes much later. Fast forward to the existance of the 17th shard, and you'll find a number of young forumites, who decided it should be a grand festival! Unfortunately, due to the spread out nature of people on the internet, there was no way to show our love and support as a community. "But wait!" Exclaimed one young, eager forum go-er. "We could change our names!" "That's dumb" responded nearly everybody, "What good does that do?" "It would just be confusing," said still others. "Well, do you have a better idea?" retorted the snippy young upstart. And they did not. And so it was decided, every year on his grand celebration of his birth, people would change their names! The decision was made to name change to be similar to peter's original forum handle, Ookla The Mok, which he abandoned to live and work in a more professional capacity. And so now you know the tale of this ancient tradition as old as maybe 6 or 7 years, give or take. The festivities usually last about a week, or until we get tired of it, enjoy everyone!
  3. i know, right? Next thing you know, i'll be a dreaded "productive member of society" again. I can't stand by and allow such atrocities, which is why instead of standing by and doing nothing, i'm instead sitting by and doing nothing.
  4. Up to you, my man. Feel free to change your name to follow the herd. Or don't. I'm an ookla, not a cop.
  5. A newer, shinier official ookla thread has been created
  6. Hello all! Once again it is time for the yearly festivities of the ookla the mokovial©! You may have noticed other, stinkier threads that have been necro'd about it, but i figured that info is all completely outdated and unreliable and besides, you can't trust that shifty Kaymyth, can you! Not when you have ol' grand pappy Eero here to tell you the real truth! So....Ookla you say? You want to know the real reason for the holidays my boy? Well just sit right there and let me lay about some truth upon you! You see, a long, long time ago, when earth was in a more primordial state, Fierce God Fire and Willowy God Water were up in arms. "Water, you always douse my passions!" Claimed Fierce God Fire. "Well you, Fire, you always burn away my securities!" retorted Willowy God Water. Both were at an impasse. So, they turned to the wisdom of wise mother earth. "Mother earth," they said in unison, "Why must we always be so at odds? Can you not help us find a common ground?" "Well, children," Started wise mother earth in her slow drawl, "Let me think on it." And so she thought. Long and hard she thought. For eons and ages. Fast forward a few hundred millennia, and not that long ago (on a cosmic perspective), a man you may know by the name of Peter Ahlstrom, who happens to be brandon's assistant, was born! And that's why we rename ourselves to "Ookla the <something>" every year, children! Right up until koloss head munching day, i.e. brandon's birthday (or until we get bored of it)
  7. Moved to Cosmere Q&A section
  8. Actually, Europe in general is currently reported to be "above the baseline" for flu activity, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. It's not as bad as the US currently, but it's currently worse than expected (i.e. the baseline), with a number of countries reporting a "medium" impact. Poland appears to be one of the "medium" impacts.
  9. They aren't that i've found, from the few times i've been there (both sides, occasionally for trips over the years). But people are always quick to be like "I'm from kansas city. West side." or some such, and talk trash (in a more-or-less playful way) about the other side
  10. As far as immunizations go, I've heard that the vaccine is, at best, about 30% effective this year. Note that this DOES NOT MEAN you shouldn't get it, but i point it out because you should STILL take precautions as if you didn't get it even if you had your flu shot! Stay well everyone! And as far as the kansas/missouri divide goes, everyone i know from the KC area always argues and/or has pride for their east/west side! KC is very competitive with itself this way!
  11. Moved from the general discussion board. Also, merged with the existing EP8 discussion. PLEASE POST SPOILERS ONLY IN HERE! NO WHERE ELSE!
  12. That entire series is fantastic. I highly recommend it.
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