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4 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Yeah, you got me. And I suppose since Quinn and I were both elim that game, you and I must both be evil right now. Which of course means that you are just trying to distance yourself from me, and there isn't really any threat of you pushing for my death this cycle :P.

Yes, this analysis is entirely correct and without error :) You are in absolutely no danger whatsoever because we are clearly both eliminator teammates and I would absolutely never dream of throwing a teammate under the bus. When have I ever done anything like that?

Also, while we are here, would you mind explaining what manner of eldritch magicks you used to place your vote on matrim? My poor vote tally bot can't seem to detect the vote no matter how much fiddling I do with its parameters, and I'm beginning to suspect I might have to, y'know, actually debug it. For anyone who wants to know, the vote tally should be this:

Vote Tally
Araris Valerian (1): DrakeMarshall
Experience (1): Archer
Matrim's Dice (2): manukos, Araris Valerian
Azmine (1): Szeth_Pancakes

But it keeps missing your vote :huh:

I don't particularly want to see matrim voted up, but seeing as I clearly don't have any better ideas, and in any case I doubt the votes at the end of the cycle will much resemble what they are now, I see no reason to change my vote yet.

On another note, I have not noticed any obvious gaspers yet, which is interesting. It is one of the easier roles to detect (or for that matter to impersonate), and when I was a gasper in the last game it became public knowledge very quickly. I was kinda hoping to PM any gaspers that cropped up this time around :P Most likely, I figure this means that anyone who has the role has a different action they would prefer to take on this cycle, which is sort of interesting. Or the role doesn't exist. Or it's user(s) just aren't that active.

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1 minute ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Also, while we are here, would you mind explaining what manner of eldritch magicks you used to place your vote on matrim?

I'm pretty sure it must be related to my skill of flying under the radar. I've now become so specialized at being stealthy that it has unconsciously taken over my voting behavior.

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Just now, Araris Valerian said:

I'm pretty sure it must be related to my skill of flying under the radar. I've now become so specialized at being stealthy that it has unconsciously taken over my voting behavior.

See, I thought that might be it :huh: Your ability to fly under the radar is manifesting in new and powerful ways, much to the dismay of my bot, and on D1 of a game no less.

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11 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

So, @StrikerEZ, what if I was to do something drastic in my RP that would completely change the nature of your write-ups? Would you condone this course of action? Or should I not?


Uhhhh...I guess I'd request you ask me in a PM first, like run it by me before you do anything.

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Benjamin Treveneux Copper (or, in short, Ben T. Copper) was freaking the heck out. That's what the train schematics were for???? The heck???

You see, Treveneux (yes, he usually went by Treveneux. Couldn't really be going around pronouncing he was a Ben T. Copper, could he?) was on the take. And it was usually limited to odd jobs like passing illicit information about police operations and maybe exert influence into arrests and releases. Just something he could earn extra out of. Nothing major or harmful. Just to set him up for a life after retirement, you know? But this? HE HAD NOT SIGNED UP FOR THIS.

Railways in Elendel basin was nationalized of course. Privatization was seen as harmful and PRE mainly controlled the railways of the entire region. So, when he got an offer (huge one, mind you), he didn't think much of it. Just head into the Elendel Railways Department building, ask for the schematic, make a copy and give it to his contact. Simple. 

Treveneux had tried to absolve himself of any guilt his actions would have caused, because you see, those are caused by actions after him, you know? If it isn't him it's some other bent copper. The people who should be held accountable are the ones taking action after him. And despite this thinking, he tried to take jobs that don't seem to cause harm to life. So, this time it was different. The sabotage turned Garmet into a massive trap, and after the first day's action, he wasn't liking what he was seeing, This was going to real bad real quick, and he'd be one of the major cause for it. 

Hi and hello! I've been watching Line of Duty quite a bit recently and yep, I decided to play as a corrupt police officer. Just clarifying that the name doesn't have any to do with allomantic or feruchemical copper :P.

11 hours ago, Biplet said:

Thinking of what twinborn combinations could be out there, especially considering some allomantic and feruchemic abilities do a lot of the same thing. Now I'm worried that Striker is more insane than first thought and there's some crazy OP combinations out there. Or just... completely random combinations that cause maximum chaos.

I feel like people who played the original run of this game may have more insight into the rules than I do. Anyone have any ~interesting tidbits~ of information they're willing to share to the thread?

The combinations were not pure chaos and there were really smart combinations the last time, like the already mentioned Brute-Augur combination, which allowed the user to sustain an attack AND see who it was that attacked him. So I'm pretty sure that there would be some smart combination like it in this game too, and I'm inclined to think Striker gave it a lot of thought about the combination than just RNG'd it. As Ash said, there are powerful combination that can make the game unbalanced very quickly :P.

Possible Kandra changes could be an ability to assign as successor before death and perhaps changes to the frequency of kills even though I feel once in two cycles is still the most optimum. Anyway, Kandra needs to balance the elim and village numbers, so eventually, there will be anti-village indication we will find, so we don't have to searching for the Kandra. 

Village read on Archer for his reads on Manukos and Drake. 

4 hours ago, Archer said:

I'd said they were basically a village ally before, but looking at what they can potentially do, I'm thinking they're more an element of chaos, which benefits the elims.

I sorta disagree with this because they needed to balance the village-doc numbers, so I never saw them as village allies before. If we get an elim early, they'll be likely to kill villagers, but if there's quite a bit of false eliminations going about (like it happened in the previous game), they might be wanna go for suspicious folks. So yeah, not village allies in my book. They're an agent of their own dictated by circumstances.

The two games I've played with Drake, there were clear differences. The rerun of this game, LG66, he was laid back and relaxed. In contrast, in MR43, Drake was a lot more proactive, asking opinions and questions to the other players and just seemed a lot more...free? I don't really know how to explain better than that, but Drake this game feels more like MR43 Drake rather than LG66 Drake, so I'm reading him as elim rn. (Drake was village in LG66 and an elim in MR43, if it wasn't clear :P). I'd like to see more before I vote though.

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Veren was, admittedly, a bit happy that all of the representatives were stuck here. It would give them a chance to make more connections and gain more influence. Of course, they did not condone the rebels or their actions (at least not officially), but they would be a fool to not see and take advantage of the opportunities that this chaos provided. The outer basin was less stratified on political power and more welcoming of new ideas than Elendel (see: the aforementioned rebel problem), so influencing their representatives would be easier than changing Elendel. Somehow, despite all the changes that Scadrial had gone through on the past few hundred years - and in Elendel, especially in the few decades - nobles in some form or another always managed to hang on to power. Like cockroaches. Veren supposed that part of the reason was the centralization. First with the Lord Ruler and now with Elendel, there was always a single center of political and economic power, and of course the people in charge wouldn't want to let go of their influence. But if the outer basin got more negotiating power due to Elendel's fear of what the rebels might do, then Elendel would be forced to listen to their demands. And it was Veren's intention to make sure those demands included a forcible curtailing of noble power.

Dannex. Poke poke.

I'd welcome somebody PMing me, whether for RP or discussion

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31 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

Hi and hello! I've been watching Line of Duty quite a bit recently and yep, I decided to play as a corrupt police officer. Just clarifying that the name doesn't have any to do with allomantic or feruchemical copper :P.

The combinations were not pure chaos and there were really smart combinations the last time, like the already mentioned Brute-Augur combination, which allowed the user to sustain an attack AND see who it was that attacked him. So I'm pretty sure that there would be some smart combination like it in this game too, and I'm inclined to think Striker gave it a lot of thought about the combination than just RNG'd it. As Ash said, there are powerful combination that can make the game unbalanced very quickly :P.

Possible Kandra changes could be an ability to assign as successor before death and perhaps changes to the frequency of kills even though I feel once in two cycles is still the most optimum. Anyway, Kandra needs to balance the elim and village numbers, so eventually, there will be anti-village indication we will find, so we don't have to searching for the Kandra. 

Village read on Archer for his reads on Manukos and Drake. 

I sorta disagree with this because they needed to balance the village-doc numbers, so I never saw them as village allies before. If we get an elim early, they'll be likely to kill villagers, but if there's quite a bit of false eliminations going about (like it happened in the previous game), they might be wanna go for suspicious folks. So yeah, not village allies in my book. They're an agent of their own dictated by circumstances.

The two games I've played with Drake, there were clear differences. The rerun of this game, LG66, he was laid back and relaxed. In contrast, in MR43, Drake was a lot more proactive, asking opinions and questions to the other players and just seemed a lot more...free? I don't really know how to explain better than that, but Drake this game feels more like MR43 Drake rather than LG66 Drake, so I'm reading him as elim rn. (Drake was village in LG66 and an elim in MR43, if it wasn't clear :P). I'd like to see more before I vote though.

LG66 I remember, I should hope, since it's the game that this one is a rerun of. But what was MR43?

Ohhh that was the murder mystery one with unreasonably bloodthirsty RNG and a crazy number of kills and protects flying around towards the end, during which I repeatedly insisted I was a village scanner and somehow didn't get knifed before the curtain dropped. Good times :D

Anyways what I wanna say is that if you look at my playstyle across more than just those two games (have we really only played two games together btw?) you might see something a little more nuanced. And by nuanced I mean wildly chaotic and generally just slightly confusing to myself as well as to others. I can definitely remember elim games I've played that were uncharacteristically passive (actually, that probably tended to be one of my biggest tells, at least at the beginning of my career as a dirty no-good eliminator). And I can definitely remember a lot of games I've played as a villager where others might have called my playstyle "proactive" or even sometimes "aggressive" :P

Idk on the scale of LG66!Drake vibes and MR43!Drake vibes, I guess I'd say I feel somewhere in the middle vibes today? Like, I probably am having less chill in this game than I did in LG66, but I'm also probably being generally more facetious and less focused than I was in MR43. Not sure if there's a good comparison for a game I've played similarly to how I am playing this one, but I guess my playstyle in this one is by definition part of village!Drake's playbook :P

But yeah honestly this is fine, waiting and seeing is good. You should have no deficit of information on me in the meantime, and I rather hope my voting patterns will eventually speak for themselves.

Anyway, in the spirit of asking people stuff, I wouldn't mind if you further explained the read on Archer. Although if it's just village reading somebody on account of their sharing any sort of read this early into the game, I suppose that is more or less valid.

Also, Line of Duty. Nice.

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6 hours ago, Archer said:

Getting village vibes from this. If an elim were to say this, it limits their ability late in the game to claim that the reason they haven't been NKed yet is because they're a returnee. I don't fully agree with inviting attack unless you have protection or want to imply that you do, but each to their own. (I'm not fishing for an answer to that, by the way. I'm happy to IKYK the elim doc) 

to clarify 
i am not asking the elims to target me 
just.... to treat me normally and for weather day or night y'all shouldn't feel bad for murderising me

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15 hours ago, Archer said:

I’m guessing the distribution has everyone with at least a Feruchemical role, Allomantic role, or regular role. (This game was tagged as role madness, so...)

Uhh, there’s also this from the rules. 

  • Each player will have at least one role.

So yeah I’d say that guess of yours is spot on.

16 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

3 or 5 could work depending on how crazy the distro is; and maybe 5 elims is a sort of insurance policy for if the kandra body-snatches an elim.


I can’t find anything in the rules that says the Kandra can “body snatch”

actually, there isn’t any info on the Kandra at all other than that they exist. 

Mat Kandra slip? :ph34r: (Probably not, they’re probably just assuming things based on the last game, but still worth taking note of how easily he assumed this.)

59 minutes ago, Flyingbooks said:

Dannex. Poke poke.

ow stop poking me I have sensitive skin

K that’s all the responses I have, on to my own thoughts. 

1. I will be PMing every single one of you, so expect me to come slithering in your dms in the near future. If I miss you please PM me instead. I am choosing to play this game very PM heavy. 

2. I’d ask that y’all kindly differentiate RP from analysis a bit more. Whether it’s by putting one of them in a different font or by using a quote box or by using these line thingys:

I’d very much appreciate it. Reading through the thread was hard not knowing what stuff to analyze and what stuff was RP. Speaking of RP @Ashbringer you should do a post explaining some of Faleast’s backstory n stuff. I very much enjoy reading your RP, but your characters are so heavily connected to past events that it’s sometimes really hard to understand what they’re talking about. Give me the lore.

That’s basically it for now, I’m gonna get started on those PMs.

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2 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Typically I use the line thingy for posts that combine both RP and analysis, but I would also be down to do italics for RP or something to that effect if we want to establish a particular convention.

Nah we don’t need an official standard or anything, people like to RP in their own formats n stuff. As long as there is a separation and that it’s somewhat clear, I’m happy. 

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8 hours ago, Biplet said:

Bent Copper?

Mhmm, yep

7 hours ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

I just want to poke @Azmine_king one more time before I call it a night.


Why Azmine in particular?

6 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Anyways what I wanna say is that if you look at my playstyle across more than just those two games (have we really only played two games together btw?) you might see something a little more nuanced. And by nuanced I mean wildly chaotic and generally just slightly confusing to myself as well as to others. I can definitely remember elim games I've played that were uncharacteristically passive (actually, that probably tended to be one of my biggest tells, at least at the beginning of my career as a dirty no-good eliminator). And I can definitely remember a lot of games I've played as a villager where others might have called my playstyle "proactive" or even sometimes "aggressive" :P

Idk on the scale of LG66!Drake vibes and MR43!Drake vibes, I guess I'd say I feel somewhere in the middle vibes today? Like, I probably am having less chill in this game than I did in LG66, but I'm also probably being generally more facetious and less focused than I was in MR43. Not sure if there's a good comparison for a game I've played similarly to how I am playing this one, but I guess my playstyle in this one is by definition part of village!Drake's playbook :P

Yeah, we've only played 2 games together if I'm not missing some games but I don't think I am, and yeah two games is a very small sample size, hence no vote. But the differences were clearly visible to me and I thought it was worth mentioning. 

And yeah you don't fully feel like MR43!Drake, hence my wording "feel more closer to MR43!Drake than LG66!Drake" :P

6 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Anyway, in the spirit of asking people stuff, I wouldn't mind if you further explained the read on Archer. Although if it's just village reading somebody on account of their sharing any sort of read this early into the game, I suppose that is more or less valid.

This particular sentence actually:

12 hours ago, Archer said:

Getting village vibes from this. If an elim were to say this, it limits their ability late in the game to claim that the reason they haven't been NKed yet is because they're a returnee.

It feels like the thought process behind this comes from a village mind, and it just feels like a thing that wouldn't usually occur to an elim.

5 hours ago, Dannex said:

I can’t find anything in the rules that says the Kandra can “body snatch”

actually, there isn’t any info on the Kandra at all other than that they exist. 

Mat Kandra slip? :ph34r: (Probably not, they’re probably just assuming things based on the last game, but still worth taking note of how easily he assumed this.)

Yeah, the body snatch was a mechanic from the previous run in which a player gets converted to kandra on the original kandra's death (death can be deliberate by choosing the successor or when death occurs without knowledge, a random player is converted) and I don't think there's anything malicious in his statement, as I was assuming there's definitely the body snatch mechanic because of how integral it was to the kandra mechanic last time around. So I'd say it's a fairly obvious assumption to make for a player who played in the original run of the game.

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9 hours ago, |TJ| said:

The two games I've played with Drake, there were clear differences. The rerun of this game, LG66, he was laid back and relaxed. In contrast, in MR43, Drake was a lot more proactive, asking opinions and questions to the other players and just seemed a lot more...free? I don't really know how to explain better than that, but Drake this game feels more like MR43 Drake rather than LG66 Drake, so I'm reading him as elim rn. (Drake was village in LG66 and an elim in MR43, if it wasn't clear :P). I'd like to see more before I vote though.

Bit of a mindmeld here- it crossed my mind that Drake seemed more excited than LG66. I didn't have the reference of MR43 (which is... probably why I didn't say anything. Or maybe I just need to share my half-minded thoughts more :P) so this is a nice bit of info imo.

6 hours ago, Dannex said:

I can’t find anything in the rules that says the Kandra can “body snatch”

actually, there isn’t any info on the Kandra at all other than that they exist. 

Mat Kandra slip? :ph34r: (Probably not, they’re probably just assuming things based on the last game, but still worth taking note of how easily he assumed this.)

Yeah this is just me assuming the kandra has the same mechanics as they had in the original run of the game, which probably isn't fair seeing as Striker didn't say what their mechanics are and he said there are secret rules.


Back to Drake, not sure what to think of the him-Araris interaction. I'll probably be watching those two together more closely than I would otherwise, to see if anything else comes out of it. I also don't know what to make of Drake outing the Gasper thing (which, granted, is kind of obvious anyways :P) and also outing a potential elim strategy, which okay, we've had the discussion on whether that's suspicious or not but it is not helpful to the village in any way even if it isn't directly an elim action.

I saw some people do this in the MU Champs and it looked fun. Rainbow time!

Everyone who hasn't posted or has only RPd or I forgot about

Albeit an ugly rainbow to avoid using red :P. Archer/TJ for the mindmelds and points, Dannex for... some reason I should go check my notes again, Araris for paranoia... I don't think it's cause he voted on my but maybe my brain subconsciously went that direction :P. (yellow=null minus but it's slight) Jondesu because I always get bad vibes from Jondesu, and Drake for aforementioned things and something else.
Edit: manukos is probably in between TJ and Dannex also

So Drake is where I'm at I guess. Hope everyone who hasn't posted shows up soon!

As Philico walked the streets, he took care in carefully examining each alleyway he passed. The narrow pathways was where the real heart of the city was, and he had learned to tell the state of a city by how neat the worst part of it was.

Naturally, it would have been strange for Philico to visibly stare into each alley, so he went with a more secretive approach. Small eye hordelings in the base of his neck, looking sideways- the kind that are a virtual magnifying glass. He could see everything in basically every direction.

He wasn't paying real close attention to what he found in the alleyways, but one thing made him stop suddenly. To his left, in the shadows of a building, a small boy of about eight sat on the ground. Philico suffered the largest burst of déjà vu he had ever had, or could ever remember.

"Peter?" He whispered aloud, softly to himself.

He remembered Fallion's Tears all too well, how he had taken upon a silly mantra and thought he could magic his way out of everything. But he had been stabbed in the back on multiple occasions and only saved himself. And one boy.

A boy that looked just like the boy sitting in the alley to his left.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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Continuing with my trend of Szeth no analysis early day 1, here's s'more RP. I'll probably do some analysis this afternoon, when everything's played out a little bit more.

Earl was getting restless. He looked at the clock for the fifth time this evening. It read 9:54 PM. He tapped his foot anxiously. Six more minutes. Why was he waiting, anyway? He had a job to do, and he wanted to see it done. The minutes inched by, unbelievably slow. When the clock hit 10:00, he practically leaped out of his seat. He grabbed a large metal suitcase from a corner of his room, and opened the door, making sure not to slam it against the wall in his excitement. He carefully shut it, and strolled three doors down to the room where he had found the manila envelope. He opened the door, walked in, and shut the door with a click. Then, before the man inside could react, he bounded over to where he was sitting, and knocked him out with the back of his fist, without making any sort of noise. He slid his trusty knife out of his sleeve, and cut the man on the palm of his hand. Then, he slid his other trusty knife out of his other sleeve, and cut himself in the same place. He touched the tip of his tongue to both knives. The blood tasted exactly the same. He did it again, just to be sure. Damn it, he thought. I'm not sure who this man is, but he was framed. And I fell for it! Damn it, damn it, damn it! 



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Wow, I exist, surprisingly... 

Not sure what’s happening right now as I just skimmed through the thread quicker than Wayne cracks a dirty joke. If anyone would like to sum up this games Day One madness for me, I would greatly appreciate it. Though, to be honest, it’s Day One... I doubt anything too important as happened.

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That Lerasium Alloy is mine :D

Earl stormed out of the room, metal suitcase in hand, unable to keep the grimace off of his face. A bystander would probably see a man who had gotten in a fight with his lover, and was storming back to his room to sulk. What they wouldn't see is a man who had just found out that the person he was about to kill had been framed, and was no less innocent than Earl's pet dog. Even though he might've ripped up the curtains once in a while, he didn't deserve to be knocked unconscious and subjected to a crude blood test, and he certainly didn't deserve to have a suitcase of acid dumped on his head. Earl opened the door to his room, and stepped inside. As expected, there was a man in a crisp suit and tie waiting for him on the chair next to his bed. 

"Framed," Earl said, shutting the door and setting down the suitcase in the corner of the room.

"Are you kidding me?" The man in the suit got up from his chair and walked up to Earl, who instinctively backed up against the door. "We are told you are a top-notch assassin, and we expect you to be a top-notch assassin. Not somebody who can't tell when an envelope was obviously planted in someone's dresser."

Earl gulped. This was not going as well as he had hoped.

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Myra scribbled in her notepad. “Juno wants to walk back to Elendel. Mad, but daring. Probably a setup to make it easier to kill people. Possibly not.” 

Who agreed with Juno’s plan. No one, really. Dannex had spoken up against it, and others had chimed in. Really didn’t matter, most anyone who thought about the plan knew it was daft. Elendel was way to far to walk if they knew some of their companions were trying to kill them. They’d have to make camp multiple times along the way, with supplies they didn’t really have, and with people totally untrained for it… “It’s mad, really.” She spoke, not to anyone in particular, just taking out loud. “It’s suicide. But so is just sitting here. Maybe we need to arrest the most suspicious people and lock them up. Yes, that makes sense. No need to get carried away, but look for anyone that doesn’t seem to fit in. Not Juno, they wouldn’t be careless enough to suggest something so daft in public, but someone…”
She glanced around the room. Philico was staring at her suspiciously, so she hurriedly glanced away. He didn’t seem preoccupied with her, since he wasn’t still staring when she glanced back, but it concerned her all the same. Was he looking for targets? Or doing the same as her and seeing who was suspicious?

Just to clarify, this is all RP and not game analysis.

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"You have five more days to find the person who planted this" the man continued, pulling the manila envelope Earl had found out of his jacket, "or you're off the job, and we will find someone more competent to do what needs to be done."

Earl gulped. "Yes, yes. I will find them. Please... please don't take me off the case. I can be trusted to find them."

"Your conduct is... interesting, Earl." the man said, laying the envelope on Earl's bed and walking towards him. "If you are going to be trusted, then you need to be professional. I have no time for men who are incompetent in these areas."

"Yes... alright, ok. I will be more professional from here on out. I promise. Just..." Earl's voice trailed off.

"Professionalism, Earl. This," the man gestured to Earl, who was backed up against the door with a terrified expression on his face, "is not professionalism." Earl whimpered as the man drew a long knife and held its point to his throat. "Show me," continued the man, "that you can be professional."

 "Y-yes," Earl stammered. "I c-can be p-professional." He made an attempt at straightening his tie, which was surprisingly difficult while being held at knife-point. 

The man sighed. "I don't have time for this." And with that, he stabbed Earl through the throat. He slumped against the wall, and felt no more.


And that's all the RP I can justify doing today. This is already past sundown.

Also, don't worry, Earl's fine. *mischievous grin*

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9 hours ago, Dannex said:

I’d very much appreciate it. Reading through the thread was hard not knowing what stuff to analyze and what stuff was RP. Speaking of RP @Ashbringer you should do a post explaining some of Faleast’s backstory n stuff. I very much enjoy reading your RP, but your characters are so heavily connected to past events that it’s sometimes really hard to understand what they’re talking about. Give me the lore.

Uh... let's see.

Backstory of LG66:

  • D1-D2: Faleast started as a loyal, if distant, PRE member (villager) and Pulser. He was fairly paranoid about the kandra's existence, and ended up contacting Lafay and Pyria Young (Ventyl and The Young Pyromancer).
  • N2: A lot of things. Faleast made a deal with Lafay, swapping role names, so Lafay knew Faleast was a Pulser and Faleast knew Lafay was a Leecher. Faleast didn't trust this, and made a plan to test the theory the next day with Pyria. Meanwhile, the Kandra (Araris) was killed by the village Coinshot (TJ), and they had an ability that made a random person the next Kandra, which of course picked me. I wrote it as AraRaash, the kandra, used a special spike to kill Faleast and gather some of his memory - but, somewhat unintentionally, also captured his Cognitive Shadow, resulting the . This also made Faleast not a Pulser anymore.
  • D3: Faleast nearly got Lafay executed, believing his Leecher claim to be a lie, but ultimately realized there was a scenario where all parties were telling the truth. However, Faleast was "outed" as a Pulser, despite not being one anymore... which was quite bad for AraRaash.
  • N3: A Leecher died, which led to Faleast suspecting Lafay again. Unbeknownst to Faleast (or Ash), Lord Cauthon (Matrim) had alignment scanned Faleast, learned of his Kandrafication, and was promptly killed by TJ before he could tell anyone. 
  • D4: Faleast got Lafay executed, and learned he was in fact a Loyalist (Eliminator).
  • N4: AraRaash bought a Nicroburst Spike, and attacked and killed Kynedath (who was also an Eliminator). TJ had also attacked and killed Kynedath... Faleast and TJ had an interesting relationship.
  • D5-N5: Faleast had to talk his way out of a few holes, but managed to do so... not much else. He bought a Bulletproof Vest.
  • D6: Another Loyalist falls, as Reginald (Magestar) survives to try and find another using Augury. Faleast is asked to Nicroburst him, but realizes it's a bad idea for the village and doesn't. Instead he Nicrobursts TJ and lets him Archivist twice, which allows him to uncover another Loyalist who targeted Mage in the day turn.
  • N6: Faleast realizes the Loyalists are in trouble, then attacks Pyria Young, who was a good friend to Faleast. Unfortunately for him, Pyria was also a Loyalist.
  • Aftermath: The remaining Loyalist was killed, and AraRaash revealed himself and killed Darson (an NPC leader of the PRE) and fled.

The rest of his backstory is really stuff about Lamentation (the AG), where Lamentation appeared to Faleast and AraRaash after this and essentially hired them to...

Well, that's what I'm building right now, aren't I? :D


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2 hours ago, Ventyl said:

Wow, I exist, surprisingly... 

Not sure what’s happening right now as I just skimmed through the thread quicker than Wayne cracks a dirty joke. If anyone would like to sum up this games Day One madness for me, I would greatly appreciate it. Though, to be honest, it’s Day One... I doubt anything too important as happened.

I mean, the thread’s not that long and a lot of it is RP so I’m sure you could manage :P.

I feel like a lot of this game is playing out in PMs.

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