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The Voidbringers all seemed to be engaged at the moment, so Jamie moved closer to the house, taking up a defensive position near the door. She stood in stance lazily, holding her Shardblade in one hand. Holding such a massive sword in one hand would normally been exceedingly difficult, but the supernatural lightness of the Blade, combined with pewter made it easier than holding a normal longsword. Which she'd done more than a few times, at her trainer's insistence.  

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1 hour ago, AonEne said:

“Life before death.”



James rushed into the backyard to the sound of violence. "Lights above" he cursed softly, and searched his mind for the Nightwatcher's presence. Nightwatcher? This is a dangerous situation, should I draw the blade? 

First, draw in Stormlight- without it the blade will consume your soul, and me with it.  The Nightwatcher sent, panicked, but agreeing. James breathed in, charging himself with Stormlight, as he pulled a black fountain pen from his pocket. He opened the cap, and a blade bleeding black smoke appeared in his hand. Finally The blade spoke in his mind, You should draw me more. James tried his best to ignore the blade's rambling, and charged into the fray.

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Holding the blade was a true challenge, James felt his strength waning. At that moment, a Voidbringer charged him, and almost by instinct James lunged the blade through its chest. EVILLL!!!!! The blade screeched in his mind, and James pulled the blade from the Voidbringer. The dead body slumped forward, and pinned James beneath it, as he willed the blade away back into pen form. Blood began to spread from the wound, and James held back a retch. Nausea settled in as James realized the full extent of his actions. He had killed, Oh Storms he had killed. Tears began to flow from his eyes, and he couldn't hold back the vomit. He tried in vain to free himself from the Voidbringer, but the exertion proved too taxing, and he collapsed to the ground, and saw no more.

@Anyone at the battle

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1 hour ago, Wyndlerunner said:

Holding the blade was a true challenge, James felt his strength waning. At that moment, a Voidbringer charged him, and almost by instinct James lunged the blade through its chest. EVILLL!!!!! The blade screeched in his mind, and James pulled the blade from the Voidbringer. The dead body slumped forward, and pinned James beneath it, as he willed the blade away back into pen form. Blood began to spread from the wound, and James held back a retch. Nausea settled in as James realized the full extent of his actions. He had killed, Oh Storms he had killed. Tears began to flow from his eyes, and he couldn't hold back the vomit. He tried in vain to free himself from the Voidbringer, but the exertion proved too taxing, and he collapsed to the ground, and saw no more.

@Anyone at the battle

"James." Mahad informed her and Shana nodded, waved at Rob and rushed off. All around her the battle was waning, they were close to winning now and she didn't even consider what she was doing when she killed another one. Make a turn, slash open a stomach. So incredibly easy.

She lifted the Voidbringer off James, grunting from the effort and looked at her friend. A shadow warned her and she rolled to the side, avoided a killing blow and instead the blade only cut her arm open. She killed him as well, growing numb to the terror, and it scared her. Numb and Shana - it didn't mix well. She wasn't used to be numb and the fear was almost welcome.

She dropped her weapon to the ground, lifted James up and made sure,  that his head rested on her shoulder. She saw no wound beneath blood that covered thim, but then she could easily miss it. Instead of wasting time she carried him over to Ben, moved quickly and easily between the corpses.


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4 hours ago, AonEne said:

The spren screamed, the noise cutting Cassie's thoughtless facade away, and she dropped to her knees. It didn’t all hit her at once; the events of the last few minutes sank in one by one, slowly. Suddenly she didn’t care if the Voidbringer attacked her, because she had commanded Joy like she was nothing, looked at her like she was nothing. Had thought of Voidbringers as ‘it’ - they did have genders, and she could at least acknowledge that, even if she didn’t want to think about them being human. 

Oh, storms. She had killed people. She had killed them in so many ways, fast, slow, by tearing their souls from them, by - her stomach lurched as she recalled some of the things Cohesion could do - by drowning them in beads - by breaking her oath. All of this was because she had broken the First Ideal. 

Journey before destination. I failed. I asked for the destination instead of going through the journey. The Nightwatcher didn’t stop me, because a Radiant’s Words are her honor, and now I must hold by mine. 

Strength before weakness. I was strong just moments ago, fighting, but if that’s strength...then I don’t want it. At least when weak, I’m still me. Like I was when I was only at the First Ideal. Weak...but myself. 

Life before death. I have killed so many...is there any way I can repent that? Cassie bowed her head next to a looming Voidbringer and a deadeye lightspren, trapped by her own hatred. I deserve to die. 

But...dying wouldn’t adhere to life before death. Living would. Dying won’t make up for what I’ve done. Neither will living. But at least with life, there’s a chance. I have a chance. She looked up. Tired; exhausted. Alive. 

Cassandra Deoven stood up. She looked at the Voidbringer. She wasn’t glowing, and in Shadesmar, she carried no weapon - her clenched fists were all she had. But she was going to live. 

“Life before death.” 


Sheln knelt down and scooped up a bead, pushing Light into it to manifest it. A sword- not a Shardblade- appeared in his hands. He balanced on his glass bead raft, looking at the girl with a wary expression.

"What are you?" he asked, his voice strangely accented. "How do you have such power?"

He stood up, shattered Shardplate helm slowly beginning to reform, holding his sword in front of him as if in defense.

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Rob blinked and refocused on the battle as Shana waved and rushed off to help James. Stupid Rob. The whole battle had been moving too fast for him to keep up. Speed was never a strength of Rob’s. But what he lost in velocity he made up for in consistency, and strength. Walking forward he punched a Voidbringer sliding towards him. It fell on the floor in a tumble, red eyes in shock. Rob gulped. No matter how red the eyes were, they were still human eyes, a person.

Watching Shana run off with James he liquified the ground behind them and made a wall, to defend against any lightning bolts. Fortunately, it didn’t seem as though there were any plants on the battlefield tonight.

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15 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

He stood up, shattered Shardplate helm slowly beginning to reform, holding his sword in front of him as if in defense.


Question: If you can't have a shardblade in the cognative realm, then wouldn't you not be able to have shardplate either? Also, what type of spren is the blade and plate from. Would it be there?


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Ashlyn watches from behind, constantly scanning the battlefield to see if anyone needs help. She paces back and forth, feeling useless. This isn’t the kind of fighting your used to, you’ll just get hurt. Plus you can’t even see what the enemy looks like and your liable to attack someone your not supposed to.

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1 hour ago, Sorana said:

"James." Mahad informed her and Shana nodded, waved at Rob and rushed off. All around her the battle was waning, they were close to winning now and she didn't even consider what she was doing when she killed another one. Make a turn, slash open a stomach. So incredibly easy.

She lifted the Voidbringer off James, grunting from the effort and looked at her friend. A shadow warned her and she rolled to the side, avoided a killing blow and instead the blade only cut her arm open. She killed him as well, growing numb to the terror, and it scared her. Numb and Shana - it didn't mix well. She wasn't used to be numb and the fear was almost welcome.

She dropped her weapon to the ground, lifted James up and made sure,  that his head rested on her shoulder. She saw no wound beneath blood that covered thim, but then she could easily miss it. Instead of wasting time she carried him over to Ben, moved quickly and easily between the corpses.


James opened his eyes slightly, as Shana carried him off. Was it just him, or did the hand where he'd held the sword seem greyish? He slowly went back unconscious, as memories of the killing filled his mind.


So, when Nightblood's draining investiture in canon, he can drain skin color, so I figured we'd do something similar.


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It was hard to see outside, not because of a lack of light but because there was so much movement, you couldn't set eyes on anything for more than a second before something else took its place. Edwin swung his weapon at a Voidbringer coming at him. He aimed for his upper half but only cut through his leg slightly, making the Voidbringer fall and Edwin with him a few meters apart. The thing was heavy and hard to control. Games make this look easier. He didn't have time to complain more because the Voidbringer got back up and tried to run towards him, limping but gaining speed. Edwin turned the naginata around and with an effort swung at a wide arc in front of him that caught the Voidbringer in his run, making him fall again. Edwin got up slowly and walked to the figure on the ground. The man wasn't moving, but with Light he would be up in no time. Instead he slammed the blade into the man's heart, the Voidbringer's heart, and started running, looking for the next one.

It was the first time he killed somebody, but strangely he didn't feel as terrible as he thought. Maybe it was because he knew the redeyes wouldn't have hesitated to kill him. Either way, it was for the better, as that one wouldn't be the last.

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8 hours ago, Lunamor said:

“Could you, um, help me up please? If you’re not too tired? I need to get over there so I can see well enough to use my illusions.”

He pointed in Shana’s general direction.

"Sure."  She sucked in as much stormlight as she could handle and lashed him into the sky.  She instantly wobbled and almost fell, but caught herself.  @Lunamor

Edited by Aragorn
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Sahar had never been more overwhelmed in her life. Spool had been leading her into a voidbringer battle? And then she'd gone and rescued some random kid who'd gotten herself in too deep into all this, and from what Sahar had seen, was back to fighting a bunch of monsters. Now she and Spool were behind some rocks, watching as Radiants who cared enough to have said the Third Ideal stabbed and killed and screamed. Weren't Radiants supposed to be majestic? Quick-thinking and noble? Ingrid said once that anyone who announces their righteousness for the world to hear is hiding worse doings than much of what you can imagine.  She'd been right, of course. But what could it hurt to stop some idiot girl who didn't know what she was doing from flying up into the sky and dying? Sahar ran out from the rock and yelled at the girl, "OI! You're gonna get yourself killed, you fool!" The girl turned around and stared at Sahar.

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8 minutes ago, Aragorn said:

"Sure."  She sucked in as much stormlight as she could handle and lashed him into the sky.  She instantly wobbled and almost fell, but caught herself.  @Lunamor


Ben was suddenly weightless and slowly drifting upwards. He panicked for a half second before realizing that Nym had lashed him to the sky. He supposed that technically was helping him up, if a bit of an unconventional way of doing so. It took less effort for him to move around, at least. After grabbing the side of the house and using it to maneuver so that he was upright, all he had to do to move forwards was gently kick off the ground with his feet. He grinned when he figured that must be what astronauts felt like in zero g.

His smile evaporated when he saw Shana running towards him and carrying a hurt looking James. He seemed like he was unconscious, and his hand was a greyish color. Another shardblade wound? He hoped that he still had enough energy to heal it. He half ran, half jumped over to them and inhaled a ton of stormlight. This was probably the brightest shining he had ever been, with the extra light he had from the lashing. He placed a hand on top of James’s hurt one to try and confirm what type of injury it was. It was strange, oddly similar to Nym’s shardblade wounds, cold and empty feeling. It was different, though- more wrong somehow.

He focused and tried to send stormlight into the hand, watching to see if it would do anything. It didn’t seem to, so he attempted to stop the flow of light to avoid wasting it. But he couldn’t. It kept on going, unwillingly being ripped away from him. He struggled to remove his hand, even using his other one to try and pry it off, but it was frozen in place. The stormlight leaving him accelerated to a ridiculously fast rate, and Ben’s glow faded considerably. Everything started to get brighter and brighter until it was difficult to see. James’s hand was slowly returning to a normal color, but Ben’s started to gain a grey tint. The little stormlight he had left managed to keep it from going completely grey, although it came a little close. Once he finally ran out of stormlight, he crashed to the ground and had all of the breath knocked out of him. Apparently the light used for the lashing had been drained too. He saw the deep gash on Shana’s arm and tried to reach out to heal her, but he couldn’t move, couldn’t even turn his head. Too heavy. Was it just him, or was everything getting darker from the lack of stormlight? Things got dimmer and dimmer until he couldn’t see anymore and everything sounded funny. He eventually fell unconscious, his last semi-coherent thought that that had been a weird shardblade.



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Nightblood is sheathed by the way. (in pen form)

James came back to consciousness just as Ben fell unconscious. He stood up shakily, and stood over the body of his friend, weaponless, but drawing in Stormlight to give himself strength. "I won't let anyone else get hurt" he whispered to himself, "even if I must kill" his voice trailed off. So this is what living a difficult oath is like. James thought to himself, discarding the glasses into a pocket- they weren't doing much good on his eyes at the moment.

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3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Sheln knelt down and scooped up a bead, pushing Light into it to manifest it. 


I thought that was a Lightweaver thing, not an Elsecaller one. 


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please ignore the glaring continuity errors.

Leona was almost done with the cake when she heard the screaming and clanging of blades. She summoned Onyx as a chef's knife, then stormed outside. The battle was in full swing. 

There were voidbringers. So many voidbringers. And Cassie had disappeared. To the Cognitive realm, she supposed. And a voidbringer had followed her. Nobody else had seen or reacted. And Leona was the only other one with access. 

"SERIOUSLY?" she yelled, gracefully faceplanting into a sea of beads, nearly impaling herself on Onyx. Now was not the time for her ankle to give out. 

She landed on a platform of beads. Somehow, she'd transformed them into a kitchen table. Cassie was to her left, weaponless. Onyx had reverted to spren form, but Leona had backup weapons. What, after all, was the point of being a baker if not so that one could carry numerous weapons - knives, rolling pins, potato peelers, cheese graters - all the time?

She handed Cassie a chef's knife. "You're worth it. You are worth something, no matter how much you argue otherwise. Now let's kick demon butt and get out of here."

Grabbing a knife in each hand, she began to fight. 


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36 minutes ago, AonEne said:

I thought that was a Lightweaver thing, not an Elsecaller one. 


I got the impression it's a skill that can be learned with pretty much anyone with access to Stormlight- even spren. Most of the things that they get in the Cognitive realm come from the same process, I think. But even if it is Order-specific, it would be most likely tied to Soulcasting ability.


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4 hours ago, Hope Spren said:

Question: If you can't have a shardblade in the cognative realm, then wouldn't you not be able to have shardplate either? Also, what type of spren is the blade and plate from. Would it be there?


Nobody knows how Shardplate works, or if it would function in Shadesmar. The rules for things we don't know are whatever we make up.

The Blade is from an Elsecaller, and yes, it would be there.

21 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Also, I don’t think Plate reforms nearly that quickly.


Sheln has a fabrial that re-forms it automatically.


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