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@Ookla the Paragon Here's my idea for an Era three Character. Please let me know if its too powerful or breaks one of the rules.


Name: Maq

Investiture: Steel Feruchemist with a number of Tin spikes to increase his Eyesight.

Special skills: Expert Marksman, Hemalurgist, can read lips decently.

Weapons/equipment: He has a two Revolvers with a few Modifications^, A long distance rifle, and a shotgun. Finally he has a few Rioting Grenades*. All of his bullets are from hemalurgic spikes.

Fighting style: Will generally try to either take them out with his high caliber revolver or rifle. Otherwise he will try to fill them with bullets with a hemalurgic charge then toss a rioting cube to disable/incapacitate his opponents. He uses his F-Speed to quickly reload his guns. It uses relatively low amounts of speed, and he doesn't need to tap all that much to get enough speed to do that.

Weakness: He's Deaf. Also, not stealthy. Very paranoid about friends being mean. 

History: He was born with a genetic defect that made it so his hearing got progressively worse as time went on. By the age of 7 he couldn't hear. Born into a wealthy family  with Terris ancestry his parents tried everything they could to get his hearing back. But nothing worked. As time progressed his other senses naturally got better as he couldn't rely on Hearing.

Due to his condition he was bullied, taunted behind his back, people would say things to see if he could hear them and get a reaction. He naturally grew paranoid. 

Unfortunately, or I guess fortunately if you are a member of the DA, one day he was walking home when he noticed his bullies taunting him behind him. He tried to ignore it, but as they were walking they walked by a Dark Alley with Mac inside. Mac, who had been watching Maq for a while as a potential recruit, decided that Maq had the potential to be a great apprentice. When Maq walked by Mac rioted Maqs feelings of anger, hate and paranoia toward his bullies.

Maq Snapped. He didn't know it at the time, and only found out later. He turned  around to beat up his bullies. Unfortunately he had neither strength nor skill, and would have been on the loosing side had Mac not appeared and killed them. Killing them with a few blows by compounding pewter. 

Mac promised Maq the opportunity to gain power to kill his enemies, and also reminded him that he would be incriminated for the crime. Maq joined Mac in the allies and left scadrial.

Over the years in the Alleys Maq never got into the whole science thing. He was more interested in engineering, designing guns and tools to help him overpower his enemies. He followed Mac's footsteps in the DoCI and was used extensively for removing spies. He got better Eyesight via Tin spikes, and improved his other senses. Due to how he fought, he didn't want to go too heavy on the spikes, but still has 4 or 5 tin spikes from a variety of animals and humans to greatly improve his eyesigh.

Personality: Contrary to how most people with his history/training would have viewed themselves, he knows hes a person. Doesn't view himself as a tool to be used to kill others. Actually has a good respect for life that isn't opposing his purpose. At times that respect waxes and wanes, but most of the time if he found someone on the street being hurt he would save them. If he has a mission though, all respect for others goes out the window. He respects experience and wisdom, so long as they are used the right way. 

He is completely loyal to the DA and their goals. Despite the fact that he never got into the Science part, he would defend the DA with his life.

Appearence: Think a combination of wax and Mac. Wears a trench coat with a vest and white shirt and tie underneath. He always has a gambler hat on or with him. Often wears a suit for more sophisticated occasions.

Family: He has his mom and dad and two siblings on Scadrial. He lost track of them a while ago, but could probably find them if needed.

Home Planet: Scadrial.

^His 2 Revolvers can fit 2 different sizes of bullets, one is smaller and not designed for killing someone. The idea is that he would shoot them a bunch with the special bullets then toss a rioting grenade down to Incapacitate them. The other revolver is much higher caliber and designed to have a lot of stopping power.

*Rioting grenades, Primer cubes with charged up rioting. He uses these to incapacitate heavily spiked opponents. 

Thanks to @Grey Knight for the inspiration for the rioting grenades. They may not be holding entirely to canon. We never receive conformation via WoB and its been a while sense I've read Era 2.

Edited by Ookla the [REDACTED]
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Gotta say, I love the name. :lol:

Based on my current interpretation of the rules Ookla the Foxed proposed, and my general sense of how powerful characters should be in Era Three, I would say that Maq is not OP. But I reserve the right to change that assessment depending on how the discussion on Power goes. Even that power level may be ruled to be too much.

 I like that it is Sanderson-based tech, but if there's a restriction on weaponry, the grenades might need to be revisited.

It's a nicely filled out bio, I appreciate that. The biggest change I'd recommend is bolding the name of each section to make it easier to read. 

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Character update. @Ookla the Paragon


Name: Idos Sebastian Ainz

Alias’: Seb (inner circle), Lord Ainz (Followers), Wires (Enemies), Idos (Everyone else)

Investiture: None (This should scare you)

Epic Power: Wire Proficiency

Users demonstrate natural aptitude for the way of using the wire or thread as weapon/tool. They can wield a wire or thread with great proficiency in range, accuracy and speed allowing them to perform feats such as wrapping then pulling things or bringing them closer, binding their opponents, scaring/lashing opponents, binding then snatching others weapons, swinging from high altitudes and slicing the flesh of their enemies when striking at great speed.

Wires are nearly invisible. Glint in the sunlight otherwise they are impossible to see.


Grants a great attack range and versatility, distant or close.

Wide area attacks taking down multiple opponents.

Swing and grapple from structures, and targets

Control the sharpness of the wires with delicate movements, allowing one to cut through matter or pick up objects without harming them

Set innovative traps beforehand or even during combat.

Bind enemies by entangling them.

Create webs for widespread capture.

Compress and wrap wires/threads together to form weapons and armors.


Mostly used for long ranged user, may be at a disadvantage at close range.

If using multiple wires, there's a possibility for them to get tangled.

Length of wire may limit one's overall range.

Wires glint in the sunlight

Special skills and weapons: Idos has trained his body to peak human conditioning. He is a Hazekiller and proficient with martial weapons. He has one cylindrical device that changes the length of his favorite sword. He has a sword sword as well as 2 revolvers with aluminum bullets. He has 2 IV awakened bullets for emergencies. Twelve Kunai. All weapons are aluminum. He is also rich.

Weakness: Secretly envies and admires Allomancy. He has trained his body (Peak human conditioning) to mimic pewterarms and tineyes. HIs epic power mimics Steel and Iron to some degree.

Epic weakness: Terrified to be spiked with a metal that grants A-gold and be compelled to see how and who he could have been if he had made different choices.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Affiliation: Ghostbloods

Personality: Sadistic, enjoys torturing people and foes as well as giving them false hope. Delights in turning the Morally good to do wrong.

Untrusting, fears that anyone could betray him, though he trusts his inner circle.

Physical characteristics: Descendant of Dedelin, so he has the Royal Locks. He keeps his hair pure white. He has pale blue eyes and a oblong face with a hooked nose. Lean and muscular. 6’ 2”, age 27, 181 Lbs

Character appearance: Custom made brown leather Overcoat, collar is flipped up. Front pockets allow direct access to his revolvers and belt underneath. Leather military riding boots.

Family: He is a Descendant of Dedelin, murdered all relatives for house title and power.

Murdered brothers for heir right. Revomed sistaters as they could birth rivals. Removed other relatives for fear of retaliation. Last surviving member of his entire family.

Home planet: Alleyplanet

History/Biography: Spoilers for Era 2 will add later once Era 3 starts


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50 minutes ago, Ookla the Meeker said:

Epic weakness: Terrified to be spiked with a metal that grants A-gold and be compelled to see how and who he could have been if he had made different choices.

Is this based off of a particular traumatic event? It doesn't necessarily have to be, but I'm curious. 

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Ok. I got a rough draft as well. 


Innate Identity:

-Name: Vesuvius

-Gender: Male

-Age: 30ish

-Homeworld: Earth (Hushlands)

-Exact Nationality: Mediterranean Southern Coast

-Race and Genetic Components: 50% Southern Europe, 30% Northern Africa, 10% Mediterranean, 9% American, 1% Other

-Involvement Prior to Alleyverse: Was born to a high-ranking Liebrarian family working in the Wardens of the Standard. One day, while Vesuvius was at daycare, his entire family memory of him was wiped by a Liebrarian Mind-wiping toad epidemic. He was taken in by the Scrivener's Bones and trained to become one of them. He graduated and, over the course of a year, replaced half of his body with Alivened material. He served as an assassin for several years, tracking down Smedries and Occulators. He found the Earthian entrance to the Alleyverse on accident and has ever since been exploring.

-Mental Stability/Psychosis: Due to the Alivening process, Vesuvius lacks the ability to empathize, provide mercy, and feel happiness in general. This last one may classify Vesuvius as Depressed, but instead of feeling depressed, Vesuvius generally just feels angry. All the spankin’ time.

He also has a mild form of organization OCD, mild meaning he can put it aside if provided with enough adrenaline.

-Emotional Stability: Because he just feels angry all the time, and his emotional levels generally don’t move at all. Feeling angry all the time takes a toll on him, as it would for anyone, however. It is hard for him to take breaks, sleep, or stop once enraged.

-Morality: Before the Alivening process, Vesuvius believed strongly in the value of a life. However, he lost that with his empathy, so now his morality consists of whatever he wants. Every now and then, when he calms down enough, his past morality will hit him like a hammer.

Physical Characteristics:

-Appearance: A tall, tannish colored man who’s left half is metallic instead of flesh.

-Exact Height: Vesuvius’ flesh half is approx. 7’8” tall, while his alivened half is built to be a half inch bigger.

-Exact Weight: Before the avivening process, Vesuvius was about 185 American Pounds. Afterwards, when half of his flesh had been replaced with heavier metal, his weight was about 250 American Pounds.

-Average Lifting Capabilities: His flesh half can, without abnormal adrenaline, lift about 130 lbs for five seconds. His alivened half can lift, due to its strong clockwork design, can lift about 400 lbs for five seconds.

-Bone Integrity: Vesuvius flesh half has a certain condition where the bones are 10% frailer that the average person’s. Thus, they are more breakable.

-Metal Integrity: The alivened half of Vesuvius is of a clockwork design, which makes Vesuvius slightly slower but also organization stronger. The metal is covered in a thin gold leaf, a material that very effectively absorbs emotion. However, the main structure of the Earthian half is a strong titanium that can take a lot of damage.

Personality and Approach:

-Average Impression: Because of his intimidating look, the average reaction to his presence is uncomfortability and sometimes death.

-Attack method: Vesuvius designed his alivened half to be able to carry the strain of the entire body, due to his weak bones. His metal limbs can extend and retract a couple inches, which makes up for how his alivened half is taller than the flesh half. However, because of the height difference, Vesuvius is able to depend more on the metal half, putting more strain on the alivened parts. Because of this, he is able to adopt a 'Winter Soldier' approach to action: Using his metal arm to throw, hit, and yank things with a superhuman strength and integrity.


Edit: For an Era 3 character

Edited by Ookla the Libre
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7 hours ago, Ookla the Meeker said:

Character update.

*wipes tear from eye* It's beautiful. The bolding, the detail. I might print it and frame it on my wall. 

I can't comment on whether or not it's OP, for the reasons I gave Mac. My general sense would be that it's on the higher end of the spectrum. 

5 hours ago, Ookla the Libre said:

Ok. I got a rough draft as well. 

*is full-on crying now, but doesn't care* Look at these bios! They're all grown up. Time for them to move out, then. (I'll be housing E3 bios in the second post in this thread.)

It's a n interesting backstory, but it fits with what we've seen in cannon regarding the Scrivener's Bones. I predict it could be within our acceptable power level, but don't quote me on that. 

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Paragon said:

I can't comment on whether or not it's OP, for the reasons I gave Mac. My general sense would be that it's on the higher end of the spectrum. 

Uh. In what way? Please advise. Although he is a villain and will be one of the main driving factors in the upcoming Era (As I normally do) I still want to know why you think it is powerful.

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31 minutes ago, Ookla the Meeker said:

Uh. In what way? Please advise. Although he is a villain and will be one of the main driving factors in the upcoming Era (As I normally do) I still want to know why you think it is powerful.

Things That Make Idos Powerful:

- Lack of moral restrictions. 'Good' characters are often less aggressive and less willing to use their powers. They are also vulnerable to things like their friends being targeted, or making bad decisions because it is the 'right thing to do, even if it's not the safest! Tally-ho!'. Hardened killers don't have these problems. 

- The Epic power is powerful, but due to the amount of things that could counter it, it's not as powerful as one might think. (I assume that was intentional.) I will note though that the weakness is unusual, even for an Epic weaknesses. Being spiked with A-gold negates your powers? What was Calamity thinking? (I'm going to guess that that'll be explained in the history though.)

- They're physically elite. People often RP their characters as being in great physical shape anyway, but at that level it's almost like Fortuity's secondary Epic power. I would have included at least one physical limitation. Eyesight, hearing, blood pressure, vertigo... everyone's got a humanizing weakness. Or maybe I'm just reacting to the prevalence of 'spent years training to become a better than Batman' backstories. They tend to be used as a way for people to act like a pewter misting without having the power show up on their character sheet. In the RP, the ability to kill is one of the most coveted powers. And this guy's a perfect killer. 

That's where I'm coming from with my assessment. Hope that helps. 


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13 hours ago, Ookla the Paragon said:

 but don't quote me on that. 


Oh, sorry. :)

Also, it's not very good. So, here's the better version that doesn't include all that useless jargon and actually tells you a something about the character. Also, it's just a second draft, so feedback is wanted. 






Investiture/Noncosmere Components:

-A Full Member of the Scrivener's Bones


-A spankin’ half his body is Alivened, golden metal. Hiss alivened arm is very long and bulky, going down to his knees, providing a nice contrast with his very normal flesh half

-Over 7 ½ feet tall, thin for his height

-Wears a trench coat designed to cover only his flesh half. Underneath, he wears normal clothing, but you only see them on his Alivened side

-He has a direct, intimidating air about him, with a dramatic tendency to loom and leans forward slightly as he walks

Capabilities of Flesh half:

-The flesh half of his body is well-muscled and firm, strong enough to support his metal side while he moves around

-He has an uncanny, but not investiture-related, ability to predict his enemy’s attacks in relation to combat; in other words, he has a keen eye for combatant intention

Weaknesses of Flesh Half:

-Although his muscles are strong, his bones are, genetically, more brittle and frail than the average human’s

-He has a hard time seeing the big picture in non-combatant situations, because of his direct nature

Capabilities of Alivened Half:

-His Alivened half is made up of a solid titanium structure, with each piece covered in a gold leaf (a material that soaks up emotion easily). The design is based off clockwork and has many functions that are made possible with gears, latches, and smoothly-fitting machinery. These functions include:

--Limb Length Adjustment: He is able to lengthen or contract his Alivened limbs at least half a foot difference either way. It should be noted that when he stretches, material that had been on the inside is pushed out, thus making the limb more vulnerable, as there is less material per square inch. The opposite is true for retracing. In fact, if one of his limbs are in danger, he retracts them several inches in order to strengthen them.

--’Muscular’ Improvement: Due to the clockwork mechanism, muscular responses that used to be governed by tendons or muscles are improved by the sheer strength of gears and latches. The opening or closing of his hand, for example, are improved by this change. His ability to compress materials is many times stronger than the average human’s. Another part of his Alivened parts where this comes into play is his knee, where he is able to kick, jump, or recover from landing far more efficiently than his flesh side.

--’Muscular’ Lockdown: Similar to the function above, this trait allows for him to lock any of his joints in place where they are, freezing them with amazing integrity and strength. This can be utilized from as small as locking the joints of his finger to create a deadly punch, to freezing his entire Alivened side to brace against a large impact. H also uses this with the Limb Length adjustment, elongating his leg just slightly and locking it to take the strain off his flesh side.

--Limb Detachment: He is also able to detach his outermost Alivened parts (His hand and foot). This can be used if his hand or foot is damaged, or in combat (For example, catching a blade midswing and detaching his hand, deflecting the blade). Likely because he detaches his limbs relatively ofter, he has installed small knife blades into his wrist and ankle, so that if he detaches either he still has a weapon.

--Structural Pivot: An impressive, but specific, feat of clockwork, this function allows him to pivot on his alivened half. If his Alivened half is sufficiently stable, he can twist to face a different direction without moving his Alivened leg.

Weaknesses of Alivened Half:

-Despite its strengths, there are also some weaknesses to the Alivened half. These are outlined here:

--There is absolutely no investiture-related shielding on it. It doesn’t technically piece the body (?) so it can be influenced by allomancy. Also, it is meltable, freezable, crushable, and if an important gear gets damages, the entire thing stops working. Also, shardblades have no trouble going chopping off his Alivened limbs

--All one has to do to defeat him is to pry off the Alivened eye on the Alivened half. This won’t kill him, but it will render him unable to move his Alived half.

--It’s alivened half is literally coated with pure allomantic gold. As if, a Gold feruchemist could store health in Vesuvius’s body, then tap it every time Vesuvius punches. IDK.

Fighting Style:

-Picture the Winter Solder, but with a metal leg too.



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Ok.... Here we go! Let me know if/when I do something wrong! (Never done this before)

@Ookla the Paragon(is this the right person? archer didn't pop up.)

Name: Amon Lesh. (Age 27)

Investiture: Bronze Misting. 

Special skills and weapons: Very skilled in bronze and can hear the Rhythms. He's skilled enough that it is hard to take him by surprise.

Weakness: Has two hemalurgic spikes (they grant him increased feelings of fear). Each one pierces a vital organ and can't be safely removed. Amon fears loved ones dying, so doesn't want to form relationships at all. lacks combat skills.    

Physical characteristics: Male. Tall (6ft). Red, collar length hair. Green eyes. A bold nose. 

Family: Mother was a bronze misting and father was a parshendi. Both dead. 

Home planet: Travels a lot. Never feels at home.

History/Biography: Mother was a Worldhopper who met his father on Roshar. The two of them set out across the cosmere to study the various magic systems. Amon was raised as a worldhopper, while traveling with his parents. The three of them were exploring a lost temple to the Lord Ruler on Scadrial, when they were ambushed by Inquisitors. Amon (age 17) had been warned not to use his bronze until they were sure it was safe, but forgot and burned some anyways, to the ruin of them all. The Inquisitors allowed Amon to live as a reward for alerting them to their presence. They Spiked his parents to death and stabbed Amon with the spikes so he would have a constant reminder. 

Life at the Moment:  Amon now has two spikes. Amon feels guilty for living, he feels guilty over his parents death and he feels guilty for not getting revenge. Amon misses them, while painful the spikes are a piece of their souls. So long as he has the spikes they are still with him. If he removes the spikes they will lose there power..... his parents souls would leak away. (Member of TUBA.)

Mission: Find way to remove spikes without dying(hasn't decided whether he will actually remove them yet... but is searching anyways.)             

Edited by Steel Inqusitive
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2 minutes ago, Steel Inqusitive said:

Ok.... Here we go! Let me know if/when I do something wrong! (Never done this before)

@Ookla the Paragon(is this the right person? archer didn't pop up.)

Name: Amon Lesh. (Age 27)

Investiture: Bronze Misting. 

Special skills and weapons: Very skilled in bronze and can hear the Rhythms. Combining those abilities allows him to know what people are feeling.  

Weakness: Has three hemalurgic spikes. Each one pierces a vital organ and can't be safely removed.

Physical characteristics: Male. Tall (6ft). Red, collar length hair. Green eyes. A bold nose. 

Family: Mother was a bronze misting and father was a parshendi. Both dead. 

Home planet: Travels a lot. Never feels at home.

History/Biography: Mother was a Worldhopper who met his father on Roshar. The two of them set out across the cosmere to study the various magic systems. Amon was raised as a worldhopper, while traveling with his parents. The three of them were exploring a lost temple to the Lord Ruler on Scadrial, when they were ambushed by Inquisitors. Amon (age 17) had been warned not to use his bronze until they were sure it was safe, but forgot and burned some anyways, to the ruin of them all. The Inquisitors allowed Amon to live as a reward for alerting them to their presence. They Spiked his parents' sorrow from them as they died and stabbed Amon with the spikes. Amon tried to fight them, but they stabbed him with a spike, which they left in his body.

 Life at the Moment:  Amon now has three spikes. The first two are his parents' grief while the last is his own grief. Amon feels a constant pounding of sorrow, which makes life difficult. He can't remove them without losing his ability to feel sorrow, and besides that, he still hasn't decided whether he wants to remove them. He feels guilty over his parents death and misses them, while painful the spikes are a piece of their souls. So long as he has the spikes they are still with him.

Mission: Find way to remove spikes without dying or losing his own sense of grief. (hasn't decided whether he will actually remove them yet... but is searching anyways.)             

Come join the Ghostbloods! Welcome to the Alleyverse!

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13 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

Come join the Ghostbloods! Welcome to the Alleyverse!

We are the best social Guild in The Alleyverse (Definitely not biased) and would definitely welcome your presence. 

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