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Long Game 30: Journey Before Destination


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I've been sleeping off sickness today, so Kintas' contribution to the great shell hunt will be in hindsight unless someone else uses him. He'll probably have hung back and been providing medical support. 

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12 minutes ago, Arinian said:

I knew about it. I meant that I asked questions to increase size of posts so they not gonna look small.

Visual lie.

Lol.  That's hilarious.

That gave me a much needed laugh. :P 

Edited by Magestar
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58 minutes ago, Magestar said:

Lol.  That's hilarious.

*Shrug* if you think so :D

RP added:


I stood and looked how group of distraction rushing on Chasmfiend. I checked pockets, from one of them I got small vial with silver liquid. I pulled cork with teeth and poured content in my throat.

When I turned the battle was already in full swing. Someone was dodging claws, someone else already was on top of fiend, others were trying to hit beast in joints.  I rushed on left flank of creature.  

Chasmfiend’s legs was flailing, knocking stones from walls, crushing down again and again it was likeness of some mad, terrifying  dance. And it was damnation fun.

I ran looking for a place to strike. In blink of an eye one leg hit in ground not further then step from me, then other slid from wall threatening to crush on me in last moment I slid under it. There was beautiful moment to hit in joint but I was moving to back part of creature. Ahead at low altitude was outcropping. I jumped on it and from it on one of back legs. Creature twitched trying to overthrow me, but I kept balance, just I swung my sword to hit in joint… big rock fell from somewhere above making fiend to collapse. I lost balance and fell back.

Wall of dust raised by the fall of the creature covered my vision.


Edited by Arinian
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Well, Hithon's safe for now I guess... I refuse to let him escape into death before I question him about the Ghostbloods.

Uther threw himself back on his feet and stabbed his poison coated blade right at the joint of the leg that just nearly impaled Hithon. Damnation. The blade struck at just the wrong angle and deflected off the carapace. The forelegs are well armored.

Hithon had managed to get back on his feet and appeared to be climbing up on the chasmfiend. Stormlight should keep him marginally safe up there...

"Try to get it enraged!"

Apparently they wanted to make the chasmfiend knock itself out. Get it enraged... This I can do.

Uther retreated from underneath the chasmfiend so that he was in its line of sight. It was starting to flail wildly to free itself of its attackers; Uther stepped back a little more to get clear of the legs. Then he threw a rock at its face with stormlight-enhanced strength. It bounced harmlessly off the shelled face, but it got the chasmfiend's attention.

The chasmfiend bellowed in exasperation. It thundered towards Uther, swooping down it's head as if to devour him, the mandibles on either side positioned in to catch Uther's dodge.

Uther waited. He had missed the timing of this twice already; he wouldn't be spooked into swinging too early. He held his breath to keep his stormlight from escaping. The chasmfiend was about to crush him... Uther swung. His sword met the mandible on the left right between two segments. The mandible gave way with a crack and the blade sheared off the first few meters, leaving a residue of blackbane on the stump. Hopefully that much poison so close to the brain should at least weaken or confuse it... Uther lunged to the side with the cut mandible just in time as the chasmfiend's jaws occupied where he had been standing. With uncanny agility, the chasmfiend's head changed directions and snapped at Uther on the ground. If it weren't for the speed stormlight granted him, Uther would have been cut in half. He sprinted towards the chasmfiend's body, relying on the fact that it could only turn its head so far.

I don't know who is crazier... Captain storming Kaladin for sending us against this beast, or all of us for going along with it. Maybe all radiants are a bit crazy. Must have something to do with the stormlight... Makes us reckless. Uther sidestepped a leg that tried to stomp down on him. He could see why stormlight might make a man reckless. With the amount of the stuff raging inside of him, keeping the beast distracted and angry was almost easy. Another leg swooped in. Uther leaped away from it just in time, and it mangled a parshendi corpse on the chasm floor instead of cutting through him. Another attack, another dodge. Another attack, another dodge. It felt strange, to be experiencing a sort of balance in the midst of such chaos... But he felt like he could fight the chasmfiend like this indefinitely.

Then his stormlight ran out.

Something slammed into his back, hard. He went sprawling, and felt several ribs crack. They didn't heal. Everything hurt more without stormlight. Uther rolled to dodge the chasmfiend's foreclaw smashing down. He came deadly close to being crushed. The recent blow he sustained combined with the loss of stormlight left him moving sluggishly.  The chasmfiend stabbed Uther through the stomach with a smaller leg, pinning him on the chasm floor. I'm dead. The chasmfiend roared in triumph and lifted it's foreclaw again to finish him off.

Uther saw a discarded arrow on the chasm floor in front of his head. Hadn't those been poisoned? Desperately, he reached for the arrow shaft...


Uther had rammed the poison arrowhead through the joint of the leg that was holding him. The shell gave way and the arrowhead stabbed into the flesh inside. The chasmfiend instinctively jerked back the wounded leg, freeing Uther. He threw himself to his feet and ran. He was out of stormlight, weaponless, and seriously injured. Soon the adrenaline would wear off and the pain and blood loss from his gut wound would probably incapacitate him, provided he didn't get a little more stormlight... I hope it doesn't chase me...


The chasmfiend, perhaps starting to be confused by the poison, was flailing more wildly then ever. As he was running away, Uther heard a deafening crash, and saw over his shoulder that the creature had rammed its head into the chasm wall.

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Jonly stood away from the fight, watching and analyzing. This was not a situation he was prepared for, and he was cursing the Lord Windrunner for putting him in it. Should he use Feruchemy to fight the Greatshell, he would be revealed to those with a knowledge of the Cosmere. And until he finished bonding a spren, he had no other way to fight the thing. Bloodlight would not help him without a bond. He'd had to drain a goldmind to survive the fall and pass it off as Bloodlight healing. The two were similar enough that no one had questioned why he hadn't glowed, but, they had all been focused on the Greatshell, rather than their fellow initiates.

"Rust and Ruin." He cursed under his breath and changed position. The Greatshell, harried by Initiates, was beginning to turn towards where he was. He did not want to have to fight this thing without Feruchemy, but it was looking like he would have to. But then Arionium was under it with a sword, removing one of the Greatshell's legs. The man fell backwards as the chasm vibrated with the creatures fall. Jonly watched the man carefully. He and Nairhar were both suspects of his for murdering Lomot. Arionium, for trying to convince everyone that there were only 4 skybreakers in their midst, and Naihar for publicly asking questions that the Lord Bondsmith shut down, when he claimed to have asked many other question in private.

He would keep careful watch over the two of them after the fight, to see where they went.

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Petrik let out a groan, a groan, a happy groan, for Petrik was still alive. He lay in a heap still where he had fallen before, pain bouncing across his body in waves. His left leg was broken, he knew that. His right arm probably had been broken in a few places, and dislocated at the shoulder. At least I am not bleeding...much. he thought.

The roars of the chasmfiend pelted his ears, making his head hurt even worse. The world spun around him, making the area around him a weird mirage of blurred colors. It felt surreal, he could just float away, he sensed that. As he allowed himself to float away the pain seemed to fade. No, not fade, it is still here...it just isn't as...urgent...yes, urgent.

It would be such a sweet release, A break from the pain, a break from caring, a break from his promises. His promises what even were those? He couldn't remember anymore, and it would just be so much easier to float away...

The pain was distant, someplace far off that Petrik didn't need to worry about, it was going to be so easy to just let go...

No! He needed to breath, to just take a breath, and things would be better...

but it would be so much easier to just let go. 

Something buzzed around Petrik, it would be so annoying, why wouldn't it just leave Petrik alone? 

He could see Deathspren now, they were creeping towards him, something inside him screamed that this was not right, but it was just so much easier to go with it.


Well since this Chasmfiend is practically dead...anyone interested in having another one come at us? Right after we take this one down, and relax a bit? We still have a day or so, plus then we would get a cool write-up from Aman about it. We would have just over a day to take down the new one. 



Hmm okay, so I can't see much suspicious things going on except for everything with @Arinian but I don't see much of a reason to go after him quite yet...but we also need something to happen...so I guess I'll toss my vote there. Arinian 

Disclaimer: might get called out for bandwagon-ing, but I am fine with that.

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Creating this Connection requires a focus. The type of focus required depends on whether the used power is Physical, Mental, Temporal, or Enhancement.

Fifth was one of the last Initiates remaining on top of the cliff. It was a good strategy, as it let the others do half the work for him. PRIME would be proud.

The shouts of battle, the sounds of swords clashing with carapace, filled Fifth's ears, and he sunk into a sort of trance. This was the sort of thing he was made for. Not the quiet intrigues and reconnaissance of the past, but fighting. He was a hunter, after all. His master had trained him well.

He didn't notice Captain Kaladin getting to Fifth's place in the line until he spoke: "I would have thought a man as trained as you would be one of the first to join the battle. Yet here you are, just waiting to be ordered around. A real Radiant shows initiative."

Fifth smiled a warm half-smile under his hooded cloak. "I was just waiting to show for you personally. Sir," he added.

He tossed a large silver coin from his sleeve into the air. Kaladin and the remaining Initiates watched as he shouted an incantation and, in a flash of light, the coin expanded into a gleaming silver quarterstaff, which dropped into his outstretched hands. He twirled it around in a dozen different directions within a matter of seconds, flashing Kaladin a wink. The man's hard expression did not change.

Fifth took a few steps back and then ran toward the cliff, launching himself off the edge.

He wished he could have said he hit the ground gracefully.


The chasmfiend, perhaps starting to be confused by the poison, was flailing more wildly then ever. As he was running away, Uther heard a deafening crash, and saw over his shoulder that the creature had rammed its head into the chasm wall.

The chull-sized boulder/outcropping started to shake and crumble. The chasmfiend turned its head up to the sky and screeched as pounds of rock came tumbling down on top of it. With its legs already weakened by Arionium, it buckled, no longer able to--

Wait.. Arionium. He's still under the beast.

Storm it, we are NOT having another casualty in the same day!

Shining staff held aloft, Fifth charged as fast as he could at the bleeding creature. He used its energy reserves to move at near superhuman speed. Reaching into his belt pouch, he threw a pile of Stormlight-infused spheres at Arionium. Then he grabbed his staff with both hands and slammed it down in front of him, vaulting into the air above the chasmfiend with a double flip.

This was what it felt like to be alive.


Man, I'm getting way too distracted by the RP of this game to put much in the way of analysis.

While y'all are using your deductive reasoning, I'm looking at it from a different angle with inductive reasoning. What attributes are the eliminators likely to have?

  • Wanting to waste the interrogation on the people who dropped out - because seriously, HOW does that help us IN ANY WAY? (Especially because the original Unjust win condition was for them to outnumber the free Honorable.)
  • At least one or two of them getting the maximum number of Honor each cycle.
  • Wanting to interrogate a) the more active players, b( the players with the most honor, or c) the players who have already accrued some suspicion. Statistically the third vote on a villager is most likely to be an eliminator (thank you internet!) and I've definitely seen that trend in past games.


I still need to go look for people who fulfill the critera though.

Edited by Ecthelion III
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Bleh, I was planning on getting a discussion post up tonight, but it's late and I'm really tired. So I'll just vote on Arinian, with my reasoning being his specificity of there being 4 Unjust, and directly after me accusing him of being Unjust teammates with Alv he voted on Alv, plus just kind of a bad gut/tone read on him.

I have absolutely no opinion about executing Sheep or not. I kind of feel like it doesn't make any difference, so we might as well get his alignment, but if you guys don't think that's a good idea, well, you've probably thought about it more than me. :P So I'll defer to your judgement on this, though if I get the time to collect my thoughts tomorrow, I may have an opinion by then.

Also, good luck finishing off the chasmfiend! If it's still alive when Shinon comes to, well, he's out of arrows, but he can yell and run around distracting it I guess. :P

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Kintas had steadied himself after arriving on the floor of the chasm and waited for the others to join up.  He listened carefully to Ranatar's plan, but looking at the sword he'd brought with him, he realized that not only would it be entirely inadequate to pierce even the softest part of the greatshell's chitin, he was more likely to injure himself or someone trying to do so, especially with his limited experience with the weapon.  Instead, he found a spot nearby where he could remain partially hidden as the others charged, and be prepared to pull injured people out of the way, or if the opportunity presented itself, do some damage.  He had a number of Breaths in a sash wrapped around his chest inside his tunic, but he couldn't see any way that Awakening anything would help them, not yet at least.

As the others charged, he stared in shock as several of them ended up atop the huge beast, hanging on its back, legs, or even its head, doing whatever damage they could.  Mostly their weapons were ineffective at first, but gradually some of them found chinks in the creature's armor, and one of the Initiates even managed to place an arrow into one of it's eyes.  Enraged, the beast threw itself around the chasm, slamming into the walls in an attempt to dislodge the pesky creatures (ants, indeed!) that had swarmed it, and did more damage to itself than they had inflicted on their own, trapping a leg and stunning itself when large outcroppings of rock fell on top of it.

He nearly ran in to help Hithon, the blind man who had run in among the first group, but dropped back into position when he realized his help wasn't needed.  Thus, he was still ready and waiting when Other was flung down and nearly trampled by the greatshell.  Kintas saw his skin and his wounds glow briefly, and then fade out, with blood still pooling from him.  The man was out of Stormlight, and it didn't look like he was going anywhere on his own without it.

Kintas took off at a sprint, dodging a massive claw that swiped at him, and skidded to a stop beside the injured Initiate.  He whipped one of his pouches of spheres out and held it close.

"Breath, man, breath!  Don't let Captain storming Kaladin have the pleasure of watching you die."

Uther sucked in the Stormlight from the spheres greedily, his skin beginning to glow again and light shining from his wounds and then fading as they resealed.  Kintas dragged him back from the action further to give him a chance to recover, and stayed next to him while he watched for any other opportunities to help.

As promised, medical support provided by Kintas. :D

To respond to a few of those asking about me, I did go ahead and claim villager a couple times, mostly just offhandedly referring to it as opposed to previous games. If anyone had ever played with me IRL, I like doing that, no matter which team I'm on, so don't take it as a sign of anything.  I did it some in the previous games I've played, I think, though admittedly not as thickly laid on early as this game.  It just got stuck in my head a bit so I repeated it in a few places, including my PM with Doc.  Also, Doc, now that I'm up and functioning a bit better, I'll send you the names I calculated had not gained Honor that first cycle, and I have to count up the latest ones too.  I suspect there's some differences simply in what each of us decided sufficed for discussion, which is up to Aman's discretion in the end, so our reckoning may never be exact.

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5 hours ago, Ecthelion III said:
  • Wanting to waste the interrogation on the people who dropped out - because seriously, HOW does that help us IN ANY WAY? (Especially because the original Unjust win condition was for them to outnumber the free Honorable.)

The importance of getting them out of the main game lies in the fact that we need the agreement of 50% of all free players to execute, and 75% to pardon. getting these will be hard enough without an inactive player adding to the required minimum. Of course, voting them out is only a priority when there is no one better to target.

If I haven't miscounted, there is currently a draw in votes between quiver and arinian. Draws result in no one getting interrogated, and at least for Arinian there are some reasons to interrogate him, so I'm switching my vote to him. 

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6 hours ago, DroughtBringer said:

Well since this Chasmfiend is practically dead...anyone interested in having another one come at us? Right after we take this one down, and relax a bit? We still have a day or so, plus then we would get a cool write-up from Aman about it. We would have just over a day to take down the new one. 

This chasmfiend is only unconscious, and pretty much everyone that was on top of it needs to be recovered after it fell. At least I suppose. But we can take on another chasmfiend:P

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6 hours ago, DroughtBringer said:

Well since this Chasmfiend is practically dead...anyone interested in having another one come at us? Right after we take this one down, and relax a bit? We still have a day or so, plus then we would get a cool write-up from Aman about it. We would have just over a day to take down the new one. 


2 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

This chasmfiend is only unconscious, and pretty much everyone that was on top of it needs to be recovered after it fell. At least I suppose. But we can take on another chasmfiend:P


Believe me. I've got bigger plans than another greatshell for Chapter Four...


Edited by Amanuensis
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If I've been keeping track correctly, at this point the chasmfiend is badly poisoned, blinded, lost its two front claws at its right side and has only barely enough legs left to keep standing. Now might be a good time to have it stand up for a final moment of defiance.

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Balthazar ran up the screaming creatures back.   It was flailing wildly now, and had sustained more damage than he had ever seen on one creature.  He knew what he had to do.  Placing his feet and practically dancing up it, he reached the top of the creatures head. As it arced upwards, he pulled his two swords off of his back, and  jumped straight into it's gaping maw.  He shot straight past the rows of teeth, and into it's giant stomach. 

And it was very dark.

Well, at some later point I'll have to get out of this somehow. :P That'll be fun to write.  I may retroactively add more description to this.

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Applause, lynch me because I just was active, and put some ideas. Nice, ohh and best part of this lynch that I can't defend myself cause reasons on lynching me... hmmm there no reasons that's just cause "nothing happening", and Lopen's "I voted for Alv"(I even don't understand how it makes me elim so please give me answer atleast).

Anyway you all proving my theory, meta on this forum leads to death of active players when everyone else stays aside and just makes vision of activity.

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What is it with this obsession over "actives"? The Unjust can be active too. Confirmed active does not mean confirmed good. I like to focus on people that I can hear. Other people might not.

I'm voting for Arionium (Arinian) to be interrogated because of his certainty. A lot of the things he says doesn't add up. The Almighty (Aman) was pretty clear when he said what was honorable and what wasn't. I don't see how a "visual lie" would change his mind. Padding out discussion with filler questions is more like what an Unjust would do.

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