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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you’re at school reading WoK, and get to the part where...

WoK spoilers:


Kaladin offers to join the army with Tien.

...and you start crying. I was crying at school. But that’s okay. No one saw me, and that scene deserves some tears IMO.

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When you go to the Orem Barnes and Noble and you pick out Arcanum Unbounded as a not-so-secret Christmas present.

I was drawn immediately towards a section that was just Sanderson and quickly realized I had most of the books/I'm waiting for some series to finish up before I get them all. We found a tiny version of Edgedancer and I said "Oh no! They don't have Arcanum!" Thankfully someone overheard us and said, "Wait. We have Arcanum." So we followed the mysterious man and he led us to an even bigger Sanderson section. 

Both workers at the store I ran into said "You should come to the signing tomorrow!"

I replied, "I'm a sanderfan, I've known there is a signing here for at least a week."

Sadly I have a family conflict, but it's fine because I went to the original release and I was able to see everything set up for Brandon in the store. They have a really cool Christmas tree made out of Oathbringers and giftcards. So all who can go, go.

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4 hours ago, Tesh said:

When, in Tae-Kwon-Do, you are doing patterns, (a sequence of kicks, punches, blocks, and stuff like that.) And one of them is called Palgay Chill Chung, and you deep hearing it as Palgay chull dung.

Actually, for some reason, that reminds of ChayShan instead.


You know you're a Sanderfan when you're constantly asking your family members what part of the book they're on. My dad is currently at the climax/avalanche of Oathbringer, while my brother is partway through part one of the first Mistborn book (the part where Vin first meets Lestibournes). It's his first cosmere book and I'm so proud of him.

When you have a dream about teaching a Sanderfan friend of yours how to use the Surge of Gravitation. That's all I remember from that dream, and it was so cool!

When you write a ketek based on Hemalurgy: Blood drawn / we steal souls / piercing with spikes / with pierced souls stolen / we draw blood.

When you mentally refer to the weather reporters as stormwardens.

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This is a college essay I wrote for Stanford (didn't get in :()

Dear future roommate,

I love science, but sometimes I get bored with the laws of the universe. As amazing as our world is, I occasionally feel the itch to explore a universe where the normal rules do not hold, where F does not always equal MA. Whenever this happens, I study the universe of the Cosmere. The Cosmere is a universe with slightly different laws than our own that exists in several book series written by the author Brandon Sanderson. I have become rather obsessed with these books over the past few years (in a good way).

I love these books because their magic systems are so well defined that they are almost mathematical. Many readers, including myself, delve into this magic system and treat it like science. Harmonium, a metal with properties essential to the plot, can be best understood through molecular chemistry. The magic of a certain sand is caused by the unique properties of  a specific type of algae that grows on it. Every law of magic is understandable and quantifiable.

I would love to introduce you to the Cosmere. I think you would find it intriguing and fun, as I do. But if your interests lie elsewhere, I am sure we can find other mutual interests to discuss and enjoy.

I hope to have a fantastic year with you, full of interesting and unusual experiences, and I can’t wait to discover what makes you excited about the world!

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When you change the words of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer to Kaladin the stormblessed bridgeman:

(possible spoilers?)


You know Vasher and Dalinar and Szeth and Vivenna

Amaram and Roashone and Gaz and Elhokar

But do you recall,

The most stormblessed Bridgeman of all?

Kaladin the stormbless bridgeman (bridgeman)

Had a very shiny sphere!

And if you ever saw him

(saw him)

You would even say he glows

(like the lopen!)

All of the other bridgemen


Used to laugh and call him names 

(Like The radiants!)

They never let poor Kaladin


Join in any lighteyes games!

Then one stormy highstorm night

The stormfather came to say 

(In the storm front!)

Kaladin with your inhaled stormlight

Won't you join the Alethi's fight

Then how the bridgemen loved him

(loved him)

As they shouted out with glee "Bridge four!"

Kaladin the stormblessed bridgeman,

You'll go down in history!

(Just like Nohadon!)


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3 hours ago, Jonathon said:

When you change the words of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer to Kaladin the stormblessed bridgeman:

(possible spoilers?)

  Reveal hidden contents

You know Vasher and Dalinar and Szeth and Vivenna

Amaram and Roashone and Gaz and Elhokar

But do you recall,

The most stormblessed Bridgeman of all?

Kaladin the stormbless bridgeman (bridgeman)

Had a very shiny sphere!

And if you ever saw him

(saw him)

You would even say he glows

(like the lopen!)

All of the other bridgemen


Used to laugh and call him names 

(Like The radiants!)

They never let poor Kaladin


Join in any lighteyes games!

Then one stormy highstorm night

The stormfather came to say 

(In the storm front!)

Kaladin with your inhaled stormlight

Won't you join the Alethi's fight

Then how the bridgemen loved him

(loved him)

As they shouted out with glee "Bridge four!"

Kaladin the stormblessed bridgeman,

You'll go down in history!

(Just like Nohadon!)


*applauds* That was beautiful!

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