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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you verbally insult others by saying they're slower than wounded chulls, while sitting atop a tall stool.


Laughing at the Wit reference, then looking down and realizing you were perched on a high stool while reading it. Then you try to share the hilarity with your coworkers, only to have the conversation turn into an awkward rambling where you have to give a bunch of context for a series they've never read.

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When people see you in an enormous black trench coat and compare you to some kind of hawk, you immediately start talking like Hoid to make a bad joke, and then realize that not only will they not get the joke, but you already act like Hoid all the time.

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When you go into a hobby shop and try to convince yourself that every sword is talking into your mind.

When you visit hobby shops and shout "would you like to destroy some evil today" whenever a customer picks up a sword.

They don't let me in hobby shops nowadays...

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When you realize that you threatened everyone in a group of nerds with a terrible death during a heated debate, and they have no idea what you're talking about because it's Cosmere-related. You people are bad nerds.


When you realize that your dream job would be as a member of the in-Cosmere Seventeenth Shard, and that you'd be much better at it than just about anything else.

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When you're reading a non-sanderson book, and someone says "I've been in contact with Harmony," and your first thought is "yay! cosmere shenanigans!" then you realize that the book doesn't take place in the cosmere and feel dissapointed and hollow for the rest of the day.

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When you can sit during class and daydream about which angle you would lash yourself so that you could perfectly crash through the window and slide across the slightly slanted top of the roof, and when you're mad at someone, you try to lash them straight up, only to give them a pat on the back.

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When you can sit during class and daydream about which angle you would lash yourself so that you could perfectly crash through the window and slide across the slightly slanted top of the roof, and when you're mad at someone, you try to lash them straight up, only to give them a pat on the back.

..Well with that kind of action I doubt you would be a Windrunner, or a Skybreaker for that matter. You sir need to get an honour blade. *nods sagely*


Perhaps when you are playing firefalll and you are certain that this is the closest you can get to the feeling of being a Windrunner in any game. Examples of what I mean here and here. Neither of those videos are perfect but they give a rough idea of how amazing it is. I can fly anywhere I want without having a need to touch the ground (except to pickup ammo, that is very difficult to do without touching the ground.) I even have an ability called tether field that sort of fits with Adhesion :D

This is why I love that game.

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When you realize that you must have life sense, but you don't know how to get your Breath to work. I figure it's all a conspiracy from the government, making us brush our teeth dampens our powers.

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So just out of curiosity, what percentage of these, approximately, are real, and how many are made up because it's fun?


Mine are all real. I would figure that most of these are real, though a few might be slightly exaggerated or desired but not yet achieved. Or they could all be real, what do I know.

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Most of mine are real. I sit like a bird and wear a trench coat most of the time and do indeed try to make Hoid jokes when I already act like him. I've used the Stick comeback at least twice now and only had it work once, that kind of thing. Don't even get me started on accidentally trying to push and pull things, having Sanderson powers in my dreams has done a number on my muscle memory. Can't speak for everybody else, but I think a lot of these are probably mostly true.

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