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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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48 minutes ago, Hentient said:

When while your reading Rhythm of War and they talk about “a row” of something and your brain automatically corrects it to RoW.


YKYASFW the only thing you do over break is wondering if Brandon would give you a cameo if you had a Shardblade.

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1 hour ago, More Cynical Than Funny said:

I make Cosmere Lego figures. And my 8 year old sister can name them all and likes to play with them. And my this happened while I was reading RoW yesterday

Sister: Sis can I play with Lego Hogwarts? 

Me: Hmm? It's the family's set of course you can play with it.

Sister: Can I play with your Legos?

Me: Sure. Now go and let me read.

Sister: Okay!

*Sometime later*

I came downstairs to find my sister playing with all of my Lego figures. and this is what had happened.

  • Evil Kaladin lead a army of Death Eaters to take over Hogwarts
  • Haliax (From Name of The Wind) became a Death Eater
  • Kelsier killed Dumbledore 
  • Sarene wielding Nightblood (I'm so proud) teamed up with Hermione in fighting Voldemort
  • Szeth, Lift, Raoden (End of the book form) and Eshonai all became professors at Hogwarts
  • Susebron, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter all visited Hagrid and Grawp.
  • Hoid became Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Kelsier killing Dumbledore, what a twist. Lift as a professor and hoid as headmaster?

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1 hour ago, More Cynical Than Funny said:
  • Evil Kaladin lead a army of Death Eaters to take over Hogwarts
  • Haliax (From Name of The Wind) became a Death Eater
  • Kelsier killed Dumbledore 
  • Sarene wielding Nightblood (I'm so proud) teamed up with Hermione in fighting Voldemort
  • Szeth, Lift, Raoden (End of the book form) and Eshonai all became professors at Hogwarts
  • Susebron, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter all visited Hagrid and Grawp.
  • Hoid became Headmaster of Hogwarts.

I can see hoid as a headmaster kinda, I think he would mysteriously disappear a lot

I can also see Raoden as a professor

sarene wielding nightblood... She would not last long...

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On 11/26/2020 at 7:18 PM, More Cynical Than Funny said:
  • Evil Kaladin lead a army of Death Eaters to take over Hogwarts
  • Haliax (From Name of The Wind) became a Death Eater
  • Kelsier killed Dumbledore 
  • Sarene wielding Nightblood (I'm so proud) teamed up with Hermione in fighting Voldemort
  • Szeth, Lift, Raoden (End of the book form) and Eshonai all became professors at Hogwarts
  • Susebron, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter all visited Hagrid and Grawp.
  • Hoid became Headmaster of Hogwarts.

This is my favorite thing ever,. The most accurate thing about this is Hoid becoming headmaster. I wouldn't put it past him to do that.

When you keep texting your friend (who hasn't read RoW yet) random things like "THIS BOOK IS SO GOOD," and then proceed to tell her that she needs to read RoW. Each time, she says, "I know." Last time, though, she said, "if you spoil anything I'll kill you." So at least she's planning on reading it.

When you haul a chunk of wood around the forest for a solid half hour, and the only reason you don't die is because you pretend you're carrying a bridge. (We were getting a Christmas tree, and the tree we picked was too tall. So we cut off the base. I wanted the part we cut off because I wanted to do something with it. My dad said I could have it if I carried it back to the car. I got a little lost, so that made the trip back longer. It was a big chunk of pine, and it was super wet because of the snow. It was at least 20 pounds. I'm not weak, but I'm not super strong either. So I carried it on my shoulder pretending it was a bridge. And now I have a big chunk of wood.)

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4 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

When someone say's "I'm going through a hard time/struggling with some stuff" and your first thought is "Oh I hope they like fantasy because I have just the book for them!"

You're having a bad day? Sanderson! You're having a good day? Sanderson! You're having an average day? Sanderson!

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1 hour ago, Chinkoln said:

When you go to meet a friend for a school project, but when you get there they mention one detail from RoW. 3 hours later you leave their house, and not a single thing has been done on the project.

This seems very plausible. That’s cool that you know another irl Sanderfan. I don’t. :(

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