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This was meant to be posted during the night cycle, but (thanks to daylight savings) the rollover was earlier than I thought.


Mayor Gund's house was one of the best-lit buildings in the caverns. Steady gas lamps shone through each window, mingling with the warm radiance of the streetlights. Kirrah watched occasional passersby from where she sat, hidden in the shadows. She didn't normally meet the mayor in person, but apparently he had an important message for her tonight.


She heard a door open, followed by whistling - the signal. She ducked behind the building, avoiding the piles of 'extra storage' the Mayor couldn't bring himself to throw away. Gund himself appeared a few moments later, carrying a stepladder. He frowned at her as he rounded the corner.


"First of all" he said, setting the ladder down, "why aren't we meeting somewhere more...hidden?"


"Oh, that's simp-"




"Think about it," she continued, more softly. "If you're seen heading to some dark corner in, say, the Cemetery, what will people think? I'll tell you what: they'll think 'what is the Mayor up to?' And they'll get suspicious. This way, they'll just think you're fixing the gutters or something. Which is much -"


"Fixing gutters? We're underground. Anyway. You're here because I've been rather disappointed with your performance."


"What!? Didn't you hear me the night you declared war? I had the Spiked pinned on Millie! And the Cadmium bubbles - just you watch, I'll figure out how she masterminded the whole thing and then - "


"It doesn't matter what you say, it matters what people think! you can't even hold the line on public opinion; they just laugh you off. So, if you can't sow some genuine doubt this week, you might have to find a new roof over your head."


He picked up the stepladder and walked off before she could respond, so she fixed his back with a glare. (Much meaner than she'd given Lord Mountford and retinue.) Losing the Mayor's 'special consideration' on rent wasn't much of a blow - she wouldn't be sleeping in her bed anyway, thanks to the Spiked war - but his lack of consideration for her hard work was just rude.


Annoyed, she glanced around the piles of refuse. A basket of scrunched paper caught her eye; she walked over to it and started pulling the balled pages open. Personal correspondence, personal correspondence, finance, list of residents -


This one was mostly blotted out by ink. Curious, she walked over to better light. There were only a few words she could pick out. 'Sleepy twinb' - twinborn? 'Cadmium' was clear. '-rellis-'...Trellis? Trellist? And...


'...mind control.'


Eyes wide, she pocketed the page. What was this letter?

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The attacker whose spike attack failed, is a villager. The write up described them as being "would be hemalurgists", all other factions have spikes in one form or another, so they would be hemalurgists, rather than wannabe hemalurgists. Therefore the would-be killer must be a regular twinborn.

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the write-up only states clues to a persons power in certain circumstances.  I kind-of doubt that someone with those powers would already be getting attacked.  We can speculate, but not confirm any evidence from the write-up.

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Well, nobody is voting, so I guess I'll be the first. I'm going to vote for Sheol because I haven't seen Eol make any posts (although I might have missed some) and the lynch is a good place to get info, both from the discussion and the result, along with any emotional allomancy that happens.

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good insight honey badger. i though that was noteworthy, but nobody else had pointed it out so i thought i was being paranoid. Araris, if there are soothers/rioters, and if we have only a few votes, i doubt any will end up counting for the person being voted for.

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Araris, you're correct I haven't posted yet this game. There are reasons for my inactivity, but basically it comes down to me being slack and lazy. You can lynch me if you wish, but I've only had small back and forths with Alvron and Phattemer, so doing so would give you next to no information. As it is, either everyone is like me and feeling a bit behind the eight ball with all the complex mechanics, or there is a mass of scheming going on behind the scenes, either way, not good for the village. The collective thrive on open discussion, not back play.

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First, I am in contact with a Kandra who is willing to work with us for a Village win. We're going to want to coordinate with them to find and eliminate the Spiked more easily. If the people here agree and are willing to trust me, I can serve as a liaison to the Kandra.


Next, the day is already more than half over, and there's only one vote. We need to start trying to find the Spiked. We're not going to be able to do that unless we're more active. I know a lot of us have been in PMs, but we need to remember that the thread is where our most valuable information is. Not posting just makes it easier for the Spiked to hide. There are nine people who have not posted at all since the game started: Nicroburst, Spencer, Splinter, Tulir, lev, Dow, Neo, Sart, and Jaelre. We need you to post. This inactivity is going to hurt us. I normally don't like poke votes, but with so little discussion happening so far, I'm going to vote for Tulir. I've seen that you've been on, and I'd like to know what you've been doing this game and if you have anything to add.


We need to put together the information we have so far. There have been two nights. The Spiked have attacked two people. First, they attacked me, but I was protected. Next, they attacked Joe, and he died. Joe didn't say much. During the first night, he advocated keeping what room we're in secret. He didn't say anything after that. Perhaps there is something we can glean from these targets.


Also there are the time bubbles. We know there were two Cadmium mistings and two Bendalloy mistings active during Night 1. According to Winter and Piff, there was at least one Cadmium misting active during Night 2. It would be helpful for them to tell us where they were and whether they moved in addition to how many actions they lost so we can figure out what time bubbles were active. Joe was a Cadmium misting, but given people's reactions to the Cadmium last cycle, it seems likely he would not have left it on. There's no way to know for sure, but I suspect a spiked Cadmium misting is responsible for the lost actions this cycle. The Bendalloy mistings might not have been active and might have spread out to other rooms.

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Rolan placed the finishing touches on the headstone and waved for Jain to bring over the molten silver.  Carefully pouring the silver into the grooves Rolans hand betrayed only a slight tremor.  Once cooled Rolan and Jain loaded the finished headstone onto their cart and wheeled it over to the open grave.


Jode wasn't going to be buried until nightfall, the grave having been only half dug.  Instructing Jain to dig out a small area at the top of the grave Rolan leaned back against the cart grabbed a water canteen and took a swig before tossing it to one of the grave diggers.


Nodding his thanks the digger gulped down several mouthfuls before passing it to his fellow workers and strolling over to Rolan.


"This it?"

"This is what was asked for."


"Indeed.  Looks like Jain has finished.  Give us a hand will ya."


Hefting the headstone the three of them positioned it at the head of the grave.  Rolan and the digger held it steady while Jain filled in the hole around the grave marker.  Once finished they all moved to the bottom of the grave and gazed at the now standing headstone.  Simple in design its silver lettering shining bright on the black stone.


He died as he lived
Ignoring People's good advice
With the talk about the write up I feel I should point out that we have no reason to think that there is anything in the write up to go on.  Aonar is the one doing the write up and is known for trolling.  There may well be things hidden in the write up but it might also just be GM flair or worse Aonar laughing at us as we try and dissect what he has hidden.
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"Rolan! What's this, now!" Kwon cried indignantly, as soon as he saw the fresh-dug grave. "For over forty years, I've been selling you metals, and now you go to someone else for good silver? To a rusting outsider?"


The sheer gall! Why, he had half a mind...


I agree that we need to start being more active in the thread, and that someone needs to get lynched today. The inactives need to get in here, but in the specific case of Tulir, he did warn us before the game began that he would be away from WiFi from the 7th to the 12th, and we encouraged him to join all the same.


The RP did mention Jode burning Cadmium, but as others have mentioned, we may need to take that with a grain of salt. Ella, were you in the Town Square when your attack came? Because the RP then made it seem so, and the more evidence as to whether RP clues should be accepted or rejected as information, the better.


I would like to announce that I was the intended victim of last night's spiking, and the "would-be hemalurgist" has since confessed that he was merely attacking me for my powers. I believe he is telling the truth, but if he is, then it was an incredibly foolish decision. Guys, even if we disregard that spikes have a 25% chance of TURNING US EVIL, taking out our friends and allies to make ourselves stronger only helps the Spiked. The Village lives or dies as a team. Divided, we fall.


Ask yourself a question: in the novels, does hemalurgy typically work out well for the good guys?


Note: Because I've been egregiously inconsistent so far, I've decided to standardize my posts. Henceforth, my RP is in green, my game discussion is in black, and my out-of-game discussion is in blue.

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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I think the reason for the low vote count is because people are active during the night and votes only count when you have slept.

That's why I've not voted yet. I've been doing other stuff. I'm not voting again today for the same reason.

Edited by Bort
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First, I am in contact with a Kandra who is willing to work with us for a Village win. 

It would make sense for the Kandra to work with us villagers. Working together would mean we would far out-number the spiked. If all the spiked are killed then both the Kandra and the Villagers win.

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I have active PMs with Tulir, lev, Dow, so I suggest that we pick someone else.

But that's the kind of person we want to go after. They're not helping the village effort in thread, but are engaging with the game, hence if we press them it's likely to get a response. These votes are (generally) meant to change activity, rather than lynch genuine inactives. We can't afford people to play via PM and expect the rest of us to hold the line for the Village in thread.



First, I am in contact with a Kandra who is willing to work with us for a Village win. We're going to want to coordinate with them to find and eliminate the Spiked more easily. If the people here agree and are willing to trust me, I can serve as a liaison to the Kandra.

Working with the kandra will be useful. But if they're proactive enough to kick off a Village alliance, they may well do the same with the Spiked. So, yes, but with caution.


Did anyone see anything in PMs that would give the Spiked a reason to target Joe? I notice he had Feruchemical pewter, which may have been why - if he told anyone.

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This probably doesn't mean much but back in Day 1 when I put a vote (that didn't count no matter what) on myself someone moved it to Meta. It doesn't really give more information but at least it's something. 


This game is progressing very slowly since we don't have a plan or strategy to discuss. I don't have any ideas now but if anyone has even the most basic outline of a plan then I think they should post it. Until we have something to discuss it will be hard to form any real suspicions. 


But since we don't have that yet I agree with Araris for voting (albeit with little evidence) as our only info gathering technique outside of PMs. Also Bort nobody other than you knows when you don't sleep so you could've still used your vote to put pressure on someone even if it won't actually cause a lynch.

EDIT: Vote change
Edited by Clanky
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Sorry for the inactivity everyone.  I was trying to understand a little bit more before I posted so that I didn't look stupid.  Anyways I have had some conversation with both Dow and Lev.  I forgot to sleep last cycle so I won't be able to vote.  I hope to contribute more with time.

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Sorry I havn't been posting. I am in the last week of school before finals and in the process of being admitted into a new program. I have been trying to figure out the game but won't be tremendously active for the the next few cycles.

In other words, please don't lynch me. :)

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