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Mid-Range Game 66: Knights of Wind and Truth

Fifth Scholar

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“The Surgebinders are no longer a protection to us,” the grizzled man whispered. Naldam’s eyes widened in disbelief. Vedem put her hand to her mouth. Father had never spoken of the Radiants this way. When the first squadron of Windrunners had flown in over the clouds, driving back the monsters spawned from the Everstorm, and the rest of the Radiant orders had followed and set up their perimeter about the land, she had thought that he would die for joy. His joy was certainly great at the prospect of not being dead another way, namely, speared upon a stake as a sacrifice to the Lord of Hatred who drove these creatures and the new, backwards storm. But his tone was serious as he continued, looking his wife, Idai, in the dead centre of her steely green eyes.

“They can’t go on like this. Can’t you see? Squadrons suddenly turning on themselves, formations being sent off to the wrong places and leaving us open to attack. If one of the Skybreakers hadn’t been trailing his group and seen the enemy vanguard switch direction, we’d have been wiped out yesterday.”

“So what?” Idai snapped. “They’re too tired to continue? Stormlight should let them run on, and we have plenty. Maybe they’re just plain incompetent. They’re new to this too, you know. Not the heroes you think of them. Just elevated slaves for the most part. How would they know better?”

He pounded the table emphatically. “It can’t be that. The Fused are warriors beyond our reckoning. Thousands of years of experience. Yet even they will fall to the new Radiants. No, something else is keeping them back. You’re wrong, Idai. They do know better. They are our heroes, because they have to be. But…maybe something else is wrong. Why were the Truthwatchers so far from the other units in the last Everstorm? And two or three Dustbringers, from the sound of it, just wandered off. Maybe…” He trailed off. Naldam and his serious eyes picked up the thought.

“Maybe someone is giving them bad orders. Who’s in charge, Da?”

The heavyset man sighed. “The Blackthorn is a changed man, they say, and I wouldn’t lay more blame at his feet. But those around him are not immune to corruption. The Oaths may be sworn by those who would work evil with them as well.” He locked eyes with Idai, and an understanding seemed to pass between them. “I think you’re right, bud. The Radiants have some issues to sort in their own ranks. And they need to sort it quick. The Everstorm will come again soon.”

Idai turned, and he frowned after her. “Where are you going?”

She tilted her head with mock patience. “Well, someone should tell a Radiant about this, yes? We certainly aren’t going to sort through them. I don’t need a living Blade through my sternum if I run into a traitor. But I think I can spare a chat with that handsome young Stoneward captain.” She spun out with a smirk. He gazed after her, and sighed.

“Come on, kids. We’ve got some preparations of our own to make.”


Welcome to MR66: Knights of Wind and Truth! Jah Keved is the latest battlefield between Dalinar Kholin’s Coalition, sustained by his growing ranks of Knights Radiant, and the Fused forces led by Odium. However, troubling tidings have winged their way back to Urithiru. The mixed squads of Radiants, intended to allow the Orders to find ways to work together, have been experiencing increasing dysfunction in this area. The report of Callar, a young Stoneward, suggests that the Radiants have infiltrators in their ranks–knights who would use their vows to allow Odium to sweep over the land. They must be rooted out, or Dalinar’s forces will be hopelessly weakened when the true blow falls upon them.

The rules of this game may be accessed here. They are also available in crude format in the spoiler below.



  • 48 hour combined Day/Night cycles.
  • There is an Exe every cycle with no vote minimum. The player with the most votes is removed. If there is a tie, all players in the tie will break their oaths and become roleless, losing all Surgebinding abilities and Ideals sworn, but will not die. If an already roleless Knight is caught in a tied Exe again, he will then be removed.
  • PMs are semi-open. Each player may create one PM with a player of his choice each cycle. This does not take an action slot.
  • Each player begins the game with one action per cycle.
  • Failed attacks and roleblocked attacks are not announced. Only successful kills will be announced.


Every player begins the game at the First Ideal. A player progresses Ideals in the following manner, and may use the same method to gain multiple Ideals:

  • An Ideal is sworn by a player after he survives an attack.
  • An Ideal is sworn by the player with the second-most Exe votes. If there is a tie, one random player within the tie will swear an Ideal.
  • An Ideal is sworn by any player with two consecutive cycles of 3 or more posts of 200 words of RP, that are judged by the GM to substantially engage with either the writeup, the setting, or (especially) others’ RP. 
  • An Ideal is sworn by any player who votes for three consecutive cycles. 
  • Knight-specific triggers may lead to Ideal-swearing.

Players may swear Ideals up to the Fifth Ideal. Ideals grant the following benefits:

  • The Second Ideal unlocks the second Surge for the Knight who swears it.
  • The Third Ideal grants the Knight an extra action, allowing the Knight to use both Surges in one cycle (but not the same Surge twice). 
  • The Fourth Ideal grants Surgebinders a second effect to their Surges (see below for specifics).
  • The Fifth Ideal grants Surgebinders a third action (for use of either Surge, or their Fourth Ideal ability) and, to Traitorous Knights, an extra life.


  • Loyal Knights Radiant: Win by finding and removing all the Traitorous Knights.
  • Traitorous Knights: Win by outnumbering the Loyal Knights Radiant. Have a doc and group kill (no action slot required) each cycle.


Knights Radiant

Knights begin the game with access to the Surge above them, and gain the Surge below them after swearing the Second Ideal. 


Adhesion—Create Spiritual Connection to another person. Knights using this Surge can use an action to target a player and negate his vote. 

Windrunner: May gain an Ideal by using Adhesion to prevent a death due to the Exe. Upon swearing the Fourth Ideal, may use both Surges to protect another player from all kills. 

Gravitation—Knights using this Surge can use Basic Lashings to incapacitate a person, roleblocking him.

Skybreaker: May gain an Ideal by using Gravitation to stop a kill action. Upon swearing the Fourth Ideal, may use both Surges to gain a role and alignment scan on anyone whom they attack. 

Division—Knights using this Surge can use an action to attack another player, killing him if not protected. They lose this power if they kill a Loyal Knight twice. 

Dustbringer: May gain an Ideal by using Division to kill a Traitorous Knight. Upon swearing the Fourth Ideal, gain a one-use unblockable, unredirectable kill (even if Division is lost). 

Abrasion—Knights using this Surge can leverage the forces of friction, using an action to make themselves untargetable for a cycle (limit 1 cycle consecutively).

Edgedancer: May gain an Ideal by using Abrasion to dodge two or more actions in the same cycle. Upon swearing the Fourth Ideal, may instead use Progression to make another player untargetable. 

Progression—Knights using this Surge can protect one other person each cycle, saving him from death by one non-Exe kill.

Truthwatcher: May gain an Ideal by using Progression to save a Knight. Upon swearing the Fourth Ideal, may use both Surges to discover the role and action of anyone they also target with Progression.      

Illumination—Knights using this Surge can cover their targets in illusions, making them appear as someone else. Each cycle, may choose one player; any actions targeting that player target another player of the Surgebinder’s choice instead. 

Lightweaver: May gain an Ideal by redirecting two actions in the same cycle with Illumination. Upon swearing the Fourth Ideal, may use both Surges to target a group of two players and nullify all Abrasion users within it. 

Transformation—Knights using this Surge can alter the physical substance of something, a versatile art. Each cycle, may protect a player, roleblock a random action a player takes, or negate a player’s vote (must choose all three options before re-using any). 

Elsecaller: May gain an Ideal by using all three Transformation abilities on the same player. Upon swearing the Fourth Ideal, may use two abilities instead of one with a single Transformation action (must still target the same player, restriction on re-use still in place).

Transportation—Knights using this Surge can escape into Shadesmar if attacked, hiding until danger is past. Have a 50% chance of surviving the first kill against them. In addition, may use Transportation to move discreetly, watching those in the Physical Realm from Shadesmar. May target one player each cycle to see who targets them.

Willshaper: May gain an additional Ideal by surviving an attack with Transportation. Upon swearing the Fourth Ideal, if they have not yet survived an attack with Transportation, their odds of survival improve to 100%. If they have, they gain a 25% chance of surviving each successive kill.

Cohesion—Knights using this Surge can use Cohesion to alter the fundamental structure of inanimate objects, leaving engraved messages for people to find. Can put anonymous messages in each cycle’s writeup, and use an action to send anonymous five-word messages to any number of players.

Stoneward: May gain an Ideal by creating two cycles of completely unique five-word messages to all living players with Cohesion (the same word is never repeated in any of them). Limit twice per game. Upon swearing the Fourth Ideal, may use both Surges to target another player and redirect all actions targeting that player to themselves.

Tension—Knights using this Surge can meld and bend stone to their will, keeping themselves and others firmly grounded. May target one other player each cycle; that player, and the Surgebinder using Tension, gain immunity to roleblocks and redirects. 

Bondsmith: May gain an Ideal by allowing a successful protect action which stops a kill to go through with Tension. Upon swearing the Fourth Ideal, may use both Surges, together with the power of the great spren, to Unite Them, selecting two other players who cannot target each other for the remainder of the game. May also change these two players as an action.

Adhesion—Create Spiritual Connection to another person. Knights using this Surge can use an action to target a player and negate his vote. 


  • If the Traitorous Knights kill does not require an action slot, does it still need to be submitted by a specific player? Can it therefore be roleblocked?
    • Yes on both counts.
  • Can a player stripped of Surgebinding and Ideals by the Exe regain them?
    • Yes, such players may still swear Ideals, beginning with the First, which will reinstate them into their Order.

The IM for this game is [TBD]. Please see him or her, or myself, with any concerns or questions you have about the game as it progresses.

Signups have begun and will last for about nine days, until Saturday 4 November at 9:00 PM EDT. Unless otherwise noted, this will be the standard rollover time for the game as well. Do note that I will be at work on 12-hour shifts for half of the game, so expect delays in requests for vote counts and rules clarifications. The earlier in the cycle you ask something, the better your life, and mine, will be. :P 

Good luck!

Player List:


1. Aeoryi as Saffron Iguana

2. Experience as Gen-ku

3. Ravenclawjedi42 as Death-daughter-Time

4. |TJ| as Galatar

5. Ashbringer as Bailis

6. Matrim’s Dice as Shay

7. Archer as Phil Swift

8. Kasimir as Keleran


10. Araris Valerian as Aradon

11. JNV

12. Psiti?tēebe?t 

13. Devotary of Spontaneity as Taliat/Orotha and Iolea



1. The Known Novel



1. Whysper

2. _Stick_

3. The Wandering Wizard

4. Violet



Edited by Elandera
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... do I have time for this?

... guess I can make time :P

Signing up as Bailis, a Siah Aimian who hears a familiar voice in her head. I've had an idea for a while, now to see if I can pull it off.

Also Faleast doesn't want to get thrown into a Highstorm. Again.

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Two Dustbringers, gone missing. Just like that.

Word was already moving through the squad, as much as Callar'd kept his mouth shut until he made the report to the Blackthorn. Doggedly, Keleran moved through the katas, feeling the weight of the practice sword in his hand. Callar'd said to keep doing it, until they felt natural. Keleran wondered what'd happen if they never felt natural.

He'd never wanted to be a Knight Radiant.

It wasn't his sort of thing, Keleran thought, and Ellu'd agreed, even.

Life had been simple enough; his father was a surgeon in the city of Shvekar and he'd known, even though his father'd never said a word, it'd been there, always, in the way he talked about the clinic, the way he talked about the practice, that there was nothing more that Merin would've liked than for one of his sons to grow up and take over the clinic. His grandfather and great-grandfather and great-great-great-grandfather, all the way through, as far as Merin could remember, had always been surgeons.

It was easier, when you knew what you had to do.

Vedeneth was going to be a surgeon somewhere far from Shvekar, and Nahalen had, unexpectedly, turned to work as a Stormwarden. Which meant that Merin wasn't going to say it of course, but there was only Keleran left, and as much as the sight of blood made him sick to his stomach, so did the thought of disappointing his father. Which meant that Keleran had known his future, right until that storming spren had come along in the midst of the Everstorm and—

Sometimes, he couldn't help but resent Ellu for choosing him

Maybe Ellu knew.

"Keleran, this is boring," Ellu sighed. But at least she wasn't making the pebbles of the training yard dance. Keleran counted his blessings.

He ignored her, moving the wooden length of the blade through the sequences he couldn't seem to get right.

"Keleran, you're ignoring me!" Ellu complained.

He wasn't a fighter. Couldn't even stand the sight of the battlefield. The kata weren't sticking. But Ellu'd picked him, and she never said anything about unpicking him, no matter how much Keleran tried to pointedly suggest she'd made a mistake. Which meant that he had to figure things out, somehow.


"I'm practising," he ground out.

"Callar doesn't practice this much everyday," she said, pointedly. "He spends time with his spren."

Should've picked Callar then, shouldn't you? Keleran had wanted to say.

But it was unworthy.

He sighed. "Look. Let me just get through this last kata, and then I'll do what you want, alright?"

Ellu cheered.

Signing up as Keleran, probably the most reluctant Knight Radiant ever, -20/10 would not answer the Call again.

Edited by Kasimir
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19 hours ago, STINK said:

I will play with RP to come hopefully later 'cause totally gotta get that RP engine going amirite

Character name will be TBD

JSYK if there's another secret role in this game that's Nale and it turns out STINK is Truthless, I'm rage-quitting so hard you'll think you were roleblocked 👀

@Fifth Scholar

Sir I did not sign up for this kind of Orlok kraem all over again 😠 

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On 10/28/2023 at 7:46 PM, Violet said:

I'm going to take the spec doc (due to inactivity probably making people hate me in this game) after being killed immediately by sart in the last game I played?

Do feel free to spectate if you think your schedule won’t permit you to sufficiently engage with the game, but if not, we’re certainly all grateful to have you join again (and will hopefully show a bit more mercy :P). SE is a bit cruel and someone always dies a bit early, but as Araris says, murder is the highest form of praise around here :D 

9 hours ago, Whysper said:

I'm really interested in playing this. The theme and mechanics sound great. However, not sure whether I can start playing. Please put me down as a possible pinch hitter for now. Thanks!

Will do! Thanks for your interest, and you have a week to mull it all over if you’d like :P 

7 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

I’m in as Aradon, who was a lavis farmer before he swore the first Ideal.

Edit: This is contingent on me not being the IM for this game.

I’ll throw Aradon in even if you do IM :ph34r: 

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2 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Sounds like Wilson can do it if none of the more active moderators can, so I'm good to play :).

Excellent, I can now broread E!Araris as V or paranoid on V!Araris and try to kill him again 🤨

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I just realized e!Aeoryi won't be able to use the Elim doc as often as the shard

1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

Excellent, I can now broread E!Araris as V or paranoid on V!Araris and try to kill him again 🤨

We all tunneled that last LG onto Araris after failing to exe TKN 2 days in a row

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15 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

L  I  T  E  R  A  L  L  Y       M  E

Isn't that a MatTunnel on stilts :P

37 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

That's an occupational hazard of a playstyle that encourages perpetual suspicion.

That's the occupational hazard when no one kayana enough to take a chance on V!you is playing 👀

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