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Issues after 2023 site upgrade


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Here are some of my thoughts on changes I don't like (PC, Google Chrome):

  1. About the "Shardcast" and "More" menus I agree, a delay would be nice. I usually open those menus when I'm scrolling up to use navigation or go back to the main page. It's a bit distracting to have the navigation covered by a giant pop-up because I accidentally move my mouse through the "Shardcast".
  2. I'm not a fan of hiding the "edit", "share" and "report" options, I can live with that and get used to it but I cannot count how many times I click "quote" when I want to edit.
  3. Another thing that bothers me a bit is that the count of posts and reputation points on profile/posts are shortened and rounded up to "3.4k" instead of just showing the whole number - there is a lot of space for that. The number of posts can be shown when hovered on, but the precise number of reputation points can't be seen anywhere at all, which doesn't work well when ranks start at something like 1550 points and you can't see how much you or others have.
  4. I personally hate the topic statistics sidebar. It's interesting, yes, but why does it have to be there all the time, shrinking the usable page by 1/3, which just looks ugly? It shouldn't be shown constantly, I think there should be an option to open/hide statistics, where the topic title is, right next to the "share" and "follow" options or something like that. Or like it is on mobiles - short statistics are shown right under the first post (it would look better if they were above the first post, or maybe just below the topic title bar) and you can just open or close them at will. This is much better than having 1/3 of the site replaced by a gray, useless background. I don't even want this sidebar to float, I want it gone from the side, so we can have wider posts and reply areas, just like they are in new threats. 
  5. Why is there a hide option when I'm writing a new post? I don't really get why I would want to hide a post I'm just writing, but now I'm scared I will click it accidentally :P 
  6. The default Shard profile pic is gone, instead we've got the classic and boring giant letter "X" or "A" or whatever the first letter of your name is. I miss the Shard symbol and I don't like the auto-generated, colorful avatars. Profile pictures with letters in the steel alphabet would be cool and have a soul - just an idea, I have no clue how feasible that would be.
  7. When you copy and paste a text, its background color messes up with the bluish background color of a spoiler or quote box. Like:

    (Yes, but this is not the purpose of those fields, obviously.) - copied form Chaos post and I agree



    (Yes, but this is not the purpose of those fields, obviously.)


    This makes boxes look really ugly with those white stripes. Yes, you can "remove formatting", that works fine, but in some cases, like when copying WoBs, this would destroy the formatting of a WoB. The white stripes looks really bad in WoBs: example
    Edit: This is not something that happens every time (I have no white stripes when I paste a WoB into a spoiler box) but I've seen this happening to others and sometimes to me when I just want to copy some text into a box.


I think that's it about negatives. Overall I really like this update, the side looks refreshingly nice and smooth. Thanks for your great work!

Edit2: I've just realized, I have no sound notifications at all. Not even when somebody posts something new in a thread I'm reading.

Edited by alder24
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  • Platform: Laptop
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Affected Page(s): Cult of the stick: page 16, reply 10 - here
  • Expected Behavior: The quote box expands with the spoiler box
  • Actual Behavior: The text is pushed out of the quote box




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A short quote box with a spoiler box inside, that has an expand option, isn't working right - if the quote box is expanded before I open the spoiler box, the quote box doesn't change its size after the spoiler box inside is opened, which makes the spoiler box extend beyond the quote box, covering text under it. It happened here



If the spoiler box inside it is opened before I expand the quote box, it works fine, but if the quote is expanded and then the spoiler box is opened, the above happens.

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On 10/21/2023 at 9:26 PM, Satsuoni said:

Up until yesterday, whenever I got an email notifying me of PM, it also contained the whole of the PM, quotes and such included. However, now it only contains a first few words or so and then sends me to the forums <_< I much preferred the original functionality, since it allowed me to read the replies easily on mobile (reading them from email is much easier) and then reply when I got home to my PC. Also, it served as automatic message backup. 

I do believe that the same issue happened after the last update and it was fixed by... I think Chaos? So I would appreciate it if it could be fixed again, or the setting added.

As an aside, could the opacity on the quote borders be bumped up a bit? Or the lower border added? At 0.15, I just barely see it, but it takes effort, so I cannot really tell where the quote ends, especially when there are several in sequence with replies to them.

Just wanted to second this.  The way it is right now is extremely irritating.  Please fix.

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10 hours ago, Chaos said:

For clarity, do you mean the PM matter, or quotes?

Ugh, sorry, I didn't realize that it had quoted the entire post.  I only highlighted a part of it.  (That would be nice to fix too!)

What I meant was the emails.  When I get an email saying there's a new post, it's nice to have the entirety of the new post in the email.

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23 hours ago, Experience said:

There is a PM I have that I received in September and still haven't read it (I have now). But this is the fourth or fifth time that I've randomly received a notification for that PM even though no new messages were sent in it.

The same thing is happening to me. I'm getting multiple notifications for pms. 

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FAQ Summary

  • Poll Icons seems to be missing/different (please see screenshot). Instead of a Poll Icon, it shows a gray ? circle.
On 10/21/2023 at 6:59 AM, Paleo said:

So this is actually the intended look for polls, I think the idea is that since you ask a question of people, it should show a question mark. I can see how that can be confusing, though. Previously, polls didn't have any distinguishing icon in the forum listing as far as I can tell. We'll think about maybe changing this, but we also want to keep theme changes to a minimum as upgrading becomes a nightmare otherwise.


  • How do you get to dark mode?
On 10/21/2023 at 12:06 PM, Chaos said:

Dark mode is a later feature addition that we are working on. I believe it was under "future things" we will be doing.


  • Clicking on the site logo at the top used to take you to the forums page but now it sends me to the news page.
On 10/21/2023 at 12:06 PM, Chaos said:

This is actually how it will work now due to some background stuff.


  • For members I follow, I used to be able to only select status updates as things I would get notifications for. Now, it's either all or nothing.
  • I've seen this brought up already, but I haven't seen it resolved. I don't seem to be getting SU notifications for people I follow unless I check a notification option to that notifies me for every once of their posts.
On 10/21/2023 at 7:38 PM, Chaos said:

It seems you can definitely create an Activity Stream for status updates, and set it to only show people you want to follow. Not quite a notification, but may work. Press the newspaper icon at the top.

On 10/22/2023 at 2:09 AM, Chaos said:

As I said earlier, set up an Activity Stream to have a "home page" for that kind of content, rather than just via notifications. But yeah, unfortunately not a lot we can do about that.

  • I noticed that some users have hands next to their profile pictures, what do those signify?
On 10/21/2023 at 7:44 PM, Treamayne said:

On PC you can hover over badges to get a description - it seems the "hand" icon is a "Wave, this member joined recently" badge.


  • I'm unable to edit any aspect of my profile (I wanted to change my Member Title, and then tried to edit my About Me to test if it would work). Both things sent me to an error page with a "try again" message. I'm on a laptop, in microsoft edge because I'm too lazy to transfer everything to chrome lol
On 10/23/2023 at 9:38 PM, Chaos said:

Did this happen at home? Does anyone else have this issue?

On 10/23/2023 at 10:26 PM, Matrim's Dice said:

It does, yes. The error code is EX1366, if that sort of thing is useful.

On 10/23/2023 at 10:43 PM, Chaos said:

Fascinating. We will look into it. If anyone else has this problem, do please let us know! 


  • I'm trying to figure out why some of these names are italicized.
On 10/24/2023 at 5:38 PM, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

I’m pretty sure that the italics means that the person is currently typing.

On 10/24/2023 at 9:03 PM, Aeoryi said:

Chaos confirmed this on discord a while back. Italicized means typing.



Edited by Treamayne
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