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What are you most excited to see in book 5?


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I'm looking forward to learning more about Ba-Ado-Mishram, what was her relations to the Heralds? What kind of damage was she doing that necessitated her being imprisoned? Where is she now?

Also seeing the war between Shallan and the Ghostbloods, with seeing just how they will attempt to overcome the other and seeing more off-world magic being brought in by the Ghostbloods.

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17 hours ago, Stitof said:

What are you guys most looking forward to seeing or learning in book 5?

As some others already mentioned, Szeth and Kal hanging out. But I'd also like to see some more Tone and Rythm modification experiments by Navani and what is going on with Ishar's experiments with the Spren being given physical bodies.

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We are going to get perspective from Taln! That will be sick! But also kal. I really enjoy how much Kaladin as a character. I feel like you can easily say that he is the type of character that tries, fails, struggles, gets better, but I think of him as another level deeper. He feels not just like an archetype, but a person, with some feeelongs and motives and regrets and worries that are too real in people.

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A lot of things, I am very excited to learn where the Shin Oathgate is, learn more about Shin language and culture; learn more about BAM, who I believe was originally a Bondsmith Spren born from a combination of reasons, including this:



Does "Ba-Ado-Mishram" mean "child of the light of Cultivation and Honor"?

Brandon Sanderson

RAFO, but you're doing a pretty good job picking apart the linguistics of that.

I believe she was basically The Sibling, before being turned into a servant of Odium, and that The Sibling was made to replace her after her turn. I have a lot of reasons, but this isn't the place. 

I also want to learn more about the Recreance, to see how the Contest of Champions goes (I think very badly), see more about El and his weirdness, Szeth flashbacks, Zellion, Kaladin's Fifth Oath (which I feel would be in the book, just makes sense), learning more about several Unmade (which would play a big role due to the fact several are in Shinovar), and so much more. 

I am just so excited for basically everything in the book. I can't think of much I am not looking forward to. 

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Actual stakes.

I want the middle 3/5 of the book to just be a total bloodbath on the Radiants side.

People I want to die: Shallan, Adolin, Syl, Pattern, Navani, and possibly Kaladin unless he's the Champion or ascends to Honor or something.


That would definitely make the contest actually feel like something Dalinar could lose 

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2 hours ago, Stormlit Shard said:

Levanta a sobrancelha.     

O que você tem em mente? 

If I'm not mistaken, Brandon said in a WOB that Tarah would have some interludes or scenes from the past to be shown in the next book and the only thing that comes to mind with that is Kalladin going back to his old relationship, and being happy? Idk, hein deserve

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