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Fun fact I visited someone's house and forgot my phone charger at there's so that's been a fun thing to sort out woohoo I'm gonna ask what's going on folks and then read thread / respond to @'s and PMs in hopefully like 2 hours boutta watch a movie but got phone charging now so adiós for now amigos

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[TAG: RP, 311 words]

7 hours ago, Wonko the Sane said:

I'm not certain votes on Archer are going to change anything, since they only prevent a hammer if the NPC Masters are also capable of voting for Archer. That said, I'm not super averse to it. Archer, Archer.

Tbh I think there isn't too much that can be done so might as well try. It's possible both of them will try to play for the 10% world Archer gets recalled but it's also overwhelmingly likely someone's mask will slip and then we'll get a hammer, so might as well try to do what we can to block it.

1 hour ago, STINK said:

Fun fact I visited someone's house and forgot my phone charger at there's so that's been a fun thing to sort out woohoo I'm gonna ask what's going on folks and then read thread / respond to @'s and PMs in hopefully like 2 hours boutta watch a movie but got phone charging now so adiós for now amigos

Bro, fair, but cycle closes in slightly over an hour. Dwai though RL comes first. The short of it is don't forget to file EP and send lodgings orders, everything else can wait.

xciii. branching out

“Have you considered,” said Master Anders, “Doing a research project in Rhetoric and Logic?”

Kevan hesitated. Thought about where his research project with the historical materia medica had slowed down. He didn’t know whether it was because he lacked some of the linguistic skills necessary (his Siaru wasn’t strong enough, and he’d always struggled with his own indifference-bordering-hatred of Yllish when his grandmother had crammed it down his throat) or because Master Alys was right, that at core, he just wasn’t much of a historian.

“I’ve considered it,” he said at last. “But I’m already doing my research project under Master Bob.”

Master Anders hummed and steepled his fingers before him. “This wouldn’t be your major research project,” he agreed, immediately. “You’re currently being sponsored by Bob, which means the decision on your progress through the discipline is entirely his purview.”

There was a but there, though. Kevan could all but sense it.

“But you’re allowed to take on your own research projects,” Master Anders finished. “We generally do not advise a student juggle too many of them at once, as El’the have quite enough to be busying themselves with, but…” he trailed off. “You’re also able to manage your own commitments, by this point. Quite unlike student or E’lir life, in fact.”

He wanted to. And yet he was an El’the in the Medica, and he didn’t even know how Master Bob would feel about it.

“Think about it,” Master Anders said, at last. “I’m not saying you have to, I’m saying I think you would enjoy working on a topic of your own and I’d be happy to supervise. And,” he added shrewdly, “I think you’d be surprised about how willing Bob would be to let you branch out, a little. Talk to him about it, and let me know if there’s something in particular that comes to mind.”

[Note: This one passage is the entire thing Kevan's arc was building towards: explaining how I ended up in R&L 3 thanks to the GMs sending me that message in T2M1. That's right, still justifying it forever later...]

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Archer Archer

Insert the I'm doing my part gif here

I followed up even after watching Elemental and having a good chat with friends about representation in movies these days so yeah that gif definitely fits and also Elemental was good give it a watch people

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Term 4 Month 1 - Another One Bites the Dust

fake twitter t4m1 - 1.png

fake twitter t4m1 - 2.png


Mysterious Bulletin:



Why is no-one talking about my crazy frog reference why do I even try should this be a linkin park reference about how it doesn't even matter how hard you try



Steeldancer has died! He was an E’lir Cealdish Commoner Skindancer.

Drake broke out of the Crockery!

Stink was elevated to Master Linguist!


No one was brought on the Horns!

Archer (0) - several people who decided to foolishly vote on a Master (Ash, Ash, Kas, Kas, Wonko, Wonko, Archer, Stink, Stink, Sart, Sart)
Ash (0) - Archer

Player List

  1. Matrim's Dice - expelled
  2. Kasimir
  3. The Known Novel - expelled
  4. Steeldancer - Skindancer
  5. JNV - insane
  6. Wonko the Sane - formerly insane
  7. Archer
  8. Drake Marshall - formerly insane
  9. Ashbringer
  10. TJ - expelled
  11. Araris Valerian - expelled
  12. Szeth Pancakes - Student
  13. Stink
  14. Sart
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Congrats, Drake! 

I maaaaay have Fae Lored Ash into oblivion, but he's welcome to dispute it by saying an action he took successfully. 

Y'all just wanna repeat the same votes until we're bailed out by assassins? We're actually net positive with that strategy because of that breakout, so we're trending in a good direction! 

Archer Ash

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Wilson clarified Ash's names would stay in the vote train. V!Archer, E!Ash, finally Drake broke free smh

Am in law class sry more later

EDIT: @Archer tbh just keep voting Ash. I’m satisfied and we don't need to keep proving. Allows me to RB as well just in case you get recalled.

Edited by Kasimir
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Well, I got roleblocked. Again.

Could be a few ways that could happen from Archer. One of the reasons I was concerned about Banned Books. 

But any situation like that is something I can't do anything about, and I've worked four closing shifts in a row and the last two went an extra half hour long for extra fun, so, fine. It just comes to my flip, nothing new.


Hopefully tomorrow I have more time for RP. A lot I can do with that, I think :P

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[TAG: RP, 329 words]

2 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Well, I got roleblocked. Again.

Could be a few ways that could happen from Archer. One of the reasons I was concerned about Banned Books. 

But any situation like that is something I can't do anything about, and I've worked four closing shifts in a row and the last two went an extra half hour long for extra fun, so, fine. It just comes to my flip, nothing new.


Hopefully tomorrow I have more time for RP. A lot I can do with that, I think :P

You are unexeable anyway. Just saying that you can totally openwolf now :eyes:

xciv. motivation

“Well, let’s talk about motivation,” Re’lar Jakob was saying. “Hahn believes that emotion is fundamentally what motivates. Just because you have reasons to do something or that it’s rational for you to do something doesn’t mean that there’s something intrinsic to reason itself that can motivate you. In particular, desires are what motivate us. Anyone want to venture a guess what the most often abused line from Hahn’s Treatise is?”

“Reason is and ought only be the servant of the passions,” Renlin quoted, “And can pretend to no higher office than to serve them.”

“Close enough,” Jakob nodded. “If I had a jot for every time a student told me they were late in turning in an assignment because reason is and ought only be the servant of the passions, I’d never need to pay a single drab of tuition for the rest of my life.”

Kevan laughed quietly to himself. Oh, he’d bet Jakob had heard his fill of that quote. He probably would too, if he’d tutored on the topic.

“So, Hahn’s key insight here is the distinction between motivation and reason. This sets him apart from some thinkers like Kehant who seem to believe that there’s something inherent to certain types of reasons—particularly moral reasons!—that should motivate you, regardless of whether you do or don’t want to do something. Show of hands, how many of you wanted to come to class today?”

Kevan noticed he was one of the few who hadn’t hesitated.

“Right, you lot are crazy,” Jakob said, cheerfully. “It’s a cold, grey, miserable day and it was raining cats and dogs. Hugo, how about you?”

“Honestly, I really wanted to stay in bed,” Hugo admitted. “It’s raining, come on!”

“Exactly,” Jakob said. “It’s raining, come on! So why’d you come? What motivated you to get out of bed this morning and trudge here in the rain when it’s cold, wet, and miserable?”

“I had this class,” Hugo shrugged.

“So I’m your motivation?”

“Well, yeah, I guess. I like this class enough, I guess. And it’d be a real pain if I had to take it all over again…”

Edited by Kasimir
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[TAG: RP, 369 words]

12 hours ago, The Known Novel said:

So, good news, I'm not in Imre any more. 

Bad news, I'm on the streets.

So @Kasimir, yes, but preferably not yet.

3 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

I can afford another assassin this turn. If someone has Naming powers that should be able to kill Ash.

Can you please coordinate with TKN? I think both of you can PM each other as you are both expelled? (Check with the GMs I guess.) Unfortunately, we don't have other Namers - as I explained in thread, Wonko lost Wind when he broke out, so it's TKN or bust. Am considering whether it's worth assassinating TJ to stop him from making grams to make Ash annoyingly tanky but don't have a strong view on this as TJ might be just as annoyingly tanky, indicating resources better allocated elsewhere.

xcv. storm

Kevan heard the rumble of thunder, threatening rain, and scowled. The skies were a dark, forbidding grey. He’d been about to cross the Stonebridge, back into Imre for the day, but scuttled beneath the nearest tree just as the downpour began.

Torrential rain cascaded down. Kevan prayed to Tehlu the oilcloth satchel would keep the water off his books and notes. He didn’t remotely want to have to explain the waterlogged condition of any books to Master Alys, and figured he’d be lucky if he only got away with a temporary ban from the Archives.

He ground his teeth together as he realised the tree was probably a bad idea when forks of lightning flashed in the sky. The last place he wanted to be was right under it when lightning struck, even if the University had lightning-eaters of its own. 

He just needed to be dry, and under shelter right now. Lightning flashed, far too close for comfort, and the thunder that followed was loud enough that Kevan almost jumped. He was going to have to make a run for it, wet or otherwise. Of all the times to forget his rain cape…

“Damnit, Kevan you absolute idiot!” someone was shouting, over the loud roar of the thunder.

The next thing he knew, he was shoved in too close for comfort and sheltering under a single rain cape. Reflexively, Kevan shifted his book bag, figuring it was better the books be protected from the storm than him. Holy Tehlu, Master Alys was never going to forgive him.

Jarvik glared at him, water sluicing down around them, within the confines of the rain cape. It wasn’t really large enough to shelter them both, but it was at least an improvement.

“We need to get to shelter. Now.

“You don’t say!” Kevan had to shout to be heard over the howling of the wind. “What the hell is with this storm anyway?” He couldn’t remember having dealt with weather this awful in all his time at the University. Which, to be fair, had been somewhat over two years.

“Kraem if I know!” Jarvik yelled. “Get moving! We don’t want to be out in this for long, you stupid Yllish bastard!”

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[TAG: RP, 231 words]

16 minutes ago, STINK said:

If I RP as a guy who can't RP does it count as RP when I post 

I feel like this is the sort of thing your degree is meant to answer tbh

Also how was Elemental anything else you can say, I'm curious and wondering if I should watch.

IDK tbh most of law class was like about whether algorithms can think and I'm firmly of the view that if the law requires us to apply that test to figure out who was in breach of contract then we've probably gone wrong somewhere tbhhh

xcvi. cold

Kevan hated life. Hated colds. Hated rain. Hated unexpected storms.

It was not that difficult to work out. Of course he’d caught a cold, after all that adventuring in the rain. He sniffled and tried to suppress a sneeze, and hastily fished out a handkerchief. Kraem, he was going to boil everything in hot water once he was done. Working in the Medica had given him a healthy respect for how quickly diseases—especially colds!—could spread. Master Bob had an ironclad policy about showing up to work in the Medica with a cold, having discovered that a sick Re’lar could very swiftly spread a cold throughout the Medica, to most of the duty team and the patients the Re’lar came in contact with.

So Kevan was stuck in his room, drinking tea hot enough to burn his throat, sipping at a remedy that was supposed to keep his streaming nose well within control, except it was also making him drowsy and Kevan resented that lost time.

He hated colds. Would have to remember to keep his rain cape on him in future.

Bloody weather had been so unpredictable of late. At least that was one thing you couldn’t blame on skindancers. 

Kevan sneezed into his handkerchief again and retreated beneath the blankets in utter misery.

Last thing he wanted to hear was Soren or Jarvik telling him they’d told him so.

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[TAG: RP, 301 words]

1 hour ago, STINK said:

As Master Linguist I would like to propose that all posts from now on should not be fully English but that you can and should sprinkle in some other languages for a more welcoming environment on campus 


xcvii. force majeure

“Kraem,” Kevan muttered, glaring at the text. As far as he could tell, he had no real idea of what ‘force majeure’ meant, other than the fact that he was not especially well-equipped to deal with Aturan legal texts, particularly ones this old.

He was certain there was a good reason he was delving into contract law, he really was. It wasn’t his area, he didn’t particularly like the Archives, and he wasn’t especially interested in seeking work as a lawyer, even if he was certain it was a particular area of hell—alright, alright, he was certain lawyers did valuable work, it just wasn’t the sort of work Kevan was particularly interested in. He didn’t especially care about litigating whether a particular contract between an Aturan duke and a particular supplier was in fact something that could be upheld outside of a Tehlin court. He cared about—understanding, he supposed. Litigating debates about the fundamental nature of what would be known, about reality.

He stared at the line in question until he was certain he was this close to going cross-eyed.

“What’s force majeure?” Kevan asked aloud, not really expecting anyone to answer.

Surprisingly or otherwise, Renlin knew the answer. On further reflection, Kevan should’ve expected it—Renlin was the son of a wealthy Aturan lawyer, after all.

“Kraem happens,” Renlin said.

“Yes, it does,” Jarvik drawled.

“No, I mean it. Kraem happens. That’s force majeure in a nutshell.”

Kevan blinked. “Come again?”

“Listen. If a storm smites the roof off the Fishery, that’s force majeure. Kraem happens. Wrath of God, Tehlu, whatever. If it’s foreseeable, it’s not force majeure. If it’s unforeseeable, out of the scope of the contract, and makes it materially impossible to fulfil the contract, it’s force majeure.”

“So basically kraem happens,” Kevan said, slowly. “Got it, thanks Renlin.”

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Oh yeah, it appears that Assassins go up in price by 10 talents per purchase, and then drop by 5 per Month back down until 30. That info is based on a sample size of 1, but it will potentially put a damper on any plans to spam Assassins. Barring contract completion or lucky gambling, I can only recruit 1 this month.

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[TAG: RP, 271 words]

2 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Oh yeah, it appears that Assassins go up in price by 10 talents per purchase, and then drop by 5 per Month back down until 30. That info is based on a sample size of 1, but it will potentially put a damper on any plans to spam Assassins. Barring contract completion or lucky gambling, I can only recruit 1 this month.

Shouldn't be an issue in certain worlds. I'll let others know to take under advisement but believe the plan as stands is solid depending on status. Thanks for sharing the pricing info though, it will change things somewhat.

xcviii. group

Apparently, they were all doing pancakes today, which was why the lot of them were squeezing into a small cafe in Imre, near the Gyre and Wade. For once, it hadn’t begun with Valerra: this one was entirely Soren’s fault. Something about having heard about the fluffy golden buttered pancakes with honey from the classmate of a classmate in the Fishery who was going off about the cafe and its pancakes having been Tehlu’s own gift to a fallen world, and then Soren’d decided, why the heck not, and then had roped in pretty much everyone he knew to go get pancakes.

“The pancakes had better be good, Soren, or I swear to Tehlu I’ll murder you,” Owyn complained. “I haven’t been up this early since I was at least seven.”

“You’re out of practice then,” Jarvik said, cheerfully. He, at least, had always been an early riser since their days in the Mews. It was too cramped for Owyn to do more than to growl a bleary imprecation and to afford him a withering stare that befitted a grumpy owl.

Kevan slouched in his corner of the cafe and wondered if the pancakes were as good as they smelled. There was the rich scent of batter throughout the cafe, and Tehlu damnit, Soren was too close for comfort, he really should’ve picked just about anywhere else to sit, hadn’t been thinking, and God, you never did, not in the heat of the moment, did you?

“It’s too early for you too, isn’t it?” Soren asked, looking over at him.

“I’ll survive,” Kevan grumbled. “But they had better be good pancakes.”

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[TAG: RP, 246 words]

Before I forget: AshAsh

Ash, I'm just gonna say this. In my view, and the others are free to dispute this: if you or TJ still want to insist you are Village, then quite frankly, we need a flip from either of you at this point. That's it. I hate saying this to a player as it feels very harsh, but you are unexpellable (or an expulsion would've worked fine), but one way or another, all insistences that Archer is framing you comes back to improbabilities stacked on improbabilities. If TJ is Village, he will give us his own flip, no ifs and buts about it, and then we will all shut Archer down and kill him. It's really that simple. Same deal here. Until then, it's simply a case of following the scans. There's a point at which I just have to play to the most probable world and proceed on that basis. If you are Village, we will basically come down on Archer like a load of bricks.

xcix. pancakes

The server came over with a platter of steaming hot pancakes, all a bright golden colour, and drizzled with honey. There was butter too, enough to make Master Bob go into a screaming fit about how this was extremely unhealthy but Kevan figured you sometimes had to make an exception for friends, and everyone knew Master Bob had a sweet tooth anyway and he wondered if you could bribe Master Bob with pancakes.

(Jarvik was an entirely bad influence in some ways.)

Everyone started forking over pancakes onto their plates, swiftly denuding the stack, and sharing the slathered butter around. (The butter never tasted quite right in Imre, Kevan thought. Nothing like the rich taste of butter that reminded him of home, but Yll was Yll, and he’d yet to find proper Yllish butter away from the island.)

Fluffy, browned a little on the undersides, and thick, Kevan took one bite and decided that Soren wasn’t half wrong to want to drag everyone out to try the pancakes his classmates were raving on and on about. At this rate, this place was going to make an utter killing in business from the University.

Looking around, half the place seemed stuffed with University students, and he figured more would be coming once the late-risers got up.

Worse things to wake up for than pancakes, he figured. Sometimes you had to do things that you didn’t usually do. Even if it was eating fluffy pancakes with your friends.

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