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Long Game 96: KKC in the Modern Age

Important Note: There is an application system for this game. Please read the second post before signing up.

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fake twitter kkc 2.png

Welcome to the University! Here are the full rules of the game. Please note that they are 30 pages long. This game is massive. However, we've compiled a "brief" (briefer?) summary for your perusal. Please read the summary at the very least, even if you don't read all 30 pages of rules.

GMs: Wilson, Elbereth, ? (we're looking for a third, if anyone is interested)

IM: Devotary

Start Date: 7/26 7:00 PM Mountain

Rollover: TBD

Game Mechanic Basics

  • Two factions: Students and Skindancers. Students must expel or kill all the Skindancers; Skindancers are a standard eliminator faction and must expel, kill, or drive insane all the students or destroy as many fields as starting Skindancers (and the fields must include Naming, Alchemy, and Archives). The Skindancer monthly attack is a sabotage, which drives the target insane.
  • Cycles (terms) are 3 turns (months) long, and each month is 48 hours. Months are basically identical except that there are a few things that only take place during the first month of each term/cycle. 
  • OoA, in general: tuition/lodging (if the first month of a term), passive roleblocks, active roleblocks & stealing items, all other non-offensive actions, mechanical effects (the horns, filing EP, etc), offensive actions
  • Voting: everyone has 2 votes (‘complaints’) per month, which contribute to players being brought On The Horns and receiving various punishments
  • Action Periods: everyone has 1 general action period they can use for anything; being elevated in different fields may grant more action periods, up to 4. (In Imre you don’t have access to any action periods.) There are also passive actions, which don’t take an action period and can’t be roleblocked.
  • Writeup / GM PM info: when you do an action, you’ll be told if you succeeded or failed (failure = roleblocked) and who you targeted, but nothing else. Writeups will announce who’s elevated (but not in what field unless it’s a Master elevation), if a field is destroyed, if people are attacked (if protected, the attacked player won’t be specified in the writeup but will be told in their PM)
  • PMs: open, don’t require an action, can be group PMs, must include GM, please make a new one each turn.
  • Application system: before the game you can submit music, art, or an essay to improve your musical stat, add an item to your inventory, or get higher field proficiency, respectively. 


Basic KKC Mechanics 

  • Social Class: each player is assigned one of five social classes, which determine your starting lodging, your starting money, and your stipend per term. (All currency is X talents, Y jots, and Z drabs, where each is 1/10 of the previous.) Each class has a couple additional effects specific to said class. 
  • Lodging: you must stay in one of the available lodgings each term, which each have a price and a particular effect. You must specify a lodging in the last month of a term, or you will stay on the Streets that term, which is not a pleasant place. There are two lodgings which allow you to stay in Imre the entire term (which usually you may only visit once a turn). 
  • Admissions: in order to go to University and gain University abilities, you must go through admissions and pay your tuition each term, which is specific to the player. You can affect your tuition for the next term in various ways (posting, PMing, voting, taking certain actions, etc) to reduce or inflate it. 
  • Insanity: you can go insane, either from a Skindancer sabotage or failing your Insanity Roll. Certain actions and abilities give you a bonus to your insanity roll for that turn, and if your roll + bonus is 12 or higher you will go insane. This bonus can be offset with Elevation Points if the player so chooses. When insane, you are nearly but not quite dead - you cannot post, PM, talk in docs, take actions, receive your stipend, etc. You must only wait and hope that you break out. 
    • Breakout: each turn, all insane players will have a small (usually 5%) chance of breaking out of the Crockery and returning to the game. This means you lose a rank and an ability, and can no longer learn new abilities or be elevated, but are otherwise entirely back to your previous state. 
  • The Horns: votes (complaints) contribute towards a player receiving Discipline Points, and having more than 5 Discipline Points (DP) results in going On The Horns. (Masters also assign DP, which is automatically spread among players with complaints on them until the Master becomes PC-controlled.) Players on the Horns are subject to various punishments (with the chance for harsher punishments increasing the more DP the player has accrued), from RPing a public apology to being roleblocked to being expelled. 
    • Expulsion: expelled students can no longer attend the University (duh) to complain, learn new abilities or be elevated further. They can also only PM or target non-enrolled students or students in Imre, and sabotages count as kills against them. 


The Arcanum

  • There are nine fields at the University, each of which has certain abilities that you can learn by being elevated in them. You can choose which fields to study in by filing Elevation Points in your chosen field(s) each turn. The Master of each field will choose a player to elevate each month from among the players with EP in their field (when a Master is a NPC, they’ll choose randomly weighted with the number of EP each player has). 
  • Ranks: there are four ranks in the University. You start out with no rank, and then are elevated to E’lir, then Re’lar, then El’the (and finally Master). Your rank usually determines which abilities you have access to. Your level (the number of elevations you have in a given field) often determines how powerful your abilities are (and if you get additional action periods specific to your field). 
  • Gaining abilities:
    • In Linguistics, Rhetoric & Logic, and Archives, you gain 1 ability, which is determined by your rank (e.g. if you’re elevated to Re’lar you gain the Re’lar ability in that field).
    • In Arithmetics, Sympathy, and Physicking, every student has access to all abilities, but each ability increases in power depending on your level (i.e. how many elevations you have in that field). 
    • In Alchemy & Artificery, you have the ability to create all items up to your current rank (e.g. a Re’lar has access to E’lir and Re’lar level items), but items have different levels depending on your number of elevations in Alchemy/Artificery. 
    • Naming is weird :P
  • Mastery: Masters are NPC-controlled until an El’the gains 15 EP in a field, at which point they become Master of that field. Masters have discounted lodging and tuition and cannot be brought on the Horns, and Master-level abilities in their field (even if they didn’t have all four elevations in the same field). They assign Discipline Points, choose who to elevate, but can no longer be elevated or learn abilities in other fields. Skindancer Masters can choose to destroy a field, at which point no one else can be elevated in it or learn new abilities from it. 
  • More detail on each field and its actions is given below the Imre section, for the curious.



  • Any player can go to Imre one month per cycle (or can stay in an Imre-specific lodging to be there for all three turns of the cycle). In Imre, you don’t have access to taking actions, but instead can visit various locations in Imre and do things there. 
  • The Eolian: you can try for your Talent Pipes once during the game, which are a +10 talents per turn item. You can also practice there to try to improve your musical stat before trying for your Pipes.
  • Moneylenders: you can visit Devi or Giles to take out a loan. Devi gives higher loans with steeper interest, will take collateral, and will put a mommet with your blood on the Black Market if you default. Giles is only accessible by Cealdish Commoners or at the Grey Man, and gives smaller loans at much more reasonable prices. 
  • The Loaded Dice: gamble a certain amount of money on numbers of your choice, and if the GM rolls one of your numbers then you get a reward (proportional to the amount of money + the number of guesses). Certain social classes can get better odds here. 
  • Nox’s Apothecary: here you can buy certain items and services. 
  • Black Market: you can buy Bodyguards and Assassins here, and players can place and take contracts of all sorts (from ‘kill X’ to ‘give me a solution to the Collatz Conjecture’).



  • Linguistics: grants additional general action periods. Abilities are PM-related and granted depending on your elevation rank.  
    • Hand Delivery (E’lir) (passive): PMs to/from expelled players, cannot be spied on
    • Mysterious Bulletins (Re’lar): anonymous writeup messages
    • Bribe the Messenger (El’the): PM spying
    • Linguistic Analysis (Master): detect if a player lied in your presence
  • Arithmetics: all abilities are passive except for pickpocketing, and all accessible to all Arithmetics students.
    • Reduced Interest (passive), with Devi and Giles
    • Great Deals (passive), at the Apothecary and Black Market
    • Decreased Tuition (passive)
    • Pickpocket: steal some coins from someone targeting you
  • Rhetoric & Logic: up to 3 Rhetoric action periods. Abilities are complaint-related and granted depending on your elevation rank.
    • Argumentum ad Nauseam (E’lir): cancel someone’s vote(s)
    • Proficient in Hyperbole (Re’lar): gain two additional votes
    • Persuasive Arguments (El’the): change a vote to a different player
    • Law of Contraposition (Master): redirect an action
  • Archives: up to 3 Archives action periods. Abilities are mostly scans, and granted depending on your elevation rank. 
    • Omen Recognition (E’lir): determine if an event was Skindancer-caused
    • School Records (Re’lar): learn what fields someone has been elevated in
    • Banned Books (El’the): learn an ability from another field
    • Fae Lore (Master): target a player and roleblock them only if they are a Skindancer
  • Sympathy: all players have access to all actions. Actions have an insanity bonus based on level.
    • Mommet-making: mommets are a 1-use item that roleblock the player they’re made for and cannot be roleblocked or redirected. Depending on level, this can be a random player, a player of your choice, or the (anonymous) cause of a kill/sabotage. Masters can use that last kind for a kill instead of a roleblock. 
    • Malfeasance Protection: create a binding between you and another student. Depending on level, this will copy all actions on you to the other student (and possibly vice versa), downgrade all negative actions on either of you, or transfer all actions on you entirely to the other student. 
  • Physicking: all players have access to all actions. 
    • Medica Emergency: next turn, no one will be able to target you (but you also won’t be able to take other actions, and may not be able to PM or vote)
    • Medica Detainment: fully roleblock a player.
    • Psychological Counseling: decrease someone else’s insanity bonus that turn (decrease is equivalent to number of elevations in Physicking)
    • Cheating Death: protect another player from kills/sabotages (though you may only be able to delay the inevitable)
  • Alchemy: gain an Item Creation period. (Note: items take two action periods to complete, and doing both in the same turn will mean you can’t do anything else.) The level of an Alchemy item is determined by how many elevations the user has. Alchemists can create any item at or below their current rank. Items have an insanity bonus on creation. 
    • Tenaculum (E’lir): destroy an item or cancel an action of your choice (random if you specify something nonexistent)
    • Firestop (Re’lar) (passive): passively protect from heat-based malfeasance (mommets, bonetar, tenaculum, Fire naming actions)
    • Plum Bob (El’the): drug a player and ask them up to 5 basic questions, which they must answer truthfully (unless and until they go into a rage, the chance of which is higher for each question asked)
    • Bone-tar (El’the): destroy a lodging. Some chance (level-dependent) of it going volatile and killing half the players staying there. 
  • Artificery: gain an Item Creation period. (Note: items take two action periods to complete, and doing both in the same turn will mean you can’t do anything else.) The level of an Artificery item is determined at creation, by how many levels the creator has, and indicates how many uses the item will have. Artificerists(?) can create any item at or below their rank. Items have an insanity bonus on creation. 
    • Ward (E’lir): Detect a random action used on you and its level. 
    • Bloodless (Re’lar) (passive): protect from a sabotage. 
    • Thieves Lamp (Re’lar): steal 30% of a player’s money and half their items. 
    • Gram (El’the) (passive): protects from sabotages, kills, and malignant sympathy. Cannot be destroyed. 
  • Naming: Up to 3 Naming action periods. Namers start by learning the Name of the Wind, and learn further names by using their most recently-learned Name, and continue to learn Names even when expelled. Each Name beyond the first grants a passive (+1) insanity bonus per turn. Using more than one Name grants an additional insanity bonus on top of that. Names are not defined actions in the same sense as other field abilities, but just general areas which can be used singly or together to accomplish whatever you’re creative to come up with. If you plan to use a Name, get your order in as early as possible so the GMs can work with you on what exactly will or won’t work.


Player List

  1. Matrim's Dice
  2. Kasimir
  3. The Known Novel
  4. Steeldancer
  5. JNV
  6. Wonko the Sane
  7. Archer
  8. Drake Marshall
  9. Ashbringer
  10. TJ
  11. Araris Valerian
  12. Szeth Pancakes
  13. Stink
  14. Sart

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Application System

During sign-ups, players are encouraged to work on a submission to send to the GMs in a PM. There are three submission types and each submission type will affect your starting stats in different ways. You may only choose one submission type, so choose wisely. Please do not use AI-generated submissions.

Musical Talent: All players will start with a base amount of musical talent, which each player will learn at the start of the game. However, you can increase this stat by recording yourself singing or playing an instrument (or both!) and submitting this recording to the GMs. Doing this will increase your odds of winning the Pipes at The Eolian.

Field Proficiency: All players will start the game with 2 EP in a random field. However, you can increase the amount of EP you start the game with and control which field it goes in by writing an essay about a subject at the University that you wish to study. Be as creative as you like.

Inventory: While players don’t usually start the game with any items, by submitting a piece of art you created, you will start the game with an item in your inventory. Possible items to be gained by submitting art: nahlrout, ward, tenaculum, bloodless, gram, bone-tar. The last two items will only be possible for particularly impressive submissions.

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Do I Have To Read The Rules Doc?

Do I have to read the rules doc?
Come on, I just wanna play!
Who reads a thirty pages doc
Come on, let's not
It's like university
I used to have an MA
But now I'm done
Reading this I wanna cry
Do I have to read the rules doc?
Does it have to be thirty pages?

Do I have to read the rules doc?
I'm really here to study stuff
I didn't want a PhD in rules
I've even got a journal submission on this
Hang in there, Kas
Reviewer #2 just hates you
All these rejections
Think my supervisor's done too
"You should be writing," he tells me.

Please, there's a heart in there
Don't make me read all of the rules
They say, "Have courage," and I'm trying to
I feel I'm gonna cry
"Just read the rules,"
You say, but there's so many
"FFS, Kas!"
See what I'm going through!
Do I have to read the rules doc?

Don't @ me I can't listen to the song here so I don't recall if I've gotten the rhythm right. RIP. Clearly not going to try for musicality.

Let's try (yet again) in Sisyphean zeal for another proper chill RPful game :sob: One day I'll get there. I even have a character arc and playlist. Two points worth noting: A. there's probably some point at the game where I might vanish for slightly over a week as I'm being tapped for a pretty intensive duty roster. I'll re-notify around then but felt the GMs should know since that's a rather extensive period of absence. I can maybe check in at points but won't be doing much. IDK if that's a deal-breaker for sign-ups. @Elbereth/ @little wilson

B. Not really gonna be interested in playing this one all-out. I've never played KKC in all the time in SE due to the rules being complex but I'm currently one-manning Operation Daybreak in the M'Hael's absence since someone has to, and I think that will take my full attention. @ me in-game if you're bored and want in :eyes:

Time to pretend the bright-eyed excited undergrad in me hasn't been killed by grad school or the harshness of the working world :(

Signing up unless dissuaded (see: one week+ unscheduled absence) as Kevan, an eager young E'lir who owes one of the Masters (to be filled in later) a substantive debt for advocating for his admission. Kevan is ready to do his best to prove himself worthy of that trust, to learn all he can, and to maintain that near-perfect GPA.

Will Kevan make it? Will Kevan go to grad school as a Re'lar or burn out? Will Kevan crack under the pressure? Will a sponsoring Master choose to drown Kevan in the nearest lake? Will he be sabotaged and expelled or turn out to be a Skindancer in disguise?

Find out on the next episode of: Whose Life Is It Anyway? where the plots are most definitely made up and not bits of Kas's undergrad existence and the wincons don't matter. That's right, the wincons are just like Kas's ability to perma-chill: absolutely non-existent! :D 

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Nale's nuts, that's a lot of rules. Going to try to read them all at least twice from title to footnotes, then spot read from there. Wish me luck.

This is me signing up as Cavothee the (B)Loveless (not related) btw.

He has dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed, while his ruddy brown beard grows long and bushy. He claims that he's going to be the next Kvothe the Bloodless



That's right, the wincons are just like Kas's ability to perma-chill: absolutely non-existent!  

I'm cackling right now. This is amazing. 

Edit 2: And I'm done! 30 pages down, just one more read through to go, but with taking notes this time!

@Elbereth and/or @little wilson, my pre-game essay (totally not confirming that's what I'm doing) must be about one of the nine subjects, correct?

Is The Loaded Dice designed to have a particular net gain/loss, or is it just what felt right? Totally not trying to figure out if you're corrupting the minds of the youth with pro-gambling messages.

What is the low point for thread participation? Like, if I write a while reads list, then add some word association for every player to increase the length a little bit, how annoyed with me will you be? If I just do this to get over the 200 word mark, will it be less aggravating then just padding as high as possible?

Can Public Apologies be Quality Roleplays? My poor roleplayless soul wants to get the most value out of the least effort.

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2 hours ago, The Known Novel said:

@Elbereth and/or @little wilson, my pre-game essay (totally not confirming that's what I'm doing) must be about one of the nine subjects, correct?

Is The Loaded Dice designed to have a particular net gain/loss, or is it just what felt right? Totally not trying to figure out if you're corrupting the minds of the youth with pro-gambling messages.

What is the low point for thread participation? Like, if I write a while reads list, then add some word association for every player to increase the length a little bit, how annoyed with me will you be? If I just do this to get over the 200 word mark, will it be less aggravating then just padding as high as possible?

Can Public Apologies be Quality Roleplays? My poor roleplayless soul wants to get the most value out of the least effort.

Yes, at least within a reasonable distance of whichever field you want EP in.

If you're a Cealdish Commoner or Ruh, it's on average a net win. If not, I think it comes out about even? But I can't remember for sure.

Doing it to get over 200 words is definitely less annoying than padding ad infinitum. :P In general, a reads list will probably be over 200 words already, but if you need to add a sentence or two, whatever. Just please be mindful of your fellow players and their time, and do your best not to abuse the mechanics, thanks. :P

Yes, public apologies count as roleplay.

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We aren't so elderly yet that we simply accept a future that has been decided by someone else. In order to seek knowledge, to pursue a higher state of existence, we are willing to do anything.

This isn't a memoir. This is a new story.

My first tutor, a Re'lar by the name of Seoras told us, abruptly, in the middle of a lecture on basic safety in the Fishery, that our days at the University would be among the best days of our lives. I haven't really decided if he was drunk or just out of it. Admissions have a way of doing that to anyone. I never saw Seoras again, after that class. There were rumours. But this was the University: there were always rumours; who was sleeping with whom (easier in Yllish, where the accusative case is distinct and separate from word order), the latest scandals in Vintas and the Arturan Empire, a side of politics, terrible poetry, alcohol, and arguments about what had really caused the decline of the calenta poetic form over the fifth and sixth centuries in Vintas. Sometimes all at once.

 And then there were the Skindancers.

If you read the accounts of Dern Gehent or Wyl Setheris, or even the published diaries of Feris, the University is always teeming with Skindancers. There's always some threat to the University, as though the Fae have it out for anything this side of the Omethi River. The truth, I suppose, is a little more complicated. There are twenty-one words for truth in the Ehasan dialect of Temic. An E'lir studying first term logic learns there are two values: one for truth and one for falsity. Things become more complicated when you uncover the basket of horrors that is uniquely known as fuzzy logics and multi-value logics. 

What I am trying to say, I suppose, however imperfectly: the Skindancers were real. And for every Dern Gehent, resisting the Skindancers, casting them out with iron and fire, there is a Feris, writing about the lunch options in Imre at the same time as the University was battling the Skindancer threat. We rarely see the importance of events, when we're living through them.

How I remember the Skindancer threat is blurred, like light through mosaic glass, in colour and shape, broken up and visible only through the tesserae. I remember the stress of Admissions, of juggling the various administrative knots necessary to get myself re-enrolled in the University. Little of that worth telling, I think. But—well, if you're interested. But that comes later. I remember a perfectly ordinary day, juggling apples and sitting under a tree in the second-right courtyard in Mains, listening to Soren and Valerra tell me about their day. Master Namer supposedly asked a class, once, like lightning in a clear blue sky, about the seven words to make a woman love you. I have never know them. You do not, I think, make someone love you. They either give you their heart, or they don't. There is no making, about this. Perhaps that's why I was never much of a Namer.

I remember some things very clearly. I remember one afternoon, trudging out of the Medica, with the bone-deep exhaustion of knowing you've done a good job, Soren slinging his arm about my shoulder, laughing. I don't remember about what. Funny, isn't it? I remember that laugh though, the way it warmed you to the very marrow. The way his smile illuminated those tired eyes. I remember struggling doggedly with the midterm evaluations for Sympathy: a whole group of us in the same class, desperately muttering the bindings again and again, and hoping that we'd done enough to stave off the tutor's wrath. I remember a late night out in Imre, drinking. I had never really touched my alcohol, but there was strawberry wine, and I thought, why not? We all staggered back to the University much later, with at least ten additional verses to Tinker Tanner, and most of them in languages we were pretty sure didn't exist. The Skindancers lurk at the edges of all of this, a shadowy threat I suppose I never truly grasped because I'm not the sort of hero you talk about in stories. I'm really not very much a sort of hero at all.

If I were telling this story in the manner of Kvothe the Bloodless, I would tell you about my names, earned, and made dramatic and mysterious through distance. One of them is an obscenity in archaic Yllish. El'the Tyras had a tongue that would make Tehlu weep, and he was not afraid to curse you out in eleven different languages. I'd never really seen what was wrong with lurking after class to ask questions: after all, the questions are what drive us. Not so much the answers. Not here at the University. I could tell you being the despair of Master Artificer, and voted the student most likely to kill everyone with sheer incompetence after an accident in the Fishery which has probably become Fishery legend. I managed not to kill anyone during my time in the Medica. I consider that my biggest achievement.

In the end though, this is a new story. This is my story: not Kvothe's, not anyone else's. The great events of our time barely leave a mark on us, except in the light of what is remembered. Imre will not remember all that much about the Skindancers: they will remember the time a University student blew up a bathhouse insisting Skindancers were hiding in there. I was there for most of the Skindancer incursion, but what I remember—what I treasure—are memories of my days as a student, when I was still young, and bright-eyed, and intoxicated with the learning itself; when my future seemed as yet unwritten, spread out before me.

Where I made friends, found love, rejoiced in my own petty triumphs, my own personal anguish. When everything seemed rich with promise, when it felt like I could do anything, become anything.

This is my life. And it is happening right here, right now.

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Well, what a wonderful time to come back to SE after a 3-year hiatus. Into the deep end, I suppose!

I’ll sign up. Are the game title and texting-screenshot writeup an inclination that this is set in a hypothetical modernized Four Corners, with cell phones and the Internet and the like?

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31 minutes ago, Wonko the Sane said:

I’ll sign up. Are the game title and texting-screenshot writeup an inclination that this is set in a hypothetical modernized Four Corners, with cell phones and the Internet and the like?

Kind of? It’s up to you how modern to interpret it - the writeups will probably regularly be in some kind of social media style, but whether the full setting is or not is mostly left open. The title is also partly a play on the fact that this time around the game itself is “modernized” in that it’s going to be coded rather than in a massive spreadsheet :P 

(for anyone interested, the github link for that is here)

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12 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

Kind of? It’s up to you how modern to interpret it - the writeups will probably regularly be in some kind of social media style, but whether the full setting is or not is mostly left open. The title is also partly a play on the fact that this time around the game itself is “modernized” in that it’s going to be coded rather than in a massive spreadsheet :P 

(for anyone interested, the github link for that is here)

Then I will be playing as Elena Resterford, daughter (or granddaughter, not sure yet) of infamous former student Seventh Son Resterford, who campfire tales remember as The Necromancer. After a PHENOMENAL admittance interview, she is being granted special admission on extreme probation, which I’m thinking involves some sort of armed accompaniment to ensure the safety of her fellow students. Her family does have something of a reputation, after all.

El, I promise to do my very best to keep my actions in the general vicinity PG-13. :P

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Or just don’t go to school, kids! Become homeless like me!

I’ll sign up as a Spectator for now :ph34r: but I may be tempted to join near the end of sign ups and see how long I can last on the streets this year

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14 minutes ago, little wilson said:

Everyone starts enrolled in the University for the first term, not having to pay tuition. Tuition hits term 2.

Thank you.

Tuition reduction/inflation is calculated per month, does that mean that if I do 1 Quality Roleplay per Turn, every turn, I will have a 15 Jot reduction to my Tuition next Turn?

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4 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I feel the first line of that song is extremely misleading and borderline offensive. Why wouldn’t you want to be some KKC hobo?

I don't steal my bro's niches smhhhh

You are The Street Hobo. I'm finding my Own Thing :eyes:

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