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What is a question you would ask for a WoB if you could?

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So this would probably be a waste of a question, but it's something I can't help but wonder about. We get a description of Highspren from Shallan's sketchbook:


In shadesmar their forms are as solid as any of the other spren, although they appear as human-shaped holes in reality, spaces that look out onto unfamiliar starry skies.

To me "unfamiliar" implies it's not Roshar's night sky that is visible through Highspren. Is it from a different place? Is it Roshar's sky from a different point in time? Is there a point in time and space in the cosmere you could stand and see that exact sky? And is the same sky visible through all Highspren, or do they each show a unique sky? 

Look, just met me probe examine a Highspren with a telescope. Multiple ones. For science.

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I have so many questions. Can Rioting create emotions? Why is the Dor not a Perpendicularity? What are the Allomantic/Feruchemical/Hemalurgic effects of Harmonium? What are some Shards that didn't make the cut, now that they've all been set in stone? Can you use a Divine Breath to Awaken something? If you trapped a Divine Breath in a perfect gemstone, could you theoretically perform some procedure on it to fracture it into regular Breaths, or perhaps the Divine Breath shards that the Idris Royal Family have that allow them to perform limited shapeshifting and the Royal Locks? What happens when you force different Lights into the same gemstone through Raysium? If you Corrupt one of the Lights with the pure tone of Endowment, can the resulting Light be used to fuel Awakening? Is Dorium similarly reactive and unstable like Harmonium? Are there any Radiant Orders or Surges that never made the cut? If you put Breath in the ground, how far can you move from the point of Investment before you are no longer able to retrieve it? Can you retrieve that Breath from anywhere on Nalthis, so long as you're touching the ground? If you Awaken the beads in the Rosharan Subastral, is the bead Awakened or the object (in the PR) itself? Could you use that to manipulate things in the Physical Realm from the Cognitive, and convince someone that they're being haunted, or (more usefully) use it as a method of communication with someone in the PR?

I can go on all day.

Edited by Underwater_Worldhopper
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On 6/18/2023 at 3:26 PM, Walter The Moral said:

We all have such interesting conversations here about cool things, and there's a lot of minute details that I'm sure we would all love to have clarified. If you could ask Brandon Sanderson a question for a WoB, which question/s would you ask?

Keep in mind that while sharing what we are interested about with each other is fine, it's considered bad form to take somebody else's question(s) from a thread like this and actually ask it at an event or signing. Discussed here (in the Sharing Questions section) summarized:


Sharing Questions


Something like this is extremely bad form. Brandon already doesn't like it when people just grab questions from the Ultimate List; going to him with a question you were handed earlier is much worse. One of the reasons Brandon answers so many questions is because all, or at least most of them are things his fans are personally interested in. It's why some of us maintain our own lists these days. The moment it starts looking like attendees are treating him like a WoB vending machine, he'll clam up, maybe forever. Don't be that guy.

That said, I'll usually note the question(s) I will never get to ask in a relevant thread. Such as:

Seon Pulses:


Would a Singer recognize the emotion "rhythm(s)" to which Seons pulse?



Is a person's "Devotion" to something a factor in their being chosen by the Shaod?

Susebron Commands:


Was Susebron using Mental Commands at the climax of Warbreaker? Even though Vasher had just explained to Vivenna that it was possible, but difficult and required months of training. If so, why did he need his tongue healed; if not - then was "You will stop" a Command or just dialogue (since we see no other possible Commands from him on screen)

And in just a personal non-cosmere curiosity:


Irregular Verbs - with the avoidance of conjugations like "lit" and "snuck," is the move away from irregular verbs usually an author choice; or is it more driven by the editor/publishing house? Do connotational differences in the conjugations factor into the decision?

Other Curiosities:

  • Is the T'Telir Map in Warbreaker "North-up?" And if not, is the more than 90 degrees rotation from "North-up?"
  • Did Kenton succeed in changing the Diem's Charter and/or Mastrell's Path?
  • What happened to Zane's Atium pouch?


Edited by Treamayne
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What are the limits of shardblade transformation, can it transform into anything or just a limited list of forms, what's the largest they can get, can they self propel, etc.

If harmony picked up cultivation, would it make his situation better or worse?

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  • Was Hemalurgy created along with Scadrial, or did it have some pre-existing analog (like Lightweaving or Microkinesis)?
  • Did Endowment create the Nalthian Population?  The Planet itself?
  • Can Leechers burn metals out of anybody, or only from people who already have the ability to burn that metal? (to settle an ongoing debate)
  • What is something AonDor Cant do?  So far it seems like the most open-ended of all the magic systems.  
  • Did the Five Scholars use Awakening and Commands to worldhop, or did they just need to dive into a Shardpool somewhere (or something else, like needing help from the other side)?
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  • Do BoM contain Mists?
  • Is Light Lift creates ordinary Cultivationlight, or is it somewhat different?
  • Can multiple people Ascend to single Shard (provided they are Connected together more strongly than usual, e.g. Oathpact)?
  • Is Cultivation trying to prepare Vessels that will be more capable of resisting Intent of Shard?
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These and more

  1. Can the ability to use the Mists be stolen with Hemalurgy? And what spikes would be needed?
  2. Could Bondsmiths allow Windrunners to make basic lashings that target people rather than directions?
  3. You have previously stated that Leechers will remove non-invested metals before invested ones, so if a Radiant ate gold could they protect their stormlight reserves because the leecher would leech the gold before the stormlight?
  4. In the SA Ars Arcanum Khriss mentions a more esoteric set of abilities, if Khriss knew about Lift would she say that Lift had those abilities?
  5. Given that Danwshards are divine Commands, has an in world scholar ever proposed the idea of divine Intents, either literal or Metaphorical?
  6. How big are Tai-na(reshi island) gemhearts? And what polestone are they?
  7. The lifespren near Lasting Integrity are noticeably larger, if an Edgedancer made their shardplate out of those lifespren would their plate be stronger than if it was made from more regular lifespren?
  8. You've said that The Lord Ruler used the Well of Ascension to make himself into a really powerful allomancer, about how many times more powerful than a regular Mistborn was he? Or alternatively how many beads of Lerasium would it take to be roughly as powerful?
  9. Marasi began leaking Mists when she used the Bands of Mourning, and you have compared it to Stormlight in the past. If an allomancer could use Stormlight to fuel their powers would they be as powerful as Marasi was?
  10. About how invested do you need to be in order to be immune to emotional Allomancy?
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  • 3 weeks later...
  1. Ultimate metal count clarifications (such as "are shard-base alloys allomancy or something different in YOUR mind" and "do all 19k+ digits of metals have unuique effects")
  2. What's up with Gold Hemalurgy? (It's useless, other metals do what it does better)
  3. Questions about an eclectic world & ttrpg that includes multiple universes melded including the cosmere.
    1. How to best incorperate magic systems into Shard/Adinalstic/other basis.
    2. How magic systems like Rithmatics and Cytonics would have changed if he'd stuck them in the cosmere
    3. What pairs of shards to use for Values (I asked the shard, but I still want his answer)
  4. Effect of Rasdium wire + metalminds in various fashions.
  5. A simple set of 4 shards each shard could shatter into.
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On 6/18/2023 at 4:29 PM, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

I have so many questions. Can Rioting create emotions? Why is the Dor not a Perpendicularity? What are the Allomantic/Feruchemical/Hemalurgic effects of Harmonium? What are some Shards that didn't make the cut, now that they've all been set in stone? Can you use a Divine Breath to Awaken something? If you trapped a Divine Breath in a perfect gemstone, could you theoretically perform some procedure on it to fracture it into regular Breaths, or perhaps the Divine Breath shards that the Idris Royal Family have that allow them to perform limited shapeshifting and the Royal Locks? What happens when you force different Lights into the same gemstone through Raysium? If you Corrupt one of the Lights with the pure tone of Endowment, can the resulting Light be used to fuel Awakening? Is Dorium similarly reactive and unstable like Harmonium? Are there any Radiant Orders or Surges that never made the cut? If you put Breath in the ground, how far can you move from the point of Investment before you are no longer able to retrieve it? Can you retrieve that Breath from anywhere on Nalthis, so long as you're touching the ground? If you Awaken the beads in the Rosharan Subastral, is the bead Awakened or the object (in the PR) itself? Could you use that to manipulate things in the Physical Realm from the Cognitive, and convince someone that they're being haunted, or (more usefully) use it as a method of communication with someone in the PR?

I can go on all day.

We do actually have an answer for a few that didn't make the cut. Decay, Slaughter, and Despair. (Though Decay did make it in in a way, becoming Ruin.)

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Can we finally know what Wayne's resonance does? Is he supernaturally lucky or gaining subconscious future sight? The man constantly positions himself and his resources exactly where they need to be for pivotal plot points (becoming the 4th wealthiest man in Elendel in 6 years through investing, placing the Bands of Mourning in Marasi's bag, stealing the Bands of Mourning, making Wax give him a spike granting A-Steel, stealing Lerasium from Wax). How does this happen? Please explain.

Brandon, you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and believe that God is the creater of the universe. You are the magic systems guy known for developing the Cosmere. You might be the person who has thought the most on what it takes to make and populate a world, and you have Shards that are making decisions based on the technological and societal develoments their world may have. Have you had any insights or epiphanies that you would be willing to share on how your profession as world builder has changed or informed your view on God as a creator? Barring RAFOs of course, I imagine some of those insights have already made it into the books or are planned for future books.

If Wayne had been the one trapped in the Well of Ascension when Hoid came through and declared an insult contest, who would have won?

Do you have a backstory for any of Wax and Wayne's code named strategies like "Tube Run" or "Duck Under Clouds" that we never saw in action?

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3 minutes ago, Duxredux said:

Brandon, you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and believe that God is the creater of the universe. You are the magic systems guy known for developing the Cosmere. You might be the person who has thought the most on what it takes to make and populate a world, and you have Shards that are making decisions based on the technological and societal develoments their world may have. Have you had any insights or epiphanies that you would be willing to share on how your profession as world builder has changed or informed your view on God as a creator? Barring RAFOs of course, I imagine some of those insights have already made it into the books or are planned for future books.

I totally appreciate this question.  As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints myself I always smile as I see the magic systems develope.  

I don't know if it is wholly intentional, but some of the systems have serious connections to principles we believe in. 

Intent is a big deal in the cosmere and I believe intent is a big deal in the Church / for people in general to progress.  

Roshar has some plainly obvious connections to covenant progression in the Oaths of the radiants.  You promise to do a thing and Honor (or his splinters?) grant you greater ability to aid you in keeping your end of the promise.  

I would love to hear how much of this was conscious by Brandon vs subconsciously filtering into his books and systems.  

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So, picking a good question is tough. Thing is, I wouldn't want to ask a question that just gets RAFOed because it's going to be addressed later, and I don't actually want spoilers. So I think any questions about Adonalsium or Hoid are better held until we've had Dragonsteel, any questions about the Recreance or the migration from Ashyn to Roshar or the backstory of a bunch of Stormlight characters have to wait until after 6 more Stormlight books, etc. I also don't want to ask for confirmation of stuff that the fans can figure out anyway.

So the best questions would be ones from the stories that are already done, things that are interesting and unanswered but might never be answered or even relevant in books.

So things I think could be good would be maybe:
1. In Warbreaker, what's the political situation like between Hallandren, Idris, and Pahn Kahl another few decades after the end of that book?
2. On Sel - how was the magic different before Odium splintered the Shards there?


[edit] I had more questions but realized they were about SP3 which can't be discussed outside of that forum yet even in spoiler tags


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1 hour ago, ftl said:

So the best questions would be ones from the stories that are already done, things that are interesting and unanswered but might never be answered or even relevant in books.

In this vein, I would add:

  1. Did Ashravan succeed in reforming parts of the Rose Empire?
  2. Was Shai correct that he eventually surpassed the need for daily restamping (even f it was only longer periods between stampings)?
  3. Did Sebruki ever recover from her trauma (especially since she was "avenged")?
  4. Did Kenton succeed in changing the Diem's Ranking system (power and ability rather than just raw strength/number of ribbons)?
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  • 3 months later...

The biggest question I have that I'd like for Brandon to answer (that I don't think is RAFO material) is whether a Feruchemist would be able to store more Investiture in a bunch of smaller Metalminds or if they would be able to store more Investiture in total by storing in a single large Metalmind with a total mass equal to all the smaller ones.

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12 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

I have many questions, but the two I’m most curious about are

  1. Can Crimson Aether be used hemalurgically?

It isn't metal, so no unless Aethers count as God Metals


Overlord Jebus

All the physical manifestations--solid physical manifestations we've seen of Investiture has been metallic. It's been atium, lerasium, Shardblades. Is that just a coincidence?

Brandon Sanderson

No, it's intentional.

Overlord Jebus

It's intentional so we're not going to see Investiture wood or Investiture plastic?

Brandon Sanderson

Right, I mean technically, like, what do you call the aethers? Those are not metal. But I do it as metal intentionally.


They could be a metal with very low boiling point.

Brandon Sanderson

*sarcastically* Yes, the vine ones are--

Overlord Jebus

Well we've had liquid, we've had gas, the solids all seem to be metallic, so.

Brandon Sanderson

That is intentional, it's just one of those little laws of the cosmere, that's not meant to mean anything

Emerald City Comic Con 2018 (March 1, 2018)


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What all can a larkin eat. For example could it eat a spren, a perpendicularity, the well of ascension, god metals, shades, a hemalurgic spike/metalmind, and/or separate Kelsier’s cog. shadow frome his body. Another question I would ask is if you could make new honor blades in the horneater peeks. 

edit: sorry I meant shard blades since they are a alloy of cultivation and honor

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Can you alter your own spirit web/changing sDNA granting yourself Invested arts without the problem of being born on a planet.

Can you "enter" the SR by standing in a Perpendicularity, allowing the viewing of entities in it ex: Kel viewing Ruin in the Well

How many ways can you obtain Lerisium?

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40 minutes ago, Xiahida said:

Can you alter your own spirit web/changing sDNA granting yourself Invested arts without the problem of being born on a planet.

Yes, if you have investiture - Lerasium does it, Forgery does it, Hemalurgy does it etc.

40 minutes ago, Xiahida said:

Can you "enter" the SR by standing in a Perpendicularity, allowing the viewing of entities in it ex: Kel viewing Ruin in the Well




Could you use perpendicularities to see into Spiritual Realm?

Brandon Sanderson


Skyward Pre-Release AMA (Oct. 4, 2018)



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Maybe this is already answered, but I would ask this:

We know that once in the Beyond, you can't go back to the Cosmere: but is it possible for a Connection between anything contained in the Cosmere and anything contained in the Beyond to exist?

(Notice that this is slightly different that asking if it is possible to establish such a Connection, just in the same way you can't accelerate something to a speed faster than the speed of light, according to relativity, but you can imagine a being that exists faster than light and run it through all the equations).

If the answer were yes, then I would ask: have we already seen such a Connection?

Edited by CR0N0S.LXIII
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