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If you know me, you shouldn’t be surprised if I can’t tell the difference between Wiz’s metas :P. You say he’s solidly in his village meta right now?

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1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

If you know me, you shouldn’t be surprised if I can’t tell the difference between Wiz’s metas :P. You say he’s solidly in his village meta right now?

Rather: he's solidly not behaving like his E!self. The apathy is glaringly different given he's been parked on Sel, came alive for a while, voted without pushing too much reasoning or caring, and hasn't actually bothered keeping up with PMs. Hasn't gone back to SL either.

In a normal Elim game, that's a problem because an inactive can still send in kills. But if he's not voting/killing, then what's the point? Again, if you believe Ruin has better things to be doing, and if you V!read Drake (which you did, the last time I checked), then where will the kills come from? Being parked on Sel won't give him extra charges and Elims burning actions to feed him Odium Charges is weirdly inefficient.

In short, if you want to E!read him, I could see a few worlds in which that happens but I'm shocked neither of you are even telling an explanatory story about the difference. You could argue he's changed his E!behaviour, but:

Here's the LG93 comparator, for one, which featured E!Wiz:



Opens with voting.

Helpfulness in interaction with Alpha.

Comments on teammate Araris. Proactive offering of a read. Remember this is early C1.

Curiosity about Stick reading him gut Evil.

Commenting on exe vc.

Votes Xino.

Later explains as gut and that he feels Xino is sheeping.

Defends/elaborates on Xino vote.

Vc + asks some players about votes.

Talks about being gone from thread for a long time.

Talks about PMing.

Comments on difficulty of re-reading. (Note: V!Wiz does that too - cf. QF64, but I feel it's telling that he's already in the midst of so much thread and vote activity.)

V!reads Sart and me, E!reads TJ, despite difficulties re-reading.

Realised he made a vote mistake. RIP.

This post from me is worth noting because it's now clear E!Wiz doesn't try that hard, but does exist at a level higher than pure apathy.

More comments from Wiz about the difficulty of following a game, particularly when challenged to give more thoughts/explicate reads.

Shows up with more page reads and thoughts.

Makes a vc, comments on Alpha

Hops to Alpha subsequently.

Defends against Stick's claim of V!Alpha that he has persistent gut.

Disgruntled emoji against Stick's claim all tied players may be Village.


Claims he should have stayed put.

Offers distro guess.

Volunteers a response about Ash's activity.

Defends his late vote yet again.

Changes Elim team number.

Attacks Archer and Stick.

Comments that no one was especially inactive.


Here's my prognosis of C1: he's probably contributed more in a single cycle than he has in this entire game. He proactively votes and offers reads, retreating into claims that he's struggling to re-read the game when challenged. Then, he goes and tries to re-read it anyway, and offers reads (take note of the post where he does a couple pages and reads even after citing difficulties re-reading the game.) He's voted way more actively than he has in this game, and shown actual concern about how he's read for how he's voting - look at his responses to challenges on his votes, including when Stick flags his vote on V!Alpha near the end.

I'll note one reason I think this CW feels pretty Elim-driven is precisely because of the egregiousness of the playstyle differences.



First comment on the kill. Note to self: E!Wiz may have a bit of a comment tell at this rate. Tone is off, disgruntlement feels too strong and put on.

Votes Alpha again.

Side-comment since this I seem to do some NKA in this game: God, is it so hard/weird to live without NKA. Is this what playing LG92 felt like?


No Wiz content.

Worth noting significant drop in Wiz's activity as he no longer was suspected or prodded. Still showed up to vote. I'll note he later bluetexts that he had RL busyness, so I think the correct prognosis here is that C2 is a wash as far as reading it counts, and that E!Wiz still stays alive for his team by getting the needful in.



Bluetexts reason for disappearance. Tries to interpret kill situation.

Contradictory post. First attributes Alpha's weirdness to being a new player then votes Alpha anyway. Suggestion that E!Wiz makes the post up as he goes along. Keep eye out for such slips.

Accuses Alpha of TMI for thinking I was the Elim kill. Ok.jpg.



Note: activity level is lowered, but so is game activity. Wiz still shows up to vote and to antagonise Alpha more. Doesn't bother at Night.



Accuses TJ of being Evil.

Shows up for late hammer.

gg Village.

Game over. Village lost. Made the TJ accusation to split Village and then swapped at the last second to hammer.

Here's my overall takeaway: Wiz's disengagement issues may be real, but they show that E!him shows up for his team and makes some minimal pretence of engagement. He tries more when challenged or suspected, but otherwise, just doesn't really bother. Postulation of Elim hyperactivity at the start, followed by disengagement seeping in, but makes minimal attempts to do what team needs.




Posts about chaos.

Suggests chucking investiture randomly.

Response to Araris/Turtle by asking who is being killed:

Thoughts about which group doesn't like which Shards in a haiku. I blame QF66. No comment about Village Shards.


Joins in thread banter. Nothing much said apart from comments on Shards Hoid and Khriss find dangerous.



Votes Mat because RNG. Old joke y'all >>

Comment on Fifth's vote on Fadran with the view they tried it in MR61.

Claims exhaustion but also doesn't want to Chameleon

Votes on Archer and claims doesn't care who is dead.


General constant downtick next to LG95. You could argue he was a starting Elim, but there isn't much of an interest in feigning activity or game interest or reads. He's not trying hard and that isn't a V read but does indicate he doesn't care to be V!read so isn't performing.



Admits to intentionally ghosting because no mood to play the game and wants to chill, and admits forgot ties = no exe.


The issue here IMO is that he's not actually stating this defensively. No one in this cycle has @ him for his Archer vote, but he brings it up anyway. (Side-note at the poetry slam mention - there might be a Wiz-Fifth connection.) There's no impulse either to state or to try to hint at reads or just engage with anything, which his E!self did given pressure.



Oh yeah this reminds me I legit spent most of D2 and N2 fighting both Szeth and TJ and Szeth voted for me, but in Elan's book, that's 'not very much negative attention.'

I see through the lies of Hoid :eyes:

Wiz: *crickets*

Zero post. Zero vote. Zero chulls given, zero engagement with thread.



Wiz: shows up to claim Mat is Autonomy, disappears. Doesn't care to excuse absence or even anything.



Shows up after I @ him and vote. No interest, ok with being exed, claims to be on Sel, and that will get busier the next week.

I lose my crem. Again.

Claims to be re-reading.

Does buckets based on a quick reread. Votes TBB.

Still expresses dgaf about who dies. Changes vote.

Side-note at this point of the re-read: Elan's read of Xino acknowledges that Xino's behaviour is consistent regardless of his alignment. And yet, she demonstrates willingness to vote him and argues she finds him more suspicious compared to Szeth.

I would like to flag this post because she explicitly cites E vibes off Szeth and NAI off Xino and votes Xino and has been targeting Xino relentlessly.




Wiz notes that one solution to the Flatline Seven could be jumping to Taldain. Completely wrong Shardworld and misunderstanding of the Avatars. Probably not Autonomy.

Also started a PM with me but has said pretty much nothing apart from being tired and busy and sleep-deprived which I 100% feel as well, but more or less, welp.

I need to do something RL right now, so I'll drop the V!Wiz comparison after the break. The issue is Wiz has been extremely demotivated in many games recently, so that's a stable of his gameplay. What I'm arguing is that if you look at his recent E!games, he makes a bigger effort for his team, which scales up if he's a power role, and is more sensitive to how players see him, even pre-emptively so. Much of his actions match the tonal disengagement, which isn't the case in LG93.

Worth noting also Elan's post that I flagged - voting a gut Evil but post NAI read over a read that you actually find Evil has got to be a Choice.

Edited to add:

I'd also note here - look at the language difference. E!Wiz doesn't say he can't get into the game/isn't interested. He keeps complaining about having difficulty focusing on re-reads and then does some anyway. He uses vague language to avoid being pinned down whenever he's being questioned, Flat out stating that he's just not interested is pretty much apathy, as is ignoring the ping and the vote for quite a while (I saw him see it in the thread.)

Edited by Kasimir
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@Kasimir, if you ask me detailed explanation this game, I'm sorry bro. As I said, I'm just going through this game. I will give you my state of mind regarding Archer though. It's still mainly gut from D1. And iirc Fifth seemed teamed up with Archer. And a bit more confident this cycle as I think he's behaving like his evil self in LG94 (switching from Mat to TBB very reminiscent of that game).

Also, another pure gut note. Elandera was converted during N3. Dont' know which faction, but I believe she was converted during N3.

Edit - Current village reads - Kas, deTess, Szeth, maybe a tiiiny bit part Mat (the part where Kas points out something and Mat points out the same thing - the observation he made felt like it was analysed from a village perspective)

Edited by |TJ|
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2 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Why isn't it? You are a researcher, are you not?

I am. For me to feel comfortable with the rules and my role, it took not just understanding how I could siphon, but what it took to win and stop the elims from winning (best ones to siphon for abilities and the best ones to break from containment early). Because it's a faction game with complicated rules, it's not just "find and exe." LG94 was a good example of needing to understand how your role interacted with the rest of the rules, and I didn't want to make the same mistake as I watched.

I don't have time right now to respond to everything, but I just want to say that I don't remember as well as you think I do. I hardly remember GMing e!wiz, let alone his meta for the game. It's why, aside from players I've been around since I started in SE (such as Xino), I have been avoiding making meta reasoning arguments.

I am trying to do better and be more actively involved in discussion than I was early game because the last thing I want to do is be a hypocrite after what I said at the end of LG94. I appreciate you bringing up the faults in my arguments. I hadn't meant it to be a CC vote, but I see now that's essentially what it was, regardless of my intent. 

You do make good points about Wiz's activity. I didn't realize he'd basically disappeared, as I thought I'd remembered seeing him post more often. Also, thank you for pulling up those examples from his past games.


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6 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:


(here is where Illwei dies inside at me 

*aggressive dying commences*

archer is being chill bro

don't think I can do anything 

would honestly rather vote you but there's no appetite 

nom nom nom

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48 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Why does archer feel like he’s openwolfing

see this is what i meant when i said hes behaving like lg94!d1!archer. where we switched up between you and tkn so many times and hes doin the same thin now. albeit with tbb, wiz and a lil bit of you on the side. 

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1 hour ago, The Last Fæ said:

Hey, so sorry about the inactiveness there was no internet for a good chunk of time so posting here was kind of difficult, my apologies. 

F. Glad you’re back :D

2 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

So maybe Wiz is evil :thinking:


If you can’t fully convince yourself at first, join ‘em. Or something :P.


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If we’re noting a similarity to that particular e!Archer game, then Wiz might actually be evil here for the same reason.

I’ve been swayed to voting Archer, which mostly means my read changed from zero to negative cause I don’t like his recent play.

Better? :P 

Sorry for my relative low energy this game; it wasn’t ever going to be one where I was hyperactive.

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1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Sorry for my relative low energy this game; it wasn’t ever going to be one where I was hyperactive.

Speak for yourself, my 'screw the Village let the Village do what it wants, I don't care' plan is entirely in tatters and the most annoying thing is Drake knew this which is why he made that stupid bet before the game even started -.-

Anyway. Gonna finish up the Wiz analysis:

QF66 (V!Wiz):



Early poke vote.

Note that V!Wiz seems to be more concerned about Cham. No mention of Cham from E!Wiz.

Posts a long poem and a commitment to re-read subsequently. Challenges Fifth.

Another long poem and declares current vote.

Pleased at prospect of poetry slam, once again mentions concern with Chameleoning.


Decent activity, not especially hyperactive. Preoccupation with Chameleoning absent from LG93 self. Might indicate that this fixation shows up more naturally for V!Wiz than E!Wiz: zero Cham references from LG93 (will sample more games subsequently.) Wiz was NKed C1 so there's no real basis for further extrapolation here. Worth noting that Wiz declined to take part in too much discussion and just focused on the RPing; little emphasise or care about justifying votes (but was also not @ )

MR62: E!Wiz

Frith do I hate looking at this game it brings too many memories of E!trauma. Elims FWIW I appreciate you holding off, and fair warning that if converted, I fully intend to pull and Orlok, Intent Convert out and go back to siding with the Village and my rightful wincon.

Anyway. Wiz subbed in for me. Let's...keep wincing but take a look. Wow hot damn did I actually manage to last not even two cycles before cracking? Man it felt like an entire week whoops.



Wiz subs in and immediately votes in response to Stick's request.

Clarifies the request.

Claims to be still re-reading (fair), and is busy.

Immediately attempts to strategise about voting situation between Stick and Thug!JNV. tldr; lynch JNV good but sticking with Stick.

Shames Striker for summoning me instead of Wiz. RIP.

Replies to Mat's challenge to his IDing JNV as a good train.


I think it's worth noting: starts strong, demonstrates a clear responsiveness to being @ and engaged with (consistent with LG93. Recall that this game happened chronologically prior to LG93.) Continues to try to post 'thick' analysis, as opposed to one-offs or not much thought.



Actually a fairly cold reaction to the exe and kill. Wonder if this is telling - opposite valence from feigned emotional reaction to Stick's NK in LG93. Anyway.

Votes JNV. Replies to Mat about maths being an Elim tell. Has to reduce activity: bluetexted sickness.

Still shows up to vote Aman instead of JNV for PoE reasons. Oh my God E!Wiz is the polar opposite of V!me isn't he >>


Note that despite being sick, Wiz still shows up for his team, adjusting his votes and replying to @s and a light poke/sus from Mat.



The Extreme Lie Where He Didn't Consult The Rules RIP

Careless embellishment. Smh.

Emphasises his perspective as V!Seeker, and tries to interpret result possibilities. Might tie back to self-consciousness that E!Wiz apparently has.

Lies and is presumably caught by Araris.

Tbf if you're caught why not lie harder? It can't get worse than it already is!

Sense of humour and awareness of how dire the situation is :P


More banter.

Trolling. I guess he just wants to openwolf and have fun.

More openwolfing. Worth noting he hid his teammate in that set. High risk appetite. I s2g he's said more in this cycle than in this entire game.

Araris declares converting me is mean. Ilu too Porch Bro.


Again, notably high engagement, with a shift towards openwolfing. Demonstrably high risk appetite and still responsiveness to being @.

I think what's overall a consistent thread is that E!Wiz has more motivation to stay engaged than V!him. He cares more about appearing Village (duh), and pays more attention to replying flags and doing surface analysis or as Archer likes to call it, busywork.

Frankly, I agreed to do AG9 Cham and I'm cool with doing it but I'm still dealing with being unwell atm and getting yelled at by my gf for how many painkillers I exist on, which, fair, so I'll bring it up subsequently if Wiz becomes an issue later on - I certainly don't expect this to be exculpatory because if the Elims still have conversions (private suspicion of mine but we plan for the worst, always), this could subsequently make Wiz a decent target for them.

5 hours ago, Elandera said:

I am. For me to feel comfortable with the rules and my role, it took not just understanding how I could siphon, but what it took to win and stop the elims from winning (best ones to siphon for abilities and the best ones to break from containment early). Because it's a faction game with complicated rules, it's not just "find and exe." LG94 was a good example of needing to understand how your role interacted with the rest of the rules, and I didn't want to make the same mistake as I watched.

See, but that's one again IMO extra credit engagement - even knowing how the basic siphon works shouldn't take you reading the entire rules. But fine, I can accept you're more careful about it (fair), but that's still shifting the grounds of the argument from "I don't know what X is" to "You need to know how to use X." It's the distinction between knowing what a sword is and how/when to use it.

5 hours ago, Elandera said:

I don't have time right now to respond to everything, but I just want to say that I don't remember as well as you think I do. I hardly remember GMing e!wiz, let alone his meta for the game. It's why, aside from players I've been around since I started in SE (such as Xino), I have been avoiding making meta reasoning arguments.

Fair, that makes sense to me.

5 hours ago, Archer said:

*aggressive dying commences*

archer is being chill bro

don't think I can do anything 

would honestly rather vote you but there's no appetite 

nom nom nom

I mean, I've not written you off as Evil even though I do think it's the most likely outcome. If you can give me a Mat case I can see, I'd be willing to switch over. My point of engaging you, @Matrim's Dice and @Elandera is precisely because I regard argumentation as the path to truth-seeking and it's important for me to vote an Elim and not a Villager, now that I've more or less given up pretending that I can stop caring about the Village and just switch off.

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Vote Count:

  • Archer (6): The Bald Brandon, Kasimir, Szeth_Pancakes, |TJ|, DeTess, Matrim's Dice
  • The Bald Brandon (1): Archer


I think that's right? Yesterday was a lot so I haven't been paying super close attention.

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10 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Vote Count:

  • Archer (6): The Bald Brandon, Kasimir, Szeth_Pancakes, |TJ|, DeTess, Matrim's Dice
  • The Bald Brandon (1): Archer


I think that's right? Yesterday was a lot so I haven't been paying super close attention.

That's definitely not right. Archer is voting on someone else and I think there's some miscellaneous votes floating around.

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8 minutes ago, The Bald Brandon said:

That's definitely not right. Archer is voting on someone else and I think there's some miscellaneous votes floating around.

Archer's last voting post is this one?

7 hours ago, Archer said:

oh no my brilliant coherent case against Wiz is kaput 

not feeling Araris or DeTess or Drake bc Fifth susses them

so now that his guard is down   >:) 



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@Matrim's Dice knows why, nuff said

plus you'll do that work tomorrow and I'm lazy

good luck


Death. Everyone always regrets-
"Mind answering this?"
The happy infant nodded, gargled, spit and reached eagerly, nabbing the glowing orb. Oh dear.
"That's rotated. Upsidedown." Cosmos explained.
Printed messages wafted across, now turned exactly diagonal.
Regrets. Everyone says-
Death. It comes. Everyone-

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Stormlight pulsed to the rhythm. 

Ashertmarn—and wasn't it a capital C Choice to name yourselves after the Heart of the Revel?—was playing the last set, and the crowd was dancing, laughing in the light, as though the Shard of Hatred was no longer loose, as though oblivious to the fact Odium and Ruin had been once again unleashed upon the unsuspecting cosmere.

What wicked games we play, Evgeny thought.

piano was grooving. "You sure you aren't joining in?" the Avatar asked.

Evgeny shook his head. "I—" the words caught in his throat. Wanted some air. Wanted some space to contemplate his choices. Capital C ones included. He picked up the sapphire wine, and knocked it back. Probably spiked. The Rosharans knew how to party, and it was just fine, drowning it all in the wine-dark sea.

Wasn't it.

His watch chimed and he glanced at it without quite meaning to.

piano said, "I imagine you're going to take it?"

"No," Evgeny said. The old reptile could go screw himself.

His watch chimed. Should never have connected. Should never have connected it to his tablet either. Really, Nalthian technology was a curse at the best of times.

He stabbed at it anyway and piano melted back into the shadows. Probably listening from a distance. Autonomy usually was, but Evgeny couldn't really find it in himself to condemn the Shard. Probably should be reporting Autonomy in to Silverlight, but conscience was a cruel neighbour.

The icon resolved into one of a snowflake.

"Hello, Evgeny," said Frost.

"We're done," Evgeny said. "I don't want to hear it."

"Then you shouldn't have responded."

Evgeny didn't have answer to that.




The crowd was going wild.

"The 17th is failing," Frost said.

"I know," Evgeny said. Hard to miss the reports of silence. Whispers that the network had been compromised, that even now, those subverted by Hoid and Khriss moved among them. Difficult to miss, even on Roshar. Even in the rave.


"I know," he repeated. Undertone of so-what-do-you-want-me-to-do-about-it.

Frost sighed. "I don't trust you."

"That's rich," Evgeny said, "Coming from the reptile who authorised the release of Ruin and Odium from Containment. I trusted you. I believed—" Believed what? He let the words die off. "I believed," he said, yet again. He had believed in everything the 17th did. Had believed they were doing the right thing. What did you do when those sworn to the safeguarding of the Shards decided that the fragments of God were better released to plague men all over again?


Frost said, "Hoid and Khriss don't."

He knew that. And yet.

Frost said, "It is not about trust now. It is about necessity."

Hatred and Ruin...

Evgeny stared at the icon for a long time. Frost said nothing, letting him think.


"What do you want me to do?"

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LG95 Night Four: Unto the Cosmos

When Olivier Cosmostravel critic extraordinaire—found himself on the wrong side of an enraged homicidal mob, he refused to back down from the wondrous challenge presented to him. Maybe someday, somehow, someway, he could return from the Beyond and share the experience with his former coworkers. Maybe after reading his scathing review of the cosmerian afterlife, his peers would finally respect him. Maybe! Just maybe!

Somewhere nearby, Hoid chuckled under his breath, thinking to himself: 'Well I wouldn't bet your life on it.'

Despite him standing literally two feet next to Khriss, neither one of them saw through the other's disguise.

Meanwhile, Frost and Bavadin did what cosmerian dragons do best. Explicitly hiding from everybody else.

And thus did begin yet another long night in Silverlight.

* * *

Archer was executed! They were an Adonalsium's Chosen Researcher.

The Avatar SAXOPHONE has been created on Roshar!

Vote Count:

  • Archer (6): The Bald Brandon, Kasimir, Szeth_Pancakes, |TJ|, DeTess, Matrim's Dice
  • The Bald Brandon (1): Archer

* * *

Night Four has begun! Sending reminders to @Walin and @Channelknight Fadran to post.

This turn will end on 10:00 PM PDT / 5:00 AM GMT (+1 Day) on June 18th, in ~24 hours.


Shard Status:

  • Ambition:       CONTAINED
  • Autonomy:     BREACHED
  • Cultivation:    CONTAINED
  • Devotion:       CONTAINED
  • Dominion:      CONTAINED
  • Endowment:  CONTAINED
  • Honor:            CONTAINED
  • Invention:       CONTAINED
  • Mercy:            CONTAINED
  • Odium:           BREACHED
  • Preservation: CONTAINED
  • Prudence:      CONTAINED
  • Ruin:               BREACHED
  • Survival:         CONTAINED
  • Whimsy:         CONTAINED
  • Valor:              CONTAINED

Player List

  1. @The Known Novel - Ivam the Mad
  2. @Kasimir - Evgeny Karamazov 
  3. @The Wandering Wizard - The Poet
  4. Fifth Scholar - Dr. Mattithias Gunther Standard of Unity Researcher
  5. @Szeth_Pancakes - Liene
  6. @|TJ| - Al
  7. @DeTess - Tessa DeLoren
  8. Archer - Olivier CosmosAdonalsium's Chosen Researcher
  9. @JNV - Jai
  10. xinoeph512 - Xorial 17th Shard Researcher
  11. @The Last Fæ -
  12. @DrakeMarshall - Adjunct Professor Uther
  13. @Matrim's Dice - Sir Arren Brockett
  14. Sart - 17th Shard Researcher
  15. @STINK - 
  16. @Elandera - Telan
  17. @Araris Valerian - 
  18. @Walin -  
  19. TheAlpha929 - Felt Jr. 17th Shard Researcher
  20. @Channelknight Fadran -
  21. @Turtle - Letta Turson
  22. VOCALS
  23. PIANO


  • Anyone actually looking in here or am I pasting this over and over again for nothing?
  • You may only pass one Charge of Investiture or one Shard in a Passing action.
  • Charges of Investiture (whether Autonomy Charges or other Charges) held by Autonomous Players do not count towards the Autonomous Sudden Death Win Condition.
  • Multiple factions can win at the same time if they complete their (Normal or SD) win conditions at the same time. I don't think there's a way to get all 4 main factions to win at the same time, but if you all find one... congratulations?
  • Invention's Investment Ability can be used on Avatars, which will grant Invention an Autonomy Charge.
  • All actions are limited to once per cycle, unless otherwise noted (Autonomy's Shardic, Whimsy's Shardic, and Researcher returning Shards to Containment).
  • Vessel Action and Vessel Shield do not stack. Vessels can "gain" them from other sources, but that only matters if they pass their Shard while they would still have Vessel Action/Vessel Shield from another source.
  • Avatars can exist on the same Shardworld as each other.
  • Shardworlds get a new Doc each time the player list on that Shardworld changes.
  • Avatars and players will be put in the player list for each Shardworld Doc (i.e. you can't pretend you're not there).
  • Shardworld presences are not publicized in thread.
  • Hoid and Khriss's Conversions take place before Shardic Inheritance from Breaching (or other reasons).
  • Consuming Investiture does take actions.
  • Charges of Investiture that are used then Roleblocked are lost, as are Charges of Investiture used on a Roleblocked Shardworld action.
  • Hoid and Khriss do not lose Conversion Charges on Roleblocked or failed conversions.
  • In the event that Hoid and Khriss target the same player for conversion, both conversions fail.
  • The only abilities that contribute to Shardic Breaching are Researcher Siphons, Khriss's double-Siphon, and Hoid's Sabotage.
  • Returned keep the alignment and win condition they died with when they Return.
  • Valor Charges cannot be used on yourself.
  • Worldhopping is only a Day action.
  • Two players using actions to create 1-on-1 PMs with each other will consume both Charges/actions/etc and only create 1 PM.
  • Avatars only count as players for the Autonomous win condition, not for other factions' win conditions.
  • Avatars in Shardworlds and Ambition in the Cognitive Realm should speak in bold - other players should not (a bit for emphasis is okay, just don't write entire sentences).
  • You cannot create PMs with Avatars.
  • You cannot cut players in half.
Edited by Amanuensis
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Alright. Wiz train definitely feels like an attempted CW, and the Fifth-and-Archer teamed theorising definitely seems pretty off in this landscape.

Will go through the Day again in a bit.

Worth highlighting here:

  • Araris
  • Elan
  • Mat

Not necessarily all converted, but I'd put them back in PoE. The fact Fifth and Archer were converted IMO lends partial support to the hypothesis that the Elims went for higher profile conversions than people necessarily suspected. As I point out, Archer was not really in danger past C1, so this probably gives us a certain appreciation/threshold where Hoid is concerned. I'll do a subsequent connection diagram for Archer as well now we know he and Fifth weren't teammates.

It's not clear to me the Archer train was necessarily pure either - could be opportunism from Team Khriss in this landscape.

Edited to add:


Picture memes ehtlNMiO6 by enjOyit_2013: 19 comments - iFunny Brazil

@DrakeMarshall What say you about taking the rave to Taldain next, in honour of Aut? :eyes: Maybe you can annoy your rival by carving your initials in the landscape, Mr Odium sir >:P

Edited by Kasimir
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