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MR62: In The Shadow of Ash

Creston was not the smallest village this side of Mount Kalling, though perhaps the most remote. Varloux had grown used to the seclusion. Creston was nestled deep within the northern forest and it huddled under the gaze of the ashmount. A young village building itself up in a remote location. In spite of its natural barriers to growth, Creston was growing more and more every year.

Varloux wouldn't complain about the influx of residents. As far as he was concerned, that part was just good for business. A tavern keeper had to make a living somehow!

"I bet yer having a grand time, yeh?" Old Ged said. Varloux just kept his mouth shut and head down while he poured another drink. Hopefully Ged's last for the night. While Ged had been coming to Varloux's inn longer than Varloux had owned it, probably longer than Varloux had even been alive, the man would drink him dry if given the opportunity. Varloux tried his best to limit Ged's consumption. Everyone did. The whole town knew about Ged's drinking problem and was very fastidious about keeping him sober. Well, as sober as possible.

"Yeah," Mern said, "everyone's fleeing and running and scattering, what with that latest skaa rebellion, The Lord Ruler curse those fools, Varloux should be making quite the living."

Varloux didn't get the chance to rebuke before Trennis, Mern's husband, spoke up. "For what it's worth, I heard the rebellion got crushed pretty strongly."

"Not if the latest news from Luthadel is worth anything," Mern said.

Varloux perked up at that. As discretely as he could of course while he poured more drinks for the rest of the table. "Mern, you know as well as I do-"

"No, let your lady speak, I say," Ged said. Even at the ripe old age of 64, Ged still liked gossip more than the average skaa woman.

"My sister from Urteau managed to sneak her way over here. She says that everything is falling apart. There were riots from other skaa in the whole city. There was talk of the Survivor. Of the Pits. Of the Lord Ruler's death!" Every word was louder than the last. Varloux glanced around nervously as other patrons heard what Mern said. Maybe it was time to steer the conversation away from such topics. Best to keep his guests happy. The alcohol (and money) flowed better that way.

"Mern, you know that's just rumors. You of all people should know better than that," Varloux said. Perhaps his first words of the night. He couldn't remember.

"You mean to say that I shouldn't trust the words of my own sister?"

"Well, I didn't say that-"

"How dare you insult my wife like that!" Trennis seemed to be growing redder by the second.

"I would never," Varloux said, backing ever-so-slightly away from the table. "I was just making a suggestion. We don't want to cause panic. I am sure everything will turn out okay."

Varloux didn't wait to see if his platitudes would calm their nerves. He simply walked away. Sometimes he wondered how he managed to keep his cool around people.

Especially with his secret.


Wandwy did not particularly like hiding. Her years of training as a Terris steward had prepared her for a life where she would be ever-present, yet out of the way. Comfortably seen and noticed, but never brushed aside or hidden away like a common skaa servant.

Her training a Keeper, one of the few living feruchemists of his time, however, had been...difficult, to say the least. But at least she only had to hide one aspect of herself. The most dangerous one. That was simply basic self-preservation. 

Being forced to hide away in the attic of an inn while her only encounter with the outside world came from her benefactor bringing her food was not ideal.

Yes, she did have a large collection of books to read. And the attic was quite spacious for, well, an attic. And the bed was quite comfy. And the stout innkeeper (Venlen? Varlen? Veloux? She could hardly remember) had even brought up his finest bed for her. That was only to be expected, of course. Unfortunately, none of these accommodations befitted one of her station.

It was downright indecency.

Recent situations, however, had proven these precautions necessary. 

Wandwy tried to return to her reading. This was a long-lost copy of Tomen's Building an Empire, a relatively thorough accounting of the founding of the Final Empire. Her current task was to memorize and add it to her collection of copperminds. Despite the exciting nature of the book's contents, it was quite a boring read. Though what else was she supposed to do while hiding away to protect her life? 

Unfortunately, she once again lost track of where she was on the page she had been memorizing. Curse those stupid Inquisitors. How was she supposed to focus if images came unbidden to her? Flashes of horrible brutality. Of monstrous creatures, spikes driven through their eyes. Was she not supposed to have extreme control over her emotions? Over her thoughts and memories? 

She briefly considered storing away those memories. Hiding away the terrible images of the slaughter and blood and gore and the destruction of Tathingdwen. Her home.

Wandwy shook her head. As far as she knew, the rest of the order of Keepers was dead. The least she could do was keep a true memory of them.

And hide. And wait. Praying to whichever gods she could think of that she would survive.

With a newfound sense of urgency, and a desire to forget her situation, she returned to her reading. Surely she had finally lost the trail of the Inquisitors now, right?


In the deep of the night, a man and woman ran for their lives.

The roots of the trees, the leaves scattered beneath their feet, and the bumps of the ground strove to trip them. To bring them down to the earth, to whence they came.

Death itself chased them. Further and further into the darkness of the forest.

One step.




The Inquisitor was upon them in moments. 

Blood and screams. 

Screams from the victim.

Screams from the witness.

Screams from the Inquisitor.

Screams of death and fear and joy. 

The joy of killing and death and destruction.

Ruin had arrived.

And with it, his first pawn.

Welcome to MR62: In The Shadow of Ash! I so am excited to run my first game in almost a year or so. I think LG83 was my last game, so it feels good to be back! My IM for this game will be @Devotary of Spontaneity, who you can reach out to if you have any concerns about the game or if there's any problems that come up between players. As always, I will be posting the rules into the thread itself, but no promises on the quality of the formatting. I would highly recommend reading the rules here, where the formatting is all nice and pretty! (Plus the rules doc will likely be updated as needed more often than this post)

Signups will end on February 20th at 10 pm CST. The game itself will start as soon as I can get the post ready and all the PMs sent out. Rollover should take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour each time.

If anyone wants to co-GM this game, that would be greatly appreciated! I don't mind if this is your first time co-GMing or your 50th time! Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I'm more than willing to help give back to new GMs by helping them co-GM for the first time. If you are interested in co-GMing, please send me a PM on the Shard or DM me on Discord. I'll get to a Discord DM much faster, so just keep that in mind. Anyway, enough chit chat, here's the stuff you actually care about!





  • Each Cycle is 48 hours long, and is a combined Day and Night turn. Each Cycle will end at 10 PM CST. The next turn will be posted as soon as possible, though expect at least a 30 minute delay. 

  • There is a removal during the Cycle. There is no vote minimum, but no one is removed if there are no votes. Tied removals result in a random player (from the tie) being chosen to be removed.

  • Each player gets one action per Cycle.

  • Private messages (PMs) are open as long as a Tineye is alive. PMs can only be one-on-one and they must include myself and Devotary of Spontaneity.

  • Writeups will not distinguish between Spiked kills and Coinshot kills. Nor will players be made aware if/when a player has been converted to the Spiked.

  • There is an inactivity filter. If a player goes two consecutive Cycles without voting, then they will be removed.




The Villagers: Your goal is to rid your town of all of the Spiked amongst you. You win when they are all dead. 

The Spiked: Ruin has carefully maneuvered spikes into each of you, for reasons that were once unknown to you. With the arrival of his Inquisitor, things have become clear. Your goal is to outnumber all of the Villagers. If parity is reached and there are no villagers with vote manipulation, the Spiked win. They have a kill available to them to use each Cycle. It is an action one of them must submit. In addition, they have a doc to discuss their plans.

  • One player amongst the Spiked will be the Inquisitor. In addition to their role abilities, the Inquisitor gets one spike they can use during the game to turn a Villager into a Spiked. The role that this spike gives to the converted player will be determined at the start of the game, and this information will only be known to the Spiked. (Whether or not the spike is given out at the start of the game will depend on the number of players who sign up for the game)



  • Lurcher: You can burn iron, pulling metals towards you. You can use this to protect another player from being killed. You cannot protect the same player two Cycles in a row.

  • Coinshot: You can burn steel and push on metals around you. You can use this to kill another player. 

  • Tineye: You can burn tin and enhance your senses by magnitudes, which is useful for watching to see who someone targets. As long as a Tineye is alive, PMs can be made between players. 

  • Thug: You’re always burning pewter, as it never hurts to be ready to fight. It also helps you take a bit more damage before you die, which is certainly useful. It takes two tries to kill you (you’re immune to your first removal/kill). 

  • Rioter: You can burn zinc to inflame other people’s emotions and make them move their vote to a target of your choice. Your own vote is canceled in the process, however. 

  • Soother: You can burn brass to soothe away other people’s emotions, which is very useful for canceling their vote.

  • Smoker: You can burn copper to create a coppercloud around you and someone else of your choice, protecting yourself from emotional allomancy and you and your target from the pesky Seekers. 

  • Seeker: You can burn bronze to hear the allomantic pulses coming from people. You have gotten so good that you can hear the faint pulses that allomancers give off, regardless of if they are burning their metal. You can see which role someone has. 

  • Augur: You can burn gold to see what might have been, if things had gone differently for yourself. You can even use it to learn the identity of one player that targets you that Cycle. 

  • Oracle: You can burn electrum and see your own future. Using this lets you negate one action that is taken against you that Cycle. If multiple actions target you that Cycle, one will be selected at random to be negated.

  • Seer: Once per game, you can burn atium and see the future of everyone and everything around you. When you use atium, you negate all actions that affect you for that Cycle and the next. If someone tries to attack you during either of those Cycles, they will die instead. 

  • Mistborn: As a Mistborn, you can burn every single one of the metals. However, metals are rarer here, far from the center of the Final Empire, so you have to conserve your stores. Each Cycle, you get access to two roles. Only one of these roles can be duplicated in consecutive Cycles. For example, you could get Tineye and Thug in one Cycle and get Tineye and Seeker in the next Cycle. In addition, you can burn duralumin to gain an extra action for whichever metal you use that Cycle. However, if you choose to use duralumin for a metal, you will deplete your resources for that metal and will not be able to use it again in the game. Each Mistborn will have anywhere from 1-3 duralumin charges to use during the game. If you survive with pewter at any point in the game, you cannot receive pewter again. 

  • Unsnapped: You have the potential to be an allomancer, though you have not unlocked it yet. Each Unsnapped will have a Snapping Point that they must accomplish in order to unlock their power. These Snapping points will be unique to each individual, and they will be informed of their Snapping Point at the start of the game. If an Unsnapped is converted to a Spiked, they reach their Snapping Point automatically, in addition to gaining whatever power is charged in the spike. Unsnapped show up as roleless to Seekers before they unlock their powers.

  • Inquisitor: You have all the powers of a Mistborn, in addition to having a spike you can use to convert one player in the game. However, you have recently been summoned by Ruin to this city/town, shortly after a battle you were just in. Due to this, unfortunately, you have not had time to replenish your steel or atium reserves, and therefore cannot randomly acquire those metals for your two metals per Cycle.


Order of Actions:


  1. Extra Lives

  2. Roleblocks

  3. Bodyguard style actions

  4. Votes

  5. Vote affecting actions

  6. Attacks, removals

  7. Conversion

  8. Information gathering actions

Rule Clarifications:

  • I will announce at the start of the game if the spike is in play or not. I will not announce once it has been used.
  • Augurs do not show up (for themselves or other people) as targeting themselves.
  • Seers cannot survive the removal.
  • Seekers receive a "Roleless" result when scanning a smoked player.
  • Mistborn cannot receive pewter again after surviving a removal/kill.
  • Mistborn can only use atium once per game.




  1. @JNV - Jen, plagued by horrors hidden by the dark
  2. @Fifth Scholar - Weard Leoht...what kind of name is that anyway?
  3. @Biplet - Biplet, my lovely fiancé
  4. @Araris Valerian - Ardalan, a very friendly and very bribable obligator
  5. @The Known Novel - Damiste Maidihn, very fond of his name
  6. @Channelknight Fadran - Fadran, just a player
  7. @_Stick_ - Stick, who should really be stopped
  8. @Kasimir - Konlan, your trusty obligator for when you need legal counsel!
  9. @The Bookwyrm - Gerald Heloux, a nobleman bored by the noble life
  10. @xinoehp512 - Xino, holding a fancy card
  11. @|TJ| - Jandro, known for terrible pronunciation
  12. @Ashbringer - Faleast, worldhopping kandra extraordinaire
  13. @Amanuensis - Aman, totally chill and studious
  14. @Matrim's Dice - Mat, low effort, straight vibes

Pinch Hitters:

  1. @The Wandering Wizard

If you've actually opened this spoiler box, please post a cute cat picture in the thread. First person to do so wins a prize! The prize is TBD.




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I'm sure this game is a breath of fresh air after the current LG. At least the rules are. Perhaps not the story....

Edited by Elandera
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how dare you not tell me immediately so that I could comment "first"

it's like we're not even engaged


Bonus points for posting kirby even tho I'm not first?




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3 minutes ago, Biplet said:

how dare you not tell me immediately so that I could comment "first"

it's like we're not even engaged

  Reveal hidden contents

Bonus points for posting kirby even tho I'm not first?




I’m sorry. I forgor. Do you forgive?

Also I will award you bonus points, of course. 

Also is this an official sign up?

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21 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

. . . I've been lurking the LG, so so tempted to come and play again. I think I should be able to commit to this.

I'll sign up as Kyn, looks like fun!

Long time no see, Kynedath! Excited to have you back!! Glad my game enticed you enough to come back. :P

20 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

On one hand, Fifth bro is playing.

On the other hand, I'm tired of SE and really want to marathon Digimon S1 in peace. Decisions, decisions...

I mean, I won't judge you either way if you play or not. You did tell me you'd take an SE break. You could always pinch hit or spectate!

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30 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

. . . I've been lurking the LG, so so tempted to come and play again. I think I should be able to commit to this.

I'll sign up as Kyn, looks like fun!

I’ve seen you lurking! Very happy to see you back

29 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

On one hand, Fifth bro is playing.

On the other hand, I'm tired of SE and really want to marathon Digimon S1 in peace. Decisions, decisions...

I think I’m just going to spectate, so we could solve and shout at the village in the dead/spec doc? :D

(Also a huge Digimon fan)

Edited by Amanuensis
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Might join if my college schedule clears up (it’s been insane lately) and you’re in need of peeps, or volunteer as a pinchhitter.

1 minute ago, StrikerEZ said:

You guys all being spectators would just lead to an insanely long spec doc, wouldn't it? :P

Every game we must strive to break some new record, yes? :P

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4 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Might join if my college schedule clears up (it’s been insane lately) and you’re in need of peeps, or volunteer as a pinchhitter.

I mean, for what it's worth, the bare minimum I'd like for this game is like 12-15 players. If I end up with more than that, then great! If not, also great! So don't feel pressured to join if you don't have the time.

5 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Every game we must strive to break some new record, yes? :P

Perhaps not every game has to break some crazy new record, yeah? I don't want to go insane this game too. :P

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Just now, StrikerEZ said:

I mean, for what it's worth, the bare minimum I'd like for this game is like 12-15 players. If I end up with more than that, then great! If not, also great! So don't feel pressured to join if you don't have the time.

Perhaps not every game has to break some crazy new record, yeah? I don't want to go insane this game too. :P

Fair. Should be chiller with me cheering on the sidelines

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42 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

On one hand, Fifth bro is playing.

On the other hand, I'm tired of SE and really want to marathon Digimon S1 in peace. Decisions, decisions...

It also has a conversion, I’m not sure how much you want to mess with that.

I will say, one of these days I will play a semi-sane game where both Aman and I are village. But perhaps this is not yet that day.

I’m in as Ardalan, a local obligator that just barely didn’t make the cut for Most Corrupt Obligator in the entire Final Empire. And he’s on friendly terms with most everyone, being willing to accept very small amounts for bribes.

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5 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

It also has a conversion, I’m not sure how much you want to mess with that.

I will say, one of these days I will play a semi-sane game where both Aman and I are village. But perhaps this is not yet that day.

I’m in as Ardalan, a local obligator that just barely didn’t make the cut for Most Corrupt Obligator in the entire Final Empire. And he’s on friendly terms with most everyone, being willing to accept very small amounts for bribes.

It will come, Metal. Who knows how soon :ph34r:

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36 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Long time no see, Kynedath! Excited to have you back!! Glad my game enticed you enough to come back. :P

30 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I’ve seen you lurking! Very happy to see you back

Happy to BE back! it feels like its been far too long. I've missed my peeps!

I think that Kyn will be a friendly lumberjack who keeps the walking trails around Creston in working order in his spare time.

(Striker, did you name the town after the town in British Columbia on purpose??)

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1 minute ago, Kynedath said:

(Striker, did you name the town after the town in British Columbia on purpose??)

I did not, though I did realize it was a real word. I decided to just stick with it anyway. Naming things is hard. :P

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